Rickord Chapel News The J. P. Shepherd prayer band of Wlnston^Salem will conduct an all-night prayer meeting at Rlckard Chapel A. M. B. Zion church Saturday, November 13, Prayer bands from Charlotte will I i ? Tti aaazkf Mi (Mmtk npMts if ants My fiwi h lifiid a?i stirf tkriiihait th? Wist! with .RANDOLPH SCOTT GENE TIERNEY DUU ANDREWS ? I0IN SHEPPERD ELIZABETH PATTERSON. CHILL WILLS ? LOUISE BEAVERS b, IRVING CUMMINGS One Day Only m** ""fm SUNDAY NOVEMBER 14th One Day Only FRIDAY BETTY VICTOR CAROLE GRABLE' MATURE' LANDIS I Wake Up Screaming NOVEMBER 12th ALLEN Quality Food Store WEEK-END SPECIALS ONE POUND? FOLGER'S COFFEE 59c 15-OZ.? SUN MAID RAISINS ,16c ONE POUND? Chocolate Covered Cherries. 65c THREE POUNDS? GSEBflTStar Shortening. 93c 12-OZ. PACKAGE? COMET RICE 12c TEN POUNDS? (Plain RED BAND FLOUR or S. R.) 89c ONE POUND CAN? PINK SALMON 59c PINT KRAFT? MAYONNAISE 44c PINT WAY PACK? SWEET PICKLES Select Mix ,16c PAPER NAPKINS, 2 pkgs. for 25c 4-DOZEN SIZE? LETTUCE, 2 for 27 c -IN OUR MARKET CENTER CUT? ? PORK CHOPS 69c GRADE? BACON, lb..... 65c WELL AGED? NEW YORK CHEESE, lb. ? 69c ST AR? SKIISAfiE. Ih 49c also take part. On Sunday, No vember 14, the Friendly Gospel Harmonizing Singers from Lex ington will have charge of the afternoon and night services. NOTICE OF SALE OF CAR Under and by virtue of a Chat tel Mortgage, dated the 20th day of July, 1948, executed by Henry S. Lyon, as purchaser and under the authority given by the Sta tutes of North Carolina, the u?" ersigned, holder of said Chattel Mortgage, will sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash, at the rear of the Gaddy Motor gWWSRS.aJW A. M. or as soon thereafter as reached on the 2nd day of De cember, 1948 the following per sonal property towit: 1?1939 Chevrolet.Town Sedan, Motor 2248336, Serial 14JA01 18370. This the 11th day of Nov., 1948. GADDY MOTOR COMPANY, Inc. By W. A. Hardister, Sec. ll-18-2t-(T) Beware Coughs from common colds That Hang On Creomulsion relieves promptly be cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, in flamed hronchial mucous mem branes. Tell'your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the un derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, ChestColds, Bronchitis IT'S TERRIFIC! Cornel WILDE Ida LUPINO Richard M0N.-TUES. Nov, 15-16 ALLEN These programs will mark the end of the annual conference ae Sunday will be the last day In the conference year. The pastor, Rev. R. R. White, will attend the annual conferences In Charlotte. Shepherd Infant Dies Funeral service was held Monday at Reddles River church for Sallie Jean Shepherd, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Shepherd, of Reddies River. The child died Saturday. ? o Mack Bennett's famous glam our girls. Remember way back when the flickers featured such famous stars as Mabel Norfhand, Ben .Turpin, Gloria Swanson and Ruth Ttaylor, to name a few? Now Adela Rogers St. Johns brings you a series of stories of these colorful personalities of bygone days, starting November 21 In The American Weekly, nation's favorite magazine with the Bal timore Sunday American. Order from your local newsdealer. o.? Return that Book to the Ubrary. Clearance Sale PLUMBING iYt foot Cast Iron Bath tuba (56.10); 5 foot Cast Iron Bathtubs (61.35); 19x17 Square Front Lav atories (14.00); 18x30 Flat Rim Sinks (13.00) I 5 foot Corner Bathtubs (68.00); Washdown Closets (33.75); Close-Coupled Type (35.75); 30-Gallon Electric National Water Heaters (76.50). AO other Plumbing ft Heating Items at Lowest Prices. Brownlow's, Inc. 122 Burke St. Call 37706 WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. STOP THOSE HEAT LOSSES SAVE MONEY WITH EACH FUEL BILL INSULATING WITH U. S. Mineral Rock Wool SHIELDS & HAYES INSULATION CO. BOB DAY, Manager Caulking ? Weather Stripping Wilkesboro Mfg. Co. i PHONE 7 Benefit Card Party jj Wilkesboro Woman's club will' sponsor a benefit card party Thurs day night, November 18, 7:00 o'clock at the community house in Wilkesboro. Those interested are j apked to telephone Mrs. Presley [ Myers at 378-M for further infor- | mation or reservations. WELL DRILLING ?Of Different Sizes. We can drill in any kind of formation. ROYAL J. RUSSELL Route 2 Pores Knob, N. C. IDEAL BEAUTY PARLOR Over Jean's Dress Shop Phone 46 With a million things to do before the Holidays, why take up your time with home permanent waves? COME IN AND LET US GIVE YOU ONE. Cream Oil Cold Waves $5.00 Heat Waves $3.50 Operators: MINNIE RAYMER LYDIA BREWER LOUISE MITCHELL MARI.E GAMBILL OPEN ON TUESDAY AND FRIDAY NITE UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK FOR THOSE Wrio WORK Back Up the Y. M. C. A. Drive For This CityJ Mr. Car or Truck Owner: WE CAN TAKE CARE OF YOUR FENDER AND BODY WORK PROMPTLY In our Body Department we have four expert workmen who have had years of experience REECE WILES TED WILES MORRIS SHUMATE and DALE WILES The latter being in charge of our shop. In our Service Department we have THEO YALE With 30 Years' Experience BRING US YOUR CAR OR TRUCK - PROMPT SERVICE No Long Waits ? All Work Guaranteed hjear State Highway Shop NORTHWESTERN MOTOR COMPANY Your Kaiser-Frazer Dealer PHONE 773-J NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. TODAY AND ?? LIJ^UU SUNDAY LIBERTY TUESDAY WM American Occupied Zone of Berlin's Seething For Your 0wn Enjoyment . . . Please Do Not Underground Intrigue! Ask For Seats During the Last Five Minutes! Playing "Ostrich"... AND FACE THE FLAMING FACTS OF G.I. Oo thqje girls our G.l/s fall for overseas love their soldier sweethearts less ... or their conquered countries more? A startling drama that lays our cards face up .. . about Ber lin's sweetheart-saboteurs! "SCARFACE" lh Sipirai* lb* loottid K? W? "Tht Maa Tktf Cosldi't starring RAY MILIAND with FLORENCE MARLY r and BRODERICK CRAWFORD ? JOHN HOYT JOHN RIDGELY ? LUDWIG DONATH Shows At - 3: - 5: - 7: - 9: p.m. Helpless... Alone... SHE HEARD HER OWN MURDER BEING PLOTTED ON THE TELEPHONE! ? dra ? ?o,c I "?vv ' r/,# Pp''*e.*.- . ' r?d/o . nnl-g > drantQ j ' r00'^' "(J ANN RICHAR A HAL W Ti me of Shows V 1: ? 3: ? 5: ?: 7: ? 9:00 Feature f :30-3:30-5:30-7:30-9:30 L w5."v' " FRATERNIZATION!