SOCIAL NEWS Clubs, Parties, Church Activities, Etc. MISS MAMIE SOCK WELL ? EDITOR Miss Pat McNiel Is Honored At Parties The tint of the pre-nuptlal courtesies given for M1m Pat Me Niel, popular brl^e-elect of Oc tober, was the s miscellaneous shower given by Miss Ruth Mc Neil at her home oh P Street Fri day evening. The honoree and Bcfb Day, also of this city, are to be married on Saturday, Oc tober ninth. Approximately eigh teen guests were present for the party and In the two oonteBts en Joyed by the group prizes were won by the honoree and Mn. Dwlght Miller. The unwinding of a spider web arrangement re vealed attractive favors for each guest and a lovely shower of gifts for the bride-to-be, who was also given a corsage by the hos tess. In serving refreshments at the close of the evening, which carried suggestions of the bridal note, Miss McNeil was assisted by her mother. Mrs. Glenn Mc Neil. A dessert bridge was courtesy for Miss McNiel given Monday evening by Miss Mary Lee Gard ner at her home In Finley Park. Three tables were arranged for the game, in a setting of mixed garden flowers, and prizes were won by Miss Jerry Caldwell for high score and Mrs. Ray Watts for low score. The bride-elect re ceived crystal and a corsage of white rosebuds, and to Mrs. Don Moffat, who moved here from Raleigh for residence, the. hos tess also gave a gift. In the serv ing 'of the refreshments the hos tess was aided by her mother, Mrs. Edd F. Gardner. On Tuesday evening Miss Dot Powell was hostess at a dessert bridge at her home on D Street honoring Miss McNiel. Colorful j cut flbwers made a setting for the game played at three tables in which high and low score prizes svere awarded to Mrs. Robert 3moak and Mrs. Charlie Day, Jr. corsage of sweetheart roses and :rystal was honor gift for the jride-to-be. The hostess was ald 3d by her mother, Mrs. J. W. Powell, In serving the refresh i ments. Mrs. Tal Barnes and her daughter, Miss Blllie Barnes, en tertained at a luncheon at thelt home on B Street Wednesday for Miss MeNIel. ' A three v course luncheon was served at one o' clock with covers laid 'tor ten at the dining table attractively ap pointed in a color note of green and white. The honoree received a corsage of white flowers and china in her pattern. Mrs. W. T. Long - Gives Bridge Party Mrs. W.T. Long was hostess at a delightfui party at her home in Wilkesboro Friday evening entertaining at three tables of 'bridge. A dessert course was [served at the close of play. Priz es were awarded to Mrs. Presley I Myers for high score, to Mrs. Bdward Bell for low scoje and to Mrs. Jay Jones for bingo. RESOLUTION OF RKSPBOT Whereas, on the tenth day of September 1948, 10:00 a. m. the Great Architect of the Universe in His infinite wisdom, saw fit to call from labor in this imper fect to that all perfect Glorious! and Celestial Lodge above, our Brother Grant Cothren who was bom September 3, 1869, age 79 years and 7 days. Whereas, Brother Cothren was a faithful member of oar Lodge, Traphill No. 483 A. F. ft A. M.. A true and loyal citizen of his community, having spent 67 years of his life as a Baptist Min ister, and has now gone to that undiscovered country from whose bourne no traveler returns, leav ing a host of friends and relatives to mourn their loss. The funeral services were con ducted at Roaring Gap Baptist church by Rev.David Day, assist ed by several other prominent Baptist ministers. The body was taken in charge at Ronud Hill Baptist church and given a due Masonic burial by Traphill Lodge No. 483, as sisted by members of Liberty Lodge No. 45 and North Wilkes boro Lodge No. 407. Brother T. R. Bryan, Past Mas ter Liberty Lodge No. 45 was in charge of the burial service, j which was very impressive and well rendered. Now therefore be It resolved by Traphill Lodge No. 48J A. P. and A. M. < First: we bow In humble sub mission to him who ruleth all things well, and though we miss the presence of our Brother let us try to emulate his virtues. Second: that in the death of Brother Cothren the State has lost a good citizen, the church a faithful servant, the family a kind father and the fraternity a true member. Third: that we extend our heartfelt sympathy to the be reaved family, and point to them the Grand Master of the Universe for comfort. Fourth: that the usual badge of mourning be worn for thirty m days. Fifth: that these resolutions be spread upon our minutes, a copy be sent to the bereaved family, and a copy be sent to the Journal-Patriot with request to publish. This twelfth day of Sept., 1948. JOHN W. BRYAN, H. SAM HOLBROOK, . KE-RMIT R. PRTJITTE. Livestock tends .to stabilise farm income. FREEisS Add causes of Stomach Ulcers, Indigestion, l a /m sample of UDGA ? Aw Iswnfdsg pamphlet at HORTON DRUG STORE Bring Back the Beauty of Yonr Floors! BEAUTIFUL FLOORS MAKE A GOOD IMPRES SION ON YOUR CUSTOMERS, GUESTS OR FRIENDS. YOU CAN RESTORE THE ORIGIN AL BEAUTY OF THE (WOOD WITH OUR DUST LESS EASY TO USE HILCO "Handy Sandy" Floor Sander For Rent Old varnish can be removed quickly and cheaply. Come in and get complete in formation on how to save money on floor refinishing, by renting the HILCO Handy Sandy. V.&T.TIRE CO. Phone 190 918'A'Street Complete lines of abrasive paper, varnish, paint and brushes Furniture Auction SATURDAY. OCTOBER 2 % These sales will be for the public, selling second-hand furniture, and will offer a splendid opportunity to turn into cash those things you no longer want or need. We will hold a Furniture Auction Sole each Saturday at one p. m., beginning CONTACT P. R. ELLEDGE Telephone No. 40-F-04, before noon on the date of each sale and list with him the articles you want to sell in the furniture auction. Your cooperation will be greatly ap preciated. Begin now to make your list for the first sale October 2. FREE GIFTS AT SALES A set of tailored seat covers will be given away at the first sale and valuable gifts will be given on every sale date. STRING BAND MUSIC FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT COME ONE, COME ALL! Modern Auto Trim Shop P. R. ELLEDGE, Owner Phone 40-F-04 D ~ D __ P. O. Box 534 One-Half Mile West From North Wilkesboro On Boone Trail Highway 421 ENROLL NOW IN THE NORTH WILKESBORO BEAUTY SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION NOT BEQCISBD $20 Worth of Beauty For $10 YES, A $20.06 WAYS FOR $16.66 $16l06 Permanent! 1" $6.00 7.50 Permanence 8.75 5.W Permanente ?? M6 5.00 Permanent! . u. U0 4.06 Permanente 2.$0 .SHAMPOO AND SHY 46e UP Ne Appointment Telephone 56 North Wilkesboro Beauty School Orer City Barber Shop North WHkeabarot N. ?V A R5 \S ,SfSl5 Sea & hfakdi WTVI THROWN OUR ROW ON THEM Famous Brands Old Virginia Apple 38 Oz. Jar BUTTER 24e Campbells Tomato, No. 1 Can S 01 P ?23c Kraft Elkhorn Pound CHEESE 57e Stokely's Honey No. 2 Can POD PEAS 22c SLICEI ~ and VALUbSI Bacon "Sr 61^ HOMDEWS-?^ ???? WALDORF TOILET _ Tissue 2 sor 17