Make North Wilkesboro Your ShoDDtoa Wjlke ces Y. M. C. A. is rais building fund for the erection of t modem Y. M C. A. plant. Support ft. Vol. 42, No. 93 filHI AITV vuHUIIT The Journal-Patriot Has Blazed the Trail of Progress In the "State of Wilkes" For Over 41 Years North Wilkesboro has a trading radio* of §0 miles, serving 100,000 people k> Northwestern Carolina. Monday* and Thursdays NORTH WILKESBORO. N. C., Thursday, March 18, 1948 .— ————— I I 'r I" ' ' Leon West Gets 5 to 7 Year* Oi Robbery Charge Leon West, youth of the Champion community, was sen tenced in Wilkes court Tuesday to firs to seven years in prison for assoult and robbery of W. A. Triplett, Purlear merchant, of over |350 in a daring holdup December 19. A confession was introduced through A. H. Clark, highway patrol sergeant, in which the youth admitted that he went to Triplett's store, at 4:15 a. m., called Mr. Triplett to the door, slugged him on the head, took his money and left him tied up e baek room. dge Dsn K. Moore said in ng sentence that the mini Mum penalty was prescribed in ▼lew of the fact that restitution had been madrf of the funds tak en in the robbery and that $-57 was paid on. Triplett's hospital . and doctor hills. . Trial of Brnest Taylor for the death of Lee R. Anderson in North Wilkeeboro was continued for the term due to illness of Dr. J. H. McNeill, who perform aA~autopey on the body of An Iflpteon, who was alleged to hare died as the result of a blow on th« hsad inflicted by Taylor. Safe robbery charge against Clyde Fortner, of Alexander county, was moved from Wilkes to. Davie county court for trial. FV>rtner is in jail awaiting charge of breaking Into Midway Pontine company, cracking the safe and taking |350. The motion for re moval set out that a similar case is pending at Mocksvllle and that a plea of nolo contendere will be entered there on both counts, which ai*e ts be consolidated for ' judgment. "The Hasty Heart" Cast Delayed; Show Cancelled Due to accidents and unavoid able delay, cast of "The Hasty Heart," brcadway production scheduled' tor showing at the Liberty Theatre, did not reach North Wilkesboro in time for a performance .Tuesday night. The all star cast headed by Freddie Bartholomew was-due to come here Tuesday from Charles ton, W. Va. They were unavoid ably delayed in leaving Charles ton and while* in the mountains ^encountered heavy fog which made driving almost impossible. Later the brakes on the bus failed and after repairs were made the troupe proceeded to North Wilkesboro, arriving here at 8:45 p. m. Because of' the long time necessary to prepare the stage, Ivan- D. Anderson, theatre own er, had cancelled the show and W^-efunds had already Seen made '^on many tickets when the show arrived. Bartholomew and the troupe manager offered, to pro ceed with the show but because of the late hour and time need ed to prepare the setting it was ■ deemed best to cancel the per formance, Mr. Anderson said. ■ o — Ramblers Plan Football Game Spring practice of Wilkesboro Ramblers 4 football squad will close with a "regular game Friday afternoon, 1:30 p.m., between the "Whites" and the ''Greens", even ly divided squads picked from the 45 boys who have been in prac tice for the past three weeks. Coach Eddie Adelman will watch the contest from the side lines as Jack Groce and Malcolm Gamblll, seniors, coach the two teams in the regulation contest. Coach Adelman will he particu larly interested in scrutinizing the game to see what his pros pects are for replacing eight sen iors graduating this, year from the team which went thru a ten game schedule last fall undefeat ed and untied. The graduates this year, and who were not in spring practice, are Malcolm Gamblll, Bill Craig, Perry Lowe, Buddy Hubbard, Dainard Foster, Kn Pardue, from the line, and Jack Groce and Bill Whlttlngton from the backfield. Seven of the eight seniors were first eleven k starters in the 1947 season. m Admission at Friday's game will be 15 cents for students and 25 cents for adults. When the football game Fri day afternoon is over baseball practice will be started. The team will play in the newly formed Highland conference. Fire Destroys Old Residence Monday tare which originated Monday near midnight partially destroy ed the former Beeson house lo cated on the northwest corner of Ninth and D streets. The large house, occupied <" Hayes, service station attendant who was forced at the point of an automatic pistol to hand over $30 at the Reddles River service station here, went to Statesville and Identified the men as the ones who Tobbed him. Police Chief Walker said here that Flinchum and Billings had ad mitted the robberiee here and at Taylorsville and also the' holdup of a service station in Tadkin ville March 12. They are now in jail at Taylorsville. o Charles ft. Crabb Funeral On Sunday Charles Harrison Crabb, 68, died Friday in the Elkin hospi tal following a seven weeks' Ill ness. Surviving are eight chil dren, Mrs. Montgomery Billings, Mrs. Hubert Harris and Mrs. Will Spicer, Thurmond; Mrs. Lonnle Tucker, Jonesville, with whom he resided; Mrs. Guy CrooM. Traphill; Mrs. Ray Collins, Boon ville; Barney and Lonnie Crahb, State Road; 25 grandchildren, a great-grandchild; two brothers, J. T. Crabb, Darlington, Md.; R. C. Crabb, route 1, North Wilkea boro; a sister, Mrs. T. A. Bil lings, Roaring River. Funeral service was held Sunday at 2 p. Roaring Gap Baptist church. Burial was in the church ceme tery. o Horner Not Running Sanford.—W. E. Horner, pub lisher of The Sanford Herald, who two years ago lost the Dem ocratic nomination for the eighth district congressman by 3 S3 votes, has announced that he will not be a candidate for the nomi nation this year.. o Stafford's Plan Formal Opening Friday, Saturday Stafford's Radio-Record Shop will have formal opening Friday and Saturday in the firm's new quarters on the street floor of the Stafford building, 929 Main Street. Thl£well known firm, owned and operated by Prank Stafford, has moved from the top floor to the street floor. The building has been completely renovated with new fixtures, new equipment, new display materials, and priv ate booths have been installed with record players. This enables customers to make their own se lections in privacy and the dis plays enable them to select what they want to hear. Courteous dales personnel is on hand to as sist customers. For the formal opening Friday and Saturday many door prizes will be given and everybody is invited. ' The largest and most complete stock of records in the history of the store has been assembled for the opening, -including 25 brand names. There Is also a complete stock of record shop accessories. The radio department of the shop carries a complete line of both ta/ble and console numbers, and Warren Sebastian, a well trained radio technician, is In charge of the radio repair depart ment. Stafford's maintain a pick-up and delivery service. o —: Cub Scout Pack 36 Will Meet Monday Cub Scout pack number 36 will meet Monday, 7:30 p. m„ at the religious educational building of the First Presbyter ian church, Edward Bell, Cub master, announced today. There will be a special pro gram of interest to parents and all cubs and parents are asked to attend.