N8BTH WILKESBORO, W. C., Monday, March 1, 1948 * TT« M, C. A. is rais Iding fund for the faa of a modern Y. M The Journal-Patriot Has Blazed the Trail of Progress In the "State of Wilkes" For Over 41 Years , . , . 't,. V -■'PT Vol. 42, No. 88 Published Monday* and Thundays North Wilkesboro has a trading radios of 50 Miles,, serving 100,000 people k* Northwestern Carolina. Make North Wilkesboro Ytur Shorminn • *s-»YV.'- J CLEVENGER STUDENT BODY OFFICERS are pictured Don Culler (seeled), end Glenn GoliiUr (standing), president and vice president of the student body of Oevenger College of Business Admin istration, which recently opened in the Hayes building •Mi is operating very successfully in this area. The soool is headed by C. E. Clevanger, who also owns die Clevenger Business college in Hickory. Wilkesboro Mail Route Carriers Begin Hew Duties Rnral letter carriers for the tiro Wilkesboro mall routee hare begun tbelr duties. As the result of a Civil Service examination held Beveral weeks ago, Ernest R. Beshears, son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Beshears, , received the position for route one, which had been carried by Jesse Staley, temporary carrier. Mr. BeeheaW appointment was effective today. —Ijftil— Rex T. Call, soft or Mr. and Mrs. R'ufus Call, received the ap pointment for route two, Wflkqp boro, and he had already begun work under a temporary ap pointment February 9th. o Rufns 0. Lowe Taken By Death A Funeral service was held Sun day afternoon at Moravian Falls Baptist church for Rufus C. Lowe, 66, member of one of Wilkes county's best known fam ilies. Mr. Lowe died suddenly of a heart attack Friday at his home near Moravian Falls. He was stated at the breakfast table when he was stricken. For many years Mr. Lowe had a member of Moravian Falls Baptist, church and had taken an active interest in church and community affairs. He was a member of the board of deacons. He was a eon of the late John and Mlnda Dowell Lowe. Surviv ing are his wife, Mrs. Ruby C. Lowe, and the following sons and daughters: George T. Lowe, Carroll Lowe, Miss Mildred E. ' Lowe and Miss Ethel Lowe, of the home; Miss Helen A. Lowe, Wake Forest College; Mrs. David Harris, Stateeville; also three brothers, C. A. Lowe, of Wllkee boro, C. C. Lowe, of Richmond, Va., and W. G. Lowe, of Mora sylan Falls, and one sister, Mrs. Ibonnle DuPree, in California. Funeral service was conducted by Rev. Roger Gwaltney, pastor, assisted by Rev. John Rufus Is aacs, of Harlan, Ky., a nephew Of Mr. Lowe. Burial was In ths Moravian Falls cemetery.' Pall bearers were Cody Lowe, Elmer Lowe, Maaton Walsh, Frank Pearson, Herman Lowe and Irving Severt. Honorary pall bearers were Hiring BUer, Law rence Crlteher, B. M. Pardue, R. A. Greer, Barl Nichols, Cyrus Brown, Milas Lowe, L- F. Klrby and Sd Eller. Many beautiful flowers were fitting tokens of respect for the life of Mr. Lowe in the community. Square Dance Friday w Morayian Falls All are inriten E. Hall 18 prosecuting the large docket. Joe Godbey, of North "Wilkes boro, was appointed foreman of the grand jury and Judge Moore delivered an instructive charge to that foody, after which the court plunged Into work on the calendar of cases. Among the major cases calen dared are the Hugh West abor tion-manslaughter charge; Cling Minton for murder; Johnny Cor rell for murder;Miss Myrt Wood le for murder; Leon West for robbery and assault. o Elkin Annual Farmer's Day Set Thursday Elkin/ — Approximately 1,200 farmers of Surry, Yadkin and Wilkes Counties have been invit ed to attend Elkin's sixth annual Farmers* Day program in the Gilvin Roth Y. M. C. A. hers next Thursday, March 4.; Sponsored by the Elkin Kiwan ls Club,,in co-operation with the county agent's office, the earent hv top agricultural authorities'* ol North Carolina State College, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, and Clemeon College. Balanced System With a general theme of em phasis on the need for a balanced system of farming, Dr. J. H. Hil ton, dean of agriculture at State College, will address the group at 1:30 p. m. on "Using all the Resources of the Farm for Max imum Income and Better Living.'' Dr. T. B. Hutcheson, dean ol agriculture at V. P. X., is sche duled to speak at 2:30 on "The Dairy Cow In a Balanced System of Farming." The program will gal under way at 1 p. m. with opening re marks by County Agent Neil! M, Smith, on whom has fallen a m» Jor share of the work In prepar ing the program. Thurmond Chatham, chairman of the board of directors of Chatham Manu facturing Company, will give the address of welcome at 1:10 p m. He will be introduced by May or Garland Johnson, chairman ol the Elkin Agricultural Council | who has also played a leading role in laying plans for the event, Movie to Be Shown Following a brief intermission at 3M6 p. m., during which re freshments will >be served, the group will be shown a movie, "First in the Hearts of Farmers," a release prepared by the Amer ican Plant Food Council. The film features the need for re placing soil elements consumed by growing crops. Dr. E. R. Collins, in charge ol agronomy extension work a t State College, will speak on "Al falfa in a Balanced Farm Pro gram" at 4:20 P- m., and the pro grani will be concluded with a 40-mlnute panel discussion undei the direction of David S. Weav er, assistant director of the North Carolina Extension Service. The annual Farmers' Day pro gram was initiated here in 1043 with about 260 fanners attending the first event. Attendance hai increased with each successive program. ■ o " ■ Johnson Funeral Held On Friday Last rites were held Friday al Mt. Sinia Baptist church for Al ice America Johnson, 87-year-old resident of Lovelace townshi® who died Wednesday. She had been an invalid since sustaining a .broken hip 20 months ago. A daughter ef the late Georg« and Sallie Johnson, Miss Joha son's only surviving relative is t couBin, Cling Johnson, of Noftt Wikesboro route three. Precincts WiH Meet March 12 Call For Convention And Precinct Meeting* By Chairman and Secy. Republicans of Wilkes county will hold their convention Sat I urday, March 13, one p. m., at • the courthouse in Wllkesboro, according to call issued by N. B. Smithey, chairman, and T. B. Story, secretary. At the convention the county organisation will be formed and delegates will be named to the state convention. Precints will hold their organi sation meetings on Friday, the 12th of March, at one p. m„ with the exception of North WUkw boro, which will be at four p. m. Following is the call Issued to day by the chairman and secre tary: "You are hereby notified by the Chairman of the Republican Party of Wilkes county that the County Convention is hereby call ed for Saturday, March 13, at 1 o'clock p. m., at the courthouse In Wllkesboro. The purpose of this meeting will be to elect a chairman and other officers and delegates to the various conven tions. "The township meetings are hereby called for Friday, March 12, 1948, at the various voting precints, at the hour of 1 o'clock, p. m., with the exception of the time in North Wllkesboro which will be at 4 o'clock p. m., at which meetings the township or ganisations will be perfected and delegates elected to the county/ convention." ...... ... I. I, ■ Gym Square Dance Successful Eveat Approximately 400 Parents, Students And Friends Enjoy Entertainment One of the most delightful and enjoyable square dances of the year took place Saturday night in the North Wlikesboro school gymnasium. Children, high school hoys and girls, parents and pat rons thoroughly _ enjoyed the dance, cake walks and other ©rents. Arthur Venable, chairman of the Gymnasium Improvement committee, was in charge of ar rangements and G. Sam Winters was master of ceremonies. Mrs. Robert Gibbs, assisted by Mrs. Irey Moore, Mrs. Jack SVofford, and Girl Scouts, operated the concession stand. Mrs. Claude Gentry made and donated Are de licious cakes. The following merchants and places of business generously oo-operated by donating attend ance prizes: Rexall Drug Store, The Jewel Box, Horton's Drug Store, Jean's, Jenkins Hardware Company, Carolina Home & Auto Supply, Mrs. R. J. Hinshaw, Staf ford's Record Shop, Day Electric Company, The Hub, Prevettete, Carl W. Steele, Payne Clothing Company, Wiles Jewelry Store, Carter-Hubbardi Publishing Co., Tomllnson's Department Store, Brame's Drug Store, Red Cross Pharmacy, Liberty Theatre, Mar low's, and Motor Market. Program for the event was broadcast by station WILX, which also furnished the public address system. Records for the round dsnce were provided by Staf ford's Radio and Reoord Shop and Wilkes Entertainers provid ed the string band music. Profits from thig event will go into the gymnasium fond and a complete financial statement will be published soon. In the ticket sslss contest, Mrs. Hlght Helms' mom won first prise and will be given a theatre party by the Allen The atre. Miss Myra Sales', mom won second place and the prise will be an ioe cream and cake party. Net profits from the event were slightly over $2£9, the committee reported today. _______ o The production of teed yeast, rich in high-quality protein and in the Vitamin B complex, by growing the yeast en the Juice from ground, limed citrus peel has been announced by the U8DA. rK s.i.-.vSSLi'! I 11 1 "" * ■1 11 Nutritionist »##»#»######»#########»»#»#»#### Miss Ladle Griffin, atttri tionist for Coble Dairy Pro ducts, Is pictured here as she appeared Friday In a radio in terview over station WILX. Miss Griffin, who recently as sumed her duties in the area served by Coble, had as her subject "The History of Ice Cream" and her broadcast was enjoyed by many. Miss Grif fin's services are available to clubs and other organizations in this area. H.D. and 4-H. Club Schedule For A Week Tuesday, March 2 Fair plains club meet with Mrs. G. R. An drew8 at 1:80 p. m. Cllngman 4-H' Club will meet at 9:15 a. m. Ronda 4-H club will meet at 1Q:£0 a. m. Wednesday, March S—Cricket club will meet with Mtb. R. C. Goodwin at 2 p. m. Mulberry 4-H club will meet a' 9:30 a. m. North Wilkesboro 4-H club meet at 10:45 a. m. Thursday, March 4.—Pleasant Ridge club will meet with Mrs. Lena Mae Norman at 2 p. m. Moravian Falls 4-H club will meet at 9:15 a. m. "Wilkesboro 4-H club will meet at 10:30 a. m. Monday, March 8.—Cllngman club will meet with Mrs. C. E. Burchette at 2 p. m. Mountain View 4-H club will meet at 9:15 a. m. Soaring River 4-H Club will meet at 10:90 a. m. o : Chamber Groaps Plan Meetings Important committee meeting! are planned this week by the Wilkes Chamber of Commerce. Ii some instances the meeting* will be the first of . the year and es sential planning work will b« carried out, making it essentia] that there be large attendance oi commitee members. This morning the Meetings Visitors and Tourists committee of which Dr. Gilbert R. Combs ii chairman, held an interesting meeting and the Agricultural committee headed by W. K. Star divant, meets this evening at 7:30. On Tuesday at four p. m., the Education committee, headed bj C. Arthur , Venable, will meet and at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday, the Membership committe will hold a meeting. Vernon Ileal is chair man. On Friday at 9;80 a. m., th« Trade Promotion committee, oi which W.