Ladies' Sandals Women's and Children's Sandals Carried Over From War and Before ? ?- 3 " PAIR 50 c KMk Footwear Values WM Another Assortment Footwear ? Values to $2.95 ^^-Jibjv vaT - -? ? PAIR :: . ma C .if J..-. # c 0 ? w M -J _ _ ? WL^'. . ' .? ????- "? ' : " IP' ?' ~ v ^ v-?' "' ' Men's Work Shoes A Few Pairs Men's Work Shoes All Large Sizes -riS; PAIR V> '1.0 About 1,500 PENNY1 REMNANTS 'IP $ Limit 28 io t Customer ? 1 . ?., - ? ft <*/ | . . ? ' M (BASEMENT FLOOR) . ' % v a-"*'*-, ? v ,? 1 Tennis Shoes , One Lot of Tennis Shoes end Oxfords to Go On Shoes and Oxfords Women's dress type shoes and ox fords. Sale trice, Pair '2.00 Boys' Overalls Boys' blue denim, 240 weight overalls A PAIR '1.19 Boys' Overalls "Pointer Brand", extra good sanfor ized overalls on gale at, pair ?1.79 Chambray Shirts Boys' blue chambray shirts ON SALE?BACH 98c ONE LOT BOYS' Dress Shirts ON SALE AT, EACH 98e Boys' Overalls *1.98 WASH SUITS, each $1.00 Brown Sheeting 37 inches wide. Was 35c. Sale Price PER YARD 25 GOOD HEAVY Brown Sheeting 40 Inches Wide. Per Yard 29* One Lot Short Lengths Cotton Prints A YARD 10? ALL SALES FINAL' NO APPROVALS! i ' ?? : j 12. :? ^22 " ?'? s Values! I white 79c lite. A $1.98 at $|39 ran rayon and value f"Ac 1, yard J\J ipery material, lvalue. 48c its. Original 21 regular $1.59 lis ?- white A regular cue- gQc |each _25 Regu- $1.00 lie Price is, 50x50. A To go 75' 15 Printed kitchen towels, up to 29c value. Sale Price ? (Limit six to a customer) Chenille bath mat and seat cover. Regular price $2.85. Close $1.00 out price I Jacquard double bed size spreads. Assorted colors. Regular $ .00 $6.95. Sale Price 9 One table remnants at HALF PRICE! Rayon tailored curtains. Regular price $5.95 a pair. $^.00 Sale Price 5 "Springmaid Luxury Muslin" pil low cases. Three-day sale i Qc only. Sale Price, each ? O All women's summer bags, in white and combination colors. Reg- $1.00 ular price $2.98. Sale Price All ladies' white and white combi nation bags, regular price ....$^.50 $4.95. Sale Price JL One group ladies' bags in black, red, brown and green leather $ A .00 and plastics. $4.95 values.^ ? [ind eair leaui .95 and $6.95 *3^ loafers up 00 white 3- v, .with brown '.00 *6 sfords, mostly *300 ?? About 200 pairs misses' and chil dren's sandal-type straps and ties brown, red, and white. Reg- $1.94 ular price $2.98. Sale Price. One lot children's brown ties. Reg ular price $2.98. On sale $^.00 at, pair Misses' white and brown saddle ox-, fords. Regular pr $3.95. Sale frrice fords. Regular price $^.00 ? Hundreds of other shoe items on sale which we do not have space to list. Men's Suits-Furnishings We have 30 men's grey and brown tweed suits. Coats can be used for sport. Regular price $26.00 and $29.50. $| ^.00 Close out at I All men's early Spring $^d.S0 suits. Sale price ? mT All men's $39.50 suits. $^Q.50 Sale Price ? A/ Men's tropical worsted suits, all wool. Regular $29.50. $1Q*50 Sale Price I v Men's blue and tan sport loafer )coats, all wool. -so Sale Price . Men's all wool and . part wool dress pants, mostly for fall and winter wear. Now priced at $9.95 and $10.95 up to $j?.50 $12.50. Sale Price O All men's $7.95 and $8.95 tweed pants to go at $ET.OO Sale Price ? All men's summer cool pants, in tans, blues, greys and mingled . 10lo 20% One lot men's dark khaki work pants. Values up to $3.95. Sale Price Men's sport shirts in assorted colors and white. $1.98 Sale Price I Men's dress shirts. Fine Arch dale quality. Nice assortment of patterns. Sale Price $P.OO $2.65. Two for ? Fine sport shirts in rayon, by Mc Tourne. Long sleeves . . . $4.95 and $5.95 values. $S.88 Sale Price 3 Another lot men's sport shirts in short sleeves. Now $2.65. $f.00 Two for - ? Men's white shorts. Gripper fas tener. 79c quality. Spe- JJQc cial Sale Price ; 37 Esquire dress sox, both long and short lengths. Priced $1.25 50c, or 3 pairs for I Men's fancy dress sox, also in white and pastels. $1.00 Three pairs for I Men's black raincoats. (J. S. Na vy. The best value of the $ 1.00 year. Sale Price, each 3 All men's dress straw hats, reg ular price up to $3.95. $1.00 Sale Price I SPECIAL VALUES FOR THE BOYS VeAry fine two-tone suits for boys. $1 A .00 All wool. Now $18.49. Sale Price I Boys' all wool and wool mixed suits $11.00 selling at $14.50, $16.50. Sale Price I I Slack suits or ensembles, Sanforized $ J) .39 and fast colors. Now $3.95. Only w Boys'juvenile slack suits. $^.39 Special at J i - Mm Boys' long pants for schol wear. $^.91 Now $3.95. Sale Price L_ One lot boys' long pants. A close- $1.00 out assortment. Values to $3.95 aft Boys' wash suits. Regular $1.98 and $^.00 $3.95. Sale Price $1.00 and m Boys' regular collar dress shirts to $1.00 close out at, each One table boys' sport shirts, values "Tftc up to $1.48. Sale Price I # A special table boys' pajamas to close $1.00 out at 79c and .... A table of boys' head wear?hats and FAc daps. Values up to $1.98. Each ?1 printed patterns y 39 suiting ^ A: at, yard? U I *33 color /% Q? fabrics.. ? O fi Several hundred piece* of tableware cups, saucers, plates, oat meals and soup dishes, reduced to I HALF-PRICE Cotton shepherd checks in brown, blue, red and black, for better back-to- /% Qc school dresses. Sale price, yard "O About 500 women's cotton dresses, values up to $5.95. Sizes 12 to 45. On $1.00 sale at, each ? One lot cotton printed skirt*, were $1.00 up to $3.00 values. Sale Price ? * A table of notion items. Be sure to ^c get in on this value. Special, each ...J Size 9x12 Minitex Felt Base Rugs $1^.95 on sale at, each W'?*fer' . ? . White organdie, permanent finish. 33 Per yard ES TO BE FOUND HERE DURING THIS BIG NDYOU'LLSAVEMONEY. BEHEREEARLY ? NOTICE TO PUBLIC A lot of the items advertised for this sale have already increased in price, and will not be on sale ex . cept for a few days. Factory prices are advancing on certain staple goods, so come early while we have it on sale. It is surely your opportunity to jsave money. BELK'S