Ihbk State of Wilkes77 For Over 42 Years Vol. 43. No. 52 >' Published Mondays and Thursdays NORTH WILKESBQRO, N. C., Thursday, Oct. 14, 1949 Make North Wilkesboro Your Shopping Center w opportunity is here to erect a modern hospital for only er cent of the cost *p< _L North Wilkesboro has a trading radiuj of 50 miles, serving 100,000 people in Northwestern Carolina. Apple Festival At Pores Knob A Great Success The top photo shows Mack Wiles, front left and Anne Broyhill, front right, who were crowned king and queen of the recent apple festival held at Pores Knob. Behind them are Worth Bentley and Betty . Lowe, second place winners. The lower photo shows the elaborate apple display which Was a feature of the festival. (Photos by Don Frazier). - : _* * Firm's Anniversary Ray Landsberger, manager of The Jewel Box In North, Wll kesboro, has laid plans for the firm's second anniversary e vent in North Wilkesboro' for this month, which , coincides with The Jewel Box's 26th an niversary in this staae. Funerals For 2 Service Men To Be Oct 15,16 Funeral service for Pvt. Leon ard H. Smithey, who lost his life In World War n, will be held on Saturday at 11 a .m at Antloch Baptist church, and burlap will be In the church cemetery. Pvt. Smithey was a son * of Monroe Smithey, of Roaring River route two. Body of Pfc. Elmer JjCoffel has arrive^and funeral date has been set.?F Sunday at two p. m. at' the pome of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James F. Coffey, in the Hay meadoy community. Pfc. Coffey died of wounds on An guar Is land in the Pacific September 19, 1944. I ______ o Mrs. Martha Church is very ill at th# home of her son; Mr. Torts kitr Church, at Boomer. Pores Knob Has A , Picnic and Festival The Picnic and Apple Festiva.l sponsored by the Pores Knob Home Demonstration Club hel<| Saturday evening, Oct. 2, at the community house, was a very en joyable and successful occasion. At 6 p. m., a long table was spread in the yard with all the go<^d things to eat that good cooks know how to prepare and the majority of the community's families enjoyed eating together, along with friendly conversa tions. The "Wishing Well" proved to be the center of attraction after supper as everybody wanted to fish from the lovely well while Miss Anne Broyhill played piano selections. At 7:30 p. m., small apple fav ors were handed to the guests by Ralph and Charlie Bentley, after which the president of the club, Mrs. J. M. Bentley, gave a few words of welcome, and then con ducted an apple contest with first and second winners being Keith Bentley and J. B. Parlier. Mrs. Bentley introduced Mr. Carl VanDeman, horticulturist for Al exander and Wilkes counties, who made some announcements a bout the horticulture school to be held at the Pores Knob com munity house on December 2' and 3> an(i delivered the address of the evening. The apple growers were called on for brief talks to which some responded, followed by a brief re port from the chairman of the ? community house building .com-1 i mittee, Mr. J. B. Parlier. Joel Bentley was asked to con duct the election for the Apple King and Queen for 1949^ who, with Mrs. J. B. Parlier acting as secretary, and Kenneth Broyhill as treasurer, made this a very successful event. Those entering the race were Mack Wiles, Worth and Jimmy Bentley, Marvin Ash ley, Jr., Edwin Marlow, Herbert Broyhill, and Billy Anderson; Misses Ruth Marlowe, Betty, Al da, and Anne Broyhill, Betty Lowe, Mary Nell Ashley, Wanda Smith, Ruth Ann Lackey, and Nancy Blevins. The winners were Mack Wllea, king, and Anne t5roynin# queen, an^ tney were crowned by Kenneth Broyhill, who also presented each a nice gift from the Pores Knob Home Club. The runner-ups, with close second place, were Wbrth Bent ley and Betty Lowe. The community house was beautifully decorated in fall col- ( ors, using yellow : ruffles at the. windows and shades of orange, for . the tables and well. The beautiful and interesting apple product booth was also covered in those colors, and was the cen ter of attraction for the stage, while many beautiful flowers weTe attractively used. The net proceeds of the even ing amounted to $196.26, and will be used toward paying for the completion of the community house. Don Frazier, from v Frazier's Studio, Lincolnton, was present and made pictures of the apple booth, and the King and Queen as they were crowned. The club expresses its appre ciation to everyone who helped to make this program a success. ?Reported by Mrs. J. M. Bent ley. Jayvees Defeat Concord 19 To 0 North Wilkseboro football B team defeated the Oxford Jay vees here Saturday night in a well played football game 19 to 0. | Gillian scored two with quar terback sneaks and McNeill one on an end-around. Ward made the extra point through the line. The' North Wilkesboro team out classed the visitors all the way. Here Saturday night the local Jayvees will play Glen Alpine. Wilkesboro Jayvees Win Tuesday 31 To 0 Wilkesboro football B team won easily Tuesday afternoon 31 "to 0 over Granite Falls B team on Wilkesboro field. In the touchdown parade, Dan* cy scored two, Byrd two( and Glass 1. Dancy kicked one extra point. The visitors never serious ly threatened and were com Will Spank H.rol iMifiimmum United States Senator Har ry. P. Cain, of the state of Washington, will be the feat ure speaker at the northwest North Carolina Republican ral ly to be held Saturday, 2:30 p. m., in Memorial Park in this city. / ? o Republican Rally Many Counties Here Saturday . | Senator Harry P. Cain, Of Washington, Will Be Feature Speaker United States Senator Harry P. Cain, of the state of Washing ton, will address a rally of north west North Carolina Republicans to be held Saturday at 2-JiO at Memorial Park in this eity. tepuhl lng the rally, which is expected to be a highlight of the Repub lican campaign in North Carolina this fall. ! Candidates and party leaders' who will participate Include Geo. Pritchard, candidate for govern or; Kyle Hayes, candidate for lieutenant governor; Watt H. Graggf candidate for commission er of agriculture; Lafaytte Wil liams, eighth district congression al nominee; Clyde Greene, ninth district congressional nominee; T. JJ. Story, candidate for the legislature; Troy C. Foster, can didate for register of deeds; M. F. Absher, C. C. Sldden, and I. J. Broyhill, candidates for coun ty commissioners; Sim A. De Lapp, state chairman. Democrats Plan Township Rallies Daring Campaign "Watson Brame, county chair man of the Democratic party, an nounces that Interest Is running high In the various townships concerning the coming election, and that the Democratic town ship chairmen in the various township^ plan (big rallies, to which the public is invited on the following dates:. Reddles River, Friday, Octob er 15, at Millers Creek high school. Lewis Fork, Saturday, October 16, at Mt. Pleasant school. Rock Creek, Saturday, Octob er 16, at Mtn. View schoolhouse. Traphlll No. 3, Friday, Octob er 22, at Austin school. Edwards No. 3, Saturday, Oc tober 23, at Benham school. Union, Friday, October 29th, at Whittington school. Boomer, Saturday, October 30, at Boomer school, j All of these meetings will be held at the hour of 7:30 p. m. As an added, attraction to the public hearing' the Democratic candidates for- county commis sioner, register of deeds, and house of representatives, will be recognized. There will also be several good string bands at some of these meetings. Mr. Brame announces further that there will be other meet ings In the other townships, but that definite date has not as yet been decided upon. Those desir ing further Information, ma; contact their local township chairman or Mr. Brame. v Mt. B. L. Jones and Mr. and Mrs. John Joneis attended tfti Forsyth county fair In Winston Salem last week. Baptist Pastors To Meet Here Monday The Wilkes Baptist Pastors' Conference ?will meet' no Monday. October IS, at 10:00 a. m., at Reins-Sturdivant Chapel. The program will consist of a devo tional message, and a period of business will take place. Reports' from the pastors on Evangelistic work done dnrinb the summer will be given, and a closing mes sage by one of the pastors will be heard. All members of the Conference are urged to be pres ent. Visitors are welcome. Revival Service At Gordon Church Revival services will begin at Gordon Baptist church Sunday night, October 17, at 7:30 p. m. Rev. Finley Miller, of West Jef ferson. will be the guest minister, assisting the pastor, Rev. Clate Brown, of Oakwoods. _ Rev. Mr. Brown extends an in vitation to all to attend this re vival. Special singing by the choir and visiting quartets will be featured throughout the series of meetings. Announce Revival At Mount Carmel Revival services will begin on Sunday night at Mt. Carmel Bap tist church and continue through out the week with services each evening at 7:30. Rev. Ed O. Mil ler, pastor will be in charge. The public'is cordially invited to all the services. Democrats To Meet Millers Creek 15th Democrats of R'eddies BfW V, 30, at MillerVCreek school. Dem ocratic candidates for county of fices will be present and a speak er will address the meeting. "Ev eryone interested in good gov ernment of Wilkes county is urg ed to attend", announcement of the meeting said. Shady Grove Church Has A Good Revival Shady Grove Baptist church in 3omers township closed a very successful revival Sunday, Octo ber 10. Rev. L. T. Younger, pas tor, was assisted by ^ev. G. D. White, who brought messages which were received with much interest. There were 13 additions to the church, nine by baptism and four by letter. The services were well attended throughout the week. ? o ? Democrats Attend 8th District Rally A good delegation of Demo crats from Wilkes county attend ed the district rally of the eighth congressional district at Carth age, on the 11th day of October, where an enthusiastic crowd heard inspiring speeches deliver ed by Senator Umstead, Govern or Nominee W. Kerr Scott, and Congressman C. Bi Deane. It is expepted that Senator Um stead, Scott, and Congressman Deane will be in North Wilkes boro October 21, and definite no tice of this meeting will be gvien later. Revival Services At Moravian Falls Revival will begin Sunday night at 7:30, at the Moravian Baptist church and 'will continue throughout the week. The pastor, .Rev. Roger Gwaltney, will be as 'sisted by Rev. Homer Goode, of Stony Point. The public is cor dially invited to all services, t 1? o Scout Leadership Training Course Next session of the Boy Scout leadership training course will be held tonight 7:30, at the North Wllkeeboro school. A large at tendance of Scooters is desired. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Miller and two daughters, Vivian and Gloria, all of High Point, and Mr. x Miller's mother, Mrs. U. A. Miller, of North Wllkeeboro route 3, were week-end visitor* td Asheville. While there they se cured tickets to visit the Biltmore Estate which is well worth any and money to Singing .Sunday f At Millers Creek , The public Is cordially Invited to a singing to ibe held Sunday, October 17, at 1:30 p. m., at the Miller^ Creek tabernacle. Evange list Harvey Phillips and his radio singers will take part and oth er qingers are requested to. par-, ticipate. Rev. Mr. Phillips will deliver a short message follow ing the singing. O <?' Training Cours* For Adults Scouts Duties of Adult Scouts will be the subject discussed at the Girl Scout Training Course next Monday night at 7:30 in the North Wilkesboro Little House. All committee members should attend this session and it is hop ed that all who registered for the course will come Monday night. Orchardists Plan To Show Apples In Raleigh Soon Brushy Mountain apple grow ers should be especially interest ed in the horticulture products department, particularly^ the ap ple exhibits at the state fair next week in Raleigh. The cash priz es for all thirty classes of apple exhibits total oyer six hundred dollars, according to Carl E. VanDeman, specialist in horticul ture for Wilkes and Alexander counties. The first prize in the% large commercial display class is one hundred dollars. This class con sists of twenty trays as follows: fire trays each of four different standard commercial varieties. lowing standard varieties: Bon um, Delicious( Golden Delicious. Grimes, Red Limber twig, Stay man, Starking or Richard, Stay mared Qr Blaxtayman, Winesap or any other one variety. The first prize in this class is $34).00. Class 3 is a single bushel bas ket of any one variety listed a bove. $10.00 is offered as the fiTst prize. Other classes consist, of five trays, three trays, and one tray of one variety. Two dol lars will be given for the best single plate of five apples in each variety. No apple grower should think that he does not have ap ples enough to enter the competi tion at the state fair. All it takes is five perfect apples of any one variety. The last class in the apple exhibits is the best plate collection of not less than ten named varieties.. First place in this class will win some grower the sum of $20.00. Steak Supper At Mulberry Saturday A steak supper will be served Saturday, October 16, six until eight p. m., at the Mulberry com munity house for benefit of the Baptist Home building fund. A charge of $1.00 per plate will be made, and everybody is invit ed. ... o ? "Coon On The Log" "Ooon On The, Log" will be held at Burt 'Brown's lake near Traphill school Sunday, Octob er 17, for the benefit of the Trap hill gymnasium fund. The public isc ordially invited to the event which will begin at erne p. m. Mix Is Chairman Group Appointed By Mayor Of City Application Will Be Made This Month For Large Sum For Hospital Board of nine trustees hare been appointed for the 100-bed hospital to be erected by North WilkesbOro with the aid of funds provided under the Hill-Burton act and the North Carolina Med ical Care Commission. The trustees were appointed by Mayor T. S. Kenerly and ap proved by the city board of com missioners following the special election in which the voters ap proved by a big majority the proposal to issue $275,000 in bonds as the city's part of the hospital cost of pbout $1,200, 000. The trustees, with term of of fice for each, were named as fol lows: J. R. Hix, five years; W. K. Sturdivant and R. G. Finley, four; Edd F. Gardner and J. B. Carter, three; A. F. Kilby and P. W. Eshelman, two; G. O. Foster and H. L Moore, one. All of those appointed accept ed membership and have been sworn In. At a meeting of the trustees held Friday, J. R. HIx was named chairman, P. W. Esh elman as vice chairman, and R. G. Finley, secretary. The trustees voted to name the new Institution the Wilkes General Hospital. Preliminary details were com pleted for formal application of funde from state and federal gov ernments before November 1, when applications will close for the present calendar year. Mayor Kenerly explained that four members of the board of G man, are members of the board oP? the present Wilkes Hospital and are experienced in dealing with problems -of hospital operation. Football Teams Away This Week Local Jawee* And Glen Al pine Varsity To Play Here SM^rHay Nite Only football game In the Wil kesboros this week-end will be the North Wilkesboro B team versus the Glen Alpine varsity Saturday night at 7:30 in Me morial Park. I The North Wilkesboro Moun tain Lions will face what may be their toughest foe this season when they play Barium Springs there Friday afternoon, three o' clock. it will be home coming at Barium and the orphanage boys will be trying" to redeem them \ selves for letting the Spencer e ileven tie them last week. CAach Jack Sparks has his boys ready here,'' although it appears that : Rousseau and Hudson( backs, ! may he out for the season with injuries. The Wilkesboro Ramblers will try to make it 14 victories in a row when they play Mills Home at Thomasville Friday. Last year Wllkseboro defeated Mills Home without too much trouble hut the Baptist orphanage is reported to have a vastly improved team this year. Coach Hoffman reports (the Wilkesboro squad in good condition for the contest, which 'will begin at three o'clock. Big Increase In Bey Scouts Reported for Wilkes In Year The Wilkes di&trict of the Old Hickory Council of the Boy Scouts of America is completing a very successful year and it really is a big and vital business in the county, states It. M. Nel son, chairman of the Wilkes dis trict. "List year this district won the silver cup for having the largest increase in new Cubs and Boy Scouts over the entire coun cil, with a gain of 23 per cent. Naturally we were very proud for this honor to oome to Wilkes county, and we hope to continue this healthy growth. Next to our churches, the Boy and Girl Scout organizations are two of the greatest assets we have for build ing character and good citizen ship into our young people. These same young people will be our leaders and citizens of the j During this year, the "Wilkes ? district operated fifteen Cub , packs and Boy Scout troops in "mikes: county with' a member ship of 293 Boy Scouts and Scouters. This does not include the Scotft troops at Ronda and Traphill because they are super vised by the Elkin district of the Old Hickory Council. This total does not include three neg ro troops in the county and they are supervised by the negro field executive out of the Council of fice in Winston - Salem. This Council has four full time salar ied field executives who contin uously work In Wilkes counties 'and the other six districts In jthe Old Hickory Council. This Council also maintain an of fice staff of two full time work ers to maintain the Scout records and other business of the council. f' / v'fte.'a,

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