A. is Voaiii^ fund for the c* M rr= The Journal-Patriot Has'Blond the Trail of Progress In the "State of Wilkes" For Over 41 Years Vol. 42, No. = N1BTH WILKES BO R 0, N. C.. Monday, Dec. 15, 1947 Make North Wilkesboro Yi FIELD DAY North Wilkesboro Football Players Feted On Friday -■ * Banquet Given By Fire Department; Letters Pre. seated TV 21 Members of the Mountain Lions football saoad wert entertained Friday night at a banquet given at Carolina restaurant by the North Wilkedboro fire department. J. D. Moore "quarterbacked" the banquet as master of cere^moaiefl and a quartet composed WO "Worth Ward, Dan Hudson, Jonee Woods and Jimmie Hadley rendered two numbers. E. A. Shook, speaking for the fire department, welcomed the squad and stated appreciation for the splendid record made by the team during the past season. J. Floyd Woodward, superintendent of schools, made a brief talk on the subject of "Team Spirit" and complimented the team and community for the splendid spirit shown daring the season. Jim Sanges, school principal and assistant coach, 'also talked briefly. coacnHoward Bowers conclnded the program With award of letters, to 21 members of the squad as follows: Eddie Shook, Bill Abeher, Jack Badgett, G. L. Adai9s.( Brad Davis, Joe Church, Paul McGinnis, Jim Moore, Charles Portar, D. M. Stoker, Jimmy Hadley, Buddy Forester, Dudley Moore, Jim Day, Jim Winters, Julius Rousseau, Jr., Chip Caudlll, Kenneth Steelman, Dan Hudson, .Carl Swofford and Gordon Finley. Senior squad members Include 8h k, Absher, Church, McGin-j nis,1 trter, Forester, Finley and Hutchison. Other members of the squad were Wayne Pardue, J. S. Hoots, Johnuy Winkler, Bill Rnssell, Caswell Brown, Gordon Forester, Jim Carter, Worth Ward, Dick Stoker, Gwyn Triplett, Wade Foster, Bill Bason, Jim Norman and Ray Chureh. The squad at the banquet elected Kenneth Steelman, end, and Pus Rousseau, Jr., back, as coain8 for next year. One Of the first essential for success In the poultry business is to hare a krre for chickens. • WILX Mutual k Dec. 17 Radio sta hook up with ing company WILX here will I [utu&l Broadcasted need ay morning, according lto announcement today by Majof Edney Ridge, president of Broadcasting The first coast-to-coast hegin about nesday mornii Some of the programs whi ing to carry With Music, Heart's olina Northwest fpany. ;ram from the ftual system will it o'clock Wedop-notch Mutual v'LLX Is expectinclude: 3ay It |ily Post Quiz, Checkerboard Jamboree, QueesjFor A Day, The Martin Block S^ow, Adventure Parade, Hop man, Captain and His Straight! of Sports, Kate (Smith Speaks, Gabriel Heatter, pulton Lewis, Jr., Adventures of Charlie Chan, Real Stories From Real ' Life, Pishing and Hunting Club of the Air, The Jan August Show, The Family Theatre, Information Please, Luncheon at Sar *.is, Newscope, The Jim Backus Show, top sports events and many other outstanding radio attractions. I igan, Superiight, Tom Mix hooters, Inside Washerette Will Be Opened Here The Wflfees Washerette. a new Tne vvuim= of{er a unique bU8!?6f to the public, will open 86r f th« DTmcan building next goon in the Hunc door to Towne Cieauere on don . apd Bernard r IrtweU will he owners of the STi» p ,th 12 automatic washers °peii with be lncrea8. and the number ed to 21 when *4dUionfl ^'rthTSnnderette type of * , t tve «»8tomer talies r JvT ?irtv clothes and th« wash^ TvitL, ab will announce *» date HEX Sixty sawmill and timber men am pictured hen a« they j paused daring the sawmill j operators field day to enjoy a sumptuous barbecue dinner at the farm of J. Robert Orysel near North Wilkesboro. R. G. Pin ley, of Meadows Mill company, was host for that part of the day and furnished the * dinner. The picture below shows J. B. Williams, president of the Wilkes Chamber - of Commerce, sponsor of event; R. W. Graeber, Extension Service forester who ' conducted the field day; R. G. Finley, barbecue dinner host; W. K. Sturdivant, chairman o* the Chamber of Commerce Agricultural committee^— (Photos by Lane Atkinson, Jr.). Much Interest In Home Decoration Contest Is Shown Latest reports from the Junior Chamber of Commerce Christmas Home Decorating Contest indicate that a number of Wilkes county residents are planning to create a more festive Christmas by decorating their homes this year. Forrest E. Jones, chairman of the Junior Chamber's Home Decorating Contest, announced today that interest had jumped since the first announcement of the contest. Roland Potter, chairman of the Judges Committee also announced that judges for the contest would be Mrs. F. C. Hubbard, Sr., representing the Wllkesboro Woman's Club, Mrs. W. B. Jones, of the North 'wilkes -——" — Caroling Dates Dec. 18th-24th J. Jay Anderson, who is handling the Christmas caroling program at the OhTistmas tree at the North Wllkesboro city hall, announced today that Christmas carols will be sung there at five p. m. from December 18 through December 24 under sponsorship of the Trade Promotion committee of the Wilkes Chamber of Commerce. The groups scheduled for the various dates are: December 18, Girl Scouts; December 19, North Wilkeaboro glee club; December 20, Wilkesboro glee club, December 21, Damascus Choral Society; December 22, Roaring River glee club; December 23, combined -choirs of churches of Wilkesboro; December 2 4, Millers Creek glee clab. On the night of December 24th various groups will sing carols throughout the community. The programs at five p. m. at the Christmas tree will be broadcast over WILX. Trial of Hugh West, clerk, on the charge of manslaughter of Miss Jenkins, of Winston-Salem, been continued in the term of Wilkes conrt until term. • v*Vv" The continuance was granted on authority of a telegram from a Plnehurst physician that West is hospitalised with infection of the stump of his leg, which was amputated several weeks ago following a pro tor cycle-track .collision near Plnehurst. West's trial was continued at ttie recent special term because hte had not recovered from the accident and amputation. Since that continuance,' according to information received here, he had returned to the hospital because of Infection. Two other major trials set for the December tetrm, which ended its first week Friday, have also been continued. Trial of Johnny Correll, of Lenoir, for fatal shooting of Charles C. ■ Baker near here last December, was continued for the term because of vthe illness of Fate Beal, of Lenoir, his attorney. Cling Minton's second trial for killing Atwell Wilson Parsons at Boomer a year ago was put off until Monday, December 15, because of the illness of hi8 attorney, Eugene Trivette, who remained in the hospital today, and Minton's case may go over to the next term for criminal cases, which will be the first week in March. Judge John H. Clement, of Walkertown, is presiding, and about half the large docket calendared was disposed of last 'week. Divorces were granted in the following cases last week: Lorene Love versus Nilie Love; Ruby B. McMillan versus R. K. McMillan; Martin Milam versus Sybil fifteen Milam; Albert Curry versus Georgia Curry; Abigail E. ^illar^veTsu8 Edward jP^Buiversns Marshall Hairs ton; Reginald Perkins versus Mary Perkins; Crafton C. Harrington versus Wilma Walker Hairing^ ton; Anne Stamper Holland versus Joe Talmadge Holland; Hester Wyatt versus Con Wyatt; Minnie E. Bauguss versus Marshall E. Bftuguss; Millard Ray Transou versus Roland Willard Transou;. Margaret Shore Brown versus Joseph Morris Brown; William Royal versus Brmie deary Royal; J. W. Bost versus Evelyn Bost. The following named defendants indicted for operating a car while intoxicated received similar sentences of four months on the roads suspended on payment of $100 fine and costs each and were tbarred from driving for one year: Clark Perry, Roscoe Miles, R. C. Cundiff (colored), James Lewis. .Holcomb, Charles i Glenn Higgins, Eugene Smith, Thomas Lee Lovelace, Glenn Dancy, Worth George Woodie, William Jones Miller, Edwin Anderson, Wint Chambers. Results of other cases tried last week follow: Mack Huffman, drunkenness, 30 days suspended on payment of pAafa See — COURT — Page 4 ' SHRINERS CARRY FOOTBALL LETTERMEN TO SHRINE GAME IN CHARLOTTE twwwwwwvwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwv — * Meat production under Federal inspection for the week ended November 8 totaled 369 million pounds, according to the U. S. Department of Agriculture. % Shriners in North Wilkesboro and Wilkesboro cm Saturday, December 6, gave all football lettermen of North Wilkesboro and Wilkesboro high schools the trip to Charlotte and the annual Shrine game- between North and South Carolina high school all stars. The above picture shows the football players and a number of local Shriners who provided the trip and expenses for the boys. ■