THE JOURNAL-PATRIOT Northwestern Carolina. Wilkes district Boy end Girl Scouts organization have a program worthy of your at* tention and support. The Journal-Patriot Has Blazed the Trail of Progress In the "State of Wilkes" For Over 43 Years Thursday, September 22,1949 Published Mondays and Thursdays NORTH W1LKESB0R0, N. C., Thursday, September 22,1949 Make North Wilkesboro Your Shopping Center FLASHERS WIN TITLE Ji To 5 Defeat Of Wytheville Gives Local Team Crown Won 16 of Last 20 Games In Final Days of Sea son and Playoff North Wilkesboro Flashers came from behind magnificient ly here Tuesday night to defeat Wytheville 6 to 5 and win the playoff title. The final game, like so many *of the contests during the past month, was an uphill battle, and Ipecord crowd of more than 2, 000 looked on as the Flashers turned on the heat on a cool night to score two in the 6 th, one g/ln the 7th and two in the 8th to clinch the Shaughnessy play off title in the Blue Ridge League, 4 to 2 over Galax and 4 to 1 over the strong Wytheville team. Leslie Rhoades, Wilkes veter an who was the team's leading pitcher in the win column for the season, started on the mound but was hit hard. The visitors got one run in the first and four in the second, the big blow being a drive into centerfield bleach ers with two on. He was relieved wfry Lee Bentley, another Wilkes product, who allowed a single to his first batter, got the side out with a double play and then shut the door on the slam-bang hitters from Virginia. Meanwhile Hammond had things well under control from the Wytheville mound until the "?sLAh. Bentley walked, Hite struck out. Winkelspecht was on first when Bentley was forced outT Shores drove a Hammond pitch over centerfield bleachers for two runs. In the seventh Dad dino walked, went to third on Davis' single and scored on Gene ?aviness' drive to left. In the Wtif 8th Hite grounded out. Win kelspecht doubled down the third base line and went to third Shores' infield hit. Daddino walked to fill the bases. Ham See ? BASEBALL ? Page I F. G. Holman ( Funeral Service Held On Monday Funeral service was held Monday afternoon at Wllkesboro Baptist church for Floyd G. Hol man, 86, who died Sunday in a Raleigh hospital. Mr. Holman for many years Resided in Wilkesboro and was one of Wilkes county's best known and most highly respect ed citizens. He moved to Ra leigh in 1941. The impressive funeral service was conducted by Rev. W. N. Brookshire, pastor of the Wilkes boro Baptist church, in which for many years Mr. Holman was a leader in church activities. As sisting the pastor in the service was Dr. John T. Wayland, pastor of the First Baptist church in North Wilkesboro. Interment was in the Holman family plot in Mountain Park cemetery. Many beautiful floral tributes were carried by members of the Ila Holman Bible class of Wll kesboro Baptist church. Pall bearers were nephews: E. _S. Spainhour, of Elkin; Jack Spain hour and Earl Carr, of Hickory; L. S. Spainhour, Roy Spainhour and W. J. Bason, of North Wil kesboro. In addition to members of the immediate family, relatives and friends from out of town attend ing the funeral included: Dr Robert Noell, of ifocky Mount; Mrs. Lee Weathers and Miss Pearl Weathers, of Shelby; Glenn ^Pennington, of Thomasville; Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Carr and Jack Spainhour, of Hickory; John Hol Jpan, of Atlanta, Ga.; Henry Spio^r, of Weldon; Mr. and Mrs. Connie Windish, of Greensboro. Three Powers Seek Atomic Secrets Plan Washington, Sept. 20.?The United States, Britain, and Can today bagan vital talks on "basic questions" in the future sharing of atomic know-how amid indications that the British want a better deal. Marriage License License to wed were issued) since September 7 by Register of Deeds Troy C. Foster to the fol lowing: Wade H. Absher, Halls Mills, and Doris Osborne, Mc-j Grady; Oander Inscore, Winston-, Salem, 'and Dorothy Fletcher,! North Wilkesboro; Harrison Card well, Oak woods, and Sybil Esther Spears, Buck; Allie Brooks and Dorothy Duncan, both of Boomer; Ted Hendrix, Lenoir route three, and Pauline Bumgarner, Champion; Felix Maltba, Lenoir route one, and Merle Watts, Boomer; Dave M. Blankenship, Hendrix, and Irene1 Greene, Mt. Zion; Eldridge Long, Jonesville, and Barbara i Call, Roaring River; Lillard Bil lings and Pauline Holbrook, both of Lomax; Arthur Durham and Grace Dameron, both of Traphill; Jack Barnett and Lionlee Wiles, I both of North Wilkesboro; George Edmisten and Charlotte Marley, both of Ferguson; Ro bert C. Johnson and Grace Hold er, both of Moravian Falls. Special Service Sunday At First Baptist Church There will be a consecration service for the officers and teachers of the Sunday school of the First Baptist church at the morning hour of worship, elev en o'clock. After the workers have taken their vows of commit ment to their educational task the congregation will respond with vows of cooperation and loyalty. The church choir, under the direction "of Mrs. A. F. Kil by, will sing "Create In Me A Clean Heart'' composed by Muel ler, nad Miss Martha Lue Frazier will render a solo composed by Scott and entitled "Come Ye Blessed." She will be accompan ied by Mrs? Robert Davis at the organ. The pastor, Dr. John T. Wayland, will bring a message entitled, "Found Faithful." Chaplain William M. Hearn, U. S. Navy, will preach at the evening hour of worship, eight o'clock. Chaplain Hearn hps just returned from a tour of duty six hundred ihile'S inside the Arctic Circle and is here on leave be fore going to Camp LeJuene for further service. He was a Chap lain in the Navy during the re cent war and was for a time a Baptist pastor in New Jersey. He married Miss Lillian Miller a few years ago and is now with her family at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Grady Miller. The public is cordially invited to hear Chaplain Hearn. Promotion exercises will oe held in the training union at seven o'clock. All members are encouraged to be present, es pecially since new officers for each group will be elected at this time. o Revival Services At Gospel Baptist Revival services will begin Sunday night, September 25, 7:30 o'clock, at Gospel Baptist church. The pastor, Rev. Gordon Crump, will be assisted by Rev. Mr. Smartes, of Morganton, who will do the preaching. Everybody has an invitation to attend the services. Hospital Uids Are Announced Raleigh, Sept. 20.?Low bids on a 100-bed hospital to be erect ed at the northern edge of Smithfield came to $1,032,000, Dr. John A. Ferrell, executive" secretary of the North Carolina Medical Care Commission, an nounced today. This is $168,000 less than the commission had estimated for the project. The average cost was $10,320 per bed. After the bids were opened in Smithfield, Dr. Ferrell reported that "we were well pleased." The $1,032,000 represents ov er-all cost of the hospital, with construction bids amounting to $836,821, within a few hundred dollars of the $83?,!>86 hid re cently on a 100-bed hospital of almost similar' construction and architecture in Gastonia. The re mainder of the cost includes $120,000 for equipment, $50, 107 for architect's fee, $44.32 for advertising for bids, $600 for site survey, and $24,427.42 for contingencies. . Nary Chaplain Will Speak In Wilkesboro Chaplain William M. Hearn, of Camp Lejeune, will speak in the Sunday morning worship service, 11 a. m., at the Wilkesboro Bap tist church. The service will be broadcast over station WKBC. Rev. W. N. Brookshire, pastor, will be engaged in associational church survey work at Monroe and will not be in Wilkesboro for the service Sunday. North Wilkesboro j P.-T.A. Outlines j Program Of Work The North Wilkesboro P.-T. A. met last Thursday night at 7:30, September 15, In the high school auditorium, with President Der mont Smith presiding. Miss Peg gy Nichols, religious education director at the First Baptist church, and also chairman of the Spiritual Life Committee of the P.-T. A., gave a most impres sive devotional service. First vice president Mrs. Nell Helms reported on the executive board meeting, at which time she listed the following recom mendations for the year's pro gram for approval of the Asso ciation: 1. To concentrate on buying physical education and recre ational equipment in order to ex pand the present program and to take care of the crowded situa tion on the school ground at the lunch hour. 2. To work toward eventually covering the school ground with asphalt around and between the buildings. 3. To assist in purchasing ad ditional books for the element ary library. Motions were made and car ried to accept these recommen dations for the year's work. Mrs. C. B. Lomax announced plans for an all-out drive for membership. It was voted to give i first prize of $5.00 to the room getting the most members, and a second prize of $2.00 for room winning second place in number >f members. Mrs. Ivey Moore has been made chairman of the Halloween Carnival committee and will soon begin planning for the carnival, which will be the one big money making project of the year. Mrs. John Baity, last year's P.-T. A. president, presented a standard certificate from the state office, certifying that the North Wilkesboro P.-T. A. had met all the specific requirements, and for the year 1948-1949, had become a standard association. A letter of congratulation to the ex-president and to the associa tion accompanied this certificate. Mrs. Baity was proud to present, this certificate t o President Smith and urged that all strive in years to come to keep this as sociation standard. Attendance prizes will con tinue to be given. Mrs. Williams' fifth grade was winner in the elementary building and Mr. Shaws' twelfth grade was win ner in high school building. A new feature was started at this meeting. Mrs. Dermont Smith has started a nursery on P.-T. A. nights, where the chil dren will be entertained in a downstairs classroom while their parents attend the P.-T. A. meet pig. The children will be taken care of by capable assistants. Now parents will have no ex cuse to stay away from the P.-T. A. meetings. At the end of the business session, Supt. J. Floyd Wood ward introduced the teachers, after which there was a little so cial get-together. Refreshments were served by the hospitality committee of which Mrs. F. D. Forester, Jr., is chairman. Committee chairmen and their comimttees will be announced at the October meeting. Homecoming Sunday Union Grove Church On Sunday, September 26, j homecoming will be observed at i the Union Grove Methodist church. The church is located on highway 901 in North Iredell county. The sermon at 11:00 a. m. will be delivered by the Rev. Clay Madison, pastor of the First Methodist church, of Hick ory. At 12:30 lunch will be on 'he grounds and at 2:30 there will be an address by Judge Johnson J. Hayes, of Wilkesboro. The public is invited to attend and carry their picnic baskets with them. The Rev. William C. Crummett is pastor of the church. Wilkes Fair Exhibits Are Highly Praised brier creek association 138TH SESSION SEPT 29-30TH The historic Brier Creek Bap tist association, thirteenth oldest in N. C., will meet in its 128th annual session Thursday and Friday before the first Sunday in October, or Sept. 29-30, with Hunting Creek Baptist church on highway 115, ten miles east of Wilkesboro. Rev. R. R. Crat er is moderator and Rev. R. R. Crater is clerk. The following interesting program was ^ ar ranged by G. H. Jolly, Irvin Wal lace and Rev. J. B. Ray: Thursday, Sept. St9 10:00 ? Devotional, E. K. Wooten. 10:10?Organization. 10:20?Mills Home, E. R. Cra ter, L. M. Jarvis. ll:10h?Sermon, Rev. G. D. White. Alternate, Rev. J. N. Binkley. 12:00?Intermission. 1:30?Praise and Worship. 1:40?Missions, S. F. Goforth, Rev. G. D. White. 2:10?What Is A New Testa ment Church?, Rev. P. C. Parks, Rev. L. T. Younger. 2:40?What Is the Mission of the Church?, Rev. Noah Hayes, Rev. J. A. Isenhour. 3:10?Miscellaneous. 3:15?Adjournment. Friday, Sept. 80 10:00?Devotional, C. M. Call. 10:15 ? Temperance, Lester Beckhem and R. C. Loyd. 10:45 ? Church Discipline, Rev. J. A. Isenhour and Rev. J. B. Ray. 11:10?Sermon, Rev. T. L. Blalock. Alternate, Rev. E. R. Crater. 21:00?Intermission. 1:30?Praise and Worship. 1:40?Baptist Hospital, Rev. R. R. Crater and J. R. Calloway. 2:00?Giving the New Testa ment Plan, Ray Madison. Rev. M. F. Reavis. 2:20?Miscellaneous. 2:30?Committee: Time and Place?W. C. Myers, D. A. Holle mon; Obituaries?L. M. Weath erman, Jessie Adams; Finance? T. J. McNeil, C. A. Sparks; Res olutions?J. L. Bray; Nominat ing Committee?Noah Hayes, Tom Millsaps, R. C. Loyd. Court Has Busy Week With Trials Of Civil Actions Wilkes Superior court In ses sion last week with Judge Julius A. Rousseau, of North Wilkes bono, presiding, made much headway on the civil docket cal endar and disposed of several cases. In a majority of the cases con sent judgments were filed and there were few trials by jury. Following are cases in which judgments were rendered: Minnie Rerrong versus Joe Berrong, defendant to pay plain tiff $10 per week alimony. Lucille Mathis Starnes versus Cranford Eugene Starnes, settled by payment of $500 by defend ant. James Gilbert versus Glenn Carlton, settled by payment of $750 by defendant. Mac Joines versus Heddy Oni zuk Joines, divorce granted. Jack Wingler versus Edward McNeil, settled for payment * of $583.80 by defendant. y Mrs. Lollie B. Payne versus Clayton Payne, settled for pay ment of $1,200 by defendant. Lawrence Edgar Hutchins, of Yadkinville, was admitted to the bar in superior court. Clay Blackburn versus R. S. Renegar, settled for payment of $300 by defendant. Ronda Sheets versus Nora Sheets, divorce granted. Leeoma Clark versus William Carl Clark, divorce granted. Lona Clonch versus Alonzo Clonch, defendant to pay $8 per week alimony. Roast Beef Supper At Mulberry 24th Roast beef supper will be serv ed Saturday, September 24, six until eight p. m., at Mulberry community house. Price of plates will be one dollar each for adults and 50 cents for children under 12. Proceeds will go into the building fund of Baptist Home church and all are cordial ly invited. 10-49 Subscriptions Will Expire Oct. 1 Attention o f subscribers whose pink address labels bears the date of 10-49 is call ed to the fact that their sub scriptions will expire October 1, 1049. Payment of renewal sub scriptions before that date will be greatly appreciated and sub scribers who renew before Oc tober 1 will not be inconven ienced by missing copies of their Journal-Patriot. Lost Rites Friday For Mrs. Huffman Funeral service will be held Friday, two p. m., at Mount Pleasant Baptist church for Mrs. Martha Huffman, age 74, well known resident of the Purlear route one community who died Wednesday night. Rev. W. H. Caldwell, Rev. Atwell Watts, Rev. A. W. Eller and Rev. GlenD Huffman will conduct the last rites. Born December 3, 1874, Mrs. Huffman was a daughter of the late Edmond and Jane Eller Fos ter. Surviving are one son and one daughter, E. M. Huffman and Mrs. T. C. Walsh, both of Purlear. Wiles Infant Dies Funeral service was held to day at Covenant church for Margaret Louise Wiles, infant daughter of Elbert and Ruby Maie Pruitt Wiles, of Lomax. The child died Wednesday In the hospital at Elkin. , Surviving are the father and mother and the following broth ers and sisters, Jack, Helen, Pauline, Juanita, Willie and Caroline Wiles. Rev. L. E. Sparks conducted the last rites. Albert McClellan, editor of the Oklahoma Baptist Messenger, has accepted the post of publicity di rector of the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Commit tee. He succeeds C. E. Bryant, who is now director of press re lations at Baylor University. LIONS VS. SPENCER; RAMBLERS VS. MAIDEN; MILLERS CREEK VS. CRANBERRY GAMES THIS WEEK Football fans in Wilkes ha^e a full menu of games this week. First of three local games will be Millers Creek versus Cranber ry high on Millers Creek's ath letic field Friday afternoon, 1:30. This is Millers Creek's first year and the boys at times looked good in their first game, which was a 24-0 loss to Taylorsvil'e at Taylorsville Friday. Cranber ry, an Avery county school, has a strong team, which defeated Newland last week, and an excit ing contest is expected at Millers Creek. Mountain Lions Here Home fans will get their first opportunity to view the 1949 Mountain Lions of North Wilkes boro high school on home soil when they play the strong Spen cer eleven of the South Piedmont Conference in Memorial Park here Friday night, eight o'clock. The North Wilkesboro squad came through their game with Mt. Airy Friday night without serious injury and will be ready for their first conference test. Wilkesboro Plays Saturday The Wilkesboro gamblers, who didn't extend themselves in beating Cove Creek last Friday night, will take on a stronv Maiden eleven in a Highland conference game here Saturduy night, eight o'clock, in Memori il Park. The Wilkesboro team will be primed to enhance their con ference record but expect plenty of competition from the husky Maiden team. Reports from Mai den Indicate that the visitors will pack plenty of power in the Sat urday night game. Millers Creek Wins Over Local Jayvees Millers Creek high school foot ball varsity team defeated the North Wllke8boro B squad in Memorial Park yesterday after noon 21 to 7. Despite the weight advantage for the Millers Creek team, the game was an exciting contest and North Wilkesboro lads drove 50 yards to score in the third period after Millers Creek had rolled up a lead. Both squads gained valuable experience from the game. Fines, Liquor Money Total For Schools $21,772 400 Cases Seized Liquor Sold By Wilkes County For $13,742.41 School current expense fund In Wilkes county was greatly bene fitted by the August term of Wilkes superior court, reports from county officials indicated. Fines collected during the term, over which Judge J. A. Rousseau, of North Wilkesboro, presided, totaled $8,030. In addition to the fines, a truck load of whisky which had been confiscated was sold to the state ABC board for $13,742.41,| which also goes into the schools current expense fund. Under the law seized, tax-paid whisky can be sold when the case involved is disposed of in court. Winfield Cooper was driver of the large truck, which was seized with a cargo of tax-paid spirits. Cooper paid a fine of $2,000 and re ceived a sentence of six months. The liquor was ordered sold. The truck load seizure, with small lots from other seizures, totaled 400 cases. The entire a mount was carried to Raleigh for legal sale to the ABC board. Harry lee Mechem Is Taken By Death Funeral Service Will Be Held Friday, 3 p. m.t at Presbyterian Church Harry lee Mechem, one of North Wilkesboro's best loved and outstanding citizens, died in the Baptist Hospital in Winston Salem, at 9:20 Wednesday eve ning, September 21st. Mr. Mech em had been a resident of North Wilkesboro since about 1911. He was born on March 24, 1868, at Berkeley Springs, W. Va. He be came associated with the C. C. Smoot & Sons Tannery when a very young man and was trans ferred to their North Wilkesboro plant sometime in 1911, and con tinued working for them until they sold to the International Shoe Company. He was with that company for several years, hav ing retired about eleven years ago. Mr. Mechem was preceded in death by his wife, Mrs. Lillian Demaux Mechem, and by his son, Harry Mechem. He is surviv ed by his daughter, Mrs. Virginia Mechem Hutchens, one sister, Mrs. Annie Hull, and one grand daughter, Margaret Anne Hutch ens, all of North Wilkesboro. Mr. Mechem was a member of the Presbyterian church, of North Wilkesboro, and also a member of North Wilkesboro Council No. 51, Jr. O. U. A. M., in which he served as chaplain for more than a quarter of a cen tury. Mr. Mechem's funeral will be held in the Presbyterian church in North Wilkesboro, at three p. m. Friday. Interment will be in Greenwood cemetery in North Wilkesboro. Mr. Mechem was a man of strong character and of charm ing personality. He was modest unassuming, considerate and just, and was always reasonable and generous in his dealings with others. He was positive in his convictions; but he had the happy faculty of maintaining them without giving offense to those who differed with him, pos sessing in an unusual degree the rare combination of real leader ship with a gentle and lovable nature. Cancer is the principal cause of death among women between the ages of 35 and 55. All Departmeits Wilkes Fair Have QaalHy Projects Horse Show Two Nights and Dog Show Saturday To Climax Event Wilkes Kiwanis Agricultural Fair is in full swing this week at the fair and horse show grounds Just outside of this city on high way 115 and will continue through Saturday night with a full program each afternoon and night. Friday, September 23, will be school children's day aad all white school children in Wilkes county will be admitted to the fair free. School children's day for col ored children was observed Tuesday and many students from colored schools enjoyed the fair and gave a program in front of the grandstand. The fair opened Monday with placing on exhibits on the grounds. Exhibits this year are far superior in number and quality to exhibits at any recent fairs in this community. Compe tition was especially keen for hundreds of cash prises offered in many departments and many classes. Judges completed their their difficult task on opening day. The exhibits are well displayed and have been subject for much favorable comment by large crowds of fair visitors each night. Of special interest are the dis plays by home demonstration clubs, 4-H clubs, veteran farm trainees, vocational schcfol groups and other educational exhibits. The farm and home exhibits have also been widely acclaimed for thoroughness and display, indi cating much work and prepara-v tion. Horse Show Two liights Fair events will reach a climax Friday and Saturday nights with a complete horse show, which will include all classes. Some of the south's finest horses have been entered and the horse show is sure to entertain large crowds. Dog Show Saturday Entries are pouring in for the dog match to be held Saturday afternoon and indications are that every class will be repre sented in the big show. Dr. J. H. McNeill, dog show superinten dent, has announced that dogs may be entered at the grounds as late as 11 a. m. Saturday morn ing for convenience of those who have not been able to fill out blanks. The fair and horse show are sponsored annually by the North Wilkesboro Kiwanis club, which uses any profits for work among underprivileged and crippled children. The principal purpose of the fair is to encourage great er and better agricultural pro duction in Wilkes county. Entertainment On Midway Bullock amusement devices are on the fair midway, offering clean entertainment to fair visi tors. Eight Arrested On ATU Charges Arrest of eight persons charg ed with internal revenue law vio lations was reported by the office of Marshall William D. Kizziah. Five Wilkes county defendants were released on boni for trial at the May term of M.ddle Dis trict Court in Winston-Salem. They were listed as Delphia Pre vette, Ellen Prevette, William H. Gentry, and Harry Lee Gentry, all of whom were released under bond of $500 each, and Walter Hague, released on bond of $1, 000. Grandfather School Destroyed By Fire Boone, Sept. 20.?Grandfather School located at the foot of Grandfather Mountain near Shulls Mills, about seven miles from Boone, was destroyed by fire of unknown origin last night Officials estimate a loss of ap proximately $1,600. The school building was frame and one of the oldest in the county. It was a two-teacher grade school. Superintendent Howard Walk er said the building and all equipment was destroyed. | ? o ? BMuzm Xtat Bttk to tk* Wtoaty

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