PATRIOT Dwight Nichols, Sports Editor AND VIEWS North Wllkesboro baseball club owners In the Blue Ridge league are planning to give a prize tp the person submitting name most suitable tor the team here *. . . ] Millers Creek fli stars are to be! congratulated for being one of the outstanding aH star teams in ithe state ^outside of the semi-, pro ranks. Many large towns 1 ■would be glad to have a team as food . . . Henry "Flash" I N. Wilkes bo ro 25 M. Home 24 Bare 9 Teal 9 Whicker 6 McCarson 11 Adams 8 Watts 4 Harris Smith Pruitt . v;- Ball B. Adams E. Teal Substitute: N. Wilkesboro— Coffey 2, Holder, McNeill; Mills Home—Nelson, Payne. Boys' Game N. Wilkesboro 29 M. Home 18 Badgett 2 McCullet 1 Caudill 10 Cranfield McGinnis Bradshaw Hudson 4 Edwards Rousseau 8 Ball 6 Substitutes: N. Wilkesboro— Kenerly 2, McNeill 3, Eller, Swof ford, Davis; Mills Home—Icen hour 1, Byrd 4, Burleson 6t ■ ' o Hydrogen i8 obtained largely by separating water, into hydro gen and oxygen by electrolysis. Support the Y. M. G. A NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE North Carolina, Wilkes County. Under and by virtue of power and authority vestedxin the under signed Trustee by a deed of trust executed on the 22nd day of Sep tember, 1947, by Mathie Triplett and wife,* Vera Triplett, to the un dersigned as trustee to secure the payment of a loan, which deed of trust is recorded in office of Reg ister of Deeds in book 235, page. 291, and default having been made in the payment of said deed of trust and note secured thereby, and demand having been made for payment, and - payment having been refused by said grantors; Therefore, by virtue of the pro visions in said deed of trust, the undersigned trustee will, on the 13th day of February, 1948, at the hour of 12 o'clock Noon, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Wilkes boro, N. C.,. the following de scribed real estate: All that certain tract of land containing 98 1-4 acres, mor#. or less, known as the Mathie Triplett lands in Elk Township, Wilkes county, State 'of North Carolina, located on the public road from Ferguson,- North Carolina, to At kins Shop, about 17 miles west of the Town of Nqrth Wilkesboro, bounded on the north by the lands of Ance Hamby and others, on the e^if^by the lands of W. G\ Hamby and others, on the south by the lands of Conley Shumate and others, and on the west by the lands of Barlow heirs. Said tract of land is more particularly de scribed according to plat by 6. G. Elledge, surveyor, on the 28th day of June, 1935. Beginning on a stake in the pub lic road that leads from Ferguson to Atkins Shop, and running with the meanders of said road as fol lows: South 42 deg. 30 minutes west 4 poles; south 64 deg. west 7 poles; south 30 deg. west 16 poles; south 46 deg. 30 minutes west 41 poles; south 15 deg. 80 minutes east 2 poles; south 44 deg. east 14% poles to a stake in the road and a small branch; thence down and with the meanders of the branch as follows: South 32 deg. 30 minutes west 2% poles; south 19 deg. 30 minutes west 6 poles; south 58 deg. west 6% poles; south 1 deg. 30 minutes west 8 poles; thence west 1 pole to a stajce in Stony Fork creek; thence up and with the meanders of said creek as follows: North 30 deg. west 5 pedes; north 32 deg. 30 minutes west 6 poles; north 38 deg. west 17 poles; north 35 deg. 30 minutes west 6 poles; north 28 deg. 80 minutes west 41% poles to Bar low heist' corner, a cycamore tree tin the west bank of Stony Fork creek; thence north 79 deg. west with their line 40 poles to a stone told corner; thence north 87 deg. west with their line 18% pojes to a stone, Fannie Walsh's corner: thence north 10 deg. east with W line 26 poles to a stake, her corner F> w - * ulr & BASON OIL CO. / W. J. Bason, Prop. Telephoae No. 454 North Wilkesboro, N.C.. I