Stirs Route, LA.—Louisiana University officials today a thorough inv&stigaof charges that "drunken prevailed at a football i« last week during which a mother allegedly waa overheard Inviting her 10-year-old daughter to join her in a drink of raw whisky. President Harold W. Stoke of L. S. U. Initiated the probe after the appearance of pn editorial in the McComb (Miss.) Bnterprlae-Journal deploring conditions at the L. S. U.-University of Mississippi game Saturday night. Mississippi won, 20 to 18. Editor Oliver Emmerich wrote that "many drunks were stretched out upon the concrete seats when the game was over, not knowing who had won or lost the game." He said the L. S. U. stadium here was littered with liquor bottles. ''A mother with a bottle of whisky in her hand turned to her 10-year-old daughter in the seat behind her and said, "Honey, let mother pour you a drink'," Emmerich said. The L. S. U. president said that he saw "no such state of affairs," but would take immediate steps to "establish the truth" of the newspaper's charges. "If football has hit such a moral low that the cannot be enforced, then it is time to M The editor Is of the board of trustees of Mississippi's Institutions of higher learning. Stoke said if he found Emmerich's charges to be true he would do ''everything in my power" to correct the situation. Mississippi Is legally dry. The McComb editor said the people were "unaccustomed to the availability of liquor except through the bootlegger route." I Challenge Yen WHICKER, 9r., 12-22-4tM Commissioners —I