Rf^RO$| iGqP^^n Wilkes during the campaign now in progress is Help the Red Cross to rtfrry on by your gifts. THE JOURNAL-PATRIOT The Journal-Patriot Has Blazed the Trail of Progress In the "State 'uipn as well as eigh| trucks was Hayes of Elk new automol was no insu It was ret small amoun [carried on tft is outside the The firm! M Kaiser Frazer s of undetermined Durham Motor lere about 3 a. m. bss estimated at eat |in il* ai lor discovered flames the lart.e granite Dutside t'-e west!>f Elki'i The disgarage are lodistrict sorved [Fire Department. in th-3 uuiHf'i.* Vautomobiles and fotal loss N. E. lost a pract,ically on which there £e. ed that o n 1 y a bf insurance was Structure since it ity limits. agent for the (automobiles. Scout District Meeting Tuesday; Also Round Table March district meeting and round table for Scouters in Wilkes will be held Tuesday seven p. m., in the Duke Power company office on Ninth street. The round table discussion will precede the district meeting. It is highly important that every Scouter attend this meeting. Library Course To Be Held Thursday North Wilkesboro ParentTeachers Association library course will D)e held Thursday afternoon, 2:30, in the high school library. Miss Kate Finley will be the leader of this course, which is expected to be very interesting and should be well attended by school parents and patrftns. o Return That Book to the Library Little Theatre Plays On Tuesday The Community Little Theatre group recently organized here l will make its first public performances Tuesday night, eight o'clock, in presentation of three one-act plays in the North Wilkesboro school auditorium. ; Admission to the perform; ance, which bids fair to be excellent entertainment by local talent, will be 40 and 75 cents. Ivey Moore and Miss Nellie Gabriel play the stellar roles in the first play, which will be "The Silent System." "Judge Not" is the title of the second, which will be ' comedydrama and will include Mrs. John Baity, Miss Harriett Crutchfield, Mrs. Albert Vannoy, Mrs. Bob Day and Dean Ferguson. '18 Washington Square, South', a splendid comedy, will close the program. The cast members are Miss Dot Powell ( Miss Grace i Frank Kilby, Miss Lucille Casey, | Miss Geraldine Caldwell, Shirley Snyder, Jay Anderson and Shoun 1 Kerbaugh. BAND CONCERT FRIDAY EVENING; GLEEICLUB TO ADD TO PROGRAM On Fridayl m., the North wi School Band concert of tte The program, tion of Miss be given In ditorium. Ad| be 50 cents cents for stj be bought or at the doAr. be d Win the sales wil' band to thej March 24 at, \ The Glee aluihl tion of Miss will sing ft- rr< the program. kirch 11, at 8 p. wilkesboro High 1 give its second 1948-49 season, jinder the direcE a Bingham, will th< high school aufaii sion charges will foi adults and 25 |ide its. Tickets may iTroJi band students (loney made from used to send the fttrict contest on ston-Salem. under the direcJane Judy, of numbers on fhey are: "Steal Sarah oifc Away" (Negro Spiritual,) "Song of the Open Road", Wilson; "Ole* Man River", Kern; "Sweetheart", from the operetta i "Maytime", Romberg. Numbers to be played by the band are: 'King John" (Tone ! Poem) Moelhmann, "Spring ! Madrigal Overture'^ iSkornicka and Koebner; "Mountain Majesty j Overture", Paul Yoder; "Mon' arch March", Olivadftti; "Joyanna Overture", Gillette," Phantom Trumpeters' (Tone Poem), Gillette; "His Honor March", Fillmore; "Prom the South Overture", Isaac and Lillya and "Whiffenpoof Song". State Your Stand To Representative In Your Congress Names And Addresses Given As Guide To Those Wanting To Write Letters This year there axe a number of highly important issues before the United States congress and the North Carolina legislature. Many individuals in various groups have expressed desire to write their representatives and senators but do not know how to direct their letters on different issues. Those who wish to express views to representatives and senators relative to socialized medicine, expanded social security j wage, and hour law, the internanational situation, federal aid to education, civil rights measures and other bills of a natioAj scope should write Representative. B. Deane, 8 th district repratentf tive, House Building, Washington, D. C. and Senator Clyde Hoey at Washington, D. C. If they wish to write congressmen of neighboring districts they may addess their letters to Representative R. L. Doughton, or Representative Thurmond Chatham, house building, Washington, D. C Those in Wilkes who wish to write their representative in the state legislature relative to North Carolina legislation may direct their letters to Representative T. E. Story, House of Representatives, Raleigh, or Smator B. C. Brock, State Senate, Kaleigh, or to representatives and senators representing other counties and districts. I ° Safety Subject Kiwanis Program Here Friday Noon W. 3. Bason Endorsed For Highway Commissioner For This Division North Wilkesboro Kiwanis club on Friday held a most enjoyable meeting. The first business for the day was unanimous endorsement of j W. J. Bason, of North Wilkes. boro, for the post of highway commissioner for the eighth division. Mr. Bason, a lifelong friend of Governor Scott and who is well known throughout this part of the state, is conceded an excellent chance of receiving the i appointment as highway commissioner. ' John E. Walker was program | chairman. He presented Cecil Adamson, who spoke on several ' phases of safety on the highway, j in the home and factory. Sgt. A. H. Clark, of the highway pa! trol, and Russell Hodges, of this jcity> were designated to answer questions. Opening the program Mr. Adamson called attention to the ! fact that Friday was World Day of Prayer and the club had a I moment's meditation and prayer, ' at the close of which Lewis Vickery sang the Lord's Prayer. R. R. Church talked briefly of the Red Cross campaign and 1 asked complete support and co| operation from the club members. : Mr. Church is Red Cross fund j chairman for the Wilkes chapter. ; Alva Stuckey, Jr., and Walter Smith were guests of R. R. Church. Wilson Marshall was guest of Robert Gitobs at Friday's luncheon. 800 Miles On 32 Gallons Gasoline, Model T Performs Don Losey arrived in this city Thursday to make his home, thus reaching the end of an 800-mile trip from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. But that is not the entire story. He traveled the 800 miles in a model T Ford having no trouble whatever and getting 25 miles to the gallon of gasoline. Mr. Ijosey, a graduate of Milwaukee College of Engineering, is a refrigeration specialist. One reason he came to this community was to be near his daughter, who is in school at A.S.T.C. at Boone. o Wilkes chapter number 42 Order t>f the Eastern Star will meet Thursday night, 7:30. Officers will be elected and a large attendance of members is desired, the announcement by Mrs. Winnie Duncan, W. M., and Mrs. Lorene Webber jecsetary, stated.