fMl Didn't Read Fishing Calendar Raleigh ? Got. Gregg Cherry some advice for fishermen "yesterday. The Governor said he had re ceived a complaint from a Flori da fisherman who had purchased a temporary North Carolina li cense for a few days In the highlands area anby Gov ernor Duff of Pennsylvania to the State Committee to Study Educational Facilities. He also is a past chairman of the car bon section of the National Elec trical Manufacturers association. In St. Marys, he has served as co-chairman of six war fund drives and as a director of the St. Marys Chapter of the Ameri can Red Cross and the Commun ity Chest. Mosser was treasurer of Ki wanis International for the past two years. Prior to that time he served as a member of the Inter national board of trustees. In ternational committee chairman, governor of the Pennsylvania Kiwanis District, and president of the St. Marys club: As president of Kiwanis In ternational, ' he will represent more than 2,300 clubs through out the United States, Canada, Alaska and Hawaii, embracing a membership of 190,000 business and professional leaders. CARD OF THANKS The family of J. C. Higgina wishes to express their deepest appreciation to the many friends and neighbors for their floral tributes and kindness during the lllneSB and death of their wife and mother.?Mrs. Carrie Porter Higgins. Back Hospital Election NOTICE North Carolina, Wilkes County. In the Superior Court Richard J. Council, Plaintiff vs. Nancy D. Conncfll, Defendant The above-named defendant, Nancy D. Coancill, will take notice that an action as above entitled baa been commenced in the Supe rior Court of Wilkes County, N. C., by the plaintiff, Richard J. Douncill, to obtain an absolute di vorce from the defendant on the ground that plaintiff and defend ant have lived continuously eep-1 ?rate and apart from each other for more than two years next pte ceding the commencement of this action; and said defendant will further take notice that aha la re quired to appear at the offioe of i the Clerk of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, in Wilkeeboro, N. C., on the 9th day of Snpt, 1948, or within twenty ^?*7* thereafter, and answer or to. the complaint filed in adi rause, or the plaintiff win he en titled to the relief demanded In jaid cotnplaint. This 1st day of Augrust, 1948. C O. HATES, 9-6-4t-(M) Clerk Superior Court R ? - I ?riV ? ouse AUTOMATIC WASMM Iff T CIS PROVE HOW IT: | Saves up to 10 Gallons of Water a Load. Exclusive Water Saver measures water to the size of load. Just set the dial! 2* Washes Cleaner. Exclusive, gentle but thorough washing action washes cleaner, drains scaled water atoay from?not through the clothes. 3. Ends Washday Work. Washes, triple rinses, damp-dries, cleans itself, shuts off . . . automatically. Slanting front?easy loading and unloading. Do This to Got PROOF. Pfeeoe us and make arrangements to am a Isod af clothes washed eimm . . . toe Laundromat way. GRAY BROS. FURNITURE COMPANY Telephone No. 607 Wilketboro, N. C. Make these 4 comparisons before you buy COMPARE THE VALUE COMPARE THE POPULARITY Yes, compare the features?com pare the prices?compare what you get for what you pay?and you, too, will come to the 'con clusion that Chevrolet is first in value. It alone gives Big-Car fea ture after Big-Car feature for Big-Car motoring results?and gives them at prices which are lower than those erf any other car in the held! You can identify the biggest value in any list of products by picking out the one product which enjoys greatest popularity, year after year; and, of course, in the held of motor cars, that one product is Chevrolet! More people are buying Chevrolets, and more people are driving Chevrolets than any other make of car, this year as for the total 17-year period, 1931 to date! COMPARE THE FEATURES Only Chevrolet combines the Unitized Knee-Action Ride for gliding smoothness... the world's champion Valve-in-Head engine for performance and economy ... Body by Fisher for tasteful beauty and luxury . . . and Fisher Uni steel Construction plus Unitized Knee-Action plus Positive-Action Hydraulic Brakes for all-round safety protection! COMPARE THE PRICES You'll agree with millions of other car buyers that prices?like quality?are a major consideration in these times; and just as Chev rolet's Big-Car qiiahty is unique in its price range, so Chevrolet's prices are the lowest in its held. Moreover, Chevrolet also saves you substantial sums an gas, oil and upkeep?just to help your budget all the more! Only Chevrolet gives BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST PRICES ... that's why CHEVROLET-