Organized 4th A number of Wilkes county dairy farmers held a meeting September 4 at the County courthouse in Wilkesboro to per fect the organisation for the Ar tificial Breeding Program. C. C. Alexander, of Roaring Rlyer, was elected president; C. W. HI ledge, of Hays, vice-president; and Fred W. Davis, secretary treasurer. The following direc tors were elected: T. J. McNeill, Roaring River; W. K. Stndlvant, North Wllke8boro; and C. J. Ben dren, Pores Knob. Maury Gaston, Extension Rep resentative for the Southeastern Artificial Breeding Association, was present to advise the new or ganisation concerning the ad vantages of Artificial Breeding of dairy cows. The officers and directors met in the County agent's office September 8 to In corporate the new organisation as a farmers cooperative. * C. W. Sheffield,, of the Division of Mar kets of the North Carolina De partment of Agriculture, was present to advise on the legal a pects of the incorporation. The farmers present authoriz ed naming the organization Wilkes County Cooperative Arti ficial Breeding Association, In corporated. They also authoris ed the farm agent to order the necessary equipment The breed ing program Is expected to be gin In October. Any farmer In terested In using the services of the association should contact the farm agents or any of the following steering committee: C. W. Elledge, C. J. Hendren, Wil lard Patterson, Roby Rhodes, I* G. Billings, F. W. Davis, V. S. Glass, Irvln Key, Bill Cook, Ken neth Broyhill, C. C. -Alexander, and Charlie W. Ferguson. WANTED: To do your radio re pair work. Day Electric Co.. Call 828. 8-29-Tf WANTED: Dogwood -Ipga. for specification's write or call at W. A W. Dogwood Co.,' Mora vian Falls. N. C. 8-18-Tf "^ANPED: To do foar wiring. Bay Flectrlc Co., Call 828. 8-89-Tf WANT?: To do your bulldoeer work. Basement excavation, grading roads, etc. Contact Jake Trlplett, Champion, N. C. or Kennedy Pottery, Phone 506-R. 8-28-Tf WAAtKD?CAiolce, bright, dry roots and herbs. We are baying for Wlloox Drug Co., Boone, one of the largest root and herb houses In the country. We pay delivered to North Wil kseboro our store exactly the same prices as Wilcox deliv ered 111 Boone. See me.?E. E. Eller Forester Avenue. 9-20-3t WANTED ? Grading Contractor to estimate and offer bid on grading building site lo cated Just west of Reddles Riv er bridge on Highway 421.? E. V. Williams, North Wilkes boro, N. C. 9-27-3t-pd ?ote Tor BnlMlmg * Hospital ? FOR RENT MMIMMMIHWIMMWWMIW' TOR RENT ? fl-room Apartment with hath and screened porch. Private entrance. Call 2 2 4-J. No children. It FOR RENT ? Two steam heated rooms; furnished bedrooms. Call 677-M. . lt-pd FOR RENT?Immediate Posses sion five-room house, running water; ten minute walk to school and bus stop.?See R. L. Hlncher near Mulberry school. lt-pd FOR RENT?Three-room apart ment and bath at 907 F St., 'Phone 71. ~ It FOR RENT?Rich Farm, for Cat tle and hay; also truck and dairy farming. Can pay by the month or shares. Write Box 764, North Wilkeeboro, N. C. i 9-20-2t ? Lost and Found LOST ? ?Plastic rim glasses in red case. Revtard.?See Thel ma Rhodee, B Street after 3:30. lt-pd Tot* Tor Building * LOST ? Grey striped wool salt, size 40, also tie, belt and white shirt. Reward. ? See Coyt Dyer at The Goodwill Store. ?-28-2tpd LOST?A man's Brown billfold Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning, contain ing driver's license, registra tion card and other valuable papers and small sum of mon ey. Reward for return to The Journal-Patriot office or to Edsel Hamby, Wilbar, N. C. lt-pd Miscellaneous tlHMWHWMUHMWWWHW SPECIAL ? All Permanent re duced.?Hinshaw Beauty Shop. Over Moore'a Market. 'Phone 743. 9-30-6t PIANOS! PIANOS!?Large stock of NEW SPINETS and factory re! - . upright pianos at prices to salt the most modest in come. Select yoar piano, now, and enter yoar boy or girl In the fall music classes. We can arrange easy payments, if yon wish. Garwood Piano Co., Wilkesboro, N.. C. 8-9tf. ? rUXEDO PonHry.! Grains, Dairy, llog, and Rabbit v reed Company, North Will booro, Phone 94. 11-18-tl NOTICE?If Yon An In selling some Real Estate at Auction, write to Tnrne: / Keee, Realtor, P. O. Box 18T, Hickory, N. C. 9-27-3t 1. WANTED: To do yonr Day Electric Co., Call 328. HMf NOTICE: If yon need bulldozing or grading of any kind, see or write C. G. Johnson, Ropte 2, North Wilkes boro, N. C. Estimates Free. 4-1-Tf FOR SALE Magic Silk Hose Presarvativ Strengthens your hose, them more sheer. Enough far 10 pairs in one package for only 50e Try our Helen Curtis Cream Shampoo, in 60c size. Also full pound for $1.60. We also have Breek and other Shampoos. Ideal and Wisteria Beauty Parlor Telephone No. 46 and 201 THIS WEEK'S I V El N THEATRE PROGRAM Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 20-21 "THE WELL GROOMED BRIDE" With Olivia DeHavilland and Ray Milland Wednesday, September 22? "MIES IRISH ROSE" With Joanne Dru, Richard Norris#. This is 'Family Night.' 50c Per Car Regardless of Number of Persons. Thursday-Friday, Sept. 23-24? "CAPTAIN CAUTION" Starring Victor Mature and Alan Ladd ?,?:?:? ? Tone In Station WKBC Every Bay At 12:05 and 5:05 P. M. SHOW STARTS AT 7:45 P. M. MILLERS CREEK THEATRE PROGRAM Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 20-21? "WEEK-END AT WALDORF' With Ginger Rogers, Lana Turner, Walter Pidgeon and Van Johnson. Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 22-23? "DROTHER TALKS TO HORSES" With Butch Jenkins and Peter Lawford. Also 'McDonald's Farm' and 'Wreckless Driver'. Friday, Sept. 24? "LET US LIVE" With Henry Fonda, Maureen O'Sullivan and Ralph Bellamy. Also 'College Queen' and 'Un cultured Vulture,' and 'Big House Blues.' rwo Shows Each Night. First Show Starts At 7:30 o'clock. DANCE PAT'S PINE CLUB Don Walker and Orchestra FROM HICKORY WEDNESDAY NIGHT, SEPT. 22 SATURDAY NIGHT, SEPT. 25 Pat's Pine Club Trio BILL ERNEST, E. C. SHUMATE, JUNIOR TEDDER, GARFIELD FARMER and Special Vocalist MISS BONNIE HARRIS COUPLES ONLY PAT PATTERSON, Operator Jfc \ P-; " ' X. COOPERATION IS WHAT I WANT WANT ADS." ?* Minimum Charge 50c Per Issue ? FOP SALE FOR SALE?Small Oil Circulator, practically new; also Maytag Washing Machine. Both very reasonable. Call 224-J for de tails. It FOR SALE ? Moore Heatrola Can be seen at 1201 E street. 'Phone 571-J.?H. T. Brown. It FOR S^ALE?Four-Room House and lot 100x200. Near the Doughjon Dairy. See Joe Hayes at Hays, N. C. 9-30-4tpd FOR SALE?One 42-inch Bed spring and one oil heater.? R. C. Goodwin Grocery Store on 421 at Cricket.?'Nora El ler. lt-pd FOR SALE?One yard of Slabs. See Gwyn McGlamery, Route 1, Purlear, N. C. lt-pd FOR SALE ? Whlzzer Bicycle motor for $30.00. Motor and bicycle combined, $70.00, Glenn Faw, Millers Creek, N. C. 9-23-2tpd FOR SALE?Studio Piano, only slightly used; In beautiful fig ured mahogany case; only 44 inches high?the hard-to-get kind? Garwood Piano Co., Wilkesboro, N.v C. 9-23-2t FOR BALE ? Heavy two-hone wagon. Price $100.00.?Lester Hayes, route 3, North Wilkes boro, N. C., one and one-half miles below Parkway Garage. 9-2'3-2t-pd FOR SALE ? Canaries guaran teed singers; beautifully col ored love birds; complete line of bird seed, cages and sup plies; also Golden Hampsters. ?Wilkes Farm Center. 9-13tf FOR SALE?New Oar Trailer; automatic wood heater; red bone rabbit beagle; no. 1 rab bit dog. Will sell all at a bar gain. See me at A. G. Shep herd's place. ? Richard A, Wingler, Reddles River, N. C. 9-23-2t-pd FOR SALE}?New 12 gange, feather-weight Savage Auto matic. See Walker at Jour nal-Patriot. FOR SALE!?A fur coat In good condition. Will sell for $20. See Mrs. R. H. Wood at Boomer. 9-20 4tpd. FOR SALE?Oliver HQ crawler 68-inch guage, 10-inch tracks; One year old.?H. F. Corriher, Route one, China Grove, N. c- 9-20-2tpd FOR SALE: Truck and passenger car tires?used parts for all makes and models of cars and trucks. Wilkes Salvage Co., one block up from Midway Pontiac Company. 8-23-Tf FOR SALE ?One 7-rooan house on Cherry St., Wilkesboro, with bath and city convenl neces. In good location, lot 100x236. Phone 244-W. J. C. Kerley. 8-19tf. FOR SALE!?Five-Room House; also three lots located near Carolina Mirror factory. Pric ed for quick sale.?See A. M. Triplette at Sanitary Barber Shop. 9-2 7-4 tp I HERE COMES YOUR DREAM BOAT! THURSDAY-FRIDAY IN* STARS IOVE AND IAUGH .... , n I 1 iMM ttdllaRMM" ftVAMLMUON ? GEORGE BRENT ? JANE POWELL J LAURITZ MELCHIOR ? FRANCES GIFFORD, .MARINA KOSHETZ ? UVIEI CUEAT\ AND HIS ORCHESTRA A METRO-GOtDWYN-MATER PICTURE SPECIAL TIRE SALE NOW IN PROGRESS EXTRA TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE For Your Old Tire on a NEW t B. F. Goodrich Silvertown m ilori oNowtoii to oiror audi uNN tor rtgolor fr?do-Ji offow?o?o. J wit ellp thin tampon audi bring H In? Too |ty an axtra $4,00 an a Ml not of tiro*. 1.50 DOWN -1.25 a WEEK Mm A NVW 0.00-10 RHVIRTOWN ON YOUR CAR CLIF^/ THIS COUPON This Coupon Good For $1.00 EXTRA TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE for Your Old Tiro on a NEW B. F. Goodrich Silvertown [OFFER EXPIRES SEPT. 4, !M?) CAROLINA HOME fir AUTO SUPPLY four B. F. Goodrich Dealer North Wilkesboro, N. C.