Citizenship Tcfpic For Buggoboo Club MnI By MBS. C. R. BYRD On Tuesday February 12, twenty-four club women met In the borne ot Mrs. F. C. Anthony for ou regular monthly meeting. During our business session It was voted for several members to take cakes to sell at the basketeria In Elkln March 12th; Proceeds to go to club treasury. Oar president announced to our club about our assistant county Home agent, Miss Margaret Morrison, getting married and a tea to be given soon In her honor, also honoring the assistant to take her place. All club members are invited to attend this tea. Some Red Cross material was distributed to certain members for soliciting funds during Red Cross Drive. Six of our members attended the Federation meet ——————~———————— Ing at the Town Hall in North Wilkeertjoro February 18th. Thna for some from oar cluib have attended all the special meetings. At the recreation period onr Family Life Leader was given a shower and one contest game entered, Miss Alene Jordan being winner of the prize. The hostess, assisted by Mrs. Wesley Foplln, served temping refreshments using the cherry and hatchet matif. Mrs. Annie H. Greene, our home agent, gave us the best and most helpful discussion on Citizenship in the home, school church community and county. We must take time to be a good citizen. The constitution of the United States begins with, "We the people", and that is you and I. We have a duty to make our 6wn community the best community to live in. The home is the foundation and most important institution in existence. It Is In the home a child learns its first lesson and citizenship should be taught at the mother's knee. Parents can set an example of higher standards of integrity and morality, havings respect for each other; loyal and cooperative. Then the general purpose of public school Is to help children to become useful citizens in life and trained that they may do his or her individual share of the world's work. Intelligent thinking and solving public problems in based on strength and character of good citizenship. Are we parents coupoi ouug >>>tu <.Uc schools as we should by helping to improve social centers, playgrounds and sanitary conditions? Schools are finaced by oar taxes for the benefit of children of the community. Our children deserve the best. More than forty schools in this county and less than one dozen lunch rooms; we should encourage hot lunch programs, good libraries, and a healthy state of mind with adequate sanitary facilities and school and playgrounds well kept. Every family has a responsibility toward making the church the center of spiritual life in their community and she then gave the timely quotation "what kind of church would my church be if all members were Just like me?'' Do we attend Sunday School and church regularly and help improve conditions? There's something each one can do. Citizenship starts in the home soon as one is born and it is the responsibility of each individual and every family to make their community the best place in which to live. She urged us to attend some of the services that Dr. Paul Caudill was conducting -—"— at 1st Baptist Church in North Wilkesboro. We are proud of him as he was born and reared In Wilkes County and he is chairman of the Relief Committee of Baptist Wttrld Alliance and Author of "Broadman Comnents." Are we cooperating with teachers, ministers and other leaders? A good citizen attends meetings where community matters are discussed and every citizen should find time for at least one community activity in addition to the church and school. A good citizen is more than listening to Bome one else talk or lecture. Bach individual must study and search for information and reguardless of how busy we are, we must take time to make a vigorous effort to know more of the county in which we live. We are a great group of farm women facing new responsibilities and we must have enlightened leadership with local citizen interest to build a democratic government through community county, state and national lines. This county government and iitizenship quiz she gave was so timely I want to pass it on to others for so few of us are familiar with the names of our county officers; How many? Whetherthey are elected or appointed and by whom? How long do they serve? What are their important 2 1 f County torney, 4 Collec or, Judge 8 Sheriff, Board of SclioolsL Welfa e, 1|4 Agent, What is T*u not ai LBwekf rating In tion two hours, cargo. 1 is get busy sU< tpeir L < ivy (fount? Oommissioners, 8 County AtSupervisor, 6 Tax Co. Accountant 7 Co. Clerk of Court, 9 Coroner, 11 County of Education, 12 Co. Supt 13 Supt. of Public Co. Farm and Home Co. Health Dept. r score? If you do more than 10 your lot so good. Let's d Inform ourselves. i i tilt N i' cairyi |first month of operaBerlin Airlift, the Squadrons flew 5,24 ing 14,101 tons of E XECIJ TOR'S NOTICE Having (kalified as Executor •Vill and Testament of Holflmd, deceased, late of CoAity, North Carolina, to fotify all persons havagainst the estate of of the |ast C. H. Wilkes this is ing claims said deceasld to exhibit them to Tied at Wilkesboro, N. >efore the 7th day of 50, or this Notice will bar of their recovery, indebted to said estate make immediate pay7th day of February, the undersil C., on or February 1 be plead in All persons will please ment. This I the 1949. I EflFNER DUNCAN, Executor! of C. H. Holland, Deceased. I 3-24-6t-T