SOCIETY W. S. C. S. of Union Methodist Church Has Meeting Mrs. George Sale was hosts to the members of the Woman's Sbciety of Christian Service of tJnlon Methodist church Tuesday, July 15th. Mrs. Alfred Crysel led the "worship serylce. The pro gram, "Summertime Recreation JUST RECEIVED! SHIPMENT SUN GLASSES PAIR?ONLY *5.95 Carl W. Steele North Wilkesboro, N. G Our Children," was given by Miss Lou Crysel, assisted by Misses Mary Nichols and Winnie McLean, Mrs. J. M. Nichols, and Mrs. C. R. Warren. Miss Mary Nichols, the president, was in charge ot the business session. Refreshments were enjoyed dur ing the social honr. The next meeting will be Tuesday, August 12, at the home of Mrs. L. P. Phillips. f Cotton production in North Carolina has been on a( down ward trend since 1926 when the peak of production was reached. During 1926 thero were 1,208, 000 bales produced in the state, however, production in 1946 was only 44,000 bales. Support the Y. M. C. A. CATARRH SUFFERERS SINUS FIND CURB FOR MISERY DUE TO NASAL CONGESTION. SUPPLY RUSHED HEREI Relief at last from torture ?I sinus, catarrh, and hay fever due to nasal conges tion is seen today in reports of success with a formula which has the power to reduoa nasal congestion. Men and women with agonizing sinus headaches, clogged nostrils, earache, hawking and sneezing misery tell of biassed relief after using iL ALORONOL costs $8.00, hot considering results, this is not expensive, amomts to only pennies per dose. KLORONOL (caution, nee only as directed) sold with money-back guarantee hf R. M. Bra me & Sons Mail Orders Filled TELEPHONE !? LUKE AND DOTTIES Delicious Sandwiches ? Curb Service (Closed Thursdays) Try Our Home-Mode Chicken Safad Delicious Cheeseburgers ICE CREAM IN A VARIETY OF FLAVORS AMOCO GAS AND MOTOR OIL Located Vi Mile Outside Wilkesboro City Limit On Moravian Falls Highway Open 9 A. M. to 12 Midnight REPORT OF CONDITION OF The Bank of North WHkesboro Of North Wilkesboro, In the State of North Carolina AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON JUNE 30, 1947 ASSETS Cask, balances with other banks, including reserve balances and cash feems in process of collection. $1,376,940.87 United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed 5,453,181.85 Obligations of States and political subdivisions 211,310.10 Other bonds, notes and debentures 211,485.61 Cerporate stocks NONE Loans and discounts (including None overdrafts) ? 1,807,441.80 Bank Premises owned $35,750.00, furniture and fix tures $2,394.49 38,144.4$ Bank premises oiwned are subject to NONE liens not assumed by bank). Real estate owned other than bank premises NONE Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other md estate NONE Customers' liability to this bank on acceptances out standing ?, NONE Other assets 22,045.50 TOTAL ASSETS ' $9,120,550.12 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations $3,952,198.42 Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and cor porations 3,870,025.71 Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings) 55,027.09 Deposits of States and political subdivisions 683,631.02 Deposits of banks 42,434.96 Other deposits (certified and officers' checks, etc.) 32,328.13 TOTAL DEPOSITS : $8,635,645.33 Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money NONE Mortgages or other liens, on bank premises and on other real estate NONE Acceptances executed by or for account of this bank and outstanding NONE Other liabilities 80,556.81 TOTAL LIABILITIES (not including subordinated obligations shown below) $8,718,202.14 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Caoital . _ _. $ 100,000.00 Surplus ' 250,000.00 Undivided profits 43,120.52 Reserves (and retirement account for preferred cap ital) 11,227.40 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 404,347.98 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $9,120,550.12 This bank's capital consists of NONE of capital notes and debentures; first preferred stock with total par value of NONE, total retirable value NONE; second preferred stock with total par value of NONE, total retirable value, NONE; and common stock with total par valae of $100,000.00. MEMORANDA Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes ? $1,540,888.87 Obligations subordinated to claims of depositors and other creditors, not included in liabtlltiee? NONE ' L R. iW. GWYN, Cashier. of the above-named bank, do solemnly ii afar the above statement is true, and that it fully and correctly reoreeents the true state of the several matters herein contained ahd Wt forth, to the best of my knowledge andbelief. R. W. GWTN, Cashier RALPH DUNCAN, WORTH E. TOMLINSON, W. D. HALFACRE, ^sectors of North Carolina, County of WHfcss, ss: subscribed before me this 7th day of July, 1947 tify that I am not an officer or director of tide T. C. CAUDILL, Notary Public Oct 14, IMS. In Memoriom To Miss Louise Billings Louise was born March 24th, 1921?departed this, life May 22nd, 1947. She was the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Bil lings, of North Wilkesboro, N. O. Miss Billings professed a faith in Christ at an early age, being always faithful to her church as long as health permitted.' She served as Secretary and Treasury at Hinshaw Street Baptist church. Louise was always obedient to her parents, and she had a smile and a friendly word for every one. Her friends were many, and she was loved by all, who knew her. LOUISE BILLINGS, Right In additon to her parents Lou ise is survived by the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. Ed ward Jones, Miss Anna Sue Bil lings and William Coy Billings. We have (been so lonely and sad since Louise went away, but we know that Heaven is brighter and more beautiful since she is there. Louise's life here on earth was for me a guiding light, just to have known her has made life more 'beautiful* and worthwhile, She was afflicted for several years, but she bore it patient ly, and with such a beautiful smile. Beloved, you have left us for . your reward above And from this world of sin and sorrow you oould not take the ones you love The beautiful songs they sung for your just hurt us all the more For we knew you heard another band upon that distant shoro. It was so hard to give you up, and yet we knew we must So-looking long at yous dear face, we whispered sadly, "Trust." But Louise dear, we aim to meet - you when this fleeting, life o'er Where there'll be no more sad partings on that happy far off shore. Where we'll sing the songs of triumph as we walk the gold en ' strand And receive a crown so lovely in that wondrous Glory Land. MRS. A. H. LOVETTE. SUPPORT THE Y. M. C. A. Call For ? JIM DANDY BREAD WATCH and ? JEWELRY ? REPAIR SERYRX mi mt r?f?Y ixciuiRT timet Jewel Box P i . ' ' ' ' ' - ic Next Door to Liberty NORTH WILRHBBORO, N. C Draper.?Seconds before hiB deputy sheriff brother arrived, Textile Worker Jack Stewart stood on the lawn of his home and shot and killed his wife, Maude, mother of their seven children, as two neighbor women looked on. The 33-year-old man then gave himself up to his brother, Deputy Harry Stewart, but offered no motive for the slaying. He is .being held without bond pending a preliminary hearing, which Rockingham Sheriff M. S. Hodges said last night will be held In Leaksville-Spray Record er's Court before Judge Herman Ir. Peters sometime this week, "probably Friday." The sheriff reported that his Investigation showed that the dead woman, Mrs. Maude Stew art, had threatened her husband with an Iron bar. Stewart was on a two weeks' vacation from the textile mill where he worked and was at his home on Fieldcrest Road when the shooting took place, the sheriff said. "He and his wife got into an argument," Sheriff Hodges said, "and from what I could find out she started after him with en iron bar. "She started to hit him with this bar, and Stewart fired one shot from a revolver at her." The Bheriff said that s~ bullet from a .32 calibre pistol had struck Mrs. Stewart in the left temple, killing her. The Stewards jrere reported to have been "having trouble for some time," the sheriff said, and often i were heard arguing. Sheriff Hodges said he did not know what yesterday's argument was about. The Stewarts had been married 15 years and had seven children ?the oldest 14 years of age and the youngest "just a toddler." The children are being cared for by Stewart's brother, Harry Stew art, the sheriff said. ? o The USDA has issued a new bulletin entitled "Farm Fish ponds for Food and Good Land Use' as part of the Soil Conser vation Service's program to help farmers get the best and safest returns from every class of farmland. It Is estimated that 57 per cent of the total wood cut from the forests In this country goes to waste, or is burned for fuel. waterer should bo provided for each 60 chicks, and one Inch of feed trough space for each chick. Make plana now to 1947 Farm and Home Week on SUte College Campus, August 25-29. the dick of the door tells you?hero's BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST COST! Slip behind the wheel of a new Chevrolet and listen while the door swings smoothly closed at your side. Hear that solid, satisfying, muffled "click" I That'e qual ity talking?telling you that here is the all-steel sturdi ness and safety, the quiet Big-Car comfort, of the only Body by Fisher in the low price field I Point the eager, shining hood of a new Chevrolet up the highest hill. Notice how you take it in stride while lesser cars labor and falter. Thafs power for you?the superior pep and performance of the only Valve-in-Head Engine in Chevrolet's price class. Learn about Chevrolet's low delivered prices . . . and ask us for some typical owners' reports on operation and upkeep costs. You'll find that only Chevrolet gives you Big Car Quality at Lowest Cost! Give a new Chevrolet its head down the toughest road you can find. Feel how you seem to float over the bumps . . . how swiftly you ease into a silken stop at a nudge of the brake pedal. Unitized Knee-Action Gliding Ride with Positive Action Hydraulic Brakes is a comfort-safety combination that can't be beat?a pair of fea tures that only Chevrolet provides! QUALITY SERVICE, too! There's no place like a Chevrolet dealer's for skilled, car-saving service. Drive in soon?and regularly. CHEVROLET GADDY MOTOR CO. West 'D' Street North Wilkesboro, N. C ? m I mm m m I M u B?S 5 Your Ford Dealer knows your Ford best!y ESTIMATES EkEE-USE OUk BUDGET PlAHl # Jk ? ir^ . \ . ? ? mm MOTOR CO. Ninth Street "Ford Protective Service" North Wilkesboro . ? ~_ .