WANT - ADS. - Minimum Charge 50c Per Issue ? FOP SALE FOR SALE?1047 Oldsmobile, A 1 condition.?-See Boyce Moore at R. A O. Grocery. ll-15-2tpd FOR SALE?One Norge Oil Cir culator in good condition. Gail 454-M or 519. It FOR SALE?-Fresh cow with calf by side.?Paul J. Vestal, Moravian Falls. It FOR SALE!?Two Beagle Hounds, well -trailed, good rabbit and tree dogB.?J. R. Shew, 215 E street. Il-l5-2tpd FOR SALE?100 Bushels Good upland corn in Wilkesboro on Main Street.?See Mrs. Nancy W. Hoyle. lt-pd FOR 8ALE: Good wall type Trie phone. In good condition. Bee Walker at Journal-Patriot. FOR SALE?Two bird dogs, good retrievers, one registered.? Parks Kllby at Mulberry Groc ery, highway 18. ll-15-2t<-pd FOR 8?LB ? One Clean 1088 Chevrolet Coach. See Arthur Lowe at Lowe Brothers, or call 706-J. lt-pd FOR SALE?One Three-Piece FOR BALE?BOO or 000 feet of maple and oak flooring; most ly No. 1 grade.?John 0. Al exander, Hays highway, close ' to Doughton's Dairy. ll-15-2tp FOR SALE?Ashley Automatic wood heater, good condition. Price reason able. Inquire at Mulberry'Grocery, highway 18. ll-16-2t-pd IXXEDO Poultry,Mashes, Scratch Grains, Dairy. Ilog, Horss, Dog and Rabbit Feeds. Tuxedo Feed Company, North Wilkes boro. Phone 94 11-18-tf FOR SALE ? Canaries gua teed singers; beautifully col ored love birds; complete line of bird seed, cages and sup plies; also Golden Hampsters. ?Wilkes Farm Center. 9-13 tf CROSS TIES WANTED WILL PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICES S. V. TOMLINSON TOM H. ASHLEY, Inspector You've Waited For It! Here It Is! The Biggest BINGO PARTY s In the History of The County SATURDAY NIGHT NOVEMBER 13 - 8 P. M. AMERICAN LEGION HUT ?500 IN PRIZES Sponsored By THE WILKES COUNTY POST AMERICAN LEGION. THIS WEEK'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE PROGRAM Thursday and Friday, November 11-12? Dorothy Lamour and Arturo DeCordova In "MASQUERADE IN MEXICO" Saturday, November ! Randolph Scott In "LAST OF THE MOHICANS" Sunday,* November 1A? Olivia DeHavilland with Ida Lupino In "DEVOTION" Monday and Tuesday, November 15-1 Gail Russell, Diana Lynn, Brian Donlevy In "OUR HEARTS WERE GROWING UP" Also Selected Short Subjects Tone In Station WKBC Every Day At 12:08 and CM P. M. SHOW STARTS AT 7:00 P. M. FOR 8ALB?A steel wagon on rubber, traptor or horse drawn. Just used one season.?How ard P. Hayes, Gilreath, N. C. 11-11-4t 1 FOR SALE?One six room Cole man circulator In excellent condition, including two fifty gallon drums, tubing, fitting and oil. 11-1 l-2t FOR SALE?New shucks, large bales, $1.'60; new Molasses, 12 gallon; new crop yellow corn (In ears), $1.75 bushel.? DAVE HALL, Wilkesboro, N. 0. 11-11-pd FOR SALE ? 1089 Chevrolet truck, 3-4 toh; new bed; In good condition.?See J. H. Parks, Roaring River, N. C. ll-ll-2t-pd FOR SALE?Five- Room House on lot 75x217 feet on Mint Hill road. Esay terms If de sired. AJso a four-room apart ment for rent, with bath at Cricket.?O. L. Phillips, Wil kesboro, route 1, N. C. 11-llpd FOR SALE: Track and passenger car tires?used parts for all makes and models of cars and tmoks. Wilkes Salvage Co., one block up from Midway Pontlac Company. 8-23-Tf FOR SALE?Team mules, ages 8 and 9 years; weight 900 lbs. each; work anywhere; also wagon and harness. Will sell separately. ? See J. F. Trip lett near Carl Hambric's store, 16 miles east on Highway 421. ll-ll-2tpd FOR SALE?One 6-room house with one acre land; breakfast room suite, inlaid linoleum; built-in cabinets; running wa ter. Will sell furnished or un furnished; one fourth mile be yond North Wilkeeboro Drive in Theatre.?See Mr. and Mrs. Spencer McGrady, Jr., at home. Reason for selling moving to Taylorsville. 11-25 FOR SALE?Almost new Nation al cash register, used only a few months; one cash register and adding machine combin ed; giant-sise Coca-Cola drink box; one Artcraft meat and drink box combined.?Charlie Holder, one-fourth mile east behind Parkway Cafe. 11-llpd FOR SALE ? Near Welcome Home church, six-room house with shower bath, built-in cab inets; good well with pump; two chicken houses; garage and barn, between three and four acres of land.?Ray Lank ford, route one, North Wilkes boro. ll-ll-2t-pd FOR 8ALE?Spirella Oorsetiere ?complette line foundation sdq health garments. Free demonstration. 'Phone 469M for appointment.?Mrs. J. V. Billings, 1211 Hlnshaw street, North Wilkesboro. N. C. 8-3t FOR SALE?Pair of Well-Train ed English Beagles, two and one-half years old.?See C. F. iSmithey on old Boone Trail 'Highway below Fishing Creek church. 11-15?pd FOR SALE?Sawmill, W40 Trac tor; 1 1-2 ton 1946 model truck, good condition. Reason able prices or will consider a trade.?S. L. Whltake.. P. O. Box 568, or phone 268-J. 11-11 Llvlngroom suite and 1 upright piano. All In good condition. See Vlss Carcile Deal at Hack ney*s Department Store 10th Street, North Wilkesboro, N. Q. lt-pd FOR QUICK SALE?One Cabinet model Mahogany Singer Sew ing machine. Can be seen at 609 F street after 4:30 p. m., or anytime Saturday, or Phone 679-J. lt-pd FOR SALE?1200 Ready-to-lay New Hampshire Red Pullets, reasonably priced. Good lespe deza hay, $1.40 bale. Also cord or block wood. Will de liver.?Tam Hutchinson, two miles out on Highway 268 ' toward Elkln. ll-15-2tpd * wanted WANTED?To do your Watch Repairing. ? Wright's Men's Shop, 'Phone 404-W, Wilkes boro, N. C. 9-23-tf WANTED: Dogwood logs, for specification's write or call at W. 4b W. Dogwood Co., Mora vian Fa'ls, N. C. 8-18-Tf WANTED: To do your build oxer work. Basement excavation, grading roods, etc. Contact Jake Trlplett, jChampion, N. C. or Kennedy Pottery, Phone 606-R. 8-23-Tf WANTED: To do your plumWng Day Electric Co., Call 328. 3-29-Tf WANTED?Wholesale Dis tributor for The Charlotte News?largest afternoon newspaper In the Caro linas?for North Wilkes boro and surrounding ter ritory. Write Circulation Tc12 lie Wt^^ilariDUCi rib Oe 1"A WANTED ? Kitchen Helper, middle aged woman preferred. Apply at once at The Little drill, North Wilkesboro. It "WANTED: To do your wiling. Cay Electric Co., Call 328. ' 3-29-Tf WANxkd: To do your radio ? Pair work. Day Electric Co.. *28. 3-29-Tf WANTED?Young or middle-ag ed lady to work with circula tion department of daily news paper. Must own or have uee of car, and live in Wilkeeboros or close to. Straight salary. If interested, write about yourself to Postoffice Bor 95, North Wilkesboro, N. C. lt-pd TENANT WANTED?F^ Small two-horse farm; three acres of tobacco; fifteen acres of corn; will produce 75 bushels to acre, i furnish works tock, tools, etc. Prefer young man>. led couple.?Lawrence Miller, Wilkesboro. 'Phone 44-F-21 at Dight- 11-8-2 t-pd ? for rent FOR RENT?Four-room apart ment, prlrate bath, private en trance. No children. Call 638-J, 209th Fifth street. ll-112tpd' FOR RENT-^Furnlshed~Bedroom with steam heat and hot wa ter. Phone 684 or see rooms at 802 D street. 11-1 l-2t FOR RENT?Two dwellings on highway 421. One with some bottom land, 814.50 per month. Other needs some repairs, $3 per month.?Clifford Triplett, Granite Falls, N. C. ll-114tpd FOR RENT: One hundred-acre farm; good buildings. In Wilkes county, Somers Town ship. Larkin Coleman, Route 1, Duncan, S. C. ll-ll-4t-pd FOR RENT?Three-room Furn ished apartment. No children. Mrs. Bessie R. Grayson, 701 F Street. lt-pd FOR KENT?Two-Room Apart ment; also one room furnish ed.?Mrs. A. L. Andgrson, 415 B Street. Phone 609-R. 11-15 FOR RENT?Furnished Room for couple or ladles; two meals if desired. Phone 436, 507 9th street. 11-15-2t FOR RENT ? A Four - room fairly insulated houseo n the Brushy Mountain. Furnace and heatrola ."fire place. Phone 42'00-M. For farther informa tion, call Wilkes Chamber of Commerce. It ? Miscellaneous WWMWWWWWWWW HERMAN JOHNSON TAXI Now located In Wilkesboro. Phone 404-J. ll-15-2t-pd CLEARING, grubbing, grading of all kinds. Call 32-F-02, or see 0. C. Bauguss, North Wilkes boro route 2. ll-18-8t-pd. LEO'S CLUB, INSTITUTION for Alcoholics, seven day treat ment, medical and nursing Care. Route No. 21 to Harm ony, West, four miles on route No. 901. Inspection Invited. Telephone Harmony. 10-28-tf PIANO TUNING And Repairing, 25 years' experience as a grad uate tuner and technician.? Leo V. Bagley, 'Phone 673-R, Garwood Piano Co., Wilkes boro, N. C. 11-1 l-8t pd NOTICE: If yon need bulldozing or grading of any kind, see or write C. G. Johnson, Route 2, North Wilkesboro, N. C. Estimates Free. 4-1-Tf SPECIAL: All Permanents have been reduced. Get yours now and save money. We have gifts for all occasions In our Gift De partment. Hinshaw Beauty Shop, Over Moore's Market. Phone 743. ll-15-4t NOTICE?Let us build you win dow and door frames, screens, and CABJNETS. ? Forester's Woodwork, Wilkesboro, N. C.( Route 1, Box 5. 11-11-1 Otpd Land and A Well Dug for Quick Sale I have land and a well dug on Stateaville and Winston-Salem Highway. Well contains 6 joints of T. C. Pipe with rocks with them. It is a fine place to lire. CALL Brown's Shoe Repair WOOD FOR SALE Stove Wood, Slab Blocks or Split; Heater Wood Claud Brooks Phone 789-R ? Lost and Found GONE FROM MY HOME 1-4 mile back of Pfurkway Cafe, speckled blue tick hound dog and black and tan beagle with white front feet and white stripe tunder neck. Good reward. J. T\ BENTON, North Wilkesboro, route 3. ll-16-2tpd Support Y. M. C. A. FOR EXPERT JEWELRY AND WATCH REPAIR ? SEE ? i WRIGHTS MEN'S * SHOP WILKESBORO, N. C. All Work Guaranteed I PHONENUMBER CHANGED Station Nb. 2 at Liberty Theatre phone number has . been changed to? 750 Bill Hayes and Chick Blackburn, Drivers CITY CABS NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. SUPPORT THE Y. M. C. A. DETVOE /WSHELLA 3 Northwestern Wallpaper & Paint Co. Next Door to City Hall NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. BRICK FOR SALE?ANY QUANTITY We Have AH Kinds of Brick at Reasonable Prices Also SAND Fancy Groceries AND Feeds of All Kinds . * J. Lawrence Pear son Cash Grocery 1 Mile East of City on Highway' 268, across from W.K.B.C. Radio Tower. Homes For Sale 7-Room Rock House with bath, lot size 81 x 400, located at Cricket, N, C.t close to the new Cricket School, chnrch and P. O. 11-Room Apartment House with two baths. This house is a fine residence for a large family, or it can be used for apartment or rooming house. It is located in Wilkesboro on hard surface street and highway, has lot size 122 x 152, also double garage. Located across from Coble Dairy plant. 6-Room Brick House on Boone Trail, 4 miles East, and 3 acres land. Electricity, running water. 7-Room Brick House with bath on F Street, North Wilkesboro. Has fine lot, size 75 x 140. Close in, good desirable property. One farm, mostly covered- in timber, has 12 acres bottom land, well watered. Estimated to have over 100,000 feet of saw timber ready to cut. Located 2 miles south of Roaring River, close to old Boone TraiL This farm has 115 acres. A real bargain. S-Room House and 5 acres land and garage, near Mulberry school, close to new church and on mail and school bus route. Home seekers and investors, this is your opportunity to buy a good home at a reasonable price. For further information call or come by Jenkins Hardware and P. E. DANCY OR CALL OR SEE M. C. WOODIE At Bus Terminal Land Agents. L/OOT?Pair Pink Plastic Glasses In brown 1 earner case. Lost somewhere toeiwuen urorth Wilkesboro high school build ing and Trogdon Avenue. Re ward tor return to Doris Wiles. Phone 836?M. lt-pd LOOT?White gold bracelet with sets Friday night at 9:15 the street between Brame^L Drug and Wilkes Drag storeflj Finder please return to Chnrch Hardware Store and receive re- ' iward. 11-11-pd ANNOUNCING ADDITIONS TO OUR STAFF rn vt LAWRENCE MILLER FORMER AAA SECRETARY RAY PIERCE EXPERT MECHANIC Bring Your Farm Machinery Mechanical Problems To Us. INTERNATIONAL PARTS AND SERVICE WILKES IMPLEMENT CO. G. SAM WINTERS, Mgr. * Phone 499 North Wilkesboro, N. C. a acj-*' /firm Many people do! If you are- buying a well-built house which you can af ford to carry, and are investing a reasonable amount of your own cash ? come in and see us. Our policy is to put part of our investable funds into sound mortgages which home owners can pay off monthly. Perhaps we can help you. The Northwestern Bank North Wilkesboro, N. C. MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION THE JEFFERSON FAMILY PROVIDER A New Low Cost Plan Because of the current high coat of living, many men are beginning to realize that their present insurance would provide an inadequate income for their families. The Jef ferson Family Provider has been designed to meet the need for more life insurance protection at less than usual cost?a special plan for preferred risks only. ? IT GUARANTEES TO YOUR FAMILY A. In event of your death during first 20 years; or before age 65 if earlier: $5000 in cash immediately PLUS a monthly income of $50.00 for the next 20 years (total payments $17,000.) ? OR ? $14,460 in cash immediately. B. If death occurs after first 20 years; or after age 65 if earlier: $5000 in cash immediately. -KIT GUARANTEES TO YOU $14,460 life insurance at little more than usual cost on $6000, with increas ing cash or loan values which are in stantly available in financial emergency. -K Let us" tell you more about it. Just call or writ*--* DORMAN PAYNE Tomlinson Building ^ Phone 144 North Wilkesboro, N.X. -JEFFERSON STANDARD LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY RALPH C. PRICE, President GREENSBORO, N. C

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