Sh^to Tl^T TH N AT - f~ L\ I K l I I I North Wilkesboro has a The Wilkes- I II P, - 1 1 f 1 J |\ ill r\ Ij I A\ I |\ |\/| trading radius of 60 miles, boros. Shop ? 11 I i V V/ 1 A. A. ? -M. ?*? mj.A. Vy gervlng 100,000 people in ft*' ; The Journal-Patriot Has Blazed the Trail of Progress In the "State* of Wilkes" For Gver 42 Years Northwestern Carolina. ow em Vol. 43. No. 62 Published Mondays and Thursdays NORTH WILKESB0R0, N. C., Thursday, November 18, 1948 J Make North Wilkesboro Your Shopping Center Court Of Honor To Meet Sunday At 1st Baptist Many Scouts Will Be Ad vanced In Union Service; Anderson Eagle Scout Boy Scout court of honor for the Wilkes district will meet Sunday night, 7:30, at the First Baptist church in a union service for five churches of the Wilkesboros. Ministers of the First Baptist, First Methodist, First Presbyterian, Wilkesboro Methodist and Baptist churches will participate and con gregations of all churches, with others interested in Scouting, are invited to attend. VTroop number 34 under leader ip of Scoutmaster Isaac Duncan will give the opening and closing ceremonies for the court and the colored troop number 188 will give a special candlelight ceremoney. Bobby Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Anderson, of North Wilkesboro, will be awarded his Eagle Scout badge during the ser vice. Following are listed by troops the Scouts who will receive awards: troop 34?Jimmy Sale, Douglas Burnett, William Pearson, Frank Rhodes, Isaac Duncan, Bobby Po teat, Kent Sturdivant, Harry Steele, Jimmy Hayes, Buster Bush, Bobby Wells; troop 35?Bobby Anderson, E. G. Wyatt, Billy Phillips, Wayne Absher, Jerry McNeill; troop 36? John Winkles, Gordon Forester, Jr.; troop 32?Dean Edwards; troop 95 ?Alvin Joines. District Meeting Saturday Annual meeting of the Wilkes district wfll be held Saturday, 6:45 p. m., at Carolina restaurant. Dr. John T. Wayland, First Baptist minister, will be the speaker. An other feature of the program will be songs by John Cashion. Any who have not made dinner reserva tions are asked to call L. M. Nelson immediately. Cricket P. T. A. To Meet Tuesday Cricket Parent-Teacher Associa tion will meet Tuesday night, 7:30, at the school. All school patrons and others interested in the school and community are invited to at tend. Church loyalty At First Baptist 1 to Members of the First Baptist church are to observe Church -Loyalty on 'Sunday, November 21. At that( time hall members and Interested pers&ts will com mit themselves to Christian stew ardship tor 'the year 1949. Ex pression of stewardship will be given to participation in the worship services of the church. in the workj of the several or-. ganizations, in the use of talents in Christian t service, and in the financial support of the Lord's work at home and abroad. Every Christian can* pray for his church and the membership is rich in talents. Every member is urged to be presenjt on Sunday morn ing at 11:00 p'clock for this most important Beivice. 4-H Council To Meet Saturday The 4-H County Council will have an important pieeting on Saturday, November 20th, at 10:30 a. m. in the chapel at jReins-Sturdivant Fu neral Home. ? An interesting program, t o in clude recreatic(n, is being arranged and all officers of each 4-H club in the county arej urged to be present. Plans will be made for the county Achievement Hay program and of ficers will be ejected. ?Margaret C. Morrison Assistant* Home Agent Square Dance 20th At Mbrayian Falls The public Is cordially invited to a square ddnce to be held Sat urday night, flight o'clock, at the Moravian Falls community house for the benefit of the Community Houee fund. 4n enjoyable occas ion is assured all who will attend. -t-o ? Rev. Mr. jSimmons Is Hifisliaw Pastor Rev. Mr. Siihmons, who was re cently "elected J pastor of Hinshaw Street. Baptist ? church, will preach there Sunday hight, November 21, 7:30. * P.-T. A. Lighting i All Classrooms In School Buildings North Wilkesborb Parent-Teach-1 er Association is making progress! in the project to put adequate light-1 ing in all classrooms of North. Wilkesboro school buildings. The first effort in this project, was the Halloween carnival, which netted over $1,300, but the total cost is estimated at $150 per room.! Students of each room are en-' deavoring to raise the necessary funds for lighting of their respec tive rooms. The Parent-Teacher Association committee working on the project is composed of Robert Gibbs, H. Dermont Smith, Dr. W. K. Newton, S. B. Moore, Staton Mclver and W. K. Sturdivant. This committee has visited many of the better lighted school buildings in the state and has made selection of fixtures for the best lighting ob tainable. Electrical contractors have been contacted for bids on the work. Girls All Star Cage Team to Be Organized All girls interested in playing on an all-star ibasketball team are asked to report for practice Monday and Thursday nights at the North Wilkeeboro high school gymnasium. Bazaar, Food Sale The Woman's Auxiliary of St. Paul's Episcopal church will con duct a bazaar and food sale on Saturday, November 20, at For ester Furniture company on the corner of B and Tenth streets. Useful gifts, cakes, candy and many kinds of food will be sold. "We will appreciate your coming in for supper," announcement of the bazaar said. Dr. Caroon Goes To Richmond, Va. Dr.W. J. Caroon, Jr., who prac ticed dentistry here for some time, has c.losed his office here and gone to Richmond, Va., where he is as sociated with another dentist. Cornelius Child Is Killed In Fall John William Cornelias, sev en-months-old son of Mr. and' Mrs. George Cornelius, of States ville, was killed Sunday morning in a fall from his bed. The child was a nephew of Attorney W. H. McElwee, of this city, his mother being the former Mies Sarah Mc Blwee. Those from here attending the funtral service in Statesvllle Sun day at five p. m., were Attorney ang Mrs. W, H. McElwee, Dr. R. E. Lewis, Mrs. Charles Cran or and Mrs, A. R. Gray. W.M.U. Study Course Will Begin Monday Monday night, November 22, is the date set (or the Association Wide Foreign Mission study course to be held by the Wom an's Missionary Society of the Brushy Mountan Asociaton. The meeting will begin with a covered dish supper at 6:00 p. m. at the Masonic Lodge Hall. Following the supper the group will go downstairs to the Reins-Sturdl vant Chapel for a study of the book "Torchbearers (In Honan". | This is one of the most inter esting books on China that has ever been presented. It deals with several missionaries to China and will be of jppeclal interest to North Carolinians, as many are acquainted with the children and grandchildren of these mission aries personality or by reputa tion. All the women of the As sociational Missionary Societies are invited to meet together, for a period of forming new ac quaintances, renewing friend ships, and learning more about the work in China. u?- ? ? Weather Forecast Wally Simms weather forecast er from the weather bureau at Winston-Salem will 'be carried on the one p. m. news broadcast over station WKBC here daily. North Wilkesboro Band Will Play At Shrine Game 4th North Wilkesboro high school band which is earning an envi able reputation among high school bands in North Carolina, has 'accepted an invitation to play at the Shrine Bowl football game in Charlotte Decmeber 4. Local Shrlners will furnish transportation and pay expenses of the band to attend the game. To be invited to play at the an nual North and South Carolina game is a distinct honor for the local band, which Is directed by Miss Eva Bingham. On Saturday the North Wilkes boro band played at the David son-Washington and Lee football game at Ddvidson College. Directors Girl Scouts Will Meet Board of directors of the Wilkes Girl Scout Association will meet Monday, 7:30 p. m., at the home of Mrs. D. J. Carter. Woman's Club Food Sale On Wednesday North Wilkesboro senior Wom an's Club will conduct a food sale Wednesday, November 24, beglning at nine a. m., as Spain hour's. Those desiring special or ders are asked to call Mrs. W. P. Gaddy. o Prt. John T. Byrd v. Funeral On Sunday Funeral service will be held Sunday, two p. m., at Cranberry churcn for Pvt. John T. Byrd, who lost his life In World War II. Pvt. Byrd was the husband of Mrs. Lula Byrd, of North Wllkes iboro route three. ?} ] Zi^n Hill Baptists Planning Harvest Sale Z^on Hill Baptist church will sponsor a harvest sale for bene fit M the church building fund at tpe church grounds Saturday, November 20, 2:30 p. m. Live sto jfc, poultry, farm products, canned goods, cakes ahd pies, hanjlmade articles, other products will! go to the highest bidder. The-j public is most cordially in vite*. Varied Program. pTell Received Rejr. Watt M. Cooper Talks; Several Matters Of In ! terest Discussed 1 !>rth Wilkesboro Kiwanis clab , yed an interesting meeting, ay noon at Hotel Wilkes. In tlon to the program, in which Watt M. Cooper was the principal speaker, a number of matters were taken np by the Winters called attention .he matter of supporting the th Wilkesboro high school bald and stated that a committee of persons selected from each of the civic organizations of the town had been appointed and thsjt he is chairman of the com mittee. He (stated that the pur poye of the committee is to aid | in ^securing funds to support the ba^d. He urged the members of th<tj club to give their support to thA committee. president Paul Osborne stat ed) that the inter-club meeting wi<jh Elkln and Mt. Airy will be he^jd on the evening of December 9 it E'ilkln and that Elkin sug gested that it should be a ladles' ni<?ht. -esident Osborne asked the K^y Club committee, consisting of> Sam Winters, Robert Glbbs, ar^l C. A. Venable, to meet and doclde whether they plan to or gf>pize a club in the county this yejir. SDr. John Wayland introduced te^ the club Wayne MoClain, of Charlotte, who spoke briefly of "A Friendship Train leaving foj)d for the hungry people of rope and stated that a meet ing will be held at the First Bap tist church in North Wilkesboro Friday evening for the purpose of oijbanizing this county to collect fcJads for the train. j Program Chairman John Ley svjon presented Lewis Vickery* w^io sang "God Bless America" Hp then presented Rev. Watt Cooper, who gave a most thought ptovoking talk on the subject, "Armistice Day". Rev. Mr. Coop ed) said, "Religion is at the root ot our national greatness, there fore, we should return to relig ion". He quoted St. Paul: "We a, e perplexed, but not to dee Pi dr". Kiwanian Cooper's talk P -esented many matters to chal l\;nge everyone to high effort and p irpose as we proceed to try to sylve the difficult problems now tsetting us. Guests Friday were: Forrest 1^. Church with R. R. Church; Ttyron Miller with Robert L. l^orehouse: Harold Snyder with (A F. Adamson; Wayne McClain ^ith Dr. John T. Wayland; Lew ij Vickery with J. W. Leyshon; l^ev. C. J. Winslow with Rev. W. j 1|. Brookshire. a o jHrtnm That Book to tk? library Heavy Penalties Are Meted Out In Nev. Term Cenrt Heavy fines and prison sentences were meted oat in federal court in Wilkesboro Wednesday by Judge Johnson J. Hayes to defendants with records in manufacture and distribution of illicit liquor. Joseph Gwyn Foster and Julius Harold Call, of North Wilkesboro route three, were fined $1,000 each and given 15 months in prison in one liquor case. In another Foster was fined $500 and given 15 months suspended and a term on probation. Arvel and James Pruitt, of Trap hill, received the heaviest fines. In one case Arvel Pruitt was fined $3,000 and sentenced to 18 months in Atlanta. In two cases James Pruitt was required to pay a total of $3,000 in fines and penalties and was sentenced to two years in At lanta prison. Judgments in other cases since the November term opened in Wilkesboro Monday morning were as follows: Junior Pearson, judg ment suspended; Albert Gilbert Se graves, $500 fine, 18 months sus pended, on probation; William Ros coe Prevette, year and a day in I Atlanta; Jasper Lawrence Triplett, $300 fine, year and a day suspended; Harvey Bryant Byrd, 90 days in jail; Thomas Lee Btell, $1,000 fine, year and a day in Atlanta; Lee Martin Anderson, 90 days in jail; Elmer Williams, year and a day in jChillicothe; Curtis Bonds, year and i a day in Atlanta. Jimmy Parks, year and a day in Chillicothe; James Walter Sparks, year and a day in Chillicothe; Willard W. Ferguson, $600 fine, year and a day in Petersburg, Va., suspended; Luther Arnold Roberts, $1,000 fine, year and a day sus pended; Justice Richardson, year and a day in Chillicothe; Roy Dal ton, year and a day in Atlanta; Conley B. . Blevins and Clarence Blevins, $300 fine each and year and a day suspended; Worth Miller, $300 fine, year and a day suspended; Jesse Anderson, 12 months in jail; Arnold G. Wagoner, $200 fine, pro bation; George Washington Moore, year and a day in Petersburg; | Dewey Gaither Prevette, $1,500 j fine, year and a day suspended. I The following defendants were VMU.lltarletiipdftHTf pro bation: Albert Gilbert Segraves, Roger Combs, Jasper Lawrence Triplett, Elmer Hugh Sparks, Grady Lee Estep, Mary Wolfe, Archie Pruitt, Ed Sparks, Jasrer Sparks, Conley B. Blevins, Worth Miller, Walter Choate Pruitt, Arnold Wag oner, Commie Wilburn Church, Rob ert Spence Wood, Dewey Gaither Prevette, Raymond A 1 'xp. Bluejackets To Play Hanes Hosiery, 8:00 Eller's Bluejackets will play the famous Hanes Hosiery bas ketball team tonight. eight o' clock, in the Wilkesboro gymnas ium. This will be the first visit of the Winston-Salem quint, which has many former college stars, to Wilkes and the game should draw a large crowd. The Bluejackets played a thril ling game at Millers Creek Tues day night, winning from Mocks ville Millers 58 to 55. The game was tied 29-29 at half time. Fred McLean led the Bluejackets scor ing with 25 points. Other Blue jackets scores were H. Eller 2, Wey 12, E. Eller 4, Mereak 6, Daddino 10, Watkins, Staley, Church, Snider, Floro. Wolcer led Mocksville with 20 points. Mountain Lions Versus Ramblers \ Friday Night , Wilkes county's annual footbal classic?North Wilkesboro versus Wilkesboro?will be played Friday night, eight o'clock, in Memorial Park. This year two new coaches will be pitted against each other, ^Marvin Hoffman of the Wilkesboro Ramblers, and Jack Sparks, of the North Wilkesboro Mountain Lions. Today both schools are holding pep rallies in preparation for the big event, which is the climax and the end -of the football season for both teams. Both teams are crip pled by injuries to star players, and neither Tyill be at full strength. Re gardless of injuries, it will be a whale of a game that should draw a record crowd. The game will have plenty of color. North Wilkesboro high school bind is ready to perform in usual fine style, and Wilkesboro has secured the Appalachian band to represent the Ramblers. Football Tickets Are On Sale Now North Wilkesboro Lions Club is assisting in the sale of tickets for the North Wilkesboro-Wilkesboro football game Friday night at Memorial Parlf. The game ig expected to draw a record crowd and in order to avoid congestion at i gates to Memorial Park the Lions; Club is selling tick ets in advance at several points in the Wilkesboros. Tickets ma? be purchased in Wilkesboro at' Barber-Somers Mo tor Co., Midway Pontiac Co., Groce's Service Station, Hender son's Flower Shop, Culler's Gro cery, Gray Brothers Furniture Co., and Parker-Trlplett Electric Co. In North Wilkesboro tickets are on sale at Marlow's Men's Shop, In surance Service and Credit Corpo ration, Band Box Cleaners, Dick's Electrical Store, Wilkes Auto Sales jCo., Gaddy Motor Co., Wilkes Tire 1 Store and Day Electric Co. Price of the tickets is $1 for ! adults and 50 cents for children. Tickets To Shrine Bowl On Sale Here Football fans who wish to see the Shrine Bowl game in Char lotte December 4 between an all-star team of high school play ers In North Carolina versus a picked team from South Carolina may purchase tickets now in this city. Tickets may be obtained here from C. Arthur Venable, W. J. Caroon and Maurice Walsh. WILKESBORO HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL SQUAD 1948 All Rows Reading: From Left to Right m Seated in front of squad::Junior Groce and Willard Dancey, Managers First Row Seated: R. H. Parks, Daniel Linney, Ray Triplett, Harold Dancey, Bobby Story, Jack Groce, Bill Byrd, Johnny ' Garwood, B. B. Banner, Claude NichoW. o-00nd Row Kneeling: , ' / Charlie Vaught, Manager; Joines, Edgar Terrell, Hugh Cranor, Tommy Long, Bill Pearson, Bill Whitt ington, Jody Barber, Dale Minton, Jde Allen Gambill, till Laws. Third Row Standing: t w T Long Principal; Caney Lowe, Johnny Phillips, Dafe Staley, Shelton Prevette, Bobby Parker, Tony "?W 1?11 ; * ? A?"n Williams, M. D. HoffmaivCoaeh. - WINNING TEAM, BLOCKER TROPHIES Here are pictured the trophies to be given by the Lib erty Theatre in interest of football in the Wilkesboros. The large trophy in center is to be presented the win ner of the North Wilkesboro-Wilkesboro gam, and.the team which wins it three years in a row will have it as pet manent property. The smaller trophies will go to the player on each team voted the best blocker. The tro phies will be presented from the stage of the Liberty Theatre at a date to be announced following the annual grid classic Friday night in Memorial Park. (Photo by Lane Atkinson, Jr). NORTH WILKESBORO H$GH SCHOOL FOOTBALL SQUAB 1948 , AH Row.j Reading From Left to Right First Row: I Dan Hudson, Warren Shore, Jim Winers, J. S. Soots, Jim Moore, Jim Day, Ken Steelman (Co-Captain), Hiram Cox, Jack Gaddy, G. L. Adanm, Jim Hadley, Smith Hudson. Second Row: 1 Buddy Sloop, Jerry Day, James G^lian, Worth Ward, D. M. Stoker, Julius Rousseau (Co-Captain), Jack Badgett, Brad Davis, Carl Swjfford, Wayne Pardue, Gordon Forester, Ray Church. Third Row: ' Wayne Absher (Manager), Jack Sj^rks (Coach), Jimmie Swofford, Dennis York, John Hubert Emer son, Bobby Anderson, Trealy Harrol^, John Winkler, Pete Caudill, Jimmy Shook, Pete Reins, Dennis Day (Manager). 0

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