Items About Comers and Goer» ... From Here and There People You Know Who Move Afcfout Mm. R. M. Day and Mrs. Leah Pope have returned from a weeks vacation at Myrtle Beach, 8. C. v Mr. W. I. Bumgarner, of Win ston-Saleih, visited relatives and friends in the Millers Creek community the past week-end. Mr. Frank Stroud, editor of the Davie Record at Mocksville for the past 56 years, was a pleasant caller at The Journal-Patriot of fice Friday. Mrs. Florence Gaither, of Washington, D. 0., has been spending several days with rela tives in the Millers Creek com munity. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Pardue. who have been visiting relatives here for two weeks, have return^ ed to their home on Harker's Is land. Mr, Hoke H. Steelman, a sen ior at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, is visit ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Steelman, at Moravian Falls. A commerce major, Mr. Steelman will return to-^ summer school at the University Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Hill Carlton, Jr., of: Boston, Mara., are visiting this week with Mr. Carlton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hill Carl ton. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Eller went to Fork Union, Va., last week end to bring home their son, Mr. Bobby Bller, who had been at tending the Fofck Union Military Academy the past year. Mr. Bill Harmon, who holds a position with 'Western Electric company in Winston-Salem, spent the week-end here with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Har mon. Mr. Wayne Gentry, who had been in school at "Western Caro lina Teachers College • at Cullo whee during the past year, arriv ed Sunday to spend the summer with his parents, Mr. and Mrs Claude Gentry. Mr. and Mrs. William Cranor and daughters, Lois Katherine and Nell, of Winston-Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cranor, Jr., and daughter, Carol, of Raleigh, and Mrs. R. L. Scroggs, of Moravian Falls, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cranor Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. I. F. Foster re turned to their home in the city several days ago after a visit in Chattanooga, Tenn., with Mr. and Mrs. James Reece, and other rel atives. They made the return trip through the Smoky National | Park. Mrs. Granville Myers and three monthft old daughter, Ja net, of Asheville, spent several days here last week visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Myers. Mr. Granville Myers came over for the week-end and ac companied them home Sunday. Mrs. R. G. Finley went to Chapel Hill Sunday to accom pany home the Fin leys' daughter, Miss Betty Gwyn Finley, who was graduated from the Univers ity of North Carolina with an A. B. degree majoring in dramatics. After a weeks stay at home Miss Finley will go to Manteo for the summer, where she will be a dancer and mistress of costumes in "The Lost Colony." Support the.Y. MX. A. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Harmon attended the baccalaureate serv ice in Elkin Sunday night for El kin high school. Miss Virginia Lee Transou, daughter of Mr. R. H. Transou, who operates Bine Ridge Tractor company In Wil kesboro, was president of the senior class. Miss Jo Anne Vaught and Miss huth Long will leave tomorrow to spend a week with relatives In and near Washington, D.,C. Jo Anne, will visit her aunt, Mrs. Henry E. Jungels, and Ruth will visit her aunt, Miss Stella Reld. Mrs. Vaught Will carry them to Washington and will be accom panied home by her son, Bobby Vaught, who has been in school at Leonardtown, Md. Miss Geraldine Caldwell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. 0. Caldwell, of this city, sustained a broken left ankle in an acci dent while fishing from a boat near Harkers Island Thursday. Those from here at the house party at the Reins-Poster cottage at Harkers Island last week were Miss Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smoak, Miss Norma Smoak, Mr. Bill Casey and Mr. O. K. Whittington, Jr.; also Messrs. Bill and Olin Barnes, of Birmingham, Alabama. Mr. and Mrs. Montague Laf fitte, daughter, Miss Jean Laf fitte, and son, Montague, Jr., of Quincy, Fla., visited relatives In , the Wilkesboros today. They were enroute to their-home from Waynesboro, Va., where Miss Laffitte was a student of Fair fax Hail the past year. Mr. Laf fitte is a nqphew of Mesdames J. B. Spainhour and J. W. White. Support the Y. M. C. A For Your Electrical Wiring Jobs See at Roy and George Wells CAROLINA HOME AND AUTO SUPPLY TelepKone 53 LET US INSTALL YOUR WINDOW SCREENS NOW!! WHILE OUR STOCK IS COMfLETE Phone 740-M . • RALPH FRAZIEI UMBER CO. Back Up the Y. M. C. A. Drive For This City!