It Is With Distinct Pleasure We Announce ' | . > -v • • • . . *; The Opening of The Wilkes Hatchery New Home / % Miles North OENoMth Wilkesboro On Highway 18 HATCHERS OF DANCY'S DANDIES (New Hampshires) OUR BABY CHICKS ARE N. C. AND U. S. APPROVED PULLORUM CLEAN i OUR STOCK OF FEEDS AND POULTRY SUPPLIES IS COMPLETE CHESTERFIELD FEEDS PROVICO FEEDS FAIR-ACRE FEEDS " POULTRY SUPPLIES REMEDIES An Open Letter To Poultrymen And Customers Of Wilkes County: We are pleased to announce to the poultrymen and to our custom - ers in Wilkes and adjoining counties that we are now in our new hatch ery plant located two miles nWth of North Wilkesboro at Fairplains on Highway No. 18. Having a profound belief in the future of the poultry industry in Northwestern North Carolina, we have erected a new, modern hatch * ery plant with one purpose in view and that is to hatch a better broiler type baby chick and better serve the poultrymen in this section. The poultry business, and especially broiler raising, has grown during the past few years from a small, part time business to a multi million dollar industry. We are proud to have had some part in this growth. We are proud of the quality of our chicks and we are proud of the name you, our customers gave them—"Dancy's Dandies." How ever, we are not satisfied and we pledge to you that we shall continue to strive to hatch just a little better broiler-type baby chick. We re gret that we are unable to supply the demand but it is our hope that we may continue to grow with you, keeping foremost in our minds quality rather than quantity. Sincerely Yours, WILKES HATCHERY. We Invite You To Visit Our New Plant WILKES HATCHERY Glenn fancy, Sr. Glenn Dancy,Jr. I HIGHWAY 18 Bessie Gambill Dancy | I • ■' f M Carroll G. Dancy i MILES NORTH OF NORTH MLKESMM Betty Dancy Elkdge Wayne Dancy < PHONE 458 £*1. , . ri tN . , "yd!