WANT ADS.* Minimum Charge 50c Per Issue FOP SALE FOR SALE: Mia ana Ttacord player also^ JiZ Journal-Patriot. eluxe ev dition, new l#%s all * at Hays Good ground. •FOR SALE: Five room house, 1 acre ktfl, -s#ting water. #U1 ^ sell cheap. SeeTfcr. O. J. Wat~ 50 Road, Cricket. lt-pd FOR SALE: One large pooljtable. * W^Mfllik box an4 one for 4|*aft %eer. * Also h&%« a range ^okaj0fe, and senral afctftkat Smith Grocery Sfore, Full iiTffnwi Itf r 5-18-A-pd P0R BALK: fiddle' Hone: Three gelding. A •e^^pful %|fi Mannered hojg|» br\cftted on mail Jpp has route a good sa£* Off highway *tf on# U pie, on old highway ijear Purlear Grocery. , Pnrcy Lee Goforth, , N. C. 5-l*itpd commodes, Tfc» Journal-Patriot. on Oakwoods Toad, Vtailf from jtotm. RosoOe Anderson, Wil"kesltflhw^^jfl^^oute 2\ Bat 5r*»*^ 5-16-m>d HOUM? FO R SALE: in Afcuravian r f^tS on lot 100 x 260. nftaud linoleum In kitchen, bath. Burk in cftbinefs. Hot, cold running water. #art payment down, bajanee on time. See Bill Hold* er.^WTdaf's Garage, Morerfan Falli* . 5-16-2t-pd FOR SALE R. L. Alapaui FOR One ram, £28 aires, 20 |i bottom land, 4»room houae, barn, elecUfelty available. Price 250. Another farm 44 acres, fir# acres In botton land, % acres in good orchard, new etfcttt room hoove, wired fb* electricity, price f6,1 000. One farm, 60 acres; 13 ; acres In bottom lfcnd, six-room house. Also Wlref for electricity, barn, gralnef}. Price f2,(00. One new (oof-room hopse, wired for electricity, fire aeres land, f » frfr Jp Roj^te 2, Taylorsvllle, 'Tf. C. care Taylorsrille Drive-in TnP atire. 5-16-4t-»d F^i S^IjE: Oonaplete~j0#" mill (M>«4ows) In eiy0mt condition powered practically new Case two tru0m, three gomf logglng-~kggNt. fur inforaORIon addr^si8'Aor .92, Nodt Wilkjj^WiCITC. FOR RENT: Nice fiturdivant, North Wilkesbtflv. 6-26-£ft IfcB. KENT water fur Ninth fcfter>e p. m house, 5 Hiarth Wilkeshoro. kesboro. om apart^rnished) J(|£hbor' H> Bl5-16-lt-pd :e mom contact H. kes Hudsoi pointment. FOR RfiNT: Pasture for cattle Plenty of grass for grazing. From $1.00 to $2.50 per head per month. J. A. Gilliam, North WilkeaWro, Route 2., Phoaie 2MM4. 5-16^-pWWWWH%' • WANTED WAI Jr house" it be in desirat hood. Telephone lingtoa 462-J. WANTED TO DO: Wallpaper Painting, F.liiw WWTlffTffgl > ^ind general Carpenter work. ROlfi Church, North Wilkeaboro, K. C. 5nl6-4t-pd HELP WANTED: Man op Woman to Ovfir routs of6 «#ablished Watkifti Customehr in North Wllkegffcro. Palilone Income averages $45 weekly. No car or investment necesmry. W© Trtll help you .get parted. Writ# J. R. Wa«kins ' (R>., Dept. 3»a, Richmond, Va. It Sl&TLBTr lioMB PRODUCTS feed* itf) Irator, exr perience unnecessary. iPWl or P«rt time. Car eatintlal. Good earnings. For jjrtervie^ write or Phone Mnr. Geneva McCortaick, Stony Point, K. C. #hon® tttL 5-19-2t-p* ^Jdpport the Y. M. C. /i. posf beetles^ We ternate prcftf ordinary hdines, for | $35.6*. |R TONE-UP cai lecli ery or replace^ distributor ributor anual a^g ad* lum PARTS -Test Ail and f —Clean fuel pomp air t—Check j -Tight bolt -Adjus -Tight and f ler fold bm% head J0di etor lose last fan AY J0MTI' ien me Wilk&boro\ Phone Servic% All Makes of Cars.and Sell Goodwill Usedtafs