Lighten Housework with Refreshment Listen to "CLAUDIA" Station WKBC 10:45 to U a. m. cm -EG US PAT OPf "Coke 5* Ask for it either way ... both trade-marks mean the same thing. soma) unob authority or the coca-cou company av North WiUEMboro Coca-Col* Bottling Co. O 1948, TIm Coeo-CoJa Company Back Up the Y. M. C. Drive For This Ctiy! Southside Singing At Beaver Creek The Southside Singing Associa tion met at Beaver Creek Baptist church Sunday, October 31, at 11 o'clock. Chairman F. J. McDuffie presided and led the devotionals. The session was opened by the Piedmont Quartet, A. S. Pendry, manager, of Yadkinville, followed by the Haas Sisters Quartet, Miss Emma Haas, manager, of Hudson, and Miss Jane Foster, vocal soloist, of Beaver Creek. Bounds were con tinued until the noon hour when everyone enjoyed the bountiful pic nic provided by the home church. Other singers enrolled were the Hendren Quartet, leader, Floyd Hendren of Gilreath; The Sunrise Quartet, leader Garsh Fox, of Hid denite; Hinshaw Street church choir, leader Virgil Moore, of North Wilkesboro; The Gospel Harmon eers, leader Z. T. Greene, of Granite Falls; The Hinshaw Quartet, leader Virgil Moore. Piano solos by Miss Lois Sharpe, of Hiddenite, Miss Emogene Greene, of Granite Falls, and Miss June Foster, of Beaver Creek, also baritone solos by Thomas Russell, of Hiddenite, Loyd Douglas, of Taylorsville, and Fritz Laws, of Lenoir. After rounds of singing the time was given to special requests. As a finale, all singers enrolled and other good singers present formed a group and sang favorites of the season. The present officers were re elected for another year. The as sociation wishes to thank the home church for the fine picnic and all who contributed to the success of the occasion. Thanks Voters I wish to congratulate Troy C. Foster on his election as register of deeds of Wilkes county; and also wish to thank voters of Wilkes county, both Democrats and Republicans, who voted for me for that office. LUTHER DUNCAN, Democratic candidate for Regis ter of Deeds. GET YOURS NOW '189-95 Compare this double action Easy Spindrier with any other washer at any price! COMPARE SPEED! One tub washes a full load gently but thoroughly with famous roll-over action. At the same time the other tub spins sudsy water out of a full load removes up to 25% more water than a wringer. Result? Clothes dry faster and are lighter to handle and hang up. Ironing goes faster because there are no deep creased wringer-wrinkles to press out! COMPARE CONVENIENCE! Portable-you can wheel it right into the kitchen. No set tubs needed. Clothes are thoroughly rinsed right in the Spindrier basket! No wringer to feed pieces through. And no broken buttons or jammed zippers to replace! What other washer offers so much? COMPARE PRICES! Look at them all and see if you don't agree that feature for feature, dollar for dollar. Easy gives you more value than any other washer at any price! There's no "installation charge." Easy uses less soap and hot water-you can return suds to washer tub for a second load. Easy saves cleaning bills because it safely does blankets, "washable" drapes and slipcovers at home. See Easy in action today! MOTOR MARKET. Ik. 9th Street Telephone 697 Kiwanis Tribute To Edwin L. Yates, Members of the Kiwanis Club of North Wilkesboro take this oppor tunity to pay our deep respect toj the memory of Ed, Yates, and to ex press to his wife and loved ones our sincere condolence and sym pathy. His passing was a shock to us all. Although a member of this Club for only a short while Ed had won for himself a place in every* heart. His fine talents of leader ship, his sterling qualities of char acter, his gifts for making friends and his genuine devotion to the welfare of this his adopted com munity were qualities deeply ap preciated by all who knew him. His untimely death leaves a vacancy that will not be easy to fill. It is our prayer that the peace and com fort of the1 Heavenly Father may | abide in the hearts of the members of his family. Respectfully, WATT M. COOPER J. H. WHICKER, SR. J. B. CARTER Modern Cleaners Gels Award For Safety Modern Cleaners today was a warded the state labor depart ment's Certificate of Safety A chievement for having had no lost-time accidents during 1947. The safety award was present ed to Mr. L. D. Cooke, owner, by Mrs. June H. Payne, safety inspector of the state depart ment of labor. Qualification of industrial plants for the Certificate of Saf ety Achievement is part of the labor department's manpower conservation program in North Carolina industry. The program has been under way for about two years. A total of some two hun dred industrial establishments qualified for the award last year and up to the present time this year. The safety achievement cites the Modern Cleaners for its out standing record in the field of accident prevention and for the prevention of pain and suffering caused by industrial accidents. The safety award is also given to plants which qualify by re ducing their accident frequency rates 40 percent or more during any calendar year, or which main tain a rate at least 75 percent below the average accident rate for the industry. Streptomycin Fund Gets $150.00 Boost By Traphill People People of the Traphill community have donated $150.00 to the strep tomycin fund at the Wilkes county T. B. Hospital. Specific treatment for Mae Hoosier was requested from this fund. The treatment series of strepto mycin for T. B. patients have been lowered frorr^90 to 42 1 gr. doses. This, of course, means that two pa tients, can now be treated with the same funds formerly required for each patient. Solicitations for streptomycin funds are still going on, and any contributions anyone wishes to send to Fred C. Hubbard, Jr., Wilkes Hospital, will be greatefuly ac cepted. Ex Libri;s Club Met With Mrs. Smithey With all members present Ex Libris club had an interesting meeting Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Darwin Smithey on Sixth Street. Mrs. Vernon Deal was in charge of a short business session and a discus sion of books being read by the members. For the program Mrs. Smithey gave some facts about the life of Sidney Lanier and read some of his poetry. At the close of the meeting the hostess served refreshments. ? 1 ?? O 1 Hot-am That Book to th? Ubraxy Shields & Hayes (Incorporated) BLOWN ROCK-WOOL INSULATION Home, Commercial, Industrial Tops In Insulation Get Estimates Before Ton Buy Telephone No. 7 ? ?? 1 Wilkesboro Mfg. Co. ^??WortiT?WHkesboro, iTT7? HOW TO HAVE COMFORT ( LOW COST Here's the most practical way to have real comfort in small homes. It s a money saver. too. m warn DUAL REGISTER OIL BURNING FLOOR FURNACE has tu/a heat outlets, to send warmth to front and back rooms at the same time... giving whole-house comfort which is trulv delightful. Great feature of this unit is the patented H.C.Little Burner... a real dollar - saver. Has no moving parts, nothing to wear out or give trouble. Burns low-cost furnace oil. Plan to see it today Here Are Added Features 1. Can t Overheat... Pat. Thermo-Limit Control. 7. Automatic Operation. 3. Exclusive Electric Ignition. (No Other Oil Fired Floor Furnace Has It!) 4. No Pilot Light to Fail. 5. No Smoke Soot...Oust... or Ashes. 4. Listed by Underwriters' Laboratories. 7. Factory Guaranteed. This simple unit is installed right in the floor, under a convenient partition...needs no ducts. Warm air is directed front, back, or both ways, as desired. Easy to Pay; Budget Terms if Desired. V. & T. TIRE CO. Try Newspaper Advertising. It Pays! HENRY HARTIS, Garage Foreman BILL SAMPLE, Aviation Representative DAVE RANKIN, Carpenter MINNIE ENLOE, Billing Typist They're mighty good folks to have around... j These four good people have worked for this company a total of 105 years. The aver age for all 28,000 Esso Standard Oil workers today is almost 14 years with the , company I In a time like this, workers like these are mighty good ones to have on the job? good not just for the company, but also for you. Their extra measure of skill, experi ence and job loyalty is setting amazing records in production to help meet an all-time record high demand for gaso ? line and heating oil and other products. One reason these extra-good workers are here today is simply the extra-good jobs they have at Esso Standard. Over 30 years ago, the company set up an unusual "good jobs policy." It was based on the belief that better jobs would mean better workers, and that would mean a better company. Since then> with our workers, we have developed plans which give every Esso Standard worker such job advantages as these: uniformly good wage scales.?? vacations with pay...special benefits in case of sickness or accidents... chance to advance in the sav ings in a Thrift Plan... fair treatment at all job levels...and planned retire mentwithsteady income assured forlife. All this was done as a matter of good business. It has given good business re sults. Not a strike or major work disturb ance in over 30 years. Steady, skillful workers on the job. Records in induction when the country needs record sug^ly of product Yes...they're mighty good folks to have around, from your point of view and from ours! E S S O STANDARD OIL COMPANY I