The Journal-Patriot Has Blazed the Trail of Progress In the "State of Wilkes" For Over 42 Years Vol. 43. No. 51 Published Mondays and Thursdays NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C., Monday, Oct. 11,1948 Make North Wilkesboro Your Shopping Center HOSPITAL jortunity is here to erect a modern hospital for only Jftgper cent of the cost. OUR CITY North Wilkesboro has a trading radius of 50 miles, serving 100,000 people in Northwestern Carolina. Foundation Aid* Wilkes Patients ?%%^%%4%^%i%ilS4i^^4%(t4t/t44%44 of Wilkesboro; Mrs. Cora Hol brook, Roaring River; Mrs. B. J. Byrdj of ,Hligh Point. Music Features Program Friday At Kiwanis Meet The North Wilkesboro Kiwan is club held an enjoyable lunch eon mefetlng Friday noon at Hotftl Wilkes. L?. M. Nelson made report on his attendance at the Asheville club last week and gave the club the summary of an address on "The American Way Of Life", at the conclusion of which he asked the members to join him In re peating our Pledge of Freedom. Program Chairman J. H. Whicker asked Mrs. A. F. Kilby and John Cashion to give his program. Mrs. Kilby introduced Miss Virginia Nemer, of Winston Salem, who, with the assistance of John Cashion, gave the club a very interesting musical program, as follows: 1. "When You and $ Were Young, Maggie, played by Miss Nemer. 2. "There is a Tavern in The Town," by John Cashion. 3. "Ah Sweet Mystery of Life", by Miss Nemer. 4. "Chop Sticks", by Miss Nemer. 5. "Clementine", sung by the club. 6. "Star Dast," and a "Tree Tn The Meadowjt. by Mies Nemer. 7. "A Man Was the Cause o1 it All", sung by John Cashion. 6. "Dark Town Strutters Ball", Miss Nemer. 9. "In The Gloaming", by Miss Nemer. The numbers were well receiv ed by all the members. Howard Colvard, assistant county agent, was present as the guest of Paul Church and he spoke briefly of the Baby Beef show at Elkin next Friday and urged the members to buy the Wilkes calves from the 4-H club members who will have at least 17 fine calves on exhibit. Guests Friday were: Miss Lois Scroggs with Mrs. A. F. Kilby; Wilson Marshall with Robert S. Gfbbs; James M. Sample, of Statesville, with G. Sam Winters; Markley Haljos and A. A. Cash ion with Rev. Watt M. Cooper. ? o Wilkes Case Goes ! ' Before High Court Richmond, Va. ? Can Federal law enforcement officers, search ing a house for a fugitive, arrest the owner without a warrant because they find an Illicit dis tillery in his basement? This was one of the questions that judges of the United States Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals sat down to answer today at the opening of the court's regular October term. , The case was appealed from a ?decision of Judge Johnson J. Hayes, of the Middle District Court of North Carolina, by Charlie Love, who contended that officers who searched his house for another man violated his con stitutional rights to security from unreasonable search and seizure. /His attorneys reminded the ?court that the protection of pri vacy extends "to the offenders as well as the law-abiding." They argued that the search for the fugitive had "degenerated into an exploratory orusade" which led officers into three dif ferent liomes in Wilkes County, North Carolina, without a trace of the original object of the search. In another case considered to day, Casper Crowe insisted that he was innocent of a bank rob | bery charged to which he had i pleaded guilty in the Asheville (North Carolina) District Court 'in May 1947 He asked the Appeals Court in a brief to order the Asheville court to issue a writ of habeas corpus and give him a hearing. He said that he had pleaded i guilty under threat of force by ilaw enforcements agents. College Librarian Miss Elyna Eller Is new li brarian at Tennessee Wesleyan College. Miss Eller is a gradu ate of Brevard College in North Carolina and received her A. B. Degree fApm Berea College in Kentucky. She was awarded her B. S. and Library Science Degree by the Univers ity of North Carolina. Miss Eller has taught and served as librarian at Mountain View High and is considered well qualified for her position at TWC. She is the (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eller, who reside near Millers Creek. Daniel Waddell Is Claimed By Death Funeral service will be h?1d on Tuesday at 11 a. m., at Piney Grove church for Daniel Waddell( 53, well known citizen of Wal nut Grove township wJlo died on Saturday in the veterans' hospi tal at Mountain Home, Tenn. Rev. L. E. Sparks and Rev. Ar thur Gambill will conduct the service. Mr. Waddell is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary Waddell, and six children: Mrs. Sam Barker, of Thurmond; Mrs. Thomas Bow ers antf -Mrs^-O..-E. Bowers, of Statesville; Garnls, Melvin and Odell Waddell, of Moxley. o 4-H Dress Revue In Elkin Thursday A* 4-H dress revue for Surry, Wilkes and Yadkin 4-H club girls is to be held on Thursday, Octo ber 14th, in connection with the Fat Stock Show in Elkin. The Fat Stock show is from Wednes day, October 13th, through Fri day, October 15th. Nine 4-H club girls will enter the dress revue from Wilkes county: Rachel Scroggs, Lucille and Fern Mathis, Loretta Riggs, Ethel Lowe, Norma Jean Jolly, Joy Bumgarner, Doris Miller and Gladys Reeves. The program for Thursday is as follows: 10:00 a. m.?Gilvin Roth Y. M. C. A. Introductions? Linville Hen dren, presiding, president of the Elkin Kiwanis club. Group Singing?Miss Eleanor Barber, assistant state 4-H club leader. Narrator for Style Revue? Jimmy Childress, radio station WKBC. Style Revue?Junior 4-H club members. Group Singing?Miss Eleanor Barber. Style Revue?'Senior 4-H club members. Recreation?Led by Miss El eanor Barber. Awarding of prizes. Announcements ? Mr. Linville Hendren. The evening's program will be composed of the Fat Stock Show beginning at 1:30 p. m. At 6:00 p. m? will be the exhibitor's banquet at Neaves Park/ or, if raining, at the veterans' hut. This will be sponsored by the Elkin Junior Chamber of Commerce. The parents of the 4-H club girls who are entering the dress revue are Invited to attend the program?Margaret C. Morrison. V. F. W. To Meet ' Veterans of Foreign Wars will meet Thursday night at 7:30 at the Carolina Restaurant.A large attendance is urged for the meet ing . Clinic Thursday October cripple clinic will be held Thursday morning, October 14, at The Wilkes Hospital. Free examination will be made by a specialist of all crippled and de formed persons present. to Be Held Saturday Local People Attend Ashe County Meet A large number of women from the local Presbyterian church at tended on Wednesday the meet ing of the North Wllkeeboro dls- I trlct of the Winston-Salem Pres byterial held at the Gillespie Presbyterian church In Ashe county. Among those going over were Mesdames C. Don Coffey, Jr., chairman of the district; L. | M. Nelson, J, B. MoOoy, Gordon Finley, W. C. Grier, Cecil Adam son, R. S. Gibbs, T. A. Finley, Neal Cashion, R. G. Finley, Hu bert Winkler, F. C. Forester, Ar chie Ogllvie, Irene Meade, Mrs. Edd Yates, and Miss Zeta David son. Featuring the program were addresses by two foreign mission aries, Dr. Robert King, a medical missionary to Africa, and Rev. Mr. Talmadge from Korea. Splen did reports of the work being done were heard from the aux- ] iliaries in the district, and the j Presbyterlal officers from Win ston-Salem and Lexington. An impressive worship service was given by the members of the Gil lespie Auxiliary. Approximately sixty people attended the meet ing. P. T. A. Outlines Aims For Year v The North - Wilkesbono Par ent-Teacher ^Association met on Thursday, September 30th., at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. John Baity pre sided. Aiter a devotional given by Mrs. John Wayland, Miss Mary Ellen Judy and Miss Ed na Bingham led the group In singing a number of familiar songs. Mr. Woodward Introduced the new members of the faculty and of the improvements be in? made in the school huilld ings. Mrs. W, K. Sturdivant gave a report of the executive board outlining the projects for the year which included: 1. Better Interpretation of school program to the public. 2. Continuation of improve ments of gymnasium, play ground and library. 3. Improvement of class room with particular emphasis on lighting. 4. Plans for Hallowe'en car nival to secure funds for the projects undertaken. A social hour followed and everyone was given an opportun ity to meet the faculty and in spect the buildings. The meeting was well attend ed and there was evidence of much enthusiasm and interest in the improvements in the halls, cafeteria, and gymnasium. Support Community Recreation Senator Cain Is Feature Speaker Campaign Event Many Counties To Partici pate In Rally At Me morial Park Hehe Northwest North Carolina Re publican rally to be staged on Saturday aftrenoon, October 16, 2:30 p. in Memorial Park in Nroth Wilkeeboro will have as feature speaker U. 6. Senator Harry P. Cain, of the state of Washington, local Republican leaders, announced today. Sponsoring the sectional rally are Republican executive com jraittee of Wilkes, Yadkin, Surry, Alleghany, Ashe, Watauga, Cald well, Alexander, Iredell and Davidson counties for all north western North Carolina and large delegations are expected from all northwestern counties. In addition to the address of Senator Cain, other prominent Republicans to appear on the pro gram will include: George M. Pritchard, candidate for gover nor; Kyle Hayes, candidate for lieutenant governor; Watt H. Gragg, comihissioner of agricul ture nominee; Lafayette Wil liams, 8th district congressional nominee; Clyde Greene, 9th con gressional nominee; Sim A. De lapp, chairman of the state Re publican executive oommittee. Music for the rally will be furnished by the North Wilkes boro high school band and other bands from surrounding coun ties. The rallyf Republican leaders hiira aaidiJrlU-be^a- hJghUeht-oC the Republican campaign in the state prior to the election Nov ember 2 and is expected to at tract state-wide attention. Local arrangements for the ral ly were completed in a meeting of Republicans from all parts of Wilkes county held Friday night at the Wilkes courthouse, at which time plans were also made for an extensive campaign in Wilkes county for national, state, and county Republican nominees. Last Rites Today For James Langley Funeral service was held at Roaring River church near Trap- j hill today for James Langley, 58, $ resident of that* community who j died Friday. Rev. Conrad Sidden , and Rev. Charlie Miles conduct ed the service. Mr. Langley is survived by two daughters, Mrs. M. C. Brown and Mrs. Frank Johnson, both of Jaynes. Return That Book to the Uhrary Mountain Lions Trample Boone 26 To 0 At Boone Friday Night j North Wilkesboro Mountain l Lions completely outclassed Ap palachian high football team at Boone Friday night to win an overwhelming victory 26 to 0. Playing their best game of the season to date, the Mountain Lions didn't let Boone get In the j ball game and were In complete charge all they way. North Wil kesboro received the kickoff and ! marched for two first downs to Boone's 40. Swofford went thru Boone's team for 40 yards to score. Try for point failed. North Wilkesboro took the kickoff and lost little time In scoring the second touchdown. A 15-yard penalty for roughing Davis on a ] punt gave North Wilkesboro first .down on their 20 an