THE JOURNAL-PATRIOT The i^Mrnnl.Pntriot Has Blazed the Trail of Progress In the "State of Wilkes" For Over 43 Years CITY jrth Wilkesbord tins .? Itradiny radius of 50 miles, serving 1^0,000 people in Northwestern Carolina BUY ^sfaMS -l SEALS NOW AND HELP FIGHT T. B. ?Q?. no. b7 Published Mondays and Thursdays NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C., Monday, December 5r 1949 Make North Wilkesboro Your Shopping Center ? Head Statesville Schools Addresses p Kiwanis Friday ? T. Lambeth, superintendent of I Statesville City Schools, told the I North Wilkesboro Kiwanis club I Friday noon that there is need for an all-out effort to improve the schools. Supt. Lambeth last year was a member of the commission ap [ pointed to make a survey of the school system, and Wilkes schools composed one of the units studied. He said his work in Wilkes im pressed on him the great need of improved school facilities partic ularly more and larger school build ings to house the students. The schools, he said, are an expensive business but that all things worth while cost money, j^ffresident W. H. McElwee pre |Sded over the meeting and invoca jPIn was by Dr. John T. Wayland. O. O. McNiel was program chair man for the day and C. B. Eller, superintendent of Wilkes schools, ^presented the speaker. J. E. Spainhour, who was a char ter member of the North. Wilkes boro Kiwanis club, was received back into membership in the club after being out for a number of years. At the meeting Friday Rev. John Wells and Rev. J. E. Pearson were guests of Rev. Woodrow Brook shire; J. Floyd Woodward was guest of C. B. Eller and John E. Justice, Jr., had as his guest Ken neth Brim, of Greensboro. Ben)a min Watkins Funeral Held Today Benjamin F. Watkins. 79. 'armer, died at 3:30 a. m. yes erday at his home near llays in R^ilkes county. ' Funeral services were con lucted at 2 p. m. today at Beth ;1 Baptist church by the Rev. Ernest Blevins and the Rev. Srant Hincher. Burial in the ?hurch cemetery. Mr. Watkins is survived by wo daughters, Miss Amanda Catkins and Mrs. Flora Higgins. K of Hays. ireer Rites Held Tuesday, Nor. 29th Funeral service was . held at Watson cemetery in Watauga tounty Tuesday, November 29. or Stewart David Greer, 24. died Sunday, November 27. r. Rev. Charles Gree. the service. are his father and W. and Lela Trivette Wilkesboro; his wife children, Barbara Ann id Wilson Greer, of Le Large Porkers eral large porkers were ughtered during the past week h the North Wilkesboro route two wonnmunity east of this city. Rev, I immie Bryant butchered one hieh weighed 526 pounds and N. uguss killed a mate to that hog, ich had $he same weight. Elmer iyrd's hog had a weight of 470 unds and Glenn Wood is reported o have kileld the largest one, which ipped the scales at over 700 lunds. 'MYSTERY THRILLER IS FIRST 1 LITTLE THEATRE OFFERING r | Tit is rare indeed that an au-1 /lience in the North Wilkesboro [ l^chool Auditorium has been so Ivrapped up in a play as it was *ast. Friday and Saturday nights ? *vhen the Community Little ?I'heatre presented the mystery, thriller, "Night Must Fall," by Emlyn Williams. When an audi ence can become so engrossed In a play that the personalities of their friends are lost in the parts they play, it is the highest compliment they can pay. Bill Gabriel is known by many J here in North Wilkesboro. Butt there was no Bill Gabriel in | "bright Must Fall." There was iSnly "Dan", a young man striv-j Hng?and murdering?for the Qprealth and power he wanted fine dramatic performance by Bill will be long re ared and talked about by lall who were thrilled by his lines jpnd actions. Mrs. Robert Foster played the part of fef8- Bramsen, an invalid by ^e^JSwn choosing. Her de ter Infirmities made easy prey for scheming Dan. Poster played the part so made the audience feel getting her just rewards tyranny and pettiness. Qpealth ?Lfl: fmeiftbe Olivia Grayne. hopeless ro-' mantic though she was. brought the action down to a rational plane and made the action tak ing place both possible and probable. Mrs. Charles Ziliak in this role of a romantic dreamer gave as fine a performance as she did in "You Can't Take it With You." At times the minor characters threatened to steal the show with the humorous element they introduced. R. E. Stewart, Jr., as very English "Hubert." Mrs Robert McNeil as "Dora" the maid. Ivey Moore as "Inspector Belsize." and Mrs. Annie Cath trine Carrington as "Mrs. Ter rence" the cook, were no small part of the play. Each of these characters added their bit to make the story complete and the performance as a whole the success it was. All the parts were well-cast and exceptionally well-played. Under the very able direction of Mrs. R. G. Finley, the Com munity Little Theatre Group lived up to the reputation they made for themselves in their previous productions, and mads future playB events to look for ward to. SCENES FROM FORESTRY FIELD DAYS This group of pictures indicates the activity and interest among various groups during the recent for estry field days conducted under sponsorship of the forestry division of the Agricultural committee of the Wilkes Chamber of Commerce. This scene shows one of many groups of 4-H boys in demonstrations on for est thinning, selective cutting and stand improvement. In this picture John Gray, assistant extension forester, is. shown presenting an axe to Charles Higgins, winner among the group of boys from Mountain View and Mulberry schools. Young Democrats Meet Wednesday At Courthouse Officers Will Be Elected And Organization Of Club Will Be Formed Organization of Wilkes county Young Democrats club will o" perfected in pi meeting to be held Wednesday night, Decem ber 7, 7:30, at the Wilkes coun ty courthouse in Wilkesboro. A preliminary meeting was held here Wednesday, at which time committees were named to arrange the organization meet ing to be held Wednesday night. Much interest is being shown by party leaders in the new or ganization and a large member ship is expected. Dairy Specialists In Wilkes For Meeting December 8, Courthouse Lions Club Will Meet Friday, 9th T>ue to conflict with the spe cial Christmas program here, the North Wilkesboro Lions club meeting scheduled for Friday was postponed until Friday eve ning this week, December 9th, 6:30, at Hotel Wilkes. The Cottrell brothers, of Boone, are slated to put on a very interesting program. O. E. S. Food Sale Order of the Eastern Star la dies will conduct a food sale Saturday, December 10, begin ning at ten a. m., at Hinshav Beauty Shoppe. Cakes and pies, dressed chickens, candies, ChrisS mas cards, master hangers, metal sponges and numerous other items will be sold. Those taking items to the sale are asked to have them there by nine a. m. B.v J. P. OHOPIJV (County Agent) There will be a meeting of special interest for all dairymen in Wilkes county at 7:30 p. m., December 8 at the County Court house. Mr. F. R. Farnham and John Brown of the North Caro lina State College Extension Service, will be present to dis cuss immediate dairy problems in Wilkes County. A colored movie on breeding of cattle by artificial methods will be shown This meeting will be of interes' to Grade C and Grade A produc ers. Mr. Farnham and Mr. Brown will be in the county during the week beginning Monday, Decem ber 5. Their main purpose at thi& time in Wilkes County will be to advise the dairy farmers on the most efficient methods of breeding and feeding dairy cat tle for winter milk production. There are still too many dairy farmers who are breeding their cattle so that they will freshen at the season of the year when milk prices are the lowest. Also, many farmers depend largely on grass from summer pastures for milk production which naturally is produced at the time of year when milk is cheapest. By breed ing the cows so that they will freshen in the Fall of the" year and then feeding them with home grown ensilage and tem porary pastures, milk can be produced at a profit during the seasons of the year when mil>.; prices are the highest. Dr. Beaudettte, Of Rutgers To Speak Here Thursday Dr. Fred Beaudette, Poultry Pathologist of Rutgers Univers ity of New Jersey, will lecture it the Tow? Hall in North Wll kesboro Thursday evening at 1:30. Dr. Beaudette is considered m authority on New Castle. All hatcherymen. poultrymen, chick iealers, feed dealers and every one interested in poultry are cordially invited to attend this ecture. SUPPOjRT TKE. Y. M. C. A. Santa1 Enthusiastically Received Here Mountain. Lions At Shrine Bowl Gome Eighteen members of t h e Mor*h Wilkesboro Mountain LI ms football squad witnessed the annual North Carolina - South Carolina shrine bowl football same of high school stars in ~harlotte Saturday. The Mountain Lions tickets were furnished by local football fans and business men and trans portation was furnished by the Mnrth Wilkesboro quarterback club. Members of the team mak ing the trip were Jack Gaddy, Kyle Eller, Dick Stoker, J. S. Soots, Carl Swofford, Jim Swof Eord, Jim Moore, Bartley HAr rold, James Gillean, Robert Wells, J i m Elledge, Bobby Brame, Bill Hardister, Smith Hudson, Jerry Day, Don Powers, Bobby Anderson, BrySon Ad ams, Coaches Tom Boyette and .ott Mayberry. SUPPORT THE Y. M. C. A. This picture on the farm of A. J. McNeill shows a group of farm veteran trainees from Millers Creek and Mulberry units, with other interested adults. In the foreground are Tom Jenrette, chamber of commerce manager and Howard Colvard, assistant farm agent. John Gray, Howard Cohrard and R. E- Dustn gave in structions on planting, thinning and selective cutting. Christmas Seal Sale Progressing Well This Season Early and Liberal Return Asked to Carry Out Ben efit Program Campaign to sell Christmas j seals is progressing well this season, Dr. J. H. McNeill, chair man of the Wilkes Tubercu losis committee, reported today. Already returns total $1, 730.60, which is considered a good start toward a $5,000 goal. But attention is called to the fact that the Tuberculosis Asso ciation this year has a broad pro gram, which will mean much in preventing spread of tuberculos is and in treating and curing present cases. Liberal and early return is respectfully asked of those who have been mailed seals, and workers are asked to put forth maximum effort in order that the necessary funds may be had to earry out the committee's program. Result of Screening Already one active case of tuberculosis has been found from the screening of industrial work ers, and that case is making ar rangements for hospitalization. Many of the suspicious cases have been more thoroughly ex amined and have been found free of active tuberculosis. Television Set Given Claude Caudill has given a television set for entertainment of patients in the men's ward at the Wilkes Tuberculosis hos pital. __o EASTERN STAR TO MEET Wilkes chapter of the Eastern Star will meet Thursday night, 7:30. Degree of initiation will be conferred and all members are asked to attend. This scene shows a few of the many who attended the sawmill operators field day at Ralph Frazier's plant here. R. A. Campbell, of the southeast forest experiment station, is showing the group how to grade logs. Greensboro Glee Olub Concert On Tuesday Night Greensboro College glee club will appear in concert Tuesday night, eight o'clock, in the First Methodist church in this city. The glee club will render a most impressive program of music, and the public has a cor dial invitation to attend. The program will open with a cere mony of carols, a continuing ar rangement composed of ten num bers. Other parts of the program will be as follows: "Jesu! Rex Admirabilis," Gio vanni Palestrina; "Pueri, Con cinite," Jacob Handl (15 5J> 1591); "Hallelujah, Amen," from "Judas Maccabeus," George Friedrick Handel. "O Leave Your Sheep," Arr. Hazelhnrst; "The Little Road to Bethlehem," Michael Head; "The First Mercy," Peter 'Warlock; "To Mary Sing We Praises," Arr. Victoria Gleaser; "As - Joseph Was A-Walking," George Old royd. Czech Carols? Arr. Jaroslav Kricka ? "Hearken to Me," "Sleep, Baby, Sleep," "Strangers Say a King Ib Born," ^'Gloria in Excelsie." Polish Carols?Arr. E. Har old Greer?"When the Saviour Christ is Born," "Hark! in the Darkness," "Harkl- Bethlehem," "Sleep Thou My Jewel," "He is Sleeping in a Manger." Hallelujah Chorus, from "The Messiah," Handel. This is another picture from the sawmill operators field dav, showing a demonstration in the u-e of a power saw to fell trees. More than 500 people par ticipated in the forestry week events, declared by many to be the most effective forestry program spon sored in the south.? (Photos by Tom Jenrette and Paul Choplin). Mrs. Dnckery Rites Held Here Today Funeral services for Mrs. Lil ian Dockery, formerly of this :ity, were conducted at 2:30 p. n. today at Reins-Sturdivaut Thapel here. Burial was in Bap ist cemetery in this city. Mrs. Dockery, widow of E<. H. Dockery, died Saturday at Or ando. Fla., where she had been iving with a sister, Mrs. Con-' ?ad Brown. Lenoir County 4-H Club members ire feeding out 17 steers for the 1950 Coastal Plain fat stock show md sale. - 5 First Cage Games On Tuesday Night _ North Wilkesboro Mountain jions and Lionesses will open he 1949 season Tuesday n the North, Wilkesboro gym lasium against their arch rivals rom Elkln high. The girls' game will begin at r; 30, with boys' game folio w ng. Basketball fans will not vant to miss this first action >y the local cage teams. Support the Y. M. C. A 1st Baptist W.M.U. Is Observing The Week Of Prayer The members df the Woman's Missionary Union of the First Baptist church are this week, from today until Friday, observ ing the Week of Prayer for Foreign Missions, during which time the Lottie Moon Christmas offering will be taken. The fol lowing is the schedule for the week. This evening, 7:30 p. m., the Intermediate Girl's Auxiliary will present the W. M. U. program, assisted by No. IV, at the church On Tuesday evening the general monthly meeting of the W. M. U. will be held at Reins-Sturdi vant chapel with Circle No. IV in charge of the program. The meeting to begin at 7:30 o'clock. Wednesday evening Circle No. V will be in charge of the prayer meeting at 7:30 o'clock. Thurs day afternoon Circle No. I will be in charge of the program to be given at three o'clock at the home of Mrs. John T. Wayland. Friday morning at ten o'clock Circle No. Ill will give a pro gram at the home of Mrs. C. E. Jenkins, Sr. Triplett Scores In N. Carolina Victory Saturday Wilkesboro'? All State Back Plays Well In Annual Shrine Bowl Game Ray Triplett, all state back field star of the Wilkesboro Ramblers, scored one of three 0 touchdowns of the .North Caro lina high school all stars as they beat the best of South Carolina Saturday 20 to 7 in the annua' Shrine Bowl game played in Charlotte. T'iplett, who was hamperer' by a leg injury, was in the game ?or several plays and near the close of the second quarterj caught a pass for North Caro 'i^a's second touchdown whirl "are the Tarheels a 14-0 lead at halftime. In catching the pa^ he faked the defenders and went far into the end zone. His leap ing catch of the pass was one o ^he better plays in the game. Marvin Hoffman, coach of the ,amblers, and members of the Wilkesboro squad witnessed the game as guests of local Shrinerv nd the Wilkesboro school ath letic association. Mrs. L. E. Wittelsberger, of New York City, is visiting here in the home of her sister, Mrs Vrchie McNeill, and with other relatives. Urge Crowd At Special Program Friday Eveniag Impressive Program Car ried Out With Groups Singing Carols A most impressive Christmas program was carried out Friday, evening before a large crowd in Memorial Park. The program was a presenta tion under auspices of the Trade Promotion committee of the Wilkes Chamber of Commerce and was largely attended. | ^ highlight of the evening was the appearance of Santa Claus. who made two trips around the field and distributed candy to many children. The Jolly old gentleman also picked up letters to Santa Claus from boxes on the field. Tom Jenrette, chamber of commerce manager, opened the program from a large platform erected on the field. Richard Johnston. chamber president, welcomed the crowd. G. T. Bare Trade Promotion committee chairman. expressed appreci ation to the many attending and to all who had cooperated to make the event a big success. W. G. Gabriel, Christmas pro gram^ chairman, announced the program. Dr. John T. Wayland, First Baptist pastor, delivered, a brief and inspiring message on the subject, "The Spirit of Christ * ' ,Rev C Jay Winslow, WBkesboro Methodist pastor, led the Christmas prayer. Program of Chrtstmas music opened with the combined chorus singing -o Come All Ye Faith ful, and "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" and "Away in A "fl"?M"8,Cal Arts clu*> sang o Little Town of Bethlehem " followed by "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear." by the combin ed chorus. The next number was Go Tell It On the Mountain," by choral groups of the colored First Baptist church. Damascus Choral Society and Lincoln Heights school glee club. Wil kesboro high school glee club singers rendered "Bring A Torch. Jeanette." Isabella. and the combined group sang "Joy To The World." "Deck the Hall." by Millers Creek high school glee club, "White Christmas," by North Wilkesboro high school glee club, and "Santa Claus Is Coming to Town," by the entire group, completed the choral pro gram. The North Wilkesboro band, directed by Miss Eva Bingham, who also led the combined chor us numbers, gave "We Three Kings of Orient Are," in panto mime, and also presented an an thical arrangement. Santa Claus was joyously wel comed as the combined chorus sang "Jingle Bells." Santa wa-, transported on a beautifully dec orated sleigh, which was pulled by a tractor. Dave Hall was in charge of arrangements for this part of the program and did an excellent job. . The sleigh was fitted with reindeer and carried beautifully decorated packages. On Saturday Santa used the same transportation outfit as he toured streets here and talked with many children, distributing candy and Christmas cheer en route, along with assurance that he will return on Christmas eve with bountiful presents. Despite the cold weather, the Christmas program here was well attended by a large crowd who enjoyed the entire program. In the preliminary part of the event Chairman Bare expressed appreciation to the police and street departments, the North Wilkesboro high school band, Dave Hall, personnel of Spain hour's, Belk's, Penney's and Tomlinson's stores for their co operation, and to Reins-Sturdi vant and Yadkin Valley Motor company for use of facilities. Alligator Man Is Here All This Week The Alligator Man show by popular demand is being held over all thia week and la show ing In the Phillips building on Tenth street through Saturday, December 10. This unusual at traction is sponsored here by the North Wilkesboro tire de partment and has been the sub ject of mueh comment during the past week.

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