THE JOURNAL-PAT Wilkes Y. M. C. A. is rais ing a building fund for the Paction of a modern Y. M C A plant SuPP?rt jt The Journal-Patriot Has Blazed the Trail of Progress In the "State of Wilkesf/ For Over 41 Years Northwestern Carolina". tT North Wilkesboro has a trading radios of 50 miles,,' serving 100,000 people in Vol. 43, No, 14 Published Mondays and Thursdays NORTH WILKESBOBO, N. Thursday, June 3, 1948 Make North Wiuesboro Your Shoppinfl Center Miss Kaaeshiro To Speak Sunday At Youth Rally A Foung People's Rally will be held Sunday afternoon, June 6 In the auditorium 6f the First Baptist church, North Wilkes /kjto. The meeting will begin at 2:30 p. m. 1 Miss Kim 1Kb Kaneshiro, a Japanese-Hawaiian student, in the Woman's Missionary Union Training School, Louisville, Ky., will be the principal speaker. The program will be given by young people. Toung people and those interested in young people are invited. Bible School Liberty Grove Baptist Church The Liberty Grovp Baptist church will hold a Vacation Bi ble School at the church begin ning June 7th. The ? school will continue for 10 days, beginning each moirnlng at 9 o'clock. All children in the community are invited and urged to attend. A trained faculty will be in charge of the children and a well-round pa program of activities is planned for each day, consisting of fine stories, beautiful music, happy play times, and a time every day for handwork. Preparation Day for this school will be held on Friday morning, June 4th, at 10 o'clock, and all the- children are asked to be present for registration and a parade. There will be no ex pense to the children for this school. Send or bring your boys and girls.?Reported. Guard Captain | Is Commended Following is a letter from Ad jutant General J. Van B. Metts, commander of the National Guard in North Carolina, to Captain Roy W. Forehand, com mander of the North Wilkeeboro battery of the National Guard, which was recently organized here: STATE- OF NORTH CAROLINA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT Raleigh 25 May 1948 Captain Roy W. Forehand, Cmdg Btry. C, 112th FA Bn.. NCNG Box 266 North Wilkeeboro, N. C. My dear Captain: I have on my desk report of informal inspections of Battery C, made by* Captain John V. Mc Lain, Army Instructor, 27 April 1948 and 4 May 1948. Report of these inspections was most pleas ing and I wish to pass on to you some of the comments made thereon under "Remarks." Captain McLain states that this is one of the most military and efficient units he hag ever seen in the National Guard or-j ganlzation, and that if it con tinues to be trained under the present Battery Commander, it will be one of the outstanding units of the 30th Infantry Divis ion. IHe states that Captain Fore hand is the superior type officer, not satisfied with any results, but desires near perfection. He further states that you are an extremely good organizer, mili tary in youT deportment and ac tivities, knows the goal desired to be obtained, level headed, am biitions, clean cut and neat in personal appearance. It is felt that this is somewhat of an unusual report and is most commendatory of the Command ing Officer of the unit. It is my pleasure to pass these comments *on to you, and to wish for you continued success of your organ ization. Sincerely, J. VAN B. METTS, - The Adjutant General. o Mrs. Critcher, 80, Posses In Boone Boone.?Mrs. Llllie Howell Critcher, 80, died at her home here Saturday. Funeral services were con ducted a< 2:30 p. m. Monday at the home by Dr. W. G. Bond and Rdv. R. F-. Hundrix. I ?Surviving are the huelband, L. K Critcher, Boone merchant; three brothers, Thomas, Claude Imnd Dave Howell of Boomer, and three sisters, Miss \ Victor O. Howell, of Boomer, Mrs. Georgia Webster of Kernersrille and Mrs. Minnie Smoak of Wilkeeboro. Support Y. M. C. ? Wildlife Club To Meet Here Friday All sportsmen and fanners Interested in conservation and development of game and fish resources are urgently request ed to attend a meeting of the Wilkes Wildlife Club called by President Ivey Moore to be held at the North Wilkfesboro town hall Friday, 7:80 p. m. Important matterq will be tak en np and a large attendance is desired. To Meet Monday To Form a League For Softball Play Howard Bowers, city recri ation director, has called a meet nig to be held Monday, 7:30 m., at the Wilkes Chamber eft Commerce office to organize 4 tolr community Softball league older men and Iboys. t All churches and other groups interested in entering and main taining a team are urged to hav? representatives in the meeting! To Organize Girls A meeting will be held TueL day afternoon to organize *& girls' softball league and th^ hour and place for the meeting will he announced in this newsj paper Monday. Winkler Reunion Held On Sunday A reunion of the families anjl descendents of Mrs. U. A. Millet, Rev. H. M. Winkler and J. Winkler (deceased) was held the home of Mrs. Miller of Routte three, last Sunday, in observance of Memorial Day. Dinner was spread on a picnic table on th^ lawn of the home. Those present included Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tomlinson and three daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Argen Seels and two children, Mr. ana Mrs. Paul Campbell and one child, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Winkler and one child. Rev. and Mrs. H. M. Winkler, all of Todd, N. C.; Mrs. J. K. Mene fee and two children, of Lenoir; Mrs. J: Er-Winkler and grandson# of Route Three; Mr. and Mrs,' Hubert Winkler, and three chil dren, of this city; Mr. and Mrs, R. E. Miller and two children, of High Point and Miss Etta Fleming, of Middlebarg, N. G. A Marriage License License to wed were issued, during the past week by Regis ter of Deeds Troy C. Foster tt the following: Hillery Blevinsj and Lois Tucker, both of Jones-j ville; Sterlin Swaim and Betty Sue Mathis, both of Benhamj Robert M. Gates and Betty Lot! Davis, both of Mt. Airy; R. 4-] Cox, Thurmond, and Lois Genev; Day, Jonesvllle; Hobert Mario: Dobson, nad Vivian Hemric, kin; Joel Bentley, Pores Knoh|, and Edna Absher, North Wflj keSboro. 11 Grange to Meet Ail members of the Reddiels River Grange No. 1083 are urgel to attend the next meeting Tueu day night, June 8, at 8:00 p. m. at the Whittington school. This meeting should prove of interest to everyone because it is the firpt time the Grange will have m^t with ample space to carry on in the manner necessary. Primary Totals WilkOs County following are totals of the primary vote cast in Wilkes county for candidates not listed in the tabulated vote total: Short Term Senate Broughton 1120 Umstead 1473 For Governor Johnson 1246 Scott 1388 Albright .... 108 Barker . 28 Boyd ? 7 Stanley 1 8 Lieutenant Governor Taylor ? 1661 Tompkins 461 Secretary State Eure 986 Armstrong ... 1361 Auditor Bridges 1147 Miller 747 Treasurer Vogler 886 Hodges .... ?A., 1099 Frazzelle ..., 136 Commissioner Labor Shuford 1165 Sherrill 85> Gragg (R) 1510 Willard (R) 423 Revival Minister A?i%t4^44ti4t444<i^4444ert44444^ 5 Rev. David W. Day, pastor of Pleasant Hill Baptist church near Elkin, will be guest min ister in the revival which will open Monday, June 7, at Hin shaw Street Baptist church, of which Rev. W. S. Lack is pas tor. Rev. Mr. Day is a widely known pastor and evangelist. Northwestern Gospel Singers and others are expected to ren der special music for the ser vices and everybody is invited. W. M. II. Meeting At ML Pleasant Saturday, Jnne 5 Miss Ruth Provence, Executive Secretary of the Woman's Mis sionary Union of North Carolina, will be at Mt. Pleasant Baptist church, Champion, Saturday, June 5, for the annual assocl ational W. M. U. meeting of the Brushy Mountain association. The meeting will begin at 10 a. m. Miss Provence will speak Sun day morning, June 6, for the worship hour at Little Rock church and Sunday evening she will be the speaker for the wor ship hour at Hinshaw Street church. Miss Kiwiko Kaneshiro, a Japanese-Hawaiian student in the W. M. U. Training School, Louisville, Ky., will accompany MIsb Provence. She will be the missionary speaker at the asso ciational W. M. U. meeting. Miss Kaneshiro will speak Fri day evening, June 4, at the Oak woods* Baptist church, Saturday night, Jnne 5, she will speak at Lewis Fork church; Sunday morning at Fishing Creek church and Sunday evening at Pleasant Home churck. SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAM FOR SMOOT PARK RECOMMENDED A joint committee of the Wilkes Chamber of Commerce in meeting here recommended to the city recreation department a comprehensive program for rec reational use of Smoot Park dur ing the summer. Present for the meeting were C. Arthur Venaible, chairman of the Education committee; Glenn Andrews, chairman of the Recre ation committee; Mayor T. S. Kenerly, City Commissioner Jack Swofford; Mrs. Robert Gibbs, Girl Scout director; JliSs Kate Finley, of the Wilkes Library; Howard Bowers, city recreation director. The committee recommended that Mr. Bowers be given an as sistant for the summer months and that a supervisor be on hand at the park Monday through Fri day. As a daily program the com mittee suggested that the park be inspected and made ready for use at 9:30 each morning. From ten to 11 would be team and group games, low organized games, individual games and ap paratus play. From 11 until 12 would be quiet games, arts and crafts, dramatics and, musical ac tivities. Children would be en couraged to go home for lunch from 12 noon until two p. m. In the afternoon the program would include from two until four a series of quiet games, arts and crafts, sand box play for small children and nature ac tivities. From four until 5:30 would be team and group games for various ages of boyB and girls, special events, tournament con tests and individual games. From 5:30 until 7:30 would be team games for older boye and men, apparatus play for children and picnicing for all. All present for the meeting were enthusiastic in their sup port of the proposed program and expressed the opinion that it would Ibe of great benefit to the community and when once estab lished would be used by hun dreds of people daily, Miss Corfnrtd Fftfey Is Heard In Recital Mies Corinna Worth Finley was presented by Mrs. Robert S. Gibbs Monday evening in her sen ior piano recital at Mrs. Gibbs' Finley Park home. Corinna has studied with Mrs. Gibbs for sev eral years and has completed the state-approved high-school piano course with honors. The program was as follows: I. Fantdsia in D Minor, W. A. Mozart. II. Two Part Invention, J. S. Bach. The Chase, J. Reinberger. Intermission. III. Impromptu In C Minor, op. 28 No. 3, Hugo Reinhold. LV. Danse Americaine, Dent Mowery. The Butterfly, Colixa Lorallee. The guests were served delic ious refreshments after the pro gram. Miss Finley plans to con tinue her piano study next year at college. W. M. U. Speaker MISS RUTH PROVENCE Goerch Speaker For Ladies Night Carl Goerch, editor of The State magazine and widely known as one of the sonth's most en tertaining speakers, will be the speaker for the ladies night ban quet of the Knights of Pythias lodge and Dokies club. The banquet will be held at the American Legion and Auxil iary clubhouse in this city on Friday, June 11, 6:30 p. m. Revival Is Success A highly successful revival was held at New Light Baptist church during the past week. There were seven additions to the church by baptism. Services were conducted by fhe pastor, Rev. L. E. iSparks, and Rev. G. W. Prevette. Important Meeting Of V. F. W. Friday Commander S. L. Whitaker has announced that a very im juMug of Foreign Wars will be held Fri day, 7:30 p. m., at Carolina Restaurant and all members are urged to attend. Award Winners At Wilkesboro School Bill Craig, who was president of the student body of Wilkes boro high school, was valedictor ian of the senior class and de livered the valedictory at the commencement. Joyce Webster was salutatorian, Two students were awarded medals for 12 years perfect at tendance in school. They were Anna Lee Brown and Margaret Sloope. Mr. Fred Davis, of Buncombe county, has been employed as argicultural teacher in Wilkes boro school to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. Charles E. Jarvis. OFFICIAL VOTE IN PRIMARY IN WILKES COUNTY PRECINCT Antioch Beaver Creek Boomer. Brushy Mountain. Edwards 1 Edwards 2 Edwards 3 Elk 1 Elk 2 Jobs Cabin 1 Jobs Cabin 2 Lewis Fork Lovelace.... - Moravian Falls Mulberry l.r *? Mulberry 2 New Castle North Wilkesboro? Reddies River Rock Creek. Somers Stanton Traphill 1 Traphill 2 Traphill 8? ^ Union ..... Walnut Grove 1 Walnut Grove 2. Wilkesboro 1 Wilkesboro 2. TOTALS. Senate a o ? m 17 35 23 10 40 19 41 22 5 9 41 115 3 41 3 18 18 302 177 36 9 25 17 8 15 113 1 0 68 16 |1247| T3 cS CD -4-> CO s t3 66 16 56 15 27 57 26 47 62 5 4 12 20 57 54 21 32 400 23 83 4 43 1 10 14 57 22 4 124 19 1381f Governor a o 3 si o >-a 12 14 61 2 15 7 9 38 26 5 10 4 14 50 53 24 31 486 16 45 4 66 4 9 21 53 16 : 4 129 18 1246| o t> VI 72 37 33 26 59 77 69 32 40 10 86 127 5 40 3 13 22 186 184 62 9 6 12 10 8 129 11 0 63 7 1388| Congress Q 0) IV Q 67 1 52 15 50 51 49 2 . 0 17 44 86 9 74 46 37 27 627 182 11Q 11 63 16 13 29 75 11 4 160 28 19601 Q a <v 5? 5 40 18 4 8 1 7 68 67 1 2 21 ill 8) 42 81 9 1 1 2 1 1 76; o o 91 21 415|: Legis lature PS ?>> s co 14 84 25 32 27 78 24 29 16 17 53 14 39 95 121 19 189 84 94 41 1 135 34 53 0 25 23 138 21 L535| <n , s 3 1 19 22 16 82 46 4 40 2 7 0 18 0 36 35 348|: Commissioners ? s 20 73 21 14 6 11 32 126 56 75 35 5 125 6 4 20 11 19 92 42 L013| ? DO T3 P?H O a >> a> ? 10 15 45 2 29 40 20 16 12 1 1 59 7 18 2 37 33 125 52 146 24 5 130 6 6 5 41 52 90| 50 1079| ? HI J=l J <3 561 27 23 52 71 11 19 18 14 11 20 37 126 132 11 115 59 84 62 3 80 41 61 46 33 31 98 20 1367| I *4 PQ 15 16 104 33 32 53 79 26 29 9 9 65 27 45 29 111 42 152 105 70 74 1 132 9 26 37 23 21 150 58 1580! c 0) T3 ? *H W 3 5 59 30 15 511 73 12 121 19| 141 9; *1 37 1181 128 i 12 131 50 67 67 1| 881 48. 64' 42 40 33 92 21: 1357 Kiser's Orchestra Is Secured For "Miss Wilkes" Dance 11th Tickets will go on stile today for the big Jaycee Dance and Preliminary Beauty Contest, which will be held in the Wilkei boro high school gym on Jane 11th, beginning at 9 p. m. The Jaycees have been fortunate in securing Wiley Kiser and his orchestra for the dance. This eleven piece orchestra, featuring the songs of the ever-popular Reg Marshall, has become very popular in the Winston-Salem Greensboro area and the people of this section are in for an evening packed with dancing and listening pleasure. During the evening the many beautiful girls, who are competing for the covet ed "Miss Wilkes" title, will pa rade before the spectators and the ten most beautiful will be chosen by the judges. The lucky ten will appear June 25th in the finals of the "Miss Wilkes Beau ty Pageant." Admission for the Junh 11th dance will be $2.00 per couple and all profits from the affair will be used in car rying on the many civic projects i sponsored by the Jaycees. I LOCAL j Mrs. G. L. Michael visited last j week in Boone with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Oooke. ' Mr. B. B. Banner, Jr., is spending the summer in Banner Elk with relatives. Miss Jean Bummers is the ; guest this week of Miss Barbara ? Ann Moore, in "Winston-Salem. Miss Billie Barnes, student at | Wake Forest college, arrived last week to spend the summer with her mother, Mrs. Tal Barnes. Mr. Bill Byere is visiting in Charlottesville, Va., this week. He left Tuesday and 1? expected back Friday. Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Pope, Miss Patsy Pope, and Steven Pope went to Woodleaf Tuesday to at tend the high school graduation, i>f ilr. Pope's ^brother. " ? Friends regret to learn that Mr. C. C. Hayes, clerk of Wilkes Superior court, is again ill and is confined to his home near Purlear. * Mr. J. F. Vannoy, of Reddies River, is recovering nicely from an operation performed in the Baptist Hospital in Winston-Sal em. Mrs. W. H. Carter has return ed to her home at Wadeeboro after spending a week here in the home of her daughter, Mrs. W, C. Prevette. Mr. and Mrs. Rawley M. Bal dock, of Roanoke, Va., spent the week-end with Mrs. Baldock's father, Mr. W. M. Duncan, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Newton, and their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sink, of Mooresville, spent the week-end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Newton, of Mountain. Mrs. Joe Wellborn has resign | ed her position as teacher in I the Mulberry school. Mr. and Mrs. WeHborn and daughter, Elizabeth, are moving to Daytona Beach, Florida, where they have purchased a home. Mr. Wayne Gentry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gentry; Mr. Joe Hunt -and Mr. Pat Hunt, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Murphy Hunt, are home from Western Carolina Teachers College to spend the summer at their respective homes. 1 Miss Thelma Laws, principal of Moravian Falls school, has re signed that position to become a member of the WilkeSboro high school .faculty. At Wilkesboro she will fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Miss Una Lee Richardson. Flashers Return Here Monday, 7 North Wilkesboro and Radford were rained out in Radford last night and are scheduled to play there again tonight, after which North Wilkesboro goes over to Leaksville to engage the top rung Trips Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The Flashers return here tor games Monday and Tuesday nights against Radford, which will be the only games here until Mt. Airy comes for games June 12 and 13. x The league standing; , Club W. L. Pet. | Leaksville 14 10 .5831 Radford .? 15 11 .577 N. Wilkesboro ..17 13 .587 Galax , IS 15 .513 Wytheville 10 16 .386 Mount Airy 3 16 .360 Murder la Secoad Degree Is Verdict Fer Joha Correll Lenoir Man Gate More Se ?ero Conviction Than In Hi* First Trial Johnny H. Correll, formerly a tavern operator near Lenoir, in Wilkes court Wednesday wa? convicted of second degree mur der for the fatal shooting of Charltw C. Baker, of North Wil keeboro, operator of nlgtt club 40 & 8 m ir here in December, .1946. Judge Dan K. Moore, of 8. -a, presiding Jurist, deferred until Monday passing sentence, i THis was Con-ell's second trial on the murder charge and he tired worse than before. In Wilkes ? oourt last year he was convicted of manslaughter and [ received a sentence of three to seven years by Judge H. Hoyle i Sink. In an appeal to the su preme court he was granted a new trial. Testimony was to the effect that Correll was a customer at Baker's night club and that late t in the night a dice game between the two ended in an argument. Baker ordered Conell to leave, i The argument continued and Baker leveled an unloaded re volver at Correll and again or dered him out of the place. While standing back of a girl, Correll drew a revolver and shot Baker over the left eye, wit nesses said. Trial of Hugh West, former drug store clerk here, on charge of abortion and manslaughter for the death of Mlss Pearl Jenkins, of Winston-Salem, who died on highway 421 near this city a year ago, is scheduled for Mon day. Twice the trial was pbst poned for the defendant, who lost a leg in a motorcycle-trnck collision, and once by the prose cution because of the inability of a witness to attend court. Four divorceg were granted in Church, Parris Reeves versus Ola Reeves, Miss Flora Wood versus Woodrow Wood, George E. Fra zler versus Ola Wyatt Frazler. Judgments were rendered In the following cases: Howard Reavis, drunkenness, 30 days suspended on payment of $25 fine. Robert Ahsher, reckless driv ing and driving while intoxicat ed, not guilty. Robert Lee Adams, operating car while intoxicated, six months suspended on payment $100 fine: license revoked one year. Raymond Eetep, reckless driv ing, damages paid and Judgment suspended. Linza Ferguson, operating car while intoxicated, six months suspended on payment $100 fine and costs; license revoked one year. Woodrow Marley, driving aft er license revoked, six months suspended on payment $200 fine and cost; license revoked two years. Marcus Shumate, non-support, six months suspended on pay ment $25 monthly for family. J. Ross Caudle, driving while intoxicated, six months suspend ed on payment $200 fine and costs; license Tevoked 12 months. Testa Ford Green, speeding, $25 fine and costs. Robe Lee Adams, operating motor vehicle while intoxicated, six months suspended on pay ment $100 fine and coats. o | Belk's Is to Be Highly Modern New Front, Elevator, Tube Cash Carriers and Oth er Improvements Belk's Department store is In the midst of a modernization task which will make the large store here one of the most at tractive in the state. The entire store front is being remodeled into larger show win dows and with exterior of glazed terra cotta with harmonizing colors. This substance is the new est material manufactured for store fronts and is highly at tractive. The upper part of the store, front exterior on the top floor will be finished in stucoo in matching colors. , The street floor of the store will undergo several changes. The present stairs to the base ment will be eliminated and a stairway will go to the basement from near the front entrance. See ? BULK'S ? Page Six

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