Wilkesboro lias a trading radius of 60 miles, serving 1^Q,000 people is ^Northwestern Carolina. Vol. 44, No. 12 PA TRIO The Journal-Patriot Has Blazed the jfrail of Progress In the "State of Wilkes" For Over 43 Years Girl have a at Published Mondays and Thursdays NORTH WILKpSBORO, N. C., Thursday, May 26, 1949 Make North Wilkesboro Your Shopping Center PROGRAM IS MADE FOR MEMORIAL DAY Wa-f . - 'J 3? j&mmtmmm i fc -• Memorial Day program to honor thosfi who sacrificed all for the cause of American liberty will be held Monday afternoon, May 30, five p. m., at Mount Lawn Memorial Park north of this city on highway 18. The program will open with "Dawn Patrol** by the North Wllkeeboro high school band, and soldier's tribute will be by Major Roy W. Forehand, executive officer of the 112th batalllon of the National Guard. Dr. Gilbert R. Combs will lead the Memorial Day prayer. A brief Memorial Day address will be delivered by Rev. Watt M. Cooper former naval chaplain. The National Guard firing squad salute will be followed by taps and the national anthem, by the North Wllkesboro high school band. Sponsoring organizations for the service include the National I Guard, Veterans of Foreign t Ware, American Legion, high |8chool hand, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, American Legion Auxiliary, V. P. W. Auxiliary, Daughters of the Confederacy, Daughters of the Revolution, churches of Wilkes county, radio station WKBC, The Journal - Patriot, Wilkes schools, Relns-Sturdlvant, city commissioners, Wilkes commissioners police and highway patrol. It is requested that heads of organizations represented at the service report to Major Forehand at the speaker's stand at 4:45 to find the location for their organization at the service. Employers are requested to allow their employees to attend this service if possible and that all make a special effort to take -30 minutes on Memorial Day to pay tribute to those who gave their lives for the cause of freedom. ,Wy1heville Here; Galax Saturday Flashers Lose To Radford 2 To 1; Batters Seek To End Hitting Slump Wytheville Statesmen, the power hitters who have crowded North Wilkesboro out of second place In the Bine Ridge league, will be in Memorial Park here tonight and Flasher batters are all primed to end their four-day hitting slump. Galax, arch rivals of last year, will be here Saturday. On Monday evening the league leading Graniteers from Mt. Airy will play a Memorial Day double header here, the first game beginning at 6:30. North Wilkesboro will go to Wytheville Friday night and to Galax Sunday afternoon. North Wilkesboro team has been phryflrg excellent ~ baseball while losing the last four games by small scores, and there's nothing wrong with them that a few bunched hits can't cure. The play afield has been excellent and in some instances sensational, but the hits haven't fallen in when needed. Last night at Radford the Flashers lost another close one 2 to 1. North Wilkesboro used a new battery. Thompson, a rookie right hander from Greensboro, ■ £tched well and Siceloff, formerly with EHkin was the catcher. Thompson held Radford to five hits. The Flashers lone run was by Black, who tripled and was batted in by Stanley. Manager Daddino and Pat Pescitelli with two each led in hitting. Moore pitched for Radford and was i^trry effective with men on, leaving nine runners stranded. : o — If veterans lying in hospital beds can make poppies, surely we can buy them. Railway Heads In Meeting Here On Train Proposals Southern Railway officials met at the North Wllkesboro town hall Wednesday afternoon to discuss with Interested citizens the Southern Railway's proposal to eliminate passenger train service from Winston-Salem to North Wllkesboro. Herbert W. Bondurant, vice president, of Atlanta, was principal spokesman for Southern Railway. He Was accompanied by B. L. Stanflll, of Winston-Salem, division superintendent, and George W. Adams, of Charlotte, general manager. The railway officials proposed to put on highway express trucks to haul express and parcel post mail in lieu of the passengerexpress train. l- Much opposition developed here to the Southern's proposal to take off the train. The Wilkes Chamber of Commerce spearheaded the opposition, mainly on the grounds that express service would be greatly crippled here, especially in the shipment of baby chicks, dressed peultry and other perishables. . Principal spokesman for the citizens group Wednesday, which consisted mainly of Chamber of Commerce members, was J. B. Williams, past president of the chamber,, and Richard Johnston, present president. It is expected that if the Southern proceeds with the application to remove the train that hearing dates will be set by the Utilities Commission. Southern Railway officials in the meeting here stated that unless this area could be satisfied with arrangements to * render service by other means that the application would be dropped. Support Oonuaoalty SMiwtloi DAVIDSON DINNER LAUNCHES ELKIN-WILKESBORO FUND DRIVE An audience of almost sixty Monday night at the Wilkes hotel heard a detailed description of the Davidson College Development Program which has already secured over 11,700,000 for the Davidson building and endowment fund. After an address by Professor Ernest A. Beaty of the college faculty, Pat Williams, Jr., announced plans whereby the Davidson campaign appeal will be presented to alumni and friends of the college in this region during the next ten days. "Now is the time," said Mr. Williams, "when we alumni aad friends of Davidson in Elkin and North Wilkesboro can link our effort with those in many other areas and do our part in this important program-." He then read the names of the members of the local development program organization which includes W. •BUir Gwyn and. E. S. Flnley, Worth Wilkesboro captains; R. G. Smith, Jr., and Van W. Dillon Jr., of Elkin; William H. McEBwee, J. B. McCoy, Pat Williams, Jr., Bob Smoak, Lewis pickery. Rev. Watt Cooper, C. C. Faw, Jr., and Sam S. Vickery, all of North Wilkesboro. Professor Beaty emphasized the fact that religious ideals arc central fa life on the campus at DavfdaoK and that "the world now seeds such Institutions as I Davidson College If oar heritage I of* freedom and the democratic tradition is to be maintained." According to Prof. Beaty, the objective of the historic school has always been to train young men for business, the professions, and all other areas in which men with both a fully rounded education and a sense of their own re* sponsibilities are always needed. The banquet room was decorated in red and black, the traditional Davidson colors with pennants, streamers, and clusters of red flowers as the main points of interest. Mr. R. G. Finley, general chairman of the local Davidson organization served as toastmaster and introduced the out-of-town guests. Rev. Watt Cooper presented the invocation and closing prayer. An interesting part of the evening's program was the showing of the film, "Tour Davidson." Matthew Meade was the projectionist. During the program a quartet composed of R. N. Wooten, Van Dillon, Dr. George F. Verdone and Lewis Vlckery sang enjoyable numbers, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Gordon Finley. The first report meeting for the local teams of solicitors will be held Tuesday afternoon. May Slat, at 5:00 o'clock on the mezzanine at the Wilkes Hotel. Cot Mothers Fox Perched on the hack of the mother cat in this picture Is a very young fox which the cat had been mothering for the past three weeks. The baby fox was found in the woods by Ambrose Dancy and taken to the home of Oscar Palmer at Wilbar. The fox, which at that time hadn't opened its eyes, was placed with a mother cat which had lost her kittens and the cat took over the baby fox and is doing a very good job of taking care of it; Scout Camporee During Week-End Attended By 100 Ten Patrols of 14 Attending Receive Blue Pennants; Much Interest Last week-end( May 21st and 22nd, approximately 80 boys and 20 men enjoyed an overnight camp in Pinley Park—west. They were holding the annual Boy Scout Camporee. Although enjoyment was not the pripaary objective, there was no doubt of the pleasure the group was getting out of the experience. Certain standards of camping are set up by the Old Hickory Council and each patrol entering is judged by these standards and not in competition with eacb other. This same method is used in each district and each patrol receiving enough points is given, a blue ribbon and is eligible to* attend tThc Council Camporee which will be held at the new camp site at Devotion, N. C. Those patrols (listed with troop number and leader) receiving blue ribbons this year are: Eagle, Troop 32, Dean Edwards; Tiger, Troop 32, Edgar Terrell; Pewitt, Troop 34, Charles Crook; Lion Troop 34, Kent Sturdivant; Flaming Arrow, Troop 35, Calvin Hayes; Indian, Troop 35, Bryson Adams; Raven, Troop 36, John Winkler;Cobra, Troop 36, Wayne Pardue; Lion, Troop 95, Vade Rhoads; Lone Wolf, Troop 99, Wilber Greer; and those receiving red ribbons are: Pelican, Troop 35, Bill Bumgarner; Cobra, Troop 90, Jimmy Shew; .Wolf, Troop 90, Edward Church; I Eagle, Troop 99, Roy Delp. The Camporee was engineered by the Camping and Activities Committee, of which Ivey Moore Is chairman, assisted by Cyrus Faw, Bill Brame and Dr. Tom White. The judging was supervised by District Commissioner Gordon Finley and a corps of the following judges: Gordon Finley, chief judge. Staton Mclver) Ed Finley, Frank Crowe, Bill ' Hardister, Blair Gwyn, Carl VanDeman, Robert Gibbs, T. F. Perry, Olenn Andrews, Harvell Howell, P. W. Greer, Paul Osborne, Edward Bell, Bill Lewis, J. B. Carter, Sam Vickery, L. M. Nelson, Shoun Kerbaugh, Paul Cashion, Dr. T. L. White) Roy Forehand. Dr. John T. Wayland, pastor of First Baptist church, North Wilkesboro, assisted by Dr. Gilbert < R. Combs, pastor of First Methodist church North Wilkesboro.l was in charge of church service' on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. W. K. Sturdivant led the singing. The entire Wilkes District 'Committee has asked the Journal-Patriot tov publicly thank the Town of North Wilkesboro officials for making th*e road passable to the Camp site; C. D. Coffey, Jr. for the use of his property on which to hold the camporee;, Reins-Sturdivant for the use of I a tent which was used as head-1 quarters; Coble Dairy Products for the use of milk cans to haul water in; the Local National Guard units for the Lister water bag that made it possible to hold the camp in a more secluded spot; and many others. The boys (enjoyed and profited >by this experience in pioneering. The present 'condition of winter grains in the Low Countries, Sweden, Switierland, and Austria, is good to excellent, and favorable yields are indicated. farterest In Bond Election Increasing Large Vote Fer State Issues b Expected Jaie 4 i Better Schools and Roads Chairman Announces Rallies For Week Interest in the Better Schools and Roads campaign to carry Wilkes overwhelmingly for the state schools and roads bonds issue in the election to be held June 4 is increasing, Watson Brame, Better Schools and Roads chairman in Wilkes, said today. Chairman Brame said he expects Wilkes to roll up a large vote for both school and roads bonds, citing the fact that Wilkes will receive over three million dollars for rural roads from the $200,000,000 state road bonds issue and $301,400 from the $25,000,000 state school bond Issue for school buildings. In the interest of campaigning for the proposals, several rallies will be held in Wilkes county during the week. At each rally will be prominent speakers who will discuss in detail the benefits to be derived by the people of Wilkes from the bond issue if approved in the election. On Friday night, May 27, eight p. m.( a rally will be held at Benham school. On the same date a rally will be held at Double Creek school in Walnut Grove township. On Saturday, May 28, rallies will be held at 7:30 p. m. at Mount Pleasant school and at Rock Springs school. The rally set for Clingman schoolhouse will be on Monday, May 30, 7:30 p. m.. and the rally for the Traphill section of the county will be on the same date and hour at Traphill school. On Tuesday, May 31, 7:30 p. m., rallies will be held at Millers jCreek. school and at Shady Grove school in Somers township. A rally for colored people will be held at Lincoln Heights school Tuesday, May 31> 7:30. Announcement of these rallies emphasized that everybody is cordially invited. County-Wide Rally A rally for the entire county will be held Thursday, June 2, eight p. m., at the Wilkes courthouse. A prominent speaker will address the crowd. BAND CONCERT AND MAY DAY ! PROGRAM FRIDAY SMOOT PARK ;0n Friday, May 27, the North W^llkesboro high school band will give its third and final concert of the 1948-49 season. The program will be an open-air concept and will be given at Smoot Pirk immediately following the M»iy Day exercises, which will st^rt at 6:30 p. m. (If the weather does not permit atj outdoor performance the concept will be given In the high school auditoriup at 8 p. m. The program, which is expected! to be one of the most interesting yet presented by the band, wijl consist of the following numbers: Holliday Mords (Suite for band) Verrall; Hoist's First Suite in E flat; Lantern Marriage Overture, Offenbach; Lustspiel Overture, Keler-Bela; American Patrol, Meacham; Lights Out March, McC6y; Melody of Peace, Harvey; and Desert Song by Romberg. There will be no admission charges and the public is cordially; invited. "Bring a cushion and pl^n to enjoy May Day and the band concert," the announcemest said. Girl Scout Camp Registration Data All girls in Wilkes county between ages of seven and 18 may now register for the Girl Scout summer camp to be held at Mountain View school July 1115. It has been pointed out that registration is necessary now in order that supplies for the camp can be ordered. The registration fee before June 1 !s only three dollars. After June 1 the fee will be $4. Mrs. Walter Newton in North iro and Mrs, N. O, Smoak Russell Gray, Sr., Is Taken By Death Funeral Service Held This j Afternoon For Well Known Citizen Alexander Russell Gray, Sr., 5ij for several years a prominent business man in Wilkesboro, died at his home Wednesday morning. He had been in ill health for several months bnt hid not been critically ill. A h*art attack was considered immediate cause of his death. Mr. Gray was born October 2, IS96, in Norfolk county, Va. He spent the early part of his life in Norfolk and Fluvania counties and in 1920 came to Wilkesboro, where for several years he was engaged in the automobile business. In 1932 he and his brother, L. M. Gray, established Gray Brother# Furniture company, which is now operated by his sons, Russell Gray, Jr., and William C. Gr ly. Mr. Gray was a former ma ster of Liberty lodge of Majors in Wilkesboro and was a member of camp number 15838 Modern Woodmen of America. Surviving Mr. Gray are his wife, the former Miss Sarah Campbell, of Fluvania county, Vai, and two sons, Alexander Rupsell Gray, Jr.f and William C. iGray, of Wilkesboro; also two grandchildren, A. R. Gray, m. an-J James Gray. Also surviving art* twelve brothers and sisters: L. | M. Gray, Wilkesboro; D. M. Gr^y, Catiett, va.; w. u. uray, Mafnasses, Va.; Bmery, George D.: and Robert Gray, of Nokesvllle, Va.; Phillip Gray, Danville, Val; C. M. Gray, Richmond, Va.; Mr^g. C. M. Cranor? Wilkeeboro; Mrs. Roy Thomas, Palmyra, Va.: Mm. C. C. Gilbert, Washington, D. C.; Mrs. Harry Wilson, Catiett, Va. Funeral service was held today, three p. m., at the home an<ji burial was in Mount Lawn Memorial Park north of this city. Relr. Watt M. Cooper, Presbyter^ ianj minister, conducted the service, assisted by Rev. O. J. Winslow, pastor of Wilkesboro Methodist church. e During the week ending May 7, broiler ehlek placements In the Chatham area totaled 228,000, a decline of 11 per cent from placements for the previous week. » 1May Queen Here Mrs. Sue Absher Eller was recently elected May Queen of the North Wilkesboro high school. Mrs. Eller, a member of the senior class, is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Absher, of Halls Mills, and wife of )Bill Eller, who is also a high school student here. Mrs. Eller will be crowned Queen of the May in May Day exercise* Friday evening, 6:80, at Smoot Park. The high school band will give a concert at 7:30 at Smoot Park. In event of rain both programs will be in the school auditorium. Calf Auction For Cancer Campaign Saturday At 3 Price Heifer at Wilkes Farm Center To Be Donated To Cancer Fund A four - months - old jerseyguernsey heifer, which has attracted much attention and which dozens have wanted to buy, will be sold at auction by the Wilkes Farm Center Saturday afternoon, three p. m., with the entire price going into the cancer fund being raised by the Wilkes unit of the American Cancer Society. The calf by sale time will be near four months old and will weigh about 250 pounds. It has been raised at Wilkes Farm Center, where the auction will be held, and has been fed- entirely on Purina Calf Startena as a demonstration calf. J. Allie Hayes, attorney, will be auctioneer to sell the calf and everybody is invited. The cancer campaign is well organized and workers are busily engaged soliciting the fund, goal of which is $2,000 in Wilkes county. A great part of the funds will be used in Wilkes to fight cancer and public support is earnestly requested. Dr. John T. Wayland, pastor of the First Baptist church here, is fund campaign chairman for the Wilkes Cancer Society. — o Final Meeting Of 'Teen-Age Center On Saturday Nite Final session of the "Teen Age Center in North Wilkesboro gymnasium this season will be on Saturday night, eight until 11. An unusual program has been planned and all 'teen agers In Wilkes county are invited to attend and enjoy the occasion. o Scout Court Of Honor To Meet On Sunday Night Wilkes district Boy Scout court of honor will meet Sunday night, eight o'clock, in Wilkesboro Baptist church. It will 'be a union service, to which congregations of other churches in the Wilkesboros are invited. Paul Osborne will be in charge, assisted by T. E. Story, Gordon Pinley and ministers from all the churches. Dean Edwards, of WUkesboro troop 32, will become an Eagle Scout and there will he advancements to all leading ranks In Scouting. Contact Club Does * Excellent Work In Chamber Commerce The Contact Clnb of the Wilkes Chamber of Commerce, of which C. Arthur Venable Is chairman, Is doing excellent work in regular bi-monthly meetings. Since organization the club has secured 14 new chamber members and many renewal memberships. Cancer Center Opening; Tuesday 22 Are Examined Will Be Operated Each Tuesday Morning In Wilkes Courthouse Cancer Detection Center for northwestern North Carolina had a very successful opening In Wilkesboro Tuesday morning with 22 patients receiving examinations. Dr. Mildred Schram and Dr. Ivan Proctor, of the State Health Department, assisted volunteer members of the Wilkes-Alleghany Medical Society In examination of the patients, several of whom were referred to their family physicians or to the cancer diagnostic Renter in Winston-Salem. Of the 22 who were examined > only two were found to be In sound health. Dr. Fred C. Hubbard was medical director of the center Tuesday and physicians assisting were Dr. W. L. Bundy, Dr. E. N. Phillips and Dr. George P. Verdone. There were many volunteer workers from the Junior Woman's club and other civic organizations. These included receptionists and nurse aides. Much valuable assistance was also given by county officials and pereoanei of various county offices. The clinic will be in operation weekly, with registration each Tuesday morning at 9:30. Those who live more than 25 miles from here may secure an appointment by writing Mrs. C. M. Williams, Wilkesboro, secretary of the center, and enclosing a stamped and addressed envelope. A number of those examined in the center Tuesday were from *>utlying opints. No charge is made for examination in the center. o North Wilkesboro School Finals 9th Final program of the North Wilkesboro school commencement will be on Thursday night, eight o'clock, June 9, when diplomas will be awarded a large class of seniors. Members of the class will carry out the commencement program. Dr. Benjamin G. Childs, of Duke University, will deliver the baccalaureate sermon Sunday night, June 5, eight o'clock) at the First Baptist church. . %f ——————— Mrs. Wayne Foster's Father Dies May 21 John A. Phillips, 64, prominent farmer, died suddenly Saturday on his farm at Cameron west of Sanford. A heart attack was cause of his death. Surviving Mr. Phillips are his wife, one daughter, Mrs. Wayne Foster, of North Wilkesboro, and two sons, John A., Jr., and Pete Phillips, at home. Funeral service was held Sunday afternoon at Union Presbyterian church in Moore county. Those from here attending were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Foster, Mrs. A. G. Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shoemaker. OPTIMIST CLUB ENDORSES STATE ROAD AND SCHOOL BOND ISSUES Representative T. E. Story Speaks To Club About General Assembly The North Wllkesboro Optimist Club, in its regular meeting Tuesday at Hotel Wilkes, passed a resolution endorsing the state road and school bond propositions which will be voted on by the citizens of the state on Saturday) June 4th. It was the concensus of the membership of the club that Wilkes county stands to gain very much in the way of improved roads and school buildings if the proposed bond issues are approved by the voters. Representative T. E.. Story was guest speaker before the club and was presented by Optimist Albert Garwood. Rep. Story has represented Wilkes county during five sessions of the Legislature, and he referred to the recent session as being one of the most interesting of the modern age. During the 109 days of the assembly a total of 1834 bills were introduced, Rep. Story said. Of course, a number of these bills failed of passage. Speaking o f . epftooristlosv made by the legislative Session, Rep. Story outlined them approximately as follows: $262",000,000 for the state's general expenses; $125,000,000 for- roads; $73,000,000 for permanent improvements; $25,060,000 for school buildings; $7,000,000 for improvement of ports—making a total of nearly one-half billion dollars. Just a few of the important bills passed by the assembly, Rep. Story said, were those giving the people the right to vote on the state-wide road and school bond proposals, repeal of the Motor vehicle inspection Iaw( legalizing use of voting machines, and the law making It illegal to handle poisonous snakes. Interesting reports of the eighteenth district Optimist convention held at Wilmington last week were made by E. R. Eller and Howard Strader, who represented the Jforth Wilkesboro Club. • • . The luncheon opened with singing of "America," followed by the Invocation which was spoken by Rev. C. Jay Winslow. Guests at the lnncheon were J. B. Brookshire with President E. R. safer; Bob Miskelly with Julias C. Hubbard.

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