JOURNAL-PATRIOT Dwight Nlckols, *SporU Editor^ Wilkeeboro high school football team will face their strong■ est foe to date this season when they play Boonville under the lights at Memorial Park tonight. Qatee to the park will open an hoar before the game, which1 should draw a large crowd to see two fast and evenly matched ■ teams In action. Klckoff time will be eight p. m. Wilkesboro is undefeated to date, haTlng won over Granite Falls, Cleveland, Jonesville and ■ Mocks ville by lopsided scores. I Tonight will be their big teet against Boonville">8 state Class B ■ champions of last year. o Joe Kershalla scored 11 touch■ downs and five points after touchdowns— a total of 71 point*—for West Liberty TeachH ers College in a single game playMr ed in 1933. g iJpport the >. M. C. A. Lions Will Play Thomasville There Local High School Team Wfll Face Strong Team On Friday Night • - North Wllkesboro's Mountain Lions will be In for a tough night Friday when they play Thomasville there at eight p> m. Coach Howard Bowers has been working the Lions hard in preparation for Friday night's conference tilt and North Wilkeeboro hopes to add one more game In the victory colnmn. But Thomasville has been exceedingly tough opposition in their every game this season and this week they defeated the strong Barium Springs eleven in a game postponed from Friday. Thomasville has been beaten only by Spencer. North Wilkesboro lost a heart breaker by the breaks here Friday night to Boone when a last minute pass was intercepted and run for a touchdown by Boone to break a 6 to 6 tie. North Wil kesboro had tie^ the game up when Rousseau took a pass from Hudson and raced 60 yards, but efforts to break the tie backfired in favor of Boone. North Wilkesboro will play away two more weeks, with Elkin on October 24 and at Statesvllle October 31, before meeting China Grove here November 7 and Wilkesboro here November 14. Football Pickers Have a Bad Week Trying to pick winners of 25 top games of the week is no easy task, as your sports editor and Frank Walker know after last week's try. In 27 games there were tvjo ties, leaving exactly 25 jon which to figure percentage. Walker led last week with. 17 right and eight wrong for a percentage of $8, while Nichols picked only 16 for a percentage of 64. This week we are at it again, but this time we include exactly 50 games, beginning with local high school contests and including all top games on the national schedule. > Both Agree On North Wilkesboro over Thomasville, Wilkesboro over Boonville, Carolina over William and Mary, Duke over Maryland, Wake Forest over George Washington, State over Florida, Catawba over Appalachian, Alabama over Tennessee, Texas over Arkansas, Mississippi over Tulane, Vanderbilt over Kentucky, Virginia over Washington and Lee, Furman over Citadel, Georgia Tech over Auburn, V. M. I. over Richmond, Missouri over Kansas State, Army over V. P. •!., Purdue over Boston University, Navy over Cornell, Holy Cross over Harvard, West Virginia over N. Y. U., Notre Dame over Nebraska, Pennsylvania over Columbia, Colgate over Princeton, Illinois oveT Minnesota, Indiana over Pittsburg, Michigan over Northwestern, Oklahoma over Kansas, Rice over Southern Methodist, Baylor over Texas Tech, California over Washington State, Southern California over Oregon State, U. C. T _ A rtvfl* tffonfnr/! Vwlfl nTAf Wisconsin, Davidson or«r HampOregon, Cincinnati over Oklahoma City, Rutgers over Fordham, Mississippi state over Duquesne, Villanova over Detroit, Hardin Simmons over New Mexico, Miami over Rollins. Nichols Walker Boston College L. S. U. Dartmouth —- Brown Georgia Okla. A. & M. T. C. ft. —1_—5— Texas A. & M. Georgetown : . Tulsa llowa . Ohio State I Penn. State Syracuse —» o Children's Home leads Conference Barium Springs, Oct. 13.—If thfe citizens in and around Chapel Hill have not used all of the aspirin and other headache remedies there might be a ready pale for the 'balance in apd around Ooncord. A8 we predicted^ last week, the* MooreBville-Conoord game was a thriller, and that up and coming Mooresville team tumbled Concord 6-0. Concord started^out as one of the strongest teams in the conference and suffered a one-point defeat at the hand of Children's Home, then romped on Statesville, and now suffered this loss to Mooresville which shove8 them rather far down in the standings. Only two other South Piedmont games were played. The Children's Home had a light scrimmage with Asheboro, defeating them 32-0. Albemarle In their first conference game of the season barely squeezed through for a victory over Monroe, which means either that Monroe Is much stronger than was predicted or else Albemarle Is living too much in the past. The BariumThomasville game was rained out and Thomasville won Monday 7 6. The only team in the conference that does not need a nerve tonic seems to be the Children's Home. They have just one hard game ahead of them—Albemarle—to he played in Winston on Friday night. If the Children's Home takes that one they can commence preparing their banquet speeches because they should not be bothered too much by the rest of the schedule. Asheboro goes to Kannapolis this coming week-end and that should be an interesting game as it will enable one or the other to get out of the cellar. Mooresville goes to Statesville and from where we sit it does not look as though StatesviU*- will stand much chance of getting out of the cellar which she occupies with Asheboro and Kannapolis at this moment. Monroe goes to Concord. Concord should win this just like Carolina should have • beaten Wake Forest, but you never can tell. Monroe must have some thing: she defeated Nirth Wilkesboro earlier in the season and that is no light undertaking. North Wilkesboro will be at Thomasvllle, and unlesB Thomasville has improved, North Wilkeabero should take this. l«exington comes to Barium for Barium's Home-Coming Day. Barium is a tough team to beat on Home-Coming, but Lexington has done it and she may do it again this year. In . comparative scores Lexington is much stronger. Every team in the South Piedmont will be in action against a conference opponent except Spencer. There were four non-conference game8 played this week, with Lexington defeating High Point 7-0; Statesville losing to Newton 6-0; and Kannapolis losing to Salisbury 26-0; North Wilkesboro losing to Boone 12-6. South Piedmont Standings w. ■Ll. Children's Home 4 0 Al'bemarle .... 1 *0 Spencer -—.... 3 0 Lexington . . — 2 1 Mooresville 2 1 • Barium l— 1 1 North Wllkesboro —.... 1 1 Thomasville —---1 1 Concord - - — .._ 1 2 Monroe 1 2 Asheboro 0 4 Kannapplls ....—«. •.— 0 2 Statesviile - .. 0 2 X. 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 T* ° TEX RITTER Will Be At The P.&B. MUSIC SHOP TO AUTOGRAPH RECORDS Monday, October 20 From 3:15 to 3:45 COME AND MEET TEX! 1 — We Wish to Announce That Our Wholesale Department Has Been Moved From Our Old Location to the Building V ■ FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY TAL I PEARSON ON 10TH ST. We will continue to handle a complete line of Feeds at our old location, for your convenience. We will appreciate a visit from you at both ear new and old locations. Your Iriendly wholesale dealer, J. FRANK PEARSON Tenth Street North Wilkesboro, N. C.