ADS. - Minimum Chorae 50c P«r • FOP SALE POR SALE: Five-room houe, •ere land. Located pads road. See Jamee C. Church, Buck, N. a 3-8-2t-pd FOB SALE: Good lwpedeu hay. also assorted print bags. Tarn Hutchinson, 3 miles oat on highway to Elkin. 3-8-pd FOR SALE: 1M1 Dodfe track, 1 1-1 ton, good tires, in good condition. See "Raymond Wy att, at Millers Creek school Lnnch Room. 3-8-2t-pd POR 8ALE: New S-Roon boose, 1 acre land, for quick sale $2,500. See O. J. Waters, first bridge on Congo road below Cricket postofflce. 3-ll-2t-pd FOR SALE: 600 acres land, six room boase, small barn, ten acres bearing orchard. See or rte Dewey Broyhlll, Gllreath, C. 3-8-2t-p FOR SALE: One 1087 Plymouth 4-door sedan; radio and heat er. Oood shape. Motor Market, lac. ; . f-ll-It 1 ■ = FOR SALE: Good young hone, * years old, weight 1500 lbs.; and 1 horse wagon. See ' Tom Bussell, North Wilkeaboro, N. C. Route 1. 3-8-2t-pd FOR SALE: Several fine wood chuck and hunting rifle*. Also shot gnus, camera and B ft L Binocular. L. D. Woodruff, Hays, N. C. 3-8-pd FOR SA2J1: A Haraet King 8 horse power garden tractor with cultivator; practically new. Priced reasonably. W. F. K Payne, Boomer, N. C. S-8-pd FOR RENT~OR~SALE: New 5-j room bouse, on school bus and mail route. See J. W. brewer, at American Furniutre Co. 3-8-2t-pd FOR SALE: No. 1 Meadows Sawl mill with <5 horsepower Case Srtor. Slightly used. L. L. le, Roaring River, N. C. lfc-p$ FOR SALE: Fordson tractor with plows; 19S1 A model Ford coach; both in good con dition. Billings Service Sta tion, Traphill. S-ll-pd. FOR 8AUG: Four-room house, well on porch, chicken house, barn and 15 acres, of land, also young orchard. S. A. Sparks, Route 1, Box 25, Roar ing River, N. C., 1 1-2 mile north of Roaring River, lt-pd FOR QUICK SALE: 55 bunches Box Bushes,' in sizes from 6 feet across top, down; Prices right. See W. M. N McDanlel, Wilkesboro, N. C. Route 2. • S-ll-2t-pd THIS WEEK'S DRIVEIN THEATRE PROGRAM Monday, March 8— BANJO Sharyn Moffett —— ■—— Tuesday-Wednesday, March 9-10— OUTLAW Jane Russell Walter Huston Also A Serial Thursday-Friday, March 11-12— SLAVE GIRL In Technicolor with Yvonne DeCarlo • SHOWS AT 7 P. M. AND 9 P. M. • •DRIVE-IN* — TH EATRE — Located 5 Miles North of North Wilhesboro Ob Highway No. 18 F0R 8ALB: 1 iwanoom house,! In a desirable location on bard surfaced street In Wllkesboro; bard wood floors; forced bot air heating system; cement basement; lot 75x175; laundry tuba and hot Water system. Write "A" care Journal-Pa trtaL J-ii-Tf j FOR SALE: Five-room boose and store building, 15 miles weet of North Wllkesboro on highway 421, Has electricity and running water. Now do ing good business. Reason for sale have other Interest. See Travis Triplett at store or write W. A. Blackburn, Laur el Springs, N. C. 3-8-2t-pd FOR SALE: Team of young mules, 4 and 5 years old, weighs 900 pounds each, good workers; also good heavy wagon, and harness; One horse, weight 1500 pounds: good Nlssen one-horse wagon and harness. Priced Quick Sale. See W. H. Burke, Route 1, Hays, N. C. near Mulberry school. lt-pd FOR SAldfi: flswfag Macfelaes: One Singer, Blectrlc Consols, like new; built In motor; beau tiful wc'nut cabinet; one Gray bar Console—this la a real beauty and a real buy. Both these machines sew perfectly, and are priced for quick sale. —Garwood Piano Co., Midway Building, Wilkeeboro, N. C. 2-9-Tf FOB SALE: Gurasey St Jersey cow, third calf, good milk and butter cow, gives 4 to 5 gal lons of milk when fresh, also wooden water storage tank, oook store, 1 horse turning plow, fiber and rnbber belt 34 feet long, 6 in. wide anf 1 wooden crank type barrel churn. See M. C. Jones at Oak woods P. O. or Call 87^F-13. <■ lt-pd > SPECIAL THIS WEEK, large bales dry shucks $1.00; extra good timothy hay $1.76 bale; will deliver; fresh jersey, sec ond calf 4-gallon cow; 3 heif ers to freshen soon; farm ma chinery good as new; two-row horsedrawn cultivator; two section iron tooth drag har row; tractor drawn mowing machine. Dave Hall, ^Tllkes boro. v 3-ll-2t-pd NO MORE TROUBLE When I fix your Radio — it stays fixed! Repairs are guar anteed 90 days. E. M. Pardue Parker-Triplett Electric Co. Wilkesboro, N. C. Repairing Radios Since 1929 BELK'S Wednesday SPECIALS HAYNES TOWELS Large bath size 50x40 50* Guest size 16x27 39* Bath Cloths to Match - Five lovely shades With contrasting bor ders—Blue, Peach, Maize, Green and Rose. At This Price Wednesday Morning Only • BELK'S North Wilkesboro *h*wwwwhmhwwwm«hw> A IN i L U M*W%%IWWm4WMiW WANTED: A b«y over to do cleaning and disk washing. Apply at Princess Cafe. 1-I-Tf WANTED: To any one having locust post to sell, "write or see me at once. G. H. Staler, Roar ing River, Ronte 2, N. C. 3-8-2t-pd ' WANTED: Reliable white wom an, age 25-80, care for baby, do house work. If desired, this I > permanent. Contact Mrs. Boldin, Western Union, Le noir, N. C. 8-ll-8t WANTED—Pair ef Field Glasses —8 or 10 power. Appearance is not so important if lenses are good. Will pay cash if priced right. Have for sale small gas oline engine (washing machine type). Ideal for lawn mower, churn, etc. See H. G. Nichols at Journal-Patriot. WANTED: A waitress at Hotel Wilkee. 3-ll-2t WANTED: Someone to care for child 15 months old, at their home. Write "B" care Journ al-Patriot. 3-11-pd iiVON COSMETIC OO. NEEDS active housewives part time profitable work. Write Journ al-Patriot, Dept. D. lt-pd SALESMAN WANTED :* Excel lent opportunity available for live wire salesman in Ashe, .Alleghany and Wllkea coun ties. Intangible sales exper ience In automobile insurance beneficial. Minimum age for this position 25. Gar 1B essen tial. Pleasant work for local division of a nationally known organization with offices throughout the Carollnas. Send details of your experience and qualifications to Box X, in care of this newspaper. 3-11-21 • Miscellaneous A DRILLED WELL IS Perma nent and economical. See or write J. G. Church, Well Drill ing Contractor, Puriear, N. C. For Immediate service. S-ll-pd NOTICE: Window Screens, Screen Doors,,any size, or old frames rewired; good assort ment molding for picture frames; Automatic Handsaw filing. Kenneth Moore's Wood work Repair Shop, Wilkeaboro, Phone 207-R. Mon.-Tf ATTENTION FARMERS: Regis tered Berkshire Stock Hog, now ready for Service. See R. L. Bouchelle, North Wilkes boro, Route 3, 8 miles east down Highway 421. 3-11-pd MUVIH6 M Loe Angeles, hflf., want one or two persofc8 to go along. Leaving about March 1. See Allen Phillips at Philips Electric Co. 2-26-2t pd INCOME TAXES: Let me'do your taxes. Located on Mora vian Palls Highway — two miles south of Coble Corner In Wllkeekoro. Sign in yard.—B. L. White. S-8-8t-pd SUPPORT THE Y. it C. A. Give if there xnonla on entering Better ventilation > drier house and 1ms danger coccldiosls. WBLL DRLLUNO of sizes. Price reasonable. J. Russell, Route 2, Knob, N. C. . »-16-4t-pd n"XETK> Poultry MhIim, Grains, Dairy. Hog. Horse, and Rabbit Peeds. Peed Company, North Wflkea boro, Phone 94. 11-11-tf SEWING, mailing shirts, clothing repair. Mrs. James Pierce, near Carolina Mirror plant or Gambia's Ser vice Station, highway 18. 3-15-4 tpd