4HIR CITY ^N&rth Wilkesboro has a ^fading radius of 50 miles, serving 1 "0,000 people Id Northwestern Carolina. THE JOURNAL PATRIOT The Journal-Patriot Has Blazed the Trail of Progress In the "State of Wilkes" For Over 43 Years >At Stmmffiiem 7<fc BACK THE * vbi. 43, No. 55 Published Mondays and Thursdays NORTH W1LKESBORO, N. CM Monday, October 24,1949 Make North WUkesboro Your Shopping Center P.-T. A. ENDORSES PROPOSED CONSOLIDATION OF WILKESBORO, NORTH WILKESBORO HI SCHOOLS North Wilkesboro Parent-Teach er Association held a very 1 fall meeting in the school auditor- 1 ium Thursday night, and with good attendance. "Hie organisation is a very active one, and one that is growing rapidly, not only in j number, but in interest of the welfare of youth. The chairman of the membership committee re ported 734 members so far this year. Mrs. Ivey Moore made a re port on the plans and committees ' for the Hallowe'en carnival to be held October 31. The program?a discussion of the proposed super high school, ? proved to be of much interest and brought about a great deal of en- 1 usiasm of those present. \W. H. cElwee opened the way for j discussion by first listing sev eral factors into which this sub ject lends itself; namely, the cost and type of building, the location of t)4 building, the time element of building, the legal status (whether a special charter dis- 1 trict or not), the curriculum, and | transportation of children. Tom Jenette pointed out some n advantages of the consolidation, such as, a hotter athletic program, ( better physical education and health program, a more diversi fied program in occupational training for pupils and night school for adults, and a broader curriculum. Paul Osborne spoke of the fi nancing, suggesting that the , money the Wilkesboro and North ' Wilkesboro schools would get as a result of the recent state bond election, amounting to approxi mately $120,000, be pooled as a starting fund for the building. He urged that it should be begun at once while this money was avail able because it might be far in the future before it could start j again. The question of location1 was discussed, three sites being' suggested?the Doughton proper- j ty, the County Home property, and Smoot Park. Also discussed were the cost, transportation of children, and grades the building would house. The local P.-T. A. voted to go on record as supporting the con-' solidation of the two schools. 1 Hospital Births Since October 4 the following births were recorded at the Wilkes hospital: son, Donald Harold, October 4 to Mr. and -^?Mrs. Richard Simon, of Washing ton, D. C.; son, Kenneth Lee. October 4 to Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Lester Gentry, of Hafs; son, Edmon Virgie, October 4 to Mr. and Mrs. Jonah Amos Porter, of Oakwoods; daughter, Linda Lu cille, October 4 to Mr. and Mrs. William Marcus Johnson, of Mo #-ravian Palls; daughter, Patricia Ann, October 5 to Mr. and Mrs." William Stacy Wood, of Halls Mills; daughter, Donna Re, Oc tober 6 to Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Clifton Hall, of Roaring River. Daughter, Jo Anne. October p to Mr. and Mrs. James Earl Bumgarner, of Millers Creek; #Sm on October 6 to Mr. and Mrs.! Millard Victory Nelson, of Crick et; -son, Thomas Stanley, October 5 to Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Edsel Stanley; son, Robert Newman, October 6 to Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Miller, of North Wilkesbore; daughter, Clara Jane, October 6 to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bluford Adkins, of Purlear; daughter. Mary Ruth, October 7 to Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Harold Kolodny, of North Wilkesboro; son, Kenneth Reece, October 7 to Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Reece Laxton, of Roaring River. Daughter, Regina Kay, Octob er 10 to Mr. and Mrs. Varnie Richardson, of North Wilkes boro; son, Robert Wayne, Octob er 11 to Mr. and Mrs. Jamc-s Harvey Shepherd, of Reddles River; daughter, Linda Ann, Oc p. tober 11 to Mr. and Mrs. James Robert Wood, of North Wilkes boro route one; daughter, Zena Mae, October 11 to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lee Snyder, of Wilkes boro route one; son, David Reece, October 13 to Mr. "and Mrs. Reece Odell Wiles, of Hays; daughter, Barbara Ann, October 12 to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lewis Lucas, of Wilkesboro route one; daughter, Audrey Faye, October 14 to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Lee Johnson, of Roaring River. Son, Thomas Marion Nichols, Jr., October 14 to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Marion Nichols, of Pur lear; son, October 16 to Mr. and Mrs. Claude Elledge Billings, of fr Hays; daughter, Margaret Ann, October 16 to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Abe Minton, of Wilkesboro route one; son, Ricky Marvin. October 16 to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Calvin Dameron, of Wilkesboro; daugh ter. Patricia Madge, October 16 to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Leftwich Vernon, of North Wilkesboro; daughter on October 17 to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dancy, of Vannoy. Daughter on October 19 to Mr. and Mrs. Numa Wingler, of North Wilkesboro route one; daughter, Margaret Viona, Oc tober 17 to Mr. and Mrs. Julius ? Franklin Byers, of Wilkesboro route one; daughter, Sylvia Di t ane. October 18 to Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Chapman, of Taylorsville 4? route one; son, Danny Lee, Oc tober 18 to Mr. and Mrs. Warner jfc G. Harding Broyhill, of North ?^Wilkesboro; daughter, Barbara Gale, October 18 to Mr. and Mrs. Willard Presley Wiles, of Dock ery; daughter, Sandra Gail, Oc tober 18 to Mr. and Mrs. James Ktfe Wood, of North Wilkesboro + two. o Tractors are used on only 2 to S per cent of the cultivated land in Portugal. Return From Europe Mrs. Fred M. Wyatt and son, Richard, recently returned home after spending two years in Wiesbaden, Germany, with Capt. Wyatt, who Is stationed with the IT. S. Air Force. Capt. Wyatt expects to join them first of the year. At present they are staying with Mrs. Wy att's father, W. M. Holder, at Hays. While in Europe the family toured France, Italy, Switzerland, Ijuxembourg, Hol land, Belgium, Austria, Eng land and Scotland. Valuable Property - At Auction Oct. 29 Fifty highly desirable homesites will be sold at auction Saturday, October 29, when Williams and Clark Land Auction company put on a sale at Cricket. The property is located directly behind Cricket postoffice, front ing on the Congo road and ad joining the Crysel farm. It has been sub-divided into homesites by the owner ,M. C. Woodie, and new streets have been constructed. A $50 will be given at the sale, whic will begin promptly at 1:30 p" m. P. E. Dancy is selling agent for the sale. Baseball Meeting On Thursday Night Meeting of baseball fans and others interested in keep ing baseball in this community set for Thursday night of last week was continued until Thursday night of this week, 7: SO, at the North Wilkesboro town hall. The future of baseball here is at stake and all who are in terested in the game as a fan or who consider baseball a great asset to the community are invited and urged to at tend. Further details are con tained in an article on page 7 of this newspaper. Football Game At Lenoir, October 26 The junior varsity teams of Lenolr-Rhyne and Appalachian college will play a football game at the high school athletic field in Lenoir Wednesday night, Oc tober 26th, at eight o'clock. The srame is being sponsored by the Lenoir Lions club. o Business Club To Meet Tomorrow night The Wilkesboro Business and Professional Men's club will meet tomorrow night at seven o'clock at the community house. Presi dent William Gray urges all nembers to be present. Optimist Club Meets Tomorrow The Optimist Club of North Wilkesboro will meet tomorrow at noon at Hotel Wilkes. All members are mrged to be pres ent. HOSPITAL MOVIES SHOWN Last year hospital patient at tendance at Red Cross movie showings totalled 1,738,000. Invest in America's Future Leaders I . . ........ . ? ? ...???mWWW?VtVWMVWVW\W?*mWVV " INDUSTRIAL EMPLOYES SCREENED FOR TUBERCULOSIS Here is a view of the Mobile X-Ray unit which was used here in the reqent survey to screen industrial employes "for tuberculosis. ' A total of 1,500 employes of local plants were X-Rayed by the unit and any suspicious findings will be giv en further study and additional X-Rays. The move was financed by employers and instigated by the Wilkes Chapter of the Tuberculosis Association, which is contemplating the purchase of a unit t-> X-Ray the entire population in this area. District Governor Tells Home Club About Lions Work Paul Cashion, governor of district 31A of Lions Interna tional, told the North Wilkes boro club Friday about work of Lions clubs in his district. The district governor, who was elected to that high post in Lionism at the state convention last year, has been a very busy official and has visited and od served the clubs through his dis trict in western North Carolina. On Friday evening he reported to his home Ifclub many of fei* interesting experiences and told of what is being accomplished by the thriving civic organization. Jack Swofford and Thurmond Kenerly were in charge of the program. The Lions club Friday evening welcomed one new member, T. V. Hackney, who is connected with Clevenger College of Bus iness Administration here. Mr. Hackney was installed as a mem ber by Larry Moore. S" Rev. R. L. Young, First Meth odist pastor here, was a guest of Richard Johnston. In Waynes ville Rev. Mr. Young was a mem ber of the Lions club. Quincy Ad ams was a guest of Paul Greene and James Buchan was guest of Glenn Andrews. Jlf - ORDER MEETING Junior O. U. A. M. will meet Tuesday night, October 25th, at 7:30. All members are urged to be at the hall for special meeting and degree work. Hallowe'en Festival At Moravian Falls The members of the Moravian i^alls Baptist church will spon or a Hallowe'en Festival at the Community House on Saturday svening, October 29, beginning it 5:30. Hot dogs, hamburgers, )ies, and drinks will be sold. There will be fun and entertain nent for old and young. The cing and queen of Hallowe'en vill be crowned. Make your plans | low to be there and have a par* n the eating and playing. The iroceeds will go to the Church mildlng fund. Special Program Wednesday Night A program for the Week of Prayer and Self Denial, given by the members of the Woman's Society of Christian Service, will be presented at the mid-week jervice of the North Wilkesboro First Methodist church on Wed nesday evening, October 26, this program to take the place of the regular prayer service. All mem bers of the Society are urged to be present, also other people of the church. The offering, to be taken, will be divided equally between pro jects at home, Maynard-Mac Dougall Hospital, Nome, Alaska, and Wesley House, Knoxville, Tenn.; and the projects abroad are two colleges in Japan; four social centers in Korea, and a dormitory and social work in Manila, P. I. ; o The "Irish" potato is not Irish at all but is a native American plant. DISTRICT SCOUT COMMITTEE LAUNCHES ENLARGED PROGRAM The Wilkes District Scout Com mittee, Old Hickory Council, Boy Scouts of America met in regular session Tuesday night, October J8, at the Duke Power Co. Office and laid plans for a stronger program of scouting in the Wilkes District. The attendance was almost per fect with all important commit tees reporting increased planned activities in all phases of scout ing. J. B. Carter reported for the Advancement Committee and an nounced that the Board of Re view would meet on Thursday night, October 20. The announce ment of the next Court of Honor will be made in the near future. Ivey Moore in reporting for the Camping and Activities com mittee told of the success of the recent Scout Rally held at the North Wilkesboro Gymnasium and school ground. An important announcement of a forthcoming Scout Training Course for present and new scout ers was made by J. Floyd (Wood ward of the Training and Leader ship Committee. The course was scheduled for three meetings a week for the two consecutive weeks beginning Monday, Octo ber 31. The meetings are tenta tively scheduled in the scout room of the _ Methodist Educational Building. All persons willing to give of their time and energy to promote the welfare of boys in the scouting movement are invited and urged to register with Mr. Wood ward for this course. The report of most immediat? importance was given by Jo< Barber of the Finance Commit tee. He and other members of his committee announced complete plants for the annual District Fi nance Campaign. This will occui on Tuesday following a breakfasl at the Carolina Restaurant at 8:11 A. M. Volunteer canvassers will call on Wilkes citizens in the twc towns and the county to con tribute to the Wilkes District quota of the Old Hickory Council Budget. W. K. Sturdivant in an nouncing preliminary results oi the advance gifts campaign stress ed the fact that all citizens con tacted must give generously ii the quota is to be met. Glenn Andrews reported for the Organization and Extension Com mittee and announced the forth coming organization of a scoul troop at Mulberry. The need for s Cub Master for the Cub Pack was repported. Gordon Finley in making the Commissioner's report stated thai the annual Scout Roll Call hac been made and was a success. Those present at the meeting were: Rol>ert Gibbs, Joe Barber Sam Vickery, W. K. Sturdivant T. E. Story, Harvell Howell Robin N. /Wooten, Bill Prevette Gordon Finley, J. B. Carter, Shour Kerbaugh, Gilbert Foster, J. Floyd Woodward, T. L. White, Ivej Moore, Lewis M. Nelson, Glenn Andrews, and J. D. Edwards. Training Scouts For Better Citizens (An Editorial) Tomorrow an opportun ity will be given to all the friends of boys in this com munity to express their faith in the future manhood and womanhood of this country when they are ap-l proached by solicitors for the annual Finance Cam paign for the Boy and Girl Scouts in this Council. Not every person has the time to devote to the Scouting movement as a scoutmaster or a leader of the Girl Scouts. We all can, how ever, devote some of our resources to the promotion of these two movements aimed at making better citi zens of tomorrow of our boys and girls of today. So, when the solicitor ap proaches you tomorrow, loosen up your purse strings and help in the way that we all can help, by backing our boys and girls in their scout ing propram with our dol lars. Dollars can't buy good citizens, but money spent in the development of them will never be wasted. Methodist Pastor "Rev. J. R. Bowman recent* ly assumed his duties as pastor of the Millers Creek, Charity, Friendship and Arbor Grove Methodist church in Wilkes county. Rev. Mr. Bowman was born and reared at Marion and has been in the Metho dist conference 17 years. Rev. and Mrs. Bowman are residing at the parsonage near Friend ship church. Demonstrations On Corn Yields Set By J. P. CHOPLIN, County Agent In order that the farmers may get acquainted with checking their corn yields the following demon stration shave been arranged: October 24?Monday, 9r30 a. m., Orvil Johnson, Rt. 1, North Wilkesboro, Alex Wyatt Farm; 2:00 p. m., R. Q. Nichols, Purlear, two miles East Purlear Grocery. October 25?Tuesday, 9:30 a? ~n., T. J. McNeil, Roaring River; 2:00 p. m., James Cockerham, Ronda, near Cockerham's Store. October 26?Wednesday, 9:30 a. m., L. B. Dula, Jr., Wilkesboro, 5 miles JVest, Wilkesboro on Hwy. 268. October 28?Friday, 9:30 a. m., Marvin Johnson, Hays, near Oak ridge Church; 2:00 p. m., L J. Broyhill, Boomer, on Lenoir Highway. - October 31?Monday, 9:30 a. m., Theodore Fairchild, Purlear, neaT Champion; 2:00 p. m., Odell Whit tington, Reddies River. Anyone is invited to attend these demonstrations. Tuesday, Nov. 1?9:30 a. m.. Bruce Billings, at Dockery; 2:00 p. m., P. V. Turner's, Wilkesboro ?oute one. Wednesday. Nov. 2. 9:30 a. m., L. P. Somers at Somers Cross roads ; 2:00 p. m., C. G. Par due's at Traphill. MRS. CLARK DIES AT BANNER ELK Funeral and burial services were conducted yesterday after noon at St. Paul's Episcopal church in Wilkesboro by Rev. B. M. Lackey for Mrs. Bowie Clark who died Friday night at the hospital in Banner Elk. Mrs. Clark had been in ill health for the past several years. The deceased was the daugh ter of the late Dr. and Mrs. James Calloway and a sister of the late Mrs. Annie Calloway ) Hubbard, of Wilkesboro. Two | sons, Mr. James Clark, of Vir ? ginia, and Mr. Edward Clark, of jErvin, Tenn., survive. Kiwanians Have Interesting Meet Here Friday Hoon Delightful Piano Program Rendered By Number of Music Pupils North Wilkes boro Kiwanis club in meeting Friday noon held an interesting and enjoyable meeting, which was featured by interesting business items and an excellent program. President W. H. McElwee ap pointed the following commit tee, suggested in a resolution passed one week ago: Frank Crow, Robert Gibbs, W. D. Half acre, Joe Barber, and Paul Os borne, to confer with similar committees from the other clubs on the "School Consolidation Proposition." Cecil Adamson announced La dies night would start at 7: )0 o'clock on Friday evening, Oct. 28, at the Wilkes Hotel. Tickets are now on sale by Secretary T. E. Story and should be purchased by Wednesday, Oct. 26. W. K. Sturdivant, represent ing the Wilkes District Scout Committee, urged the members to be liberal with the solicitors for funds for the maintenance for the work for the coming year. A called meeting of the board of directors authorized the sec retary to write a check of $1, 095.00 to the Elkin Fat Calf Show for the champion calf pur chased by the North Wilkesboro Kiwanians. The President announced the regular meeting of the Board of Directors will be held next Thursday evening at 6:30. Program Chairman Frank H. Crow introduced Mrs. J. Gwyn Gambill and her music class of small boys, assisted by Mrs. A. F. Kilby, who rendered a very delightful piano program. The following boys played solos: Tommy Frazier, Tony Shoaf, Frank Crow, Jr. (3 numbers) Tim Williams, Reginald Moore, Larry Billings, Donald Billings. Clarinet solo by Phil Lomax ac companied by Mrs. A. F. Kilby. Duets were played by: Tony Shoaf, Tim Williams, Don ald Billings and Phil Lomax. Parents of the above named chil dren sat in for the progranf. At the meeting Friday Conrad Lynn, of Kentucky, was guest of Ira D. Payne. o Easter In October For Troop No. 34 N^t rth Wilkesboro Boy Scout Troop 34 under the direction ct Scoutmaster R. I. Moore and as sistant Scoutmasters Howard Kelly and Paul Bumgarner have been engaged in an October East er egg hunt on the Holly Moun tain Poultry Farm. Mr. E. P. Hettiger, Jr., proprietor of the farm asked the scouts to assist him in gathering eggs laid by the pullets foraging on the range. Forty thousand pullets are laying on a range of some two or three hundred acres. The boys have entered with enthusiasm into the hunt and yells of jubilation ring out when a nest containing from thirty to forty eggs is found. Two hunts a week are being held on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Up to the present the scouts have found and helped crate around* three hundred doz en eggs. Mr. Hettiger has very generously consented to give a portion of the proceeds from the sale of the eggs to the scouts for their assistance in the work. This money will be placed in the troop fund to help defray the expenses of troop camping trips and other troop expenses. This is another fine example of the cooperation of the scout-minded business men of the community in promoting scouting activities. The scouts of Troop 34 wish to thank Mr. Hettiger for this sup port of their scouting program. Hallowe'en Carnival Mountain View 28th i - Mountain View Hallowe'en car ? nival will be held at the school 1 Friday, October 28. House of (horrors, cake walks, bingo, I weight guessing, refreshments, crowning of king and queen will be some of the entertainment features and fun is promised for the entire family. O ! After this week the Mountain Lions will be at home for the remainder of the season, playing Barium Springs here on Novem ber 4, Mooresville here on Novem ber 11 and Wilkesboro here on November 18. I

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