SOCLETY Mrs. M. B. McNeil Fetes Miss Dockery - Mrs. M. B. McNeil was hostess at a lovely party at her home on Ninth Street Saturday after-' noon complimenting Miaa Ruby Dockery, a member of the Bur 'lington public school faculty, who was spending the week-end here in the McNeil home. The honoree, a bride-elect of June the fifth, was given silver in her pat tern by her hostess, also a cor sage of gardenias. Bridge was played at six ta bles, arranged In a colorful Bet ting of spring flowers, guests in cluding members of the Sans Souci club of which Mrs. McNeil is a member. High and second high score prizes in the club were won by Mrs. Jack Swofford and Miss Zell Harris, while among the visitors the winners were Mrs. Cecil Hauss and Mrs. Ray Hoover./The dessert course serv ed at the beginning of play car ried a bridal note of green and white. 1 Mrs. Paul Billings Honors Two Teachers Mrs. Paul Billings was hostess at a "Come-and-Sit" tea at her home on Fifth Street Saturday afternoon and had &s honor guests. Miss Sallie Outlaw, a former member of the North Wilkesboro public school faculty and who this year is teaching at Leaksville, and Miss Lena Long, a member of the city, school faculty in North Wilkes boro. Miss Outlaw, a guest over the Mteek-end in the Billings home, and Miss Long, a bride elect of the early summer, were remembered with gifts by Mrs. Billings. The guests, numbering around twenty, came at 3:30 o'clock, and consisted mostly of teachers associated with Miss Outlaw whten she was teaching here. The hostess served tempt ing refreshments during the hour. |i Union Church Hosts Sub-District Meeting Eighty - four young people were present for the Wilkes County Methodist Sub-district meeting h6ld Monday evening at the Union Methodist church near North Wilkesboro. Members of the Friendship church were in charge of the worship period us ing as their theme "For His World, a Service of Commitment for Methodist Youth." C. C. Brooks was the leader and those participating in the program were Misses Virginia Adams, Mil dred Wagoner, and George Bum garner. In keeping with the pro gram Miss Margaret Anderson, North Wilkesboro, told about the Methodist Youth Fund. Mr. Bumgarner, sub-district president, was in charge of the n, following which ter, director of Re Educatlon of the North ilkesboro First Methodist church, directed a recreational period. During a social hoar the host church served refreshments, and to close the meeting the group formed the friendship cir cle, sang "Blest Be the Tie,"| then gave the MYP benediction | in unison. ' ■ Euzelian S. S. Class Attended By 38 The Euzelian Sunday school class of the North Wllkesboro First Baptist church met In its monthly meeting Tuesday eve ning at the home of Mrs. T. J. Frazler having thirty-eight mem bers present. Hostesses for the evening, Mesdames Ray Harris, Ralph Frazler, Charles Manship, and Hal Church, served refresh ments at the close of the evening. Mrs. Wayne Foster led the devo tions, Mrs. Homer Brookshire offered the prayer, Mrs. Gilbert Foster told the Biblical story of Queen Esther, and Mrs. Ben Bentley, the president, was In charge of the business session. Mrs. Darwin Smithey Entertains Her Club Ex Libris club members met with Mrs. Darwin Smithey in their fortnightly meeting held Friday afternoon at the Smithey home on Sixth Street. In the ab sence of the president, Mrs. Vernon Deal, the business ses sion Was presided over by Mrs. R. E. Glbbs, who called for re ports on the reading done by the members. For the program Mrs. Smithey gave some highlights on North Carolina Drama, to show the In terest being taken in this phase of entertainment, beginning with America's first Little Theatre at Kernersville. She also told about the summer theatre and school now being held each summer at Burnsville, "The Lost Colony" at Manteo, the pageant "Shout Freedom" to be staged in Char lotte the latter part of May and first of June, depicting the early struggles of the people in Meck lenburg county, and plans for a Drama to be staged in the west ern part of the state at Chero kee. At the close of the afternoon refreshments were served by Mrs. Smithey. Presbyterian Auxiliary In Monthly Meeting - foiir members were present for the monthly meeting of the . Presbyterian Auxiliary held Tuesday evening in the As sembly room of the Educational Building. Mrs. T. A. Finley, the new president, was in charge of the meeting and led the opening prayer. Mr. Cecil Adamson, chair man of the board of deacons, met with the group and present ed to. them the budget of the church and explained how it ope rates. Mrs. J. H. Winkler gave a short devotional period and pro gram following Mr. Adamson's talk. During the business ses sion Mrs. Carl Buchan and Mrs. J. W. Leyshon were elected as delegates to the Pres"byterial to be held at Lexington the 29th of April. Pastime Club Met? With Mrs. Kite Mrs. Bob Kite entertained for the members of the Pastime bridge club at her borne on Sixth Street Monday evening, having guests for two tables, and dar ing play served a dessert course. Prizes were awarded to . Mrs. Flake €ook for high score, to Mrs. Tommy Caudill for second high score, to Mrs. Arthur Lowe for bingo, and Mrs. Harry Ker ley received the traveler's prise. Mrs. Claude Doughton Bridge Club Hostess Mrs. Claude Doughton was hos tess to the members of her bridge club at her home in Wil kesboro Saturday afternoon. The top score prize, in the game played at two tables, went to Mrs. Palmer Horton. Refresh ments were served by Mrs. Doughton. Mission Study Course Held at Oakwoods Mrs. Archie Anderson was hos tess to the members of the Oak-, woods Missionary Society of the Oakwoods Baptist church held at her home Friday evening forj the discussion of the Mission book, "God, Man and Missions"; by W. O. Carver. j ' Mrs. J. M. Canter, Miss Nora Laws and Mrs. Rex Stroud gave the discussions, Mrs. Frank Walker, Miss Flor ence Kenerly, and Mrs. T. C. Johnson were visitors for the evening. Refreshments were served during the social hour. Millers Creek Will Play Elk Saturday The Millers Creek baseball team will play the strong team from Elk Saturday afternoon, 2:30, on the Purlear baseball field. Millers Creek has a strong EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as executor of the estate of Jacob David Key, late of Wilkes County, this is to notify all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persona owing said estate will please set tle at once. This the 23rd day of Feb., 1948. HOWARD KEY, Executor of Jacob David Key, de ceased. 4-22-©t-(T) Allen & Henderson, Attorneys. team with most of the regulars back from the team which won 18 of 28 games last season. The first game was played i nursaay, flpni zz, Saturday afternoon with Boon^l er winning a close one 1 to * over Millers Creek at Boomer. SUPPORT THE Y. M. C A1