* a ^ | : Man less Wedding4 Will Be On Friday ^ The members of the Cricket Home Demonstration Club are sponsoring a "Manless Wed ding" to be given on Friday night, April 23, at 7:30, p. m., at Millers Creek School Auditor VETERANS FOR HIGH INCOME BRACKET AND A FASCINATING PROFESSION LEARN ACCOUNTANCY » a New Classes.For Veterans Start May 3 LACK OF A HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA IS NO HIN DRANCE. YOU MAY TAKE THE G E D TEST AND RE CEIVE YOUR HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA FROM YOUR LO CAL HIGH SCHOOL WE MAKE ALL OF THE NECES SARY ARRANGEMENTS. Apply now for reservation to enter either school on May 3. Our une classes will be crowded with the 1948 graduates. We are making this extra enroll ment date , in May especially for Veterans, f ' . CLEVENGER College of Business Hickory North Wilkesboro North Carolina El. • . » i lum. The proceeds derived from this program will be applied on the Cricket Community House fund. Another special feature of the program will be the North Caro lina Ramblers, who will furnish plenty of good entertainment be fore the wedding and during the cake walk, which follows imine diately after the parson "pro nounces the sentence" to the bride and groom. Attorney J. Allie Hayes % will be master of ceremonies. Annabelle Plank, Mrs. W. A. Vannoy; Henry Plank, Mrs. Clin ton Eller; Martha Block, Mrs. D. E. Turner; Hiram Block, £frs. It. C. Goodwin; Lucy Nott, Mrs. Charlie Warren; Jeremiah Brick, Mrs. Phil Forester, Susie Nott, Kay Thompson; Naranda Snow ball, Mrs. Carson Wagoner; Til da Johnson, Mrs, Clate Snider; Sam What, Mrs. Clyde Shoemakr er; Cokey Nott, Mrs. Edd Bum garner; Emmi Nott, Mrs. Di8k Thompson; Will Nott, Mrs. E. R. Eller; May Nott, the bride, Mrs., Richard Minton; Teak Wood,! the groom, Mrs. Hunter Church; Jonathan Apple, best man, Mrs. Bob D. Church. Matron of honor, Mrs. Howard J.ones; bridesmaids, Mrs. L. T. Barnard; Mrs. H. L. Shaver; Mrs. J. E. Crysel; Mrs. J. P. Cry , sel; Mrs. D. R. McLean; Mrs. G. W. Watts; Mrs. Charlie Colvard, Mrs. Mamie Church; flower girl, Ken Woodie; Usher8 in wedding, * Miss Bonnie Brookshire and Miss Carolyn Crysel. Ushers: Tommy Turner, Jackie Jones, Ken Phil lips and Kyle Eller; Pages, Mrp. Paul Snyder and Mrs. Henry Wellborn. Tickets for this program are now on sale, or can be bought at the door the night of the wed ding. Admission *.s 40c for adults, and 20c for children. Funeral Services Held For Mrs. J. W. Moore Funeral service for Mrs. J. W. Moore, North Wilkesboro, Route 3, was conducted by Rev. A. E. Watts ■ a t Edgewood Baptist church Wednesday, April 14th, at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Moore passed away at her home Monday, April 12tli, at 12:10 p. m. She had been in failing health for the past year, and critically ill for a week prior to her death. She was born Sept. 4, 1863, and departed this life April' 12, 1948, being 84 years, 7 months, and 8 days of age. She professed faith in Christ in her early girl hood, and served him faithfully for the rest of her life. She was a faithful member of Edgewood Baptist church for many years. She was always found in her place there as long as her health permitted. Before her marriage she was Miss Annie Matilda Hendren. She was married to J. W. Moore Sept. 20, 1888. To this union were born eight children, four of whom preceded her in death. She is survived by her husband and the following children, Clif ford Moore, North Wilkesboro; J. D. Moore, West Exeter, N. Y.; Mrs. T. J McNiell, Charlotte; Mrs. H. C. Sebastian, Hickory. Also one sister, Miss Emily Hen dren of the home. Mrs. Moore was a devoted wife, and mother. Her passing will be mourned by her family and friends. Relatives from a distance who attended the funeral of Mrs. Moore were: Mr. and Mrs. T. J. MoNiell and son, Jack, Char lotte; Mr. ana Mrs. H. C. Sebas j tion and children, Wanda, Wayne 'and CecH, of Hickory; Mr;. J. D. Moore, West Exeter, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Bland Robertson and son, Ronnie, of Charlotte; Mr. and Mrs. Warren H. Pardue, Chapel Hill; Mrs. Robert Morri son, Boonville. J. M. Miller Dies In Arlington, Va. James Morris Miller, of 4320 N. 4th Street, Arlington, Va., j who had many relatives and friends in Watauga, Ashe and Wilkes counties, was drowned early Sunday morning, April 11, 1948, in Potomic river where the boat in which he and an uncle, H. C. Miller were riding, capsized throwing the two men into the water. The uncle clung to the boat while Morris started swimming to shore only 25 feet away. His efforts to reach shore were vain, the uncle stating he soon slipped under water and he saw him no more. The body was re covered six hours later under three feet of water near shore. Mr. Miller was born Sept. 9, 1921, at Deep Gap, the only son! of Mr. and Mrs. Clint M. Miller, who now reside at Purlear. He was converted and joined Gap Creek Baptist church at the age of 16 years, remaining a mem ber there till death. He was employed by Capitol Airlines as supervisor of inven tory control, and held in high esteem by all who knew him. Had also served in U. S. army in Panama. Funeral services were held Wednesday, 1:^0 from Ive's Fu neral Home, conducted by Rev. Stevens, attended by a very large crowd. Burial waB In Arlington cemetery. Beside the parents he Is survived by the wife, Mrs. Vlr-! gin la Pearson Miller, one daugh- i ter, Linda Sue, age 2 years, two ! sisters, Miss Lillian Miller, Ar lington, Va., Mrs. Louise Wey, Brooker, Fla. — o - Gastonia Man, Wife Get Prison Sentences i . Gastonia.—A textile couple ivas sentenced to 18 to 28 years here yesterday in the death of W. T. Guffey, 69, early this nonth. Boy Price, 34, and his wife, Nancy, 32, entered pleas of guilty :o second degree murder in Su perior Court. Sentence was passed by Judge J. A. Rousseau. A signed confession stated that the two beat Guffey with an iron scale weight and an iron pipe foil®wing a drinking party April 2. The man died a week later in a local hospital. Say have you sowed your Les pedeza seed.. It's time. Get your seed at The Goodwill Store, spe cial low prices now. 4-22-2t State Strawberries Average $9 Crate Raleigh. — Strawberry mark ets: Wallace, market, stronger, nostly Blakemore and Massays, nostly $8.50 to $9.50 per '24-ql. irate; Chadbourn, market about iteady, Klondykes mostly $8.50 « $9.60; Tabor City marke't ilightly stronger, Klondykes nostly $8.50 to $9.75. CARD OP THANKS We want to thank each of our !riends and neighbors for the cindness, and sympathy, during :he illness and death of our vife, and mother, Mrs. J. W. VIoore. r. W. MOORE, AND CHILDREN. Sam F. Mitchell | Civil Engineer < fTY AND FARM 8URVEYH PROPERTY PLaTS • Office 2nd Floor Bank of North *Wiike«boro Building e Office Phone 227 Residence 566 COMING! TUESDAY, APRIL 27 Our Representative, Mr. R. C. Bulstrode WILL BE IN NORTH WILKESBORO AND VICINITY AND WILL OFFER THE FOLLOWING SERVICES: ] Repairs to Sewing Machines (Free estimates gladly given) El Register for new Singer Sewing Machine ] Demonstrate Singer Vacuum Cleaner, F] Electric eater |H Sewing Cabinets [H Utility Tables H Automatic Irons Q Buttonhole Attachments Singer Machines for Rent by the Month * We also purchase used Singer Machines Check Any of Above Services You Wish . % Name I - Street. City — Moil This "Ad" to— ' SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 1321 11th Avenue Hickory, N. C. ' ; • f' "• 'T.-^L- :a .iV'l1 £'■' fob J