tile >ent over $20,000 , P®11®, Victims in Poa! the January >aign is $10,000. North Wilkesboro has a trading radius of 60 miles,, serving 100,000 people in. Northwestern Carolina. The Journal-Patriot Has Blazed the Trpil of Progress In the "State of Wilkes" For Ov«r 42 Years ^ ; • -•» Wol. 43, No. 77 C\* Published Mondays and Thursdays NORTH WILKE5B0R0, N. C., Thursday, 'January 13, 19491 Make North Wilkesboro Your Shopping Center Dr. Dougherty Is Apia President Of NorthwesteriBank 11940 Was Good Year; Capi tal Strucure Increased To Over 2 Million Dr. B. B. Doagnerty, of Boone, re-elected president of the ■Northwestern Bank by directors I here following the annual stock holders meeting, in which it was revealed that 1948 had been an [excellent year for the instltu ion, which has home office here |and branches in 14 other north restern North Carolina cities and Itowns. Dr. Dougherty 1b presi dent of Appalachian State Teach fers College at Boone. Other officers of the bank, all ire-elected for the year, are: Ed jwin Duncan, of Sparta, executive [vice president; W. B. Greene, of [Kingsport, Tenn., vice president; [i Wade H. Shuford, of Hickory, j vice president; W. B. Austin, of , Jefferson, vice president; D. V. Deal, of North Wilkesboro, sec retary. Stockholders elected the fol lowing directors; N. B. Smithey, Ralph Duncan, O. O. McNiel and Lowe, of North Wllkes D. C. Duncan, of Sparta; Reeves, of Laurel Springs: mghton, of Sparta; W. D. lg, of Boone; W. W. Mast, of Valle Crucis; Gordon H. Wink ler, of Boone; W. C. Berry, of Bakersville; John C. McBee, Sr., of Spruce Pine; B. R. PenJand, of Burnsville; G. M. Klrkpatrlck, of Taylorsville; J. D. Brinkley, of Valdese; C. A. Peterson, • of Spruce Pine; Herbert M. Yount, of Newton; Henry C. Cline, Wade H. Shuford an<J C. L. Whisnant, of Hickory. Directors are the same as 1948, except Carl A. Lrfwe was added to the board. Local board of the North Wilkesboro braifch are Ralph Duncan, O. A. Lowe, F. D. For ester, C. O. McNiel, J. R. Pre vette, J. H. Pearson an<j H. C. Buchan. 'fe-.'-- ' The Northwestern Bank, with home office here, operates at Sparta, Boone, Blow le, -Valdese, 01(i Fort, Newton, Maiden and Hickory. During the year per mission was granted by the State Banking Department and the Federal Deposit Insurance Cor poration to open offices in Wil kesboro and Stony Point. New building for the Wilkesboro of fice is nearing completion and the bank will open the two ad ditional offices in the immediate future. Fdwin Duncan, executive vice president, in his report to stock holders stated that the bank's capita^ account increased at a ;ount of $477,707.79 dur year, making the capital at the end of the year s; capital stock, $500, >00; surplus, $1,000,000;* undi ided-profits, $520,496.77; total. 0,496.77. The bank paid regular divi dends of $60,000, and in addi tion set aside $222,763.32 in re i serve accounts in accordance with a ruling of the treasury 'depart ment, internal revenue service, which amount is not shown in the statement. The management was well pleased with the bank's opera-' tion during the year, which ended with resources totaling $33,757, 628.17 and deposits of $31,315, 078.80. On July 1, the bank in creased Interest rate on time de posits to one and one-half per cent and the bank pays the state intangible tax. Profits of the bank justified this increase in interest rate, Mr. Duncan stated. ! Announce Winners In Holiday Contest Home Decoration Wilkes Junior Chamber of Commerce today announced win ners in the Christmas outdoor home decorations contest. . Mrs. A. C. Chamberlain won the ten dollars given for the best lighted doorway. For the 'best overall effect, Mrs. J«- W. Leyshon was first, winning the ten dollars eash prize, and Mrs. Claude Gentry was second, winning five dollars. Honorable mention was ac corded Mrs. C. E-. Jenkins, Sr., I Mrsjjpfehn T. Wayland, Mrs. W. I K.jWevton and Mrs. J. B. Wil ie jaycees were pleased with ^the number of entries, but sev homes which had beautiful (Jeoorations were hot entered in the contest. Plans are already bo^ tag made for a much bigger con test next Christmas. , WILKES YOUTH WILL WALK AGAIN I WWWWWHHMWWHWWWWWHWHWWWWWHWW Joseph Grasmehr, 17, of North Wilkesboro route one, is shown here receiving valuable physical therapist treatments at the infantile paralysis convalescent cen ter at Camp Sutton. The therapist is Miss Helen Tolin, of Havensford, Kansas. Without the aid of contributed infantile paralysis funds, Joseph, whose family is in dire circumstances, could not have received the treat ment which will make him well again. He is the old est of three children and the father is ill and unable to work. • GRASMEHR YOUTH ONE OF MANY WILKES CASES OF INFANTILE PARALYSIS AIDED DURING '48 Joseph Grasmehr would have been a robust tenth grade stu school this jffear had he not Been stricken with infantile paralysis in July last summer, and had ft not been for infantile paralysis funds collected in annual cam paigns he would not be started on the road to recovery from a seri ous case. , Joseph's case is all the more pathetic because of a series of family misfortunes, but there is not a more appreciative family in all the long list of homes where polio' struck in 194 8 or any prev ious years. At the age of five Joseph was afflicted with t. b. of the bone. He was successfully treated at the orthopedic hospital at Gas tonia and completely recovered. He was well and strong when polio struck him down in July. Like many other cases, Jos eph's family had no means to pay for polio treatment. His father, Fritz Grasmehr, had become ill and unable to work at his usual job at Carolina Mirror Corpora tion. Joseph had worked on their very small farm near Mulberry and for others t0 make some money for clothing and school ex penses. On July 17 Joseph was admitt ed to Baptist hospital in Winston Salem with a severe case of in fantile paralysis which rendered him almost completely paralyzed. After the acute stage he was transferred to the poli0 conva lescent center at Camp button. Now he is making some progress and can walk with braces. The doctors say he may be able to walk without braces some time in the future. The Wilkes chapter of the Na tional Foundation for infantile paralysis has spent nearly $3,000 for hospital care and treatment of the Grasmehr youth, and much more will be spent before he is able to work for himself. With out the aid of March of Dimes funds, Joseph in all probability would be dead now or helplessly and permanently deformed, be cause the family simply could not have paid the bill by dispos ing of everything they had in the world. Joseph's father was born in Germany, but he is an American citizen and no one is more proud of the fact than he. He loves America; he loves the big heart of her people, who could provide the best care an,j treatment that the world knows, for his stricken son. , But Joseph's case Is only one of 42 in Wilkes county during the past year. Practically all of them received aid from the Infantile Paralysis Foundation. They could not have tfaid It themselves, and had there been no National Foundation, money could not have purchased the specialized care and treatment that polio demands if the -vtotitiMB are--not if the victims are to ^feSver anything near their normal facul ties. The National Foundation provided the hospital facilities, special nurses, doctors and equip ment. Well over $20,000 has already been advanced the Wilkes chap ter to help care for 1948 victims, and the end is not yet in sight because sixteen are in hospitals now and will require much more treatment. In addition to Nation al Foundation funds advanced, the Wilkes chapter has spent all of its reserve from former cam | paigns. This year the need is great, and $10,000, is the mini mum asked from Wilkes because the National Foundation must be partially re-imbursed in order that it will have funds for future epidemics anywhere in the coun try. Inspection Lane Motor Vehicles Operating Here Inspection lane for motor ver hicles began work here today and" will remain through Tues day, January 18. Under the law all models up to and including 1936 must be inspected during January. Autos are inspected twice yearly and the inspection now will be good through June 30. The inspection lane will re turn to North Wilkesboro for a five-day stand March 10-15. Lions And Ramblers Play Here Tonight Wilkesboro and North Wilkes boro basketball teams, boys and girls, will play tonight in the Nortti Wlikesboro gymnasium. There willl he three games, with jayvees starting at 6:30. On Friday night Roaring Riv er will play Wilkesboro at Wil kesboro, the first game starting at 7:30. Tax Listing Is WellJInder Way J.C.Grayson, Wilkes county ac countant and tax supervisor, said today that tax listing began on Monday in all townships in Wil kes county. " All who are required to list for property or .poll taxes are urged to see their list takers in their respective townships during the period alloted for listing. The law provides penalties for those who fail to list with the list tak ers daring the time set aside for | list taking. Tviro Ministers and Wives Are Injured In I Auto Accident Two prominent Western North Caro una ministers and their wives were seriously injured a bout* 6:30 a. m. Tuesday in an automobile accident on Highway 18, lix miles west of Sparta in Allej hany county. Tie injured, now patients at Wilkes Hospital here, are: Rev. W. < 1. Cobb of Cherry ville, frac ture< skull; Mrs. W. G. Cobb, broken back; Rev. James Cobb of Taylorsville, son of Rev. W. G. Cobtj, probable skull fracture and othe!' injuries; Mrs. James Cobb, brokfen pelvis; the small son of Rev.J and Mrs. James Cobb, min or injuries. ) Sheriff Called Alleghany Sheriff Glenn Rich ardspn of Allegtfany county, was caller to the scene of the acci dent about 6:30 a. m. Tuesday. He iaid the injured had been tak-i en jo the hospital when he ar rive fl. AJleghany Sheriff Richardson said! his investigation showed Rev. W. G. Cobb was driving the car >when it skidded on wet pave ment while negotiating a sharp curie. The sheriff said the auto mobile struck a culvert. He said no charges would be brought. Kn Route to Meeting Rev. W. G. Cobb and his wife speht Monday night with their son' at Taylorsville. The ministers and their wives were en route to a ipeeting of the board of the Lutheran orphanage at Salem, Va.J of which Rev. W. G. Cobb is 4 member. Rev. W. G. Cobb is a native of Guilford County and was reared in the McLeansville community. He has been pastor of the Luth eran Church at Cherryville for more than 15 years. R&v. James Col'b is pastor of the Lutheran Ch'irch at Taylorsville. l£ev. W. G. Cobb is a cousin of !Mrs. C. L. Sockwell, of North Wilkesboro. Brother Of Wm. T.. Long Is Stricken — ■ -• . pr. HOllis M. Long, 49, broth er I Of Wm. T. Long, Wilkesboro schools district principal, died unexpectedly Wednesday after noon at his home at Lafayette, Laj He had been in apparently normal health and was stricken wiih a heart attack while in the yaid of his home. f'or the past 19 years, Dr. Lopg had been professor of sec ondary education and director of teacher training in Southeastern Institute at Lafayette, La. He was boin-and reared at Cornelius, n.Jc. Br. Long is survived by his wije, Mrs. Joyce Rudisell Long, formerly of Crouse, N. C., and twj> sons, Jerome and Gregory Long; his mother, Mrs. W. E. Long, of Cornelius, and one brother, Wm. T. Long, of Wilkes boro. {The body will be brought to Cornelius for funeral and burial. Mountain Lions To | Play Friday Night At Millers Creek North Wilkesboro high school bojys and girls will play Millers Cijeek high school teams in Mil lers Creek Gymnasium Friday ni&ht, the first game beginning at: 7:30. J The game was originally sche led for North Wilkesboro gym nasium, but was later changed to MJllers Creek, and a later game scheduled for Millers Creek will bei played here. Juniors To Install Officers Tuesday (North Wilkesboro council of tlfe Junior Order will install Of ficers Tuesday night and a large attendance is earnestly desired. A)l officers elected for the next term are especially requested to be present. * Square Dance Friday : At Moravian Falls * Another old-time square dance 1 wjfll be held Friday night, eight ojclock, at Moravian Falls com munity house, for benefit of the community house fund. An en j< yable occasion is assured all who will attend. Bluejackets To Play Union Grove Jan. 15 - Eller's Bluejackets will play the strong basketball team from Union Grove Saturday night, January 15, in Millers Greek gymnasium. An exciting contest i« anticipated. ri'; REV. J. EARL PEARSON BECOMES BAPTIST ASSOCIATION WORKER On January 1 of^fc year the Rey. J. Earl Pearson tegan his work as missionary pf th e Brushy Mountain Baptist AJbsqcI ition. He was born in Buncpmbte county and comes ot Wilkejs county from Dobson, where he served as pas tor of the Baptist jchujrch there. He was licensed to preach In 1934, and ordained ip 1939. He served as pastor cjf th i Baptist church at Bat Cave> 1^. ■before going to Maryland', i w liere he served two oongregatioi s in and near Baltimore. He< c^m ) to Dob son in October, 1946.! ' Mr. Pearson is a fen duate of Brevard College, h^s js!t idled for one year at Wake Fo^e* t, attend ed a session of thej Fjrji tland Bi ble Institute, studied >: by cor respondence with th^ I Iniversity Foundation and is: nj>li engaged in correspondence 'co*ix les regis tered with the Ne^ dfl sans Bap tist Theological S^mjiiY :ry. Mr. and Mrs. Pearson iafQ two little girls in the elementary grades of the North Wilkejsbpti > school, Elizabeth Anne an<j hel. They live on Highway 1$ l^el ind Chief John Walker's horpej i;. a new house built by I. M. ;!$ ler, Jr. Mr. Pearson takqs top the work laid down last year, ) by Miss Madge Lewis, whd Ulfc to con tinue her education ip;, California. The work of the ^nisfjijonary has been greatly expande<5jj however, with the adoption | of 1 a larger budget on the part) of I the execu tive committee of ithej association under the leadership J of T. E. Story, moderator. It ?rill be Mr. Pearson's privilege a^d respon sibility to strengthen the, church es through preaching} by leader REV. J. EARL PEARSON £ ! ship in Sunday school and Train ing Union work, in the establish ment of Vacation Bible Schools, participation and leadership in Pastors' schools, etc. For ex ample, he is teaching a training course for church leaders efich night this week at the Hinshaw Street, Baptist church. Mr. Pearson comes to tho As sociation highly recommended by leaders of the Baptist denomina tion in North Carolina. He is known personally by several past ors of Wilkes county and they and the churches have rallied to his support with enthusiasm in Jhe expectation that his ministry will be of great service to the churches and of real benefit to the citizens of Wilkes County. Baptist Pastors To Meet Monday The Wilkes Oou Pastors' Conferenqe i rill meet at ty Baptist jhapel Mon 17th, at 7 the Reins-Sturdivajnt day night, Januajry o'clock, with Re^. jGlenn Huff man, newly elected president, presiding. i ■ Th# -program jwiLl' consist of devotions by Rev. C.'S. Welborn; a talk on Associational work by the new missionary, Rev. J. Earl Pearson. W. K. iiturdivant will speak to the ministers on the top ic of "The Funerp.1 Service." Rev.W. N. Brpokshire is the retiring president and the new secretary of the ^conference. 01 Story Is Member Of Ten Coknmittees In The Legislature T. E. Story, TjVill;es' veteran representative in) the legislature, is a member of [ten house com mittees during t^e current term. The committee^ of which he is member are Appropriations, Con stitutional Amendments, Coun ties Cities and [Towns, Educa tion, Election paws, Judiciary No. 1, Rules, "Veterans Legisla tion, Wildlife Resources, Trus tees of TJniversitjy. 6 Foster At Showing Of ^lew jStudebaker Gilbert G. Foster, of Motor Market, Inc., Ipcal Studebaker dealer, was in Atlanta this week attending a deafera' showing of 1949 jnodel Studebakers. The new Studjebaker, which is expecting to attract much inter fist in the autoipobile field, will .be shown by Mtftor Market here in the very neari future. Notice To Carrier Subscribers Of The Journal-Patriot' Boys who deliver The Journ al-Patriot to homes of sub scribers in North "VPllkesboror are not authorized by this newspaper to sell papers or to collect for subscriptions. The carrier boys are employed to deliver papers to regular sub -sfrihers of The Journal-Patriot , on their respective routes, and are not authorized to sell in dividual copies or yearly sub scriptions. Dr. Combs Speaker For Girl Scout Meeting Jan. 17 There will be a meeting of the County Girl Scout Associa tion at the North Wilkesboro Lit tle House on Monday evening, January 17th, at 7:45. Dr. GiL bert -Combs will speak afc this meeting, which will be an inter esting and important occasion. The January meeting of the board of directors will be held on the same evening at 7:00 in the North Wilkesboro Little House. It is hoped these first meet ings of the New Year will be well attended. Bank Stockholders To Meet January 20 The annual meetitfg of the stockholders of the Bank of North Wilkesboro will be held at the bank on Thursday, January 20, ten a. m. The directors will meet im mediately following the stock holders. Business to be transact ed by the board will Include the election of a cashier to succeed the late R. W. Gwyn, who was cashier of the bank for more than fifty years. SAM OGIUIE TELLS OPTIMISTS OF NEED FOR MONEY FOR POLIO WORK The Optimist 'clu.b of North Wilkesbojfo held 'a splendid meet ing Tuesday poon at Hotel Wilkes with a gqjod attendance of members. i ' The luncheon jopened with the members singing "America," fol lowed with thej membership re peating the clut,'B creed in uni son. Rev. C. J. Winslow then of fered the invocation. During the lueiness session, Forrest Tugmanj secretary of the club, told of his | recent visit with the Greensboro j Optimist club, and President i Maurice Walsh told of the forjth6«fming district meeting to be hfldr in High Point. SaA OgilvieJ Stresses Need ' Polio| R<oney The club was pleased to have as guesj: speaker | Sam Ogilvie, chairman of the county polio or ganisation, whd » leading the 1949 drive for IfuiiAs to continul the gre^t work being done for polio .victims. "If itj had not been for advances f^om the national I I I fund, it would have been impos sible to take care of the polio cases in this county during 1948," Mr. Ogilvie said. Wilkes county received the sum of $25,000 from the Nation al Foundation of Infantile Pa ralysis last year, Mr. Ogilvie stat ed. ' The need is great for polio! funds for 1949, and Mr. Ogilvie | asked every club member to co- j operate in putting over the cam-| paign to raise the amount of $12,000 in Wilkes starting tomor row. i Mr. Ogilvie was warm in his praise of the work done by the Optimist club in the community since its organization in April of last year, especially in regard to the club's work with a number of boys of the community. Board of Governors To Meet The board of governors of the club will hold its regular meet ing for the month of January on Tuesday night, seven o'clock, in the Chamber of Commerce office. Wilkes Chamber Of Commerce To Elect Directors Nominating Comifiittee Has. Named 12, From Which Six Will Be Elected • Twelve members hare been nominated for directors 'of the Wilkes Chamber of Commerce and the membership by ballot will elect six of the twelve for a three-year term. The board is composed of IS members, with three elected each year for a three-year term. J. R. Hix, chairman of the nominating committee, said that the 12 nominees were selected from a total of about 40 were were considered for nomination. Those nominated were Carl Buchan, Prank H. Crow, Edward G. Finley, Blair Gwyn, Fred Hen derson, A. F. Kilby, Perry Lowe, J. B. McCoy, Edward Mclntire, Paul Osborne, L. S. S'painhour, and Arthur Venable. Ballots will be mailed early next week to all 1948 members, and to new members who have pai(jMheir membership dues for 1949. The ballots must be re turned not later than January 25 th. Directors whose terms are ex piring are R. G. Finley, • C. J. Swofford, E. F. Gardner, W. K. Sturdivant, J. R. Hix, and Rus sell Gray, Jr. Those whose terms * will expire in 1949 are J. B. Wil liams, Richard Johnston, Dr. F. C. Hubbard, J. B. Carter, D. V. Deal, and W. O. Absher. Those elected last, year and who have two more years to serve are Joe Barber, Gilbert Bare, R. M. Brame, Jr., W. C. Marlow, Pres ley Myers, and W. H. McElwee. After the election the board will meet to name a president, vice president, and treasurer, who, with the manager, will form the executive committee. Those serving with Mr. Hix on the nominating committee were C. J. Swofford, W. K. Sturdivant, A. A. Triplett, William Gray, Dr G. T. Mitchell, and Ira Payne. CROP Donations Total '732.71 In Wilkes County Total value of food and cash received in the Christian Rural Overseas Relief canvass in Wilkes county in December was $*732.71, according to report issued today by Grady F. Miller, chairman, W. K. Sturdivant, vice chairman, and Mrs. Earle German, secretary of the campaign in Wilkes. Food collected during the can vass joined a Friendship Train in Greensboro and was sent to Norfolk, Va., for shipping. Chairman Miller itemized tha Wilkes contributions as follows: 67 cases of canned foods valued at $335; 150 pounds of flour valued at $12; 95 pounds of sug« ar valued at $8; 1,250 pounds of wheat valued at $50; 5,000 pounds of corn valued at $150; cash contributions, $177.71. Chairman Miller issued the fol lowing statement to all who con tributed: We would like to express our thanks to each of you for your splendid cooperation in the Christian Rural Overseas Pro gram, CROP. As we express our personal thanks, we wish that we could extend to you the gratitude that we know will be voiced by those who will be saved from suffering and starvation and possibly from death by your generosity. Rev. Wayne McLain, state di rector of the CROP program, has extended his congratulations I through Mr. Grady Miller, Wilkes ; County chairman, as follows: "Dear Mr. Miller: Congratulations on the comple tion of your collection for the Friendship Train. Your report together with the check arrived this week. I am very' pleased to know that you were able to gath er so much food. | On the whole the drive I throughout the state is going [very well. There are at least 42 | carloads of food already In I Norfolk and more on. the way. Vor you as for all of us, the real thanks for your efforts in this work is, I am sure, in the knowledge that you have saved human .beings from suffering this winter. I want to express my personal thanks to you, however, for your Interest and for the hard work that went into making the Wilkes county collection suc cessful. Cordially yours, WAYNE McLAIN." Book to th« Utouy

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