How Are Your Floors? FREE ESTIMATES ON Inlaid Linoleum Asphalt & Rubber Tile or Wall Linoleum WILKESBORO. N. C. Support If. ft c. A. Scout Troops Sell Refreshments For Football Fans Here Beginning Friday night and continuing throughout the foot ball season, the Scout troops of the two Wilkesboros (sponsored by the two schools) are providing refreshments for those attending the games at Memorial Park. Twenty-five per cent of the gross receipts will go to the schools with the remainder going to the Scouts to provide funds for camping, equipment, etc. The boys will have coffee, hot dogs, peanuts, cold drinks, candy, etc., for sale and in buying from the ?I Scouts you will help them, the schools' athletic funds and your self. -:S0CIET Y: Mrs. Bob Damschroderj Bridge Club Hostess The members of the Wilabril bridge club were delightfully en tertained by ' Mrs. Bob Dam-I schroder at her home in Wilkes- f boro Thursday evening. The game, played at three tables, was[ followed by a dessert course. Prizes for high score and bingo were won by Mrs. Ray Kennedy j and Miss Pattle Somers. Euzelian S. S. Class* Largely Attended ?i Twenty - six members were present for the monthly meeting of the Euzelian Sunday school j class of the First Baptist church held Tuesday evening at the| home of Miss Marjorie Caudill j with Mesdames Eddie Morrison, I Raymond Wallace, C. E. Jenk-j Ins, Jr., and J. Floyd Woodward is associate hostesses. Mrs. Hom-i sr Brookshire was in charge of| the business session, Mrs. B. F. Bentley gave the devotions, and j Mrs. Woodward offered the) prayer. Mrs. Claude Canter, program chairman, presented Miss Peggy Nichols and Miss Nancy Felts, who gave an interesting playlet. Officers for the new year were chosen as follows: President, Mrs. Allie Hayes, first vice pres ident, Mrs. Clarence Wiles; sec ond vice president, Mrs. J. H. Armfield; secretary and treasur er, Mrs. T&l Pearson; and devo tional leader Miss Marcile Deal. The hostess group served re freshments during the social hour. D. D. G. M. Makes Official Visit To O. E. S. Chapter At a regular meeting of Wilkes chapter No. 42, O. E. S., Thurs day evening, the District Deputy Grand Matron of the 17th dis trict, Mrs. Valeria Belle Foster, of North Wilkesboro, made her official visit. The chapter was also honored by the District Deputy Grand Patron, Mr. Hood, of Elkin, who came for this spe cial occasion. Very appropriate and inspir ing addresses were made by both Mrs. Foster and Mr. Hood Prior to the meeting, a lovely banquet at the Carolina Restaur ant was enjoyed by the guests, their families, a large number of members and friends. Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Hood received corsages. The deputies were remembered with appropriate gifts. F.H.A* Is Organized In City School Classes| The Future Homemakers of America club held its first meet ing Tuesday, September 13, in the Home Economics department of North Wilkesboro high school. Under the direction of Mrs. Bingham, home economics teach er, officers were elected as fol lows: president, Anne Lott; vice president, Tate Duncan; secre tary and treasurer, Mary Jo Wy att; program committee, Betty Brown and Edna Pierce; report ers, Velma and Elsie Church; entertainers, Betty Elledge and Velma Church. ? The initiation service will take Place Tuesday, September 20, 6:30 p. m. in the home econom ics department. All who wish to become members, please sign up immediately. Social Calendar The Woman's Society of Christian Service of the North Wilkes ho ro First Methodist church will meet Tuesday aft ernoon, 3:80 o'qlock, in the church parlor. The Emma Hor ton circle will be in charge of the program. A combined meeting of the Presbyterian Women of the Church and the circles will be leld Tuesday evening, eight >'clock, in the educational Jiiildlng. The Woman's Missionary So ciety of the Wilkesboro Baptist 3hurch will meet Tuesday eve ning, 7:45 o'clock, in the hurch. Circle No. 4, will be in aharge of the program. Circles of the First Baptist hurch will meet on Tuesday u follows: Circle 1 and 8 will meet jointly at the home ?f Mrs. E. E. Eller, three p. n.; number 2 at home of Mrs. r. J. Frazier at 7:80; number 1 4 at home of Mrs. Joe God bey at 7:80; number 5 at home of Mrs. Mabel Lottes at 7:80; number 6 will picnic at Smoot Park at 6:00 p. m.; number 7 with Mrs. W'renn Vannoy, Mrs. Earl Pearson co-hostess, at .7:80 p. m. MECHANIC WANTED By Successful Automobile Dealer ? If You Are A Good Mechanic Here Is Opportunity For Good Salary and Rapid Advancement Apply today For A Future That Will Pay ? Write Mechanic In Care JOURNAL-PATRIOT All Replies Kept Strictly Confidential We have Filled Our Racks With Over 500 Beautiful COTTONS Paisley Print ONLY Upf VALUE! Just Unpacked 144 Plastic Dress and Coat Hangers SPECIAL This Week 2 for 25* Another of those wonderful new Penney Brentwoods*... and it's a honey! Striking dark-ground paisley print 80 square percale (you know how sturdy and tubbable that is), cut in a button-front eoat model (you know how convenient and comfortable they are) with a great big 144" sweep skirt. 12-20. See our windows Tuesday night-Newest in style - In Skirts and Blouses - Noth ing but number one sellers ? are shown ? They are beautiful ? buy them on Lay* Away- ? 2nd floor please atPENNETS TAKE AJ} BUSINESS COURSE Accounting or Secretariat Ap-.. proved for Veterans. Applies ;ions are accepted now for Fall rerm, beginning September 6. Write for free pictorial catalogue and information. Clevenger College I BOX 789 Telephone 714 NORTH WILKESBORO. N. C. ATTENTION CHICKEN RAISERS! Let ns explain the tine saving. Work Saving and Money Saving Features of Brooding With? PYROFAX GAS DICK'SCAS & APPLIANCE CO. Eaet Main Street NORTH WIL?B8BORO, N. C. I TUXEDO FEEDS FOR INCREASED PRODUCTION Tuxedo Feed Co. Phone 94 N. Wilkesboro GUARANTEED healing and hair growth to skin irritations on dctts and livestock or money back. * RED CROSS PHARMACY 10th St., No. Wilkesboro, X. C "tfoui dog wJdd BACK AGAIN TO DO YOUR. SIGN WORK All Kinds Of Signs At Reasonable Prices M. E. BAUGUSS ENROLL NOW IN THE NORTH WILKESBORO BEAUTY SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION NOT REQUIRED No Appointment Neceseary YES, A $20.00 WAVE FOR $10.00 $!0f)0 Permanenta $5.00 Coldwave Permanenta, from 111 6.00 Permanenta .... Ml 5.00 Permanenta liO 4.00 Permanenta i 100 SHAMPOO AND SET 40e UP Telephone 56 $20 Worth of Beauty for $10 North Wilkesboro Beauty School Over City Barber Shop North Wilkesboro. N. Journal-Patriot Ads. Get Quick Results ?5Top WASHING tne n Way" GET CLOTHES DIRT-FREE with MODEL 251-S J WASHER The giant capacity quality-built ABC has every thing! The efficient, gentle agitator flushes soapy water through garments 140 times each minute. Giant* capacity 27-gallon tub takes big washes in stride. Agitator with scien tifically designed wings eliminates balling and tangling of clothes. ABC wringer b com pletely *elf-odje*t ing to thick and thin garment*. BETTER HOMES FURNITURE CO. East Main Street North Wilkesboro, N. C. The new FORDTEEL* at its finest ? * The new "feel" that's making Ford history . . . the "feel" of that lower, level "Mid Ship" Ride on new "Hydra-Coil" and "Para-Flex" Springs . . . the "feel" of 100 "horse" V-8 power and 95 "horse" Six power . .. the "feel" of 35% easier-acting "Magic Action" Brakes ... all these are even finer with Ford's automatic Overdrive. V oats Of?rfU Qrt-U /?gSi In Overdrive your engine speed drop* 80%. Yet your road speed remains unchanged. Your car's doing 60 m.pJn, for example, while your engine's doing only 85. Ford Jverdrive saves up to 16% in gas? 15c of every gas dollar of highway driving! This saving, plus extra long engine life, adds up to smooth power that pays its own way. Ovd-drive gives your Ford quieter, smoother power than you ever imagined! You feel bright and fiesh even after long tripe. Tiy Ford Overdrive at your Ford Dealer's and order your Ford now. Take the wheel... try the new Ford 'Teel .. . at your Ford Dealer's ?Overdriee and vkitewaU firm optional at extra eooL YADKIN VALLEY MOTOR CO. NINTH STREET PHONE 700 NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. ENTER FORD'S $KX>,000 CAR-SAFETY CONTEST * SEE US FOR ENTRY BLANK