North Wilkesboro Has a Sheading radius of 50 miles, serving 1^0,000 people in Northwestern Carolina. THE JOURN AL - PATRIOT The Journal-Patriot Has Blazed the Trail of Progress In the "State of Wilkes"For Over 43 Years BACK THE ?7, ^ o ... . j Mrtmione onH Thnrcdnvs wnuiH wu nuounu. i*. iviunudv. ivuvemuer i. Make North Wilkesboro four Shopping Center **ol. 43, No. 59 Published Mondays and Thursdays Carolina Women At National Home Demonstration Meet Shown above are North Ca *o Alina women who attended meet ings of the National Home Dem onstration Council and the Coun try Women's Council in Colorado Springs, Colo., earlier last month. Left to right, seated: Mrs. J. C. Castleberry of Apex, chairman 14th District: Mrs. R. A. Mc Cormick of St. Pauls, chairman 16th District: Mrs. R. C. Lan ning, Route 5, Winston-Salem, chairman 26th District; Mrs. J. S. Gray of Franklin, president of the State Federation of Home Demonstration Clubs; Miss Verna Stanton of Raleigh, assistant State home ^demonstration agent for the State College Extension Service; Mrs. E. L. Ray of New land, treasurer of the State Fed eration; Mrs. George Apperson of Mocksville, immediate past president of the State group; Mrs. T. W. Lloyd of Durham, Durham County delegate; Mrs. J. A. Ritchie, Route 2, Rockingham, chairman Tenth District. Stand ing: Mrs. R. M. Harris of Orient al, chairman 20th District; Mrs. B. B. Bullock, Route 1, Roxboro, chairman 13th District; Mrs. D. H. Weber, Route 1, Catawba, vice chairman Eighth District; Mrs. Annie Laurie Greene, Wilkes County home demonstra tion agent; Mrs. E>11 wood Thomp son of Whltevllle, 18th District delegate; Mrs. J. R. Church, of Wilkesboro, 11th District dele gate; Mrs. R. J. Shaver, Route 2, Albemarle, chairman Ninth Dis trict; Mrs. Gayle Hussey, Route 3, Asheboro, vice chairman, 12th District; Mrs. J. P. Turlington of Salemburg, chairman 17th Dis trict; Mrs. W. L. Hardin of Jacksonville, chairman 19th Dis trict, and Mrs. Carl Motsinger, Route 3, Taylorsville, chairman Seventh District. Not shown is Mrs. F. A. Read of Wood, chair man 15 th District, who was ab sent when the picture was made. ^"V.F.W. Auxiliary Met On Thursday The Ladies Auxiliary to the V. P. W. Post 1142 met in a business meeting on Thursday night, November third, with the x president, Mrs. Clint Poster, -presiding. Plans for furnishings for the kitchen in the new clubhouse were discussed. A house commit t e e composed of Mesdames Glenn Thomas, Ray Shoemaker, Ruby Bottomley, Margie Cox, and H. D. Candill was appoint I f The president announced that ^ the membership drive for the coming year is to open with the new V. F. W. slogan: "2 for 1 by '51," meaning that every ac tive member is urged to par ticipate in securing new mem bers or in reinstating old ones. N. C. Department Gold Star Mother chairman, Pearl Jones, ^ is offering a prixe to the N. C. > Auxiliary enrolling the greatest number of Gold Star Mothers. The Mae Cooke cup is to be a warded to the Auxiliary with the highest percentage in member ship increase for this year. The rehabilitation chairman reported that clothes and food for needy families of veterans of Wilkes county may bo brought to meetings or to Miss Rebecca Mosley, Red Cross ex ecutive secretary. A letter of appreciation from Oteen Hospital was read in re gard to a recent visit by local Auxiliary members. Mrs. Bill Miller, Buddy Poppy Chairman, requested that all members assist in the sale of Buddy poppies on November 12. j These poppies are made by hos pitalized veterans who receive! five cents each for them. The proceeds received by the V. P. W. are used for rehabilitation locally and in support' of the National V. P. W. Home in Eaton Rapids, Michigan for war orphans and widows. The Auxiliary voted to accept ^ an invitation to meet with the Winston-Salem V. F. W. Auxil iary in the Post Home on No vember 17, 1949. o John H. Hoynes Is Claimed By Death Funeral service was held Fri day at the residence in the Mer tie cpmmunity for John H. Haynes, 78, who died Wednes day.. Rev. Lester Johnson and Rev. Otto Cleary conducted the v service and burial was in Haynes cemetery. ? Surviving Mr. Haynes are his wife, Mrs. Julia Ann Haynes, one ? son and one daughter, Willie and Dollie Haynes. j. Guild Meeting The Wesleyan Service Guild of the Wilkesboro Methodist church 311 meet Tuesday evening at IfcO o'clock at the Wilkesboro ? ' community house with the Pearl White circle. A Mission Study course will be given. All mem bers of the circle and guild are urged to be present. Opera Group To Be Here Friday With its appearance here on Friday night, Nov. 11th, the North ^Carolina Opera Group will afford many residents of the Wilkesboros their first oppor tunity to hear at first hand great arias sung by professional musicians. Through the medium of the radio and recordings clas sical music has already penetrat ed millions of homes throughout the country awakening in many the desire to experience the pleasure that comes from at tending a performance "in the flesh", as it were The fabulous success of the musical comedy, "South Pacific" is based largely on its star, Ezlo I'inza of the Metropolitan Opera Company. Then we see teenagers deserting behop for a basso in his fifties then we know at last that musical America is coming of age. No further proof that opera is no longer considered the sole property of the "long hairs" we give you Mario Lanza whose singing of operatic selec tions in the motion picture "That Midnight Kiss" has made him a star over night. Mr. A. L. Fletcher, of Ra leigh, loves music so much him self that he has underwritten the visits of the North Carolina Opera Group to all the towns in the state who have request-: ed a concert. It is through Mr.) Fletcher's generosity and the ef forts of the local Musical Arts Club that we are given the privi leges of hearing this selected' band of singers. ! Miss Ellen Robinson, presi dent of the Musical ArtB Club, has received a letter from Mr. Robert C. Bird, director of the( State Opera. Group, expressing! the pleasure of himself and his company at their forthcoming visit to North Wilkesboro. It is Miss Robinson's desire and hope that as many as possible come to the Woman's Club Friday night to enjoy this musical treat and demonstrate that Western North Carolina is fully as cap able as the rest of the state of appreciating something besides hillbilly tunes. o ? Favorites Chosen At Millers Creek Halloween Party The Hallowe'en program at Millers Creek Fridav night, Oc tober 28, was very successful. Before the main program start ed in the auditorium, the booths, featuring entertainment and games, were rushed for an hour. The climax of the program was the final contesting for and the crowning of the king, queen, prince and princess. Each grade in school sponsored one contest ant. The winners were: King, Jack Canter, 9th grade; Queen, Shirley McNeil, 8th grade; P-'uce, Douglas Teague, 1st grade; Princess, Caroline Eller, 2nd grade. The total Intake from the party was about $400.00, which will be used to pay on the football equipment. Chief John Walker Praises Optimist Club "Whatever success we as a community and as a nation en joy in the next fifty years will be measured by the degree to which we have accepted our re sponsibility in the upbringing 'and training of our boys and young men." This was the observation made here today by John IS. Walker, Chief of Police, of North Wilkesboro, in commenting on the effective work done in boy rehabilitation and betterment by the North Wilkesboro Optimist club. "Too much cannot be said in praise of the Optimist organ ization and what it has meant to our city," said Chief Walker. "This group of busiress men have shown that they mean what they say when they claim to be a 'Friend To The Boy'?and the job that they have done is one that will pay rich dividends in responsible citizens for the next generation." Chief Walker's warm praise is in observance of the service club's annual Optimist Week, November 6 to 13, 1949. o Sloan Hill Receives Honors At Georgia Sloan Hill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dudley S. Hill, of this city, who is a senior at the School of Journalism at the University of Georgia, at Athens, has ac quired new honors. Aa editor of the 1950 "Pan dora," the University year book, Sloan was also editor and di rector of the 14th annual Pan dora Beauty Review which took place Oct. 25th. The Review was a great suc cess, so with this achievement added to his other outstanding accomplishments, Sloan has now been elected to "Who's Who" in American Universities and Col leges. Glenn R. Andrews Is Going To Boone Glenn R. Andrews, for the past several years prominently connected with the automobile business here, is going to Boone to be manager and secretary treasurer of Colvard, Chevrolet company, where he will assume his duties Monday, ovember 14. Mr. Andrews, a native of Alle ghany county, came to North Wilkesboro several years age from Lenoir, where he had beeij connected with Smith Motoi company. Here for several years he was with Yadkin Valley Mo tor company as part owner and more recently with B. & L. Mo tors, which he helped to organ ize and managed. Mr. and Mrs. Andrews plan to reside in Boone. Here Jfr. Andrews has been very active in public and civic life. He is a member of the North Wilkesboro board of com missioners, and led the vote foi councilmen in the election held earlier this year. District Meeting Juniors At New Hope On Tuesday State Secretary To Attend Meeting Of District Sev en Tuesday, 7:30 Meeting of District 7, North Carolina Junior Order United American Mechanics will be held with New Hope council number 278 on Tuesday, November 8, 7:30 p. m. New Hope is located 12 miles northwest of North Wil kesboro in the Purlear commun ity. District seven includes New Hope, North Wilkesboro, Mount Airy, Elkin and Yadkinvilie councils. Forrest G. Shearin, of Scot land Neck, state secretary, will be present, along with other state officials, and a most suc cessful meeting is anticipated. Many matters of vital import ance to the membership will be discussed at the meeting, Mr. Shearin said. All councils in the district are urged to have large delega tions at the district meeting. Variety Of Scenes Are Featured In 'Laff ItOff' Show Will Be Presented Thurs day and Friday Nights In Wilkesboro The community show using a large cast of local people rang ing in age from 3 to 93 years old will have a 2-night run, Nov. 10-11 at Wilkesboro school au ditorium under the sponsorship of the Wilkesboro Business and Professional Mens Club. "Laff It Off" is called the big newspaper revue where the head lines come to life. Home town folks imper sonate, famous columnists and give the lowdown on what hap pens behind the headlines :-s they impersonate various news features round in the daily newspaper. Mr. John Cashion will imper sonate Mr. John Q. Public and Mrs. W. C. Gray will be his wife, Mrs. John Q. Public. These two average Americans introduce each scene as they read their newspaper. Mr. Zeb Dickson will have the part of Gene Autry the Master of Ceremonies, for this particu lar section of the show. Miss Catherine Irwin will give the comedy impersonation of Judy Canova, whose antics add very much to the scene; and Mr. Howard Pharr will be the old time settler, Pappy Chisselfing er, who has come to join in the festivity. In this scene old time danc ing and songs of yesteryear will be featured. The string band which will furnish the music for the square dances i s Okla homa Funsters. One of the most laugh pro voking scenes is the one called "Columnists and Comics." In this scene Mr. W. W. Miller will impersonate the fast talking, super - duper snooper-reporter, Walter Winchell. Mr. Andy Shook will hit the high point of comedy as he impersonates Dor othy Dix. In this female imper sonation of the columnist who writes advice to the lovelorn, he will dress as a woman and speak in a falsetto voice as ht attempts to bathe the baby ac cording to instructions. The Comics?or the Funny Paper Folks?promise to have the audience rolling in the aisles, for in this scene Mr. Ed Crysel impersonates Popeye; Mr. Yale Miller dresses as Orph an Annie; Mr. Bill Phillips por trays Jigg's Maggie; Mr. Chas. Garwood will be Daisy Mae; and mad? up as Baby Sparkle we find Mr. Bill Prevette and Mr. R'ussel Pearson as Blondie. The Syncopated Wedding scene, which is in reality the so ciety column brought to light, is a production number in which the entire wedding ceremony is done to music. Cast for the wed ding has Bid Williams as bride, E. R. Spruill as groom, Robert Gambill the (preacher, Russell Gray, Fred Henderson, Ray Ken nedy, E. R. Wright, Fred Shoe maker. Edwards McEntlre and Carl Bullis, bridesmaids. o Bovine tuberculosis has now become so scarce that veterinary schools sometimes have difficulty in locating tuberculous cattle foi study by students. First Community Concert November 15 Mildred Dilling, who has attained world recogni tion as one of the outstanding harpists of modern times, will perform here in the first Community Con cert at the Liberty Theatre on the night of Tuesday, November 15. Born in America, her early1 musical studies were begun in this country; later she contin ued them in Europe under Hen riette Renie, the great French harpist. Her European debut took place at the Salle Erard, Paris. Such was the success of this in itial appearance that she was immediately- engaged for gala concerts at the Trocadero and the Salle Gaveau, the largest concert halls in Paris, followed by concerts on the Continent and in the British Isles." i Returning to America, her concerts here duplicated her con tinental triumphs. Her frequent New York recitals are brilliant events in the music calendar of the metropolis. 1 While in Europe the American artist was given the distinction, of being the first solo harpist to broadcast in Ireland, land of i the harp, and to give the first harp recital for television for the British Broadcasting Com-1 pany. She has also had the hon-1 or of playing seven private en gagements at the White House, j When Artists Films first had the idea of a series of 24 shorts featuring the great musicians of our time, Miss Dilling was chos en to represent the harp. Louis Biancolli, of the New York World-Telegram, in reviewing the film said: "Mildred Dilling's > fleet fingers were stiown flying, over harp strings with wonder ful bell-like effects in split-sec- j ond accord. Photography audj sound blended to fresh magic. I j sat up." Her unrivaled position as the foremost woman harpist has j been acknowledged by the crit-| ics and by a vast public in Eur ope and America. Her rare gift of interpretation, coupled with a complete mastery of technique, has aroused new interest in the harp as a solo instrument and has won her world-wide re nown as a recitalist. Optimist Club Meets Tomorrow The Optimist Club of North Wilkesboro will meet at noon tomorrow at Hotel Wilkes. All members are urged to be pres ent. Officials Set First Meeting This Week Elkin, Nov. 3.?The Northwest North Carolina Officials' Associ ation will hold its first meeting prior to the 1949-50 basketball season Wednesday night with with prospects of fire more schools joining. Two schools in Yadkin county and three from Wilkes have ex assocllrfl^l^pi^ff *^^9Well' tb'tr membership ranks to 11 for the coming year. The association's principal du ties are to provide officials at al' scheduled games at a low cost, relieving the small schools of having to contend with this prob lem for every game. Last year, the association was organized and operated with suc cess. Officials were provided for all of the games played by mem ber schools and these officials were rated By the coaches of the teams involved. All of the schools that receive'' this service last year are expect ed to belong again this season, rs the coaches' reports were good and the schools appeared enthus iastic over the arr "i^ement, ac cording to Neil Melvin, booking agent for the association. Optimist Program Over WKBC Wed. This is "National Optimist Week" and as another observ ance activity, WKBC will broad cast a 15-minute program start ing at 10:15 Wednesday morn ing, November 9th. The title of the special Ou'lm ist feature being broadcast .Wed nesday morning is "Mr. Grumpy Grows Up," and stars Lionel Barrymore which guarantees an interesting story. Other spot broadcasts in ob servance of Optimist Week will he made by WKBC during the week. Banks To Close Friday, Nov. 11 All the banks in Wilkesboros will be closed Friday. Nov. 11th, in observance of Armistice Day. CHILDREN'S HOME-WILKESSORO~J TO DRAW RECORD CROWD TONIGHT Kickoff time for the v football game tonight (Monday) between Children's Rome and Wilkesboro, in Memorial Park will be 7:30| instead of eight o'clock. Indications were today that weather for the big game tonight will be clear, cool and ideal for < football. The game brings together the two highest scoring high school football teams in North Carolina and is expected to draw a new high record crowd for a football game played In Wilkes county. All state candidates will he plentiful in the game and will be watched closely. The Wilkes boro Rambler attack will be spearheaded by Ray Triplett, a triple-threat back and a fine de fensive player. ! Children's Home has two backs which loom as all-state? Red Smith and Bill Proctor, who I have led their team to crushing I victories over every opponent this season. Wilkesboro's record this year is marred only by a 34-0 loss to the _ powerful Wilmington eleven in the opening game of the season. Since that game the < Ramblers haven't had a severe i' Need Of Screniig Evident In Report From X-Ray Work 46 Of ,500 Industrial Em ployes Screened Here May Have T. B. Need of a mobile X-Ray unit here to screen the local popula tion is shown by the report re ceived from screening of 1,500 local industrial employes for tuberculosis, Dr. J. H. McNeill, chairman of the Wilkes County Committee of the National Tu berculosis Association, said here today. The report from Dr. Wm. A. Smith, director of the division of tuberculosis control of the State Health Department, disclosed that 46 of the 1,500 screened showed to have some tubercu losis and 19 were shown to have had some which had healed. This, Dr. McNeill said, is a comparatively high percentage and shows clearly the need of equipment for screening every body. The 46 included In the report are being notified to have a full size X-Ray made at the county tuberculosis hospital for further study and definite diagnosis. The Tuberculosis committee is considering the purchase of a unit to be used in screening, and a unit may possibly be made a part of the new Wilkes General Hospital to be constructed here. Success of the sale of Christ mas seals here, Dr. McNeill states, will have much bearing on whether or not a unit can be purchased. The committee has no source of funds other than sale of the decorative stickers to be used in the Christmas holi days. Screening for tuberculosis will enable persons who have the di sease to begin early treatment and be cured. It will also mean they can be Isolated to prevent further spread among their fam ilies and associates, Dr. McNeill said. Mrs. Mory Shatley Claimed By Death Funeral service was held to day, two p. m., at Mt. Sinsi church for Mrs. Mary Shatley, 77, who died Saturday at her home In New Castle township Saturday. Rev. Noah Hayes, Rev. R. R. Crater and Rev. An drew Call conducted the last rites. Mrs. Shatley, widow of the late John Shatley, is survived by four daughters and two sons: Mrs. Emma Roberts, Greens boro; Mrs. Iiillie Anderson. Ron da; Mrs. Leander Prevette, Statesville; Mrs. Cora Gregory, Oak woods; Isom Shatley, Cycle; Sanford Shatley, Greensboro. Church Property May Be Bought The mortgage on the Gospel Tabernacle in Wilkesboro for twenty-five hundred and seventy two dollars, which was borrowed in order to complete the building is due. It is a large cinder block build ing, forty by sixty feet in size, complete with nice seats and cedar desk for the pulpit, three lots with twenty-five foot front age, each by one hundred and ninety feet back. This property cost over four thousand dollars, but if any person, or persons wish to buy it and let It stay where it is, to establish a church, or for revivals and evangelistic serv ices, it can be sold for that pur pose alone. The mortgage holders will gladly take the exact a mount of the mortgage without any interest. If a church can be established there, a nice piano will be given. This property is in the West End of Wilkesboro, on Highway 268. See. J. M. Bui! is and Everette Ferguson, Wilkes boro, N. C. Lifte Theatre To Meet Tuesday 8th The regular monthly meeting of the Community Little Theater will be on Tuesday, Nov. 8, 7:30 p. m. in the Banquet Room ef the Carolina Restaurant. All members are urged to be presen.t Anyone who wishes to join the organization is cordially Invited to attend this meeting. For the program the first act of the theater's forthcoming pro duction "Night Must Fall" will be presented. ? ? ? ? "LAFF IT OFF"?NOV. 10-11.

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