The Journal-Patriot Has Blazed the Trail of Progress In the "State of Wilkes" For Over 42 Years iff? is here to erect ^nodern hospital for only ? per cent of the cost. Vote for the Hospital Sept. 28. CITY North Wilkesboro has a trading radius of 50 miles, serving 100,000 people in Northwestern Carolina. Vol. 43, No. 44 Published Mondays and Thursdays NORTH W1LKESBORO, N. C., Thursday, Sept. 16, 1948 Make North Wilkesboro Your ShoDDina Center Exhibits, Free Acts, Midway, Fireworks Thrill Fair Crowds; Children s Day Friday; Dog and Shows To Be Saturday ? ~ .. Stone Monnttin Baptists Plan Sessions 24-25 ? 1 Program Arranged For An-' naal Association at Pleas ant View Church Fifty-second session of Stone fountain Baptist association will S held; with Pleasant View cnurch Friday and Saturday, September 24 and 25. The following program has been arranged for the associa tion: Friday, September 24 10:00 a. m. Songs by congre gation. 10:15 a. m. Devotion ? Rev. Wood row Wlshon. 10:30 a. m. Sermon ? Rer. W. U>. Luff man. vPlOO a. m. Reports from Churches. 11:46 a. m. Organization. 12:00 noon. Appointment of Committee. 12:30 p. m.- Dinner. 1:30 p. m. Missions?Rev. S. L. Blevlns and A. R. Myers. 2:00 p. m. Christian Educa tion?Mrs. W. V. Luffman and Grady F. Miller. 2:30 p. m. Pastor and Church Relations?U. M. Myers. 3:00 p. m. Periodicals?Mrs. J. L. Gregory an* Mack Pmltt. Adjourn. Saturday, September 25 10:00 a. m. Songs by con gregation. 10:f5 a. m. Hospital ? Mrs. Glenn Dancy and John McGrady. 10:45 a. m. Temperance ? Rev. A. B. Hayes and J. W. May berry. 11:00 a. m. Old Ministers Re lief?c. C. Gam bill and Rev. Ernest Blevlns. 11:30 a. m. Woman's Mission ary Union?Mrs. W. W. Luffman and Mrs. Millie Pendry. 12:00 noon. Dinner. 1:00 p. m. Songs and Devo tion. 1:15 p. m. Orphanage?C. C. Blevlns and Evan Colvard. 1:30 p. m. Sunday School? Mrs. John R. Jones and Mrs. W. W. Calloway. 2:00 p. m. Financial Report. 2:10 p. m. Special Charges Clerk. A:15 p. m. Instruct Clerk. 2:30 p. m. Resolution Com mittees; Time, Place and Preach- | er. Adjourn. o World War II Veterans To Meet To Form Reserves It was announced today by Captain Lawrence Miller, com mandlng officer of the 309th QM Service Co. Reserve, that a meeting will be held in the Wil kes County Courthouse at 7:00 p. m. on Tuesday night, Septem ber 21st., for all veterans and reserves of World War II. - At this meeting, Major C. L, Heath will be present and explain the retirement pay for veterans. Captain Miller further ex plained that the 309th QM Ser vice Co. will ibe organized and all veterans and reserves who wish to join, will retain their rank, while in service, except that there are several brackets open for promotion up to the grade of master sergeant. This company will consist of 181 men and will have headquarters in cne of the Wilkesboroe. The members of this unit will draw regular army pay during each training assembly and it is ex pected that one night a week will be devoted to this training. It is farther expected that a two weeks' training will be held each summer. A full day will be al lowed for the two hours spent one evening each week. This is an important meeting because advantages and com pensation of retirement pay will be clearly discussed. Vegans (of the ground forces are m&ble, and all are urged to attend. Miss Doris Tulburt has accept ed a position as Y-Teen Program Ij rector in the Y.W.C.A. In Jreenvllle, South Carolina. She eegan Work September 7 th. Squirrel Season To Open October 15th Joel Bentley, district game pro tector, today called attention to the fact that the open season for squirrel huning will begin on Oc tober 15 ahd close on January 10. The trapping season of 1948 49, which appears on page 4 of the official abstract of game laws as October 15, 1948, to Feb ruary 15, 1949, should read on December 1, 1948, to February 15, 1949, Mr. Bentley said. McElwee Elected To Head Kiwanis During; Next Year Attorney W. H. McElwee, a well known member of the Wil kes bar, will be president of the North Wilkesboro Kiwanis club in 1949. The club in meeting Friday ac cepted the report of the nomina ting committee, composed of Ed Gardner, E. G. Finley and W. E. Jones, and elected officers for next year as follows: W. H. Mc Elwee, president; A. F. Kllby, vice president; T. E. Story, treas urer; Dr. E. N. Phillips, J. E. Caudill, H. P. Eller, J. W. Ley shon, Russell (Hodges and Dud ley Hill, directors. The officers will assume their duties on Jan uary 1, but are elected early in order that they may represent the club as officers-elect in the forthcoming convention, includ ing the district convention to be held in Ashevllle October 10, 11, and 12. Program Chairman John E. Justice. Jr., Introduced Edward W. Mack, of Charlotte, who made an able talk on the subject, "Wills, Estates and Trusts." Mr. Mack discussed the meaning of estates and how they are owned. He pointed out that in case a decedent leaves no will, the state legislature has provided a uni form manner for the distribution and descent of the estate. He call ed attention to the opportunties that are provided for the owner of an estate to plan his own way of the use of his estate after his decease through his will, insur ance policies and trusts. He point ed out the tax advantages that one may have by thoughtfully arranging his estate before his death. o Saturday Last Day Register For Draft Saturday of this week will be the last date to register for Se lective Service. Registration for Wilkes county is at the town hall in WllkeSboro. Inspection Lane Here Until 30th The auto inspection lane mov ed into North Wilkesboro last night and will remain here thru September 29 th. Saturday Last Day To Register For Hospital Vote Saturday, September 28, will be the last date to register for the special North Wilkesboro election to be held September 28 cn the question of whether or not the city of North Wilkesboro shall issue 1275,000 in bonds for the erection of a 100-bed hospi tal with state and federal funds furnishing about 77 per cent of the cost. James M. Anderson is the reg istrar and he will be at the 'city hall Saturday to register thoee wishing to vote. All who vote must register, regardless of whether or not they have been registered for previous elections, general or municipal. o ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH (Rev. B. M. Lackey, Rector) Vesper service will be held in St. PfMiPs Episcopal church Sun day 'afternoon, September 19th, at four o'clock. A cordial invita tion is extended to everyone to attend this service. Most successful Farmers' Day, event In the history of North Wilkesboro was carried out here I Tuesday under the auspices of the Trade Promotion committee of the Wilkes Chamber of Com merce. The crowd was thrilled with a parade two miles long, with 80 units representing many phases of agricultural, commercial and Industrial activity In the county. Main feature of the aftrenoon was an Inspiring address by for mer Governor J. M. Broughton, now candidate for the U. S. Sen ate, who took a strong stand for retention of the parity price sys tem now used by the government to bolster agricultural income in the nation. Mayor T. S. Kenerly delivered the address of welcome. W. H. McFlwee, a well known attorney and a director of the Chamber of Commerce, presided at the afternoon program on a large platform erected on Ninth street near Main street, He pre sented J. B. Williams, past pres ident of the Chamber of Com merce, who introduced the speak er of the day. Former Governor Broughton, who, during his administration as governor, showed great Inter est in Wilkes agriculture, stout ly denied that prices paid for farm products are responsible for the high cost of living. He said that comparison of the fanners' price for a pound of <5flft6h 6t a pound of tobacco with what the consumer pays for the products made from them shows that the farmer is not overpaid; The speaker stated that North Carolina's farm income of about $800,000,000 was third in the na tion, just below California and Texas, and he highly praised North Carolina as a farming state of communities in which the people live and work together in stead of being a farming state with syndicated labor. Mr. Broughton urged farmers to use their enlarged income to improve their homes and particu larly for purchase of labor-saving devices to assist women in their ! duties in the home. For a sound agriculture he advised that farm | ers align themselves with the Grange, Farm Bfureau and other | worthwhile organizations and that they support the government farm program for parity prices. R. W. Greaber, extension farm forefster. spoke briefly relative to the timber Industry. He stated that in the year 1946 there were 178 sawmills operating In Wil kes county, which made Wilkes the leader in the nation In num ber of sawmills. He also stated that timber products in Wilkes constituted an industry of more than two and one-million dol-' lars annually. He urged refores tation of at least 20,000 acres in Wilkes. R. M. Brame, Jr., president of the Wilkes Chamber of Com merce, presented cash awards to 4-H boys who won in the timber thinning contest conducted In Wilkes. The winners were in the following order: Charles Gil liam, Dennis Greene, Ray John son, Dual Jones, Kenneth Jordan, C. A. Burchette, Jr., Gwyn Red ding, P. M. Curry and Russell Edwards. A string band concert ended the downtown program and the fsetivities continued at the Wil kes Agriculural Fair sponsored by the Kiwanis club. The fair will continue through Saturday night. For Farmers' Day, streets of the Wilkepboros, and many Indi vidual store fronts, were . attrac tively decorated in patriotic col ors. Decorations were by the Old Missions firm, of Raleigh, rep resented by H. E. Bridges, who also aided in construction of the many beautiful floats in the pa rade. Farmers' Day Parade, one of the longest and most Interesting ever assembled in northwestern North Carolina, contained .the following units: Group of motor cycles, 16 mounted horses, horse ? ,? and buggy, North Wllkesboro town council, Wilkes county commissioners, agricultural offi cials, Wilkes hoard of education, North Wllkesboro board of edu cation, chamber of commerce of ficials, Mount Airy high school band, color guard, North Wllkes boro battery of National Quard, 50-calibre anti-aircraft machine gun mounted on truck, 105mm howitzer field artillery gun, Wll kesboro town oouncil, agricul tural officials, Jenkins Hardware company, Tadkin Valley Motor company's unit, Eller's Cabs un it, Wilkes Poultry Industries As sociation display, Holly Moun tain Poultry Farms units, Tuxe do Feed Store unit, Wilkes Mountain Poultry company dis play, queen's float with Miss Frances Gilreath as beauty queen and with eight attendants, ABC orchards equipment, Suncrest op card equipment, Coble Dairy Products unit, forestry exhibit with timber thinning contest winners, furniture industries dis play. Retail Jewelers float, Midway Pontlac company unit, Barber Somers Motor company unit, Co ca-Cola Bottling oomany unit, clothing and general merchandise float, Don Walker and his Blue Ridge Boys string band on tract or-drawn wagon. Ford tractor, John Deere farm equipment, In ternational farm machinery and equipment shown by Wilkes Im plement company,, horse drawn iVOUovoa) , w al farm wagons, covered wagon, \ Merrymont farm display, Fores ter Beverage company unit, Gad dy Motor company units, electric appliance dealers' floats, Allis Chalmers farm machinery shown by G. G. Wellborn and Sons, Lov ette poultry company unit, Wal lace Radio company, grocers' float, Motor Service company unit, City Cabs, Busic Cabs, tires and parts dealers' float, Wilkes Auto Sales company unit, B. & L. Motor units, Williams Motor company unit, display by Bank of Nort Wllkesboro and Northwest ern bank, Wilkes Hudson com pany unit, and Reins-Sturdlvant unit. The long parade was head ed by Sgt. A. H. Clark of the state highway patrol and Chief of Police John Walker. At the end of t^e parade, the Mount Airy high school band, which performed well through^ out, gave a concert at Yadkin Valley Motor company's used car lot, which was also the scene of many hilarious contests. The contests afforded much entertainment and included sack race, nail driving contest, piei eating voontest, greasy pole climb ing, huspand calling patch sew ing, baby bottle, male beauty pageant, harmonica playing and many others. To Play Granite Falls On Friday North Wilkesboro Mountain Lions will play Granite Falls here Friday night, eight o'clock, in the second game of the season. Coach Jack Sparks has been working the boys at a fast pace this week in preparation for the contest, and has warned the team that Granite Falls will not be as easy as the listless Mocksville eleven which the Mountain Lions crushed here Friday night 42 to 0. Except for Rousseau, who is out with a ba?Discussion by Rev. H. L. Good. 2:20?Report: American Bi ble Society, Mrs. Hubert Canter. 2:351?History of Little Rock church by Dr. H. G. Duncan. Wednesday, September 22 10:00 a. m.?Devotional by Rev. C. S. Wellborn. m. BENEVOLENT INSTI TUTIONS 10:10?1. Orphanage report by Rev. A. W. Eller. Discussion by Dr. Zeno Wall. 10:35?2. World Relief Re port by Miss Nora McGee. Dis cussion by Rev. G. W. Bullard. 11:00?3. Hospital Report by Rev. S. I. Watts. Discussion by Dr. W. K. McGee. 11:2151?Report of Nominating Committee and Election of Of ficers. 11:35?Hymn. ? 11:40?Missionary Sermon by Rev. John Wells. 12:10 p. m.?Dinner on the grounds. 1:15?Devotional by Rev^ Gil bert Osborne. 1:25 ? Discussion Christian Literature by Dr. L. L. Carpen ter. 1:45?IV. MISSIONS. 1. Associational Missions Re port. 2, Co-operative report by Mrs. Tal Barnes. 2:00???Discussion by Mr. M. A. Huggins. 2:30?Reports of Committees. 2:40 ? Miscellaneous Busi ness. Methodist Meet Wilkes sub-district of the Meth odist church will meet Monday, September 30, at 7:30 p. m., at the First Methodist church in this eity. Chicken Supper There will ibe a "Southern Fried Chicken" supper at the Mulberry community house on Saturday night, Sept. 18th, the hours being from 6:00 to 8:00 p. m. The public is cordially in vited. The price per plate will ibe $1.00 and the proceeds of the supper will go to the build ing fund of Baptist Home church.