- BS..:-,-," ET SALE!) For FRIDAY-SATURDAY, Joly 11-12 FOXCROFT SHEETS SIZE 81x108 Regular Price $2.79 Only *2-25 Each SIZE 81x99 Regular Price $2.69 Only *2-00 Each ' 1 Lot 42x36 Pillow Cases, each 48c Basement Special! DRESS SALE! Big Rack, Regular $3.98 Values Only Each 1 Lot Children's School Dresses, each *1.00 SPECIAL SALE! Our Complete Stock Of Spring and Summer DRESSES See These Values at *3-oo-*4.00-*5. Alf Hats Now 50c and $1.00 TOMLINSON'S Department Store "Always Dependable Merchandise" Support Y. M. C. A. Journal-Patriot Ads. Get Quick Results Serfe half Swe half What a boon to thrifty homemakers? this double wrapped loaf that keeps delicious Southern Bread fresh to the very last slice! That's why more women than ever before are buying Southern Twin-Pack Bread. More grocers, too, are selling Twin-Pack Bread?so if your store doesn't have it, ask them to get it for you. Why be satisfied with the old-fashioned way when you can get Twin-Pack Bread today? Remember, only Southern offers you the exclusive Twin-Pack feature, as these pictures show, so insist on Southern Twin-Pack when you buy bread. Jlritt-ftlcJk - Jfwri -QU/CKf It Opens. Each Half Separately Sealed. 3 Serve Half, Save Half. ?W r" ~ g f / * ?I"n |? Mrs. C. C. ?ulie> OI is visiting Mrs. J. v. I Rev. Ralph Miller is conduct ing a revival at Gattia, W. Va. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Church, of Coal City, w. Va., spent Afew hours Monday with Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Church. f Miss Iris Evelyn Barnette is spending some time with her un cle, Hubert Dockery and family, of Cincinnati, Ohio. Mrs. J. L. Dockery, who has been visiting her son, C. E. Dock ery, of Winston-Salem, has re turned to her home here. Mrs. E. E. Bauguess, of North Wilkesboro, Route 1, has return ed recently from Brooklyn, N. Y., where she has been staying. Misses Lena Gray and Evelyn Adams and Peggy Harrpld spent last week in Winston-Salem, vis iting Mr. and Mrs. John Harrold. Mr. Edgar Terrell, eon of Mrs. Grace Terrell, of Wilkesboro, is visiting in the home of his uncle, Mr. Henry Leckie, at Lumberton. Mrs. C. Y. Miller has returned to her home in Wilkesboro after spending a week in Kinston, Lumberton and Payetteville with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Gambill and Mrs. Rex Kilby, of this city, are enjoying an extended visit with relatives and friends in Wyom ing and Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Lemmons have returned to their home at I Stokesdale after a week's visit j here in the home of their daugh- J tdr, Mrs. Ralph Shaping. Mr. Erneet Barnette spent last week visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Royal, of Mt. Airy. His cousin, Jimmy Royal, returned home with him. A son, James Thomas Poster, Jr., was born to Mr. and Mrs. James Poster at the Baptist Hos pital June 27. Mrs. Foster and baby returned home Tuesday. Mrs. J. C.. Meadows arrived last night from Martinsville, Va, and is visiting in the home of Mr. Meadows' parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Meadows, at Pores Knob. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Michael returned Sunday from Knoxville, Tenn., where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Karl B. Perkins. Mrs. Michael and Mrs. Perkins are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Day, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac EMler, Misses Margie and Nellie Gabriel, Mr. George Wells and Mr. Hale Jones spent last week vacationing at Myrtle Beach, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Russell G. Hodg es have returned to their home here from a visit at Akron, Ohio, in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Daniel. Mrs. Hodges and Mrs. Daniel are sisters. Mr. W. O. Absher, of Wilkes Auto Sales Co., left Tuesday for Detroit, Michigan, to spend this week at a Dodge special equip ment show. He traveled from Winston-Salem by plane. Mrs. W. J. Bason and son, Bill, and G. L. Adams, of this city, accompanied by Carolyn iBason, of Washington, returned last week from spending some time at Daytona Beach, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Harvey, of ,Danville, Va., are spending sev eral days in the home of Mrs. Lee Hemphill. Mrs. Harvey and Mrs. Hemphill were former class mates at Greensboro College. Eric Duncan entered Camp El liott July 6. He was accompan ied there by his parents, Dr. and Mrs. H. G. Duncan. Camp Elliott is situated about 10 miles from Old Fort. Mr. Charles Winters, son of Mr. Sam Winters, returned to his home Tuesday after being critic ally ill at the Wilkes hospital. Friends are glad to know he is recovering. Mr. and Mrs. James G. Ander son and Mr. Glenn Marlow en joyed a nice vacation during the holidays to the Great Smoky Mountains, Gatlnburg, Tenn., and Hendersonville, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Crook, of Jacksonville, Fla., are here visit ing in the homes of Mrs. Crook's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Allen, and of Mr. Crook's sister, Mrs. T. H. Waller. Mrs. Crook is the former Miss Mary Louise Allen. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Canter, of Moravian Road, have as their house guest Mrs. Canter's sister, Mrs. Leonard Winfrey of Greens boro. Mrs. Canter and Mrs. Win frey are leaving this week to join a house party of friends at Blow ing Rock. DISSOLUTION NOTICE To Whom It May Concern: This is to notify all persons that B. L. Johnson has sold his interest in the co-partnership of Johnson Frazier Motor Company to T. J. Frazier, and that said co-partner ship has been mutually dissolved, and from this, the 9th day of June, 1947, that the said B. L. Johnson has no further interest in said co partnership, and will not be re sponsible for any debts of said co partnership. All obligations due by said co-partnership are as sumed by the gaid T. J. Frazier, and all accounts due said copart nership are payable to the said T. J. Frazier. This 9th day of June, 1947. 7-KMt-T B. L. JOHNSON ? ?-> Mrs. A. L. Fletcher, Mrs. A. J. Fletcher, and Mrs. Howard Sat tertleld, all of Raleigh, were guests here for the day Sunday of Mrs. W. R. A-bsher. The Mes dames Fletchers are sisters-in law of Mrs. Absher. Mrs. Calvin Stringfield, who had been at San Antonio, Texas, is spending some time here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Johnson. Her husband, who is in the army, is on the west coast awaiting transport to Japan. | Pr. and Mrs. Walter White and Mr. Will White have return ed to their home in Atlanta, Ga., after a visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe White in this city. Dr. Whites and Mr. Will White are brothers of Mr. Joe White. I ? = Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hubbard returned Saturday to their home in Mount Sterllhg, Ky., after vis iting Mr. Hubbard's parents, Mr. and Mr*. W. R. Hubbard, at Mo ravian Palls. Mr. Billie Hubbard, ?on of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hub bard, returned with them. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Stuckey and eons. Alva, Jr., George and Jack, of Richmond, Va., who have been spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. R. R, Church, left Sun day tor Sumpter and Columbia, S. C., and Savannah, Oa., where they will visit before returning to their home in Richmond. Mrs. Minnie flarrold, Mrs. Fred Wyatt and son, Richard, spent last week in Charlotte vis iting Mr. aiog Mrs. W. P. Holde and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Holder. While In Charlotte, Richard's dad, Capt. Fred Wyatt, of Wies- J baden, Germany, called him, say ins "Hello" on hie. 'fifteen&dl birthday. FURNITURE? ALWAYS TAKE A LOOK ? at ? RHODES-DAY North Ittftwboi*. N. C. wSI THE SHOWPIECE OF ALL 1947 CARS! You see more in this postwar Studebaker ... you drive more confidently! You hear more people wishing they owned this Studebaker than any other carl You feel more comfortable . . \ this Studebaker rides with amazing new smoothness ... it handles with delightful new easel t You get more postwar features such as "black light" dash dials that don't glare and brakes that automatically adjust themselves! MOTOR MARKET, he. Ninth Street Telephone 697 ? i ? / ty / ? ?-' <;'"??? * N t\ Matched 3-dianvond duette. Both ring* for. I $57? Elegant tolhair*. Modern setting. Just, $69? it's time to to a *97?? Engagement and matching wedding rings Lovely. 7 $1850? 12 diamond* inthiafin* quality ensambie. el Box OUR FRIENDLY CREDIT JEWELERS"? IMC. Next to Liberty Theatre CONVENIENT PATMEI^S ARRANGED Just inoke a