Ob5 ?i. 1?Ums ln »ioX,anu"y : 'V ^sP^nr The Journal-Patriot Has Vol. 43, No. 76 H WILKESBORO, In the "State of W day, January 10, 1948 Center ,21 kjirres Accident Held Sunday For Victim* Of Accident Near Winston-Salem 29th John Dillard of North Wllkee boro, Route 1, died in Baptist Hospital In Win8ton-8alem Fri day' of Injuries he sustained in a highway accident near Winston Salem Dec. 21-. Or ant Dillard, ot the same ad drees, who was also hurt in the wreck, was released from the hos pital Wednesday. Their car and a tractor-trailer collided on a curve two and one half miles west of Winston-Salem, on jlighway 421. The truck driv er, James Finley of Marion, was later placed under $1,000 bond on a charge of reckless driving and was scheduled for a hearing in Municipal Court there Feb. 15. State Highway Patrolmen said m witnesses reported that the truck skidded and )ack-knlfed on a curve and that the Dillard . car struck the side of the trailer, twas owned by the Bruce Trucking Company of Be ring Mr. Dillard are his -r-r--. and mother, OHie H. and LJuVa Sf&oot Dillard, of Hays route one, an4 ten brothers and sisters: Mrs. J. N. Reynolds, Clifton Dillard, Cfrant Dillard, of . Hays; Mrs. W. A. Reynolds and George DfllsrC/ o* North Wilkes boro; Mrs. A. R. Rhoades and Mrs. Robert Hogan, of. Wilkes boro; Mrs. James Foster, of Mil lers Creek; Mrs. Clemmie Rhoades, of Black Mountain; and Mrs. Andrew Pecora, of Balti more. Funeral service was held Sun day, two p. m., at Haymeadow Baptist church. Rev. D. M. Dil lard and Rev. Clarence Miller conducted the last rites. O ' fatb Elkin.—'Libby Ann Settle, 9, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wel born Settle, Pleasant Hill Com munity near here, was seriously I injured when struck by a car and knocked 40 feet Saturday p night. The child was taken to Hugh ; Chatham Memorial hospital here. Doctors said she suffered a brain concussion, broken collar bone and other injuries. She was taken Sunday to the Baptist hospital in Winston-Sal em for treatment by a specialist. Officers said the little girl had just Vtepped off a church bus withJfaembeTs of her choir at Plednt Hill Baptist church vrhelwh.e was struck by a car driv«B by Miss Jessie Mae Weath , 4rman, of Jonesville. ■L. Np/ charges had been brought Sunday night, according to | officers. I Many From Wilkes I At Thi/lnauguration Wilkes was well represented in the great throng in Raleigh I Thursday for inauguration of : Governor W. Kerr Scott. (Among those from Wilkes were Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bason and son, Bill, Paul E>. Church, C. T. Doughton, Watson Brame, Hom er Brookshire, Phil Yates, Rastus Yates, Carl Jones, F. C. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Ferguson and daughter, Miss Carolina Fer guson, H. T. Waller, Odell Whit tington, Joe Zimmerman and Roger Hunter. o — Turkish Tobacco 1' Meeting Planned There has been considerable in terest shown by new growers of Turkish Tobacco in several com * ■* muni ties in Wilkes county. There fore, the county agents have ar ranged a series of three meetings to give the farmers in these com- I munities information on.growing! the crop. Pictures and sample equipment and samples of the leaf will be shown at these meet ings. The schedule of the meet ■ IngsVre as follows: Wwnesday, January 12, at 10 a. rJTMt. Sinai church; 2 p. m., HflBfsJohnson's store. ^■Kirsday, January 13, at 7:00 , A. R. Miller's store. All farmers interested in grow d" f? Several thousand troops search ed in the long parade that escort ed Scott from the Executive Man sion to Memorial Auditorium and later passed hia| in review. And more thousands of the people from distant corners *f the state as well as the neajfiir regions crowded th$, a«J|toridm ..'lee Governor Scott saw tnat fie took office with "what, I 'believe to be a clear mandate from the people to carry out the pledges I have given." The new Governor added that, with the co-operation of the Legislature, "the things I have promised will be done in an orderly manner and as rapidly as our resources will permit." Lowe, 2 o'clock. Monday, Jan. 17 — Boomer Home Demonstration Club; Mrs. Bill Walsh, 2 o'clock. Clingman 4-H, 9:15 a. m. Tuesday, Jan. 18—Mulberry Home Demonstration Club; Mrs. Trealy Harrold, 7:30 p. m. Radio Program — Assistant Home Agent, 12:45. o Little Theatre Group To Be Organized A Little Theatre Group \gill be organized iu Wilkes county un der direction of Mrs. Richard Finley. Those of college age and older are cordially invited to join. The first meeting will be Thursday, January 13, at 7:30, in the up stairs of the Frank Crow build ing on C street, oposite the North Wilkesboro postoffice. BARY ENSEMBLE CONCERT TO BE TUES. NIGHT, LIBERTY THEATRE The Bary Ensemble, which will play Tuesday night, January 11, at the Liberty Theatre, will be the second in the series of concerts under auspices of the Wilkes Community Concert As sociation. The performance will begin promptly at eight p. m. and only those with membership cards will be admitted. Composed of five young ladies, this group will present one of the most outstanding concerts the people of this community haye ever been privileged to attend. Gertrude Bary, founder and organizer of the Ensemble, re ceived her musical education at the Conservatory of Leipzig. Aft er extensive concertizing abroad she came to this country and im mediately became associated with chamber music groups of the highest calibre—among them the Stradivarius and Gordon Quartets. Radio appearances and a New York Town Hall recital are among her achievements as a solo artist. Violinist Mary Becker made five transcontinental tours before making her New York Town Hall debut. A former student at the Juilliard Graduate School, her teachers were Albert Spalding and the late Paul Kochanski. A former pupil of the late Emanuel Feuermann Virginia Peterson, Cellist, received her musical education e n t ir e 1 y through scholarships. After stu dying in London with Ivor James, she came to New York to continue I her work with Alfred Wallen-1 stein. She has appeared in many' recitals and several times has ■ been guest soloist with the New York City Symphony. A native of Spokane, Washing ton, violist Helen Bacchus travel ed to New York to study with the late Paul Kochanskl of the Juilliard School and then with famed vlolinst Albert Spalding. Her proficiency at arranging and! transcribing is a result of study, with Juilllard's eminent compos-1 er, Bernard Wagenaar. She has! appeared over the radio in New' York and has made several coast to coast recital tours. Phyllis Gugino, clarinetist, is a former student of Simeon Bel lison, retired solo clarinetist of the New York Philharmonic Sym phony, and Daniel Bonade of the Columbia Broadcasting system. A graduate of the National Orches tral Association, her career In cludes the position of sol0 clari netist with the New York City Center Symphony, radio appear ances, and solo performances with the Busch Ensemble. The 4-H Achievement Day for I 1948 is planned for Fjriday, Jan uary 14th, at 10 a. m. In the | town hall of North \^ilkesboro. At this time, county; winners In I the various 4-H projqets will be ' recognized. Appropriate medals) and ribbons will be gi ren to each i winner, A complete list of wlna tiers will be annoui ced later. | Cash prizes will be awarded the Production the local members, interested invited to same day, | all County, leir father winners in the Food contest, sponsored by Kiwanis club. All clu parents, leaders, and friends are especially this program. Immediately following the) Achlevemeht Day Program, the Food Production winners will be guesst of the Klwanife club at their regular luncheqn meeting.! 4-H club j members will be in | charge of the Kiwanif program. At 6:3® tpi m. on tfc Friday, January 14, winners and either or their mother will J be honored at a banquet sponsored by the Duke Power Company to 4$ held at the Carolina Restaurant. This is a full day ft r 4-H mem bers and leaders, so 1 at'8 he pres ent and give encoui agei^ent to our boys and girls. The following is a coftftof the ] Achievement Day pr and'the following ghtqrs: J. <1. Mathisj lem f Mrs. Weaver Mrs] Armstropg G till be held i., at Swan near Jones tjiis, 66, well kin who died his home, i, pastor, will J. C. Gwalt Mrsi B. A. Dillon, VaJ Mrs. Coy Oal] Mrsj Garvey Simmo^i FeltjB, Jr., Mrs. B Mrsj Tommy Stanlejf Caudill, Vriginia and| Phillip Mathis, Tuesday ifvived by his irton Mathis, st>ns and dau Winston-Sa Caudill and ay; Ronda; [Redwood, W. [oway, Cycle; is, Mrs. J. B. ilford Hayes, Mrs. Gilmer fcuth Mathis all of Elkln. Optimist Club To Meet On fuesday The Optimist Wilkesboro will holi ulaj- meeting of the| morrow at noon at Maurice E. Walsh, the! club, urges all tend. ; —o SUPPORT THE Club of North J its first reg New Year to Hotel Wilkes, president of Members to at Y. M. C. A. reek Card • Some of the best school Ko 1 ■*"' ball gamea of the season will b*' played in this community this week. $ ' '■ On Thursday night boys and girls of North Wilkesboro and Wilkesboro wi}l clash in the North Wilkesboro gymnasium, the girls' game beginning at 7:30. On Friday night Millers Creek will play North Wilkesboro here in games that should be equally excising.- [ " On Friday night Roaring Riv er will play the Wilkesboro teams in Wilkesboro gymnasium. — o geodetic Group Plans Work Here For Thirty Days Government Group With 100 Personnel! Will Park At Memorial Park •*;. i Victor L. Brindley, represen-] tative of a field unit of the TJ. S. Coast Guard and Geodetic Surrey, was here today to secure a camp ing site for his unit Mth a per sonnel of a/bout 100, which' will be located here for about SO days, beginning January 17. Brindley, "with Mayor T. 8. Kener ly and, Tom Jenrette, of the Chamber of Commerce, look-, ed over a number of available sites and the city agreed to give tiie government party use of part of the packing area fit Memorial Park for the duration of their stay here. The unit, under com mand of Lt. ' Commander Roswell C. Bolstad, is now located at Statesville in geological survey e' un tents and trailers trucks. o Kiwanis Program By Dance Pupils Is Well Received Pupils of Miss Grace * Frank Kilby's dancing classes put on a very interesting program Friday noon before the North Wilkes boro Kiwanis club. The program was very entertaining and well received by the club. Richard Finley was program chairman for the day. Rev. C. J. Winslow, pastor of the Wilkesboro Methodist church, was received into membership in the club and was inductee by Rev. Watt M. Cooper. Club reso lutions in memory of R. W. Gwyn were read > by Dr. Gilbert R. Combs. The club voted t0 send as a gift a gavel to the new Kiwanis club being formed at Rutherford ton. It was announced that Kiwan is, Lions and Optimists will meet with Jaycees Friday, Jan. 21, at Hotel Wilkes to honor the young man; selected as the "Out standing Young Man of "1948". Forms were passed out for nomi nations. •Guests Friday were: Mrs. R. G. Finley with R. G. Finley; Mrs. Tom Jenrette with Tom Jenrette; Mrs. Joe Barber with Joe Bar ber; Rev. J. E. Pearson with D. E. Elledge; W. L. Bender with Frank Crow. i Wilkes Chamber Aids In Checking Solicitors, Agents Assists Public In Obtaining Identity, Purpose of So licitors, Salesmen The Wilkes Chamber of Com merce, although not engaged in solicitations control, offers its services to the public in checking identy and purpose of solicitors and salesmen in the community, Tom S. Jeprette, secretary-man ager, said, today. The Chamber of Commerce is no longer engaged in the project of passing on merits of solicita tions campaign, but will check into the identity of any solicitors and out-of-town salesmen con tacting local people, if requested to do so. '*** *• t '■ ■h : - Seek Enforcement Of Liquor Laws To Eliminate Liquor President Ministerial Asso ciation Comments On CuVj-ent Movements Ministers ©f the Wilkeaborcns aot only wilK oppose the move ment for A.BC liqsor stores in the two towns, hut will lead in s movement get rid of bootleg Sing that now exists, Dr. John T. . Wayland, president. Of the,. Wil kesboros Ministerial Association, said here. » Commenting on action. ef the ministers, Dr. Wayland said: "At their meeting last Monday night ministers of the Wilkes boros agreed not only to do al\ they could t0 keep liquor stores out of Wilkes county or any part thereof, but also to arouse the people to the support of the laws which we now have (in an effort to get rid of the free aind easy . bootlegging now going on her#?" Petitions are being circulated in Wilkesboro and Ndrtb, Wilkes boro asking the legislature now In session to pass an-aet enabling the towns to call an election on the question of ABC stores. One of the arguments being used by proponents of ABC stores is that liquor in any quantity or quality can be obtained at many point® around the two towns and that •bootleggers are thriving. But the ministers propose t»ot only to oppose the ABC move ment, but to lead a to elimi nate bootlegging and for enforce ment of liquor laws. Dr. Waylnad is president Of the Ministerial Association. H^_if* pastor of the Rev. C. J. whuuow, pastor of WHkesbftr© Methodist; Dr. Gilbert R. Combs, pSBtor of North Wilkesboro First Metho dist; Rev. W. N. Brookshire, pastor of Wilkesboro Baptist; Rev. Watt M. Cooper, pastor of North Wilkesboro First Presby terian; and Rev. C. D. Spake, pastor of Church of God. Further commenting on the ABC movement, Dr. Wayland said in his church news letter: "Legalizing liquor in this town or county will give it the sanction of respectability, will increase the drinking of liquor with its trail of sorrow, crime and social and economic destruction." Getting back to the subject of bootleg ging, Dr. Wayland continued: *'No time should be lost in arous ing the citizenry to the 'outlaw ing' of the outlaws we now have." It has become generally known that vast quantities of tax-paid liquor are shipped yearly by dis tillers anfl jobbers to addresses in Wilkes county, but since drink ing here is no greater than in other places it is presumed that a greater portion of the liquor billed to addresses in Wilkes fin ally makes its way to supply bootleggers at many other points. Commenting on liquor ship ments into this county Dr. Way land said: "Liquor interests, in general, have respect only for those laws whifch are forced to re spect, whether they are blockad ers, ABC'ers, or the brewers and jobbers who ship tax-paid liquor into this county in large lots, knowing full well that Its sale here is against the law. Of course, what they hope to do is to break down the moral fibre of the com munity so that good men will turn t0 anything in a bad situ ation, Just like desperate men are falling for the communist line in Eurepe and Asia today.' Movement for ABC stores was started first in Wilkesboro and during the latter part of Decem ber petitions were circulated. Pe titions were circulated during the past week in North Wilkesboro. V. F. W. Meeting > The Blue Ridge Mountain post of Veterans of Foreign Wars will meet Thursday night at 7:30 in the post's clubhouse which was formerly radio station WILX. All members are urged to b^ present. ■ o —. Eastern Star Meeting The Wilkes Chapter of the Eastern Star will meet Thursday, January 13, 7:30, at the lodge hall, according to announcement by Mrs. Winnie Duncan, W. M., and Mrs. Lorene Webber, secre tary.