~?r- ?? *1 L10 ? )undation For Infantile iralyais spent over $20,000 far Wilkes Polio Victims in [?948. Goal of the January impaign is $10,000. The Journal-Patriot Has Blazed the Trail of Progress In the "State of Wilkes" For Over 42 Years OUR CITY North Wjlkesboro has a trading: radius of 50 miles, serving 100,000 people in Northwestern Carolina. jtol. 43, No. 73 Published Mondays and Thursdays NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C., Thursday, December 30, 1948 Make North Wilkesboro Your Shopping Center Making Progress On New Presbyterian Church Building MMHWMMiMiMMiIiU*""- 1 This picture shows work well under way on the new church auditorium for the First Presbyterian church in North Wilkesboro. The religious education building, which has been acclaimed as one of the best in the south, was erected several years ago. The auditorium structure is of native stone construction and a splendid type of structural work is being accomplished under direction of A. A. Cashion, build ing committee chairman. ?(Photo by Lane's Studio). HIGHWAY POSTOFFICE WILL BEGIN OPERATION FEBRUARY 4TH FROM GREENSBORO VIA HERE TO BOONE Starting dates for the opera tion of two highway postoffices which ^11 use Greensboro as a terminus were announced by J. B. McGee, district superintendent Cor the Railway Mail Service. The Greensboro-Boone route will he gfftftarTVbi Maty1 the Greensboro-Warsaw route on February 5. The highway postoffices are completely equipped mail trucks and are equipped in the 6ame general way as a railway mail car. Authorization for the new mo torized post offices was received yesterday along with the dates tor starting the service. However, plans for the new step had been announced previously. The highway post office run from Greensboro to Boone will Include stops at Guilford, Ker nersville, Winston-Salem, Yad kinville, Boonville, Elkin, Ron la, Roaring River, North Wilkes boro, Halls Mills, McGrady, Laur b1 Springs* Transou, Wagoner, Jefferson, West Jefferson, and rodd. The motorized post office will begin its run at 3:30 a. m. each day except Sunday. The convey ance will arrive in Boone at 10:45 a. m. It will leave Boone at 1:45 p. m., and arrive in Greensboro at 9 p. m. le, the Greens leave GreenBboro at 6 a. m. and arrive in Warsaw at 12:20 p. m. It will begin its return trip at 1:40 p. m., arriving in Greens boro at 8 p. m. Establishment of the route rep resents successful culmination of efforts of the Wilkes Chamber of Commerce, North Wilkesboro Postmaster Maurice E. Walsh and other groups and individuals a long the route from Greensboro to ?oone. When highway condi tions are met, the route may be extended to Johnson City, Tenn., which would improte mail serv ice from this area1 to the mid west. The highway postoffice will carry and work all types of mail, and will be in addition to present mail transportation facilities in this area. Thieves Enter Stores and Take Pennies, Nickles Thieves Monday night entered t w o wholesale establishments here which contained great a mounts of valuable merchandise and took nicklee and pennies, Po lice Chief J. E. Walker said here. At Eller Brothers store on Forester Avenue thf building was entered by breaking a door lock. A Coca-Cola vending machine was entered and the money box, containing a small quantity of nickles, was taken. Carl A. Lowe and Sons store on Forester Avenue was entered by forcing a lock on a side door. There the top of a Coca-Cola rending machine was torn off but the money box containing a few nickles had not been reach ed. A small quantity of pennies elsewhere In the store was miss ing. At neither store was any merchandise missing, according to a preliminary check. Chief Walker said the robber ies were probably work of Juve niles. Stockholders Boll Club Meet Tonight Stockholders of North Wilkes boro baseball club win meet to Mght, seven o'clock, In the office if Attorney Larry 8. Moore. Purpose of the meeting will be to elect a board of directors, who wfll name manager and business manager for the 1949 season In the Bine Ridge Baseball league. o?: Called Meeting Of V. F. W. Post Here Blue Ridge Mountain post of Veterans of Foreign Wars will meet in a call meeting tonight, eight o'clock, in the office of Key City Wholesale company on the corner of Sixth and B streets. A large attendance is urged. Optimist Club Met Tuesday Treat Junior Optimist Club Members And Other Children The Optimist Clulb of North Wilkesboro held its regular fourth Tuesday meeting this week at Hotel Wilkes. The president, Maurice E. Walsh, presided. The meeting opened with in vocation (being spoken by Dr. John T. Wayland, and the mem bers enjoyed singing several fa miliar songs. As no program had been ar ranged for the after-Christmas meeting of the club, the program was used for round-table discus sion by members. Christmas Treat The club gave the members ol the Junior Optimist Club a splendid treat on Thursday eve ning before Christmas. This treat consisted of a generous amounl of fruit, candy, and nuts, and was greatly appreciated Iby the Junior Optimists. Some of the treat was not needed for the Junior Optimists, amd this wat distributed among the children ol needy families. The next meeting of the clut will be held on Tuesday, January 11th. New Years Eve Service Friday By Young People Watch night service will be held Friday night, 11 until 11:30 p. m. at the First Baptist church by young people of the First Methodist, First Presbyterian and First Baptist churches. The pub lic is cordially invited. o Inspection Lane The Auto Inspection lane !| now operating in North Wilkes boro and will remain here through January first to give all an opportunity to have their cars inspected before the January first deadline. Two Wilkes Men Badly Injured In Highway Mishap John And Grant Dillard In Car And Truck Crash Near Winston-Salem Winston^Salem. ? John and Grant Dillard, both of North Wilkesboro, Route 1, the Hays community, were injured yester-, day when their automobile col lided with a Charlotte tractor trailer on U. S. Highway 421 a bout two and one-half miles west of the Winston-Salem city limits. Both men were taken to Bap tist Hospital by ambulance. John Dillard was reported last night as | being in "very critical'' condition, having suffered severe head in juries. iHe was still unconscious | at 9:30 p. m. Grant Dillard had j regained consciousness last night but was being held for observa tion as to possible internal in-1 juries. State Highway Patrolmen said the Dillard car was traveling east on 421 and was rounding a curve Just east of the intersection of 421 and Highway 67 when it met a tractor-trailer driven by James Lloyd Finley of Marlon. The truck was owned by the Bruce Johnson Trucking Com pany of Charlotte. Patrolmen quoted eyewitness es as saying the tractor-trailer skidded and jack-knifed on the curve and that the automobile collided with the left side of the trailer. The automobile was dam- j aged beyond repair, and damage to the trailer was estimated at! between $700 and $800. Both' rear wheels of the trailer were knocked loose, patrolmen said. Finley was charged with reck less driving and placed under $1,000 bond for appearance in. Winston-Salem Municipal Court February 15. Broadcast Sunday From First Baptist Church service radio broad cast Sunday morning toy radio station WKBC will be from the First Baptist church, with Dr. John T. Wayland, pastor, deliver ing the message. Rites Held Sunday For R. W. Gwyn Who Died Dec. 24 Was Cashier Of Bank Of1 North Wilkesboro For Over Half Century iRichard Walter Gwyn, for more than half a century cash- i ier of the Bank of North Wilkes- j boro, died Friday night, Decern-j ber 24, 8:45 o'clock, at his home in this city. Stricken with cerebral hemor-! rhage December 10, Mr. Gwyn' remained critically ill until his' death and did not regain con- ( sciousness. Mr. Gwyn was born in Elkin.1 His father was Richard Ransom Gwyn, who was in mercantile business and was engaged in manufacturing at Elkin, and his mother was Mrs. Mollie Dicker son Gwyn. In his youth Mr. Gwyn attended Davis Military Academy, j which was located in Winston-1 Salem. Fbom that school he came j to North Wilkesboro in 1898 to be with his sister, Mrs. J. E. Fin ley. Mr. Finley at that time was president o' the newly organized Bank of North Wilkesboro, and the young Mr. Gwyn was given a job in the ibank. He was 19 years old at that time. The young man rapidly advanc ed in work of the bank and was made cashier of the bank, a po sition which he held throughout the remainder of his long and useful life. At the time Mr. Gwyn came to No^A Wilkesboro the town was a miding village at the end of a railroad, and bis life and work contributed greatly to the growth of the town and community. In the bank Mr. Gwyn became known as one of the most able bank executives in the state, and in that capacity he made the ac p of thetiMUttaW^OT northwestern North Carolina. Mr. Gwyn was known a* a keen judge of character and he placed great value on character in business dealings. In addition to his bank connec tion, Mr. Gwyn figured promi nently in business life of this community in other lines of en deavor for many years. With Mr. J. R. Hix Mr. Gwyn purchased the Vaughn-Hemphill wholesale firm here in 1905, which operat ed successfully for many years. He was vice president of Turner White Casket company for many years. With, associates Mr. Gwyn was a stockholder in (American Fur niture company at the time it was established and held the office of treasurer of that manufacturing company until his death. Throughout a greater part of his life Mr. Gwyn was connected with insurance business. He was a partner in the Gwyn-Colvard Insurance agency which was in business here over a long period of time and in more recent years was vice president of Sentinel In surance Agency here. He was also engaged to some extent in brokerage business in North Wil kes boro. Faithful to his church, Mr. Gwyn during a greater part of his life was a member of the board of stewards of the First Methodist church in North Wil kesboro. He was also deeply in terested in civic life and every movement which he deemed in the interest of welfare and pro gress of his community. He was a charter member of the North Wilkesboro Kiwanls club. He was also a member of the Knights of Pythias lodge In North Wilkes boro. Mr. Gwyn on Nov. 25, 1896 married Miss Tate Blair, of North Wilkesboro. She and two sons and two daughters survive. They are Mrs. Margaret Coffey, Mrs. R. M. Brame, Jr., Richard W. Gwyn, Jr., and W. Blair Gwyn, all of North Wilkesboro. There are seven grandchildren, Carl Gwyn Coffey, Miss Blair Coffey, Nell Gwyn Brame, Bobby 1 and Richard G. Brame, Carolyn , Gwyn and Richard W. Gwyn, III. Also surviving Mr. Gwyn is one sister, Mrs. T. J. Lillard, of Charlotte. An impressive funeral service was held Sunday afternoon at the First Methodist church.^ Dr. Gilbert R. Combe, pastor, con ducted the service and burial was in Mount Lawn Memorial Park. Pall bearers were grandneph ews: Pat and Charles Williams land Frank Blair, of this city, t Alexander Smith, Alee Chatham, ? Jr., and Tommy Chatham, of ? Died December 24 R. W. GWYN tf.F.W. Purchases WILX Building For a Clubhouse Addition Will Be Construct ed; New Year's Eve Par ty Friday Planned Blue Ridge Mountain Post of Veterans of Foreign Wars has purchased the building and land of radio station WILX just out side of this city near highway 115. Property Included in the deal is the block building formerly used for broadcasting and four acres of land. S. L. Whitaker, commander of the post, stated that the property will provide an excellent place for post meetings, and that the post haB plans for an addition to the sembly hall. The property was purchased from Edney Ridge, of Greenfcboro, wh0 owned and ope rated the station here until it su spended operations a few months ago. Post Plans Party Blue Ridge Mountain post of Veterans of Foreign Wars will stage a new year's eve dinner and dance Friday night at Carolina Restaurant, Commander Whitak- ' i er said. The Carolina Harvesters, of Stony Point, will play for the dance, which will follow the din ner at eight o'clock. V. F. W. and Auxiliary members and their friends are invited, but reserva tions must be made with Carolina Restaurant or any member of the V. F. W. Tax Listing Will Get Under Way In Wilkes Jan. 10 Listing Will Begin In All Townships On Same Date This Year J. C. Grayson, Wilkes county accountant and tax supervisor, has announced that tax listing will get under way in all town ships in Wilkes county on Mon day, January 10. iAII property owners are re quired to list their property both real and personal, which they possess on January 1, 1949. A list ot list takers and their appointments will be published later and all 'are asked to watch this newspaper in order to ibe prepared to list on the most con venient date. Tax listing for Wilkes county in North Wilkesboro township and for the town of North Wil kesboro will be done at the same time at the North Wilkesboro town hall, beginning January 10. W. P. Kelly will be list taker for the town of North Wilkesboro. Banks Here Will Be Closed On Saturday Bank of North Wilkesboro and the Northwestern Bank here will be closed on New Year's Day, Sat urday, January 1, which has been proclaimed a bank holiday. Elkin. Honorary pall bearers were stewards of the First Methodist churcfc. At Mr. Gwyn's expressed re quest, flowers were not need in the funeral. William Gray Heads Club la '49 New Officers And Directors Elected At Meeting Tues day Night William Gray will head the WiLkesboro Business and Pro fessional Men's Club for 1949. rhe young furniture iperchant ivas elected to the position of president, .succeeding Dr. G. T. Mitchell, at the cluib meeting held ruesday evening at the Wilkes aoro Woman's clubhouse. Other officers elected were: Kyle Hayes, vice president; R. R'. hurch, secretary-treasurer; E. El. Spruill, assistant secretary ;reasurer. Directors elected were is follows: Fred Henderson and E. R. Wright, for a term of one rear; Bill Phillips and Warner Miller, Jr., for a term of two rears; W. B. Somers and Carl Bullis, for a term of three years. Dr. G. T. Mitchell presided at :he meeting, and E. R. Wright served as secretary: The meeting >pened with invocation being spoken by Charles C. McNeill. A fine dinner, featured (by de licious ham, was served the club members by ladies of the Wom an's Club, and attendance was Fine, taking intQ consideration the holiday activity. Band Movement Gains Momentum William T. Dong, superinten ient of the Wilkesboro district schools, gave an interesting re port on the progress being made by the high school band. He stat ed that regular practice sessions are being held, and that much progress is being made. Mr. Long spoke of the need of larger In struments for the hand, and it was suggested that a committee be appointed to investigate the needs of the band, and to devise ways and means of giving finan 4 This committee, appointed by -President Mitchell," is as follows: A. R. Gray, Jr., chairman, Edward Mclntyre, Fred Henderson, W. B. Somers, and | Hadley Hayes. Open Discussion No program had been planned for the meeting and it was plann ed that the half-hour program period be consumed by a business session, and open forum discus sion by members. Following the! transaction of business, President i Mitchell called on members to give their views on any matter j which pertained to the welfare ] and interest of the town. Those I taking part in this open forum! discussion and speaking on mat ters of public Interest were: J. B. Williams, Kyle Hayes, E. R. Spruill, Robert Smoak, Claude Kennedy, A. B. Somers, Hadley Hayes, Edward Mclntyre, W. T. Long and Robert M. Gambill. Dr. Mitchell, the retiring pres ident, thanked the club members for the fine co-operation extend ed him during the period he had served the club in that capacity. The next meeting of the club will be held on Tuesday, January 25th, at seven o'clock. o Furniture Makers Getting Ready For Chicago Exposition Representatives of furniture | manufacturing plants in this vi cinity will leave this week for Chicago, where they will show their 1949 furniture models in the furniture exposition begin uing Monday. Those going from here and the companies they represent are: N. 0. Smoak and Robert Smoak, of Forest Furniture company; J. R. Hix, Richard Johnston and R. W. Gwyn, Jr., of American Furni ture company; Edd F. Gardner, | of Carolina Mirror Corporation; Henry Moore, Ivey Moore and | Ray Hoover, of Home Chair com-1 pany; John E. Justice, of Oak Furniture company, who is also president of the Southern Furni-1 ture Manufacturers Association. o Plon Squore Dance New Year's Eve At Moravian Falls I All are Invited to the New Year's Eve square dance to be held Friday night, beginning at eight o'clock, at Moravian Falls community house for benefit of the community house fund. Support the Y.M.C. A. Club President 'WILLIAM GRAY Holiday Wedding Trip Has Tragic Ending For Girl Bettie Sue Hall, Of Halls Mills, Victim Highway Accident In Virginia Holiday wedding trip of Miss Bettie Sue Hall, of Halls Mills, Wilkes county, ended in death Saturday night at Staunton, Va., from injuries received in an auto accident near there Saturday morning. Her fiancee, Burton Edwards, of Whitehead, Alleghany county, was critically hurt and was hos pitalized at Staunton, Va. Ernest Edwards, of Sparta, driver of the car which carried the wedding party, was only slightly injured. According to in formation received here, the car he was driving s&idded on icy pavement, hit another car and overturned. Others in the car were his wife and her twin sister, Miss Elsie Edwards, of White head, who was also critically hurt and is in a Staunton hos pital. J. W. Hall, father of the acci dent victim, said that they had with them a marriage license for the state of Maryland. According to his information, they intended to be married in Maryland and visit relatives in Washington, D. C. Miss Hall is survived by her father, J. W. Hall, of Halls Mills, three brothers and three sisters: Glenn Hall, High Point; Mrs. Glenn Wyatt, North Wilkesboro; Mrs. Hardin Owens, Halls Mills; Wayne Hall, Winston - Salem; Miss Imogene Hall and Jimmy Hall, of Halls Mills. Funeral service was held Tues day, one p. m., at Rock Springs church. Rev. Monroe Dillard and Rev. Jimmy Bryant conducted the service. o -- Holidays Quiet In This County; No Bad Accidents The Christmas holiday season passed very quietly in Wilkes county. Although traffic was heavy throughout the holiday period, no bad accidents were reported. The highway patrol had few calls to Investigate accidents and the few reported involved only minor property damage and no serious injuries. Offices of chief of police and sheriff reported a quiet week end, with no more than usual number of arrests. No major crimes were reiported in the coun ty. Last Rites Today For J. W. Crysel, Killed In Pacific Funeral service for Pfc. John Walter Crysel, who lost his life in action while serving with the marine corps on Iwo Jima, was held today, two p. m., at Union Methodist chnrch. Pfc. Crysel was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Crysel, of the Cricket community of Wilkes county. Rev. C. J. Winslow, pastor, was assisted in the service by Rev. Watt Cooper, First Presbyterian pastor here and former naval chaplain.

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