DAM BUILDING By T. W. FERGUSON ; (Continued from last Issue) Two small villages, vis: Ronda tnd Roaring River between ^orth Wilkeaboro and Elkln are Sam P. Mitchell | Civil Engineer CRT W) FARM SURVEYS PROPERTY PLATS Office lad Floor Baak of Nortk JzF. Office Phone 227 Residence 566 nearly all abovehighwater reach. The two concrete bridges span ning the Yadkin River at North Wilkesboro and Elkln were not damaged in the flood of 1940 and they were not constructed at the time of the 1916 flood. Any bridge where substantially built regardless of location would not have been effected. Seventy-five per cent of the contemplated protection in this project is de signed for industry and only 25 per cent for agriculture. If we were to double and treble the flood damages the end would not justify the means. The photo graphs submitted of points be low the dams Will bear us out ip the above facts. Statistics show that only 10 per cent of our soil is of the al luvial or river bottom type, while 90 per cent is of the hill and mountain type. Will we act to protect the 10 per cent and do nothing to protect the other 90 per cent? There 1b nothing more true than the farther away we get from nature the more we are handicapped by artificial lim itations. It is always unwise to try to control water unless you have a complete syBtem of flood control. We farmers know by ex perience and observation. 5W, Venetian Blinds of \ ? How often you've wished for a Venetian Blind like this...Lrgj&f? made of a special aluminum alloy, no heavier than your hard to lift. Flexible?bends to fit your brush as you whisk the dust away, then snaps right back to place. Lovely?its satin-smooth plastic finish blends with every color scheme, resists stains and soil. It's the Venetian Blind without a cleaning problem that's proof against the wear and tear of time?rust-proof, wear-proof, warp-proof, too, ""and will not crack, chip or peel. 'ring in your window measurements and let us custom-fit Flexalum's ;auty to your windows at smaller cost than you'd think possfble. Northwestern Venetian Blind Co. Wilkesboro, N. C. THE MOST TALKED-OF FILM IN A DECADE... Return Showing By Demand BOfcD, ? WITH PRIMITIVE EMOTION HOWARD HUGHES' dalina production The Outlaw ---."JANE RUSSELL THURSDAY and FRIDAY . ? t?cH * SnOW of TODAY... ABOUT THE HIST STAR Of JIK SCREEN! I TOW AY AND TUESDAY BETIX HUT1DH JOHN LUND BILLY PE WOLFE CwstMjcefttter LIBERTY We know if we do not .build our terraces oomplete it is far better that we do not build them at all. The same principles hold true in any kind of flood control system. The so called flash floods that we have today are not due to * greater rain fall than former ly. The fact is we do not have any more rain fall now than 100 years ago; the waters simply run in to the channel faster due to fewer obstructions on the land. We can hold this water back by a system of contour farming, strip cropping, terracing, plant ing soil holding crops, grazing our bottom lands more, alearing the main channels of obstruc tions, building of thousands of farm fish ponds and reservoirs and by a systematic timber pro tection. We know that farm lands have been depleted by constant row cropping and our timber lands have been mutilated by the swing of a million axes and saws and by making logging rpads down the mountain sides. Much of the water absorbing leaf mould and the spongy grassy I slopes that used to hold the ex cess water and cause it to soak into the earth making the water run off more slowly is^now like a tin roof. When the water falls it rushes rapidly into the chan nel causing flash floods. The whole scheme Is to hold the wat er back where it falls and make it run slowly until it gets into' the channel, then let it run off as rapidly as possible. It does not have time to overflow. Farm ers all over the country have shown a willingness to cooperate in a program of this kipd if giv en the proper encouragement. Many in this section of the Yad kin Valley have demonstrated they can put these practices into effect on their own farms. Its not a whirlwind affair but it is sure and permanent. Louis Bromfield, the celebrated farm expert and author has ?demonstrated con clusively on his farm in an Ohio valley similar to the Yadkin val ley that such a system can be carried out completely in eight years. Before he started his work floods were a common occurence; now the river runs fairly clear and floods are practically un known. No dams were built. If water can be made to run slowly on one farm, then why not on a number of farms, a district, a state and nation? One hundred years ago when nature had not been disturbed the Yadkin ran j practically clear and translucent 6,T year8 ago *hen ram fell in abundance, it took several day8 for the stream to rise and several to fall. Now it rises over nfght and falls in like manner. Building detention dams o this size aneeln-Illoi In ] wppominmn to ?flinirv ana infff dhonee m win aie ffce eeieere of ear Me ^ .?ft DUK& POWER "COMPANY 4 Adrnmi OU~4 J -