FOR 1950 THE JOURNAL-PATRIOT V. Atr&f ' V The Journal-Patriot Has Blazed the Trail of Progress In the "State of Wilkes" For Over 43 Years sf OUR CITY North Wilkesboro has a trading radius of 60 miles, serving 1^0,000 people In North western Carolina. ^?" 76 Published Mondays and Thursdays NORTH WILKESBORO, N. Thursday, January 5, 1950 Make North WUkesboro Your Shopping Center Caftu.AVil D ?Win I. Wilkes Chairman Of Polio Drive $10,000 Goal For March of Dimes Campaign Jan uary 16 to 31 Edward P. Bell, prominent young business man of the Wil keeboros who has been active in civic endeavors in this commun ity daring the past several years, has accepted chairmanship of the Infantile paralysis fund rais ing campaign in Wilkes county, Sam Ogilvie, chairman of the Wilkes chapter of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralys is, said today. Mr. Bell, a resident of Wil kesboro, is auditor for the North western Bank, which has home offlee here and branches in many northwestern North Carolina ci ties and towns, and has been with the bank here for the past Irears. During the war he nerved as a lieutenant in the army, with service in the Pa cific area. He was in service five years and prior to that time held |* banking position in Elizabeth City for four years. For the past three years Mr. Bell has been an active member of the North Wilkesboro Lions Club, which annually carries out a great por tion of the work in the infan tile paralysis fund raising cam paign. "Wilkes county March of Dol lars" is the title for the cam paign here. Dollars is the word snbstitnted for dimes, because the local goal is $10,000 and cannot easily be achieved with dimes. Mr. Bell will have a county wide organization designed to contact the entire population of Wilkes county between January IS and 31. In speaking of the campaign Mr. Bell stated that 1049 was the worst polio year in the na tion's history, although the epi demic here was in 1948. During 1949 the Wilkes chapter spent $30,253.53, including new cases and more than $20,0000 spent to aid victims of the 1948 epi demic. The campaign in Wilkes last year raised $12,606.41, with the remainder of the sum spent being advanced by the National Foundation. One of the 1948 pa tients is still in an iron lung. New Chevrolets To Be Shown Jan. 7th The automatic transmission, tiailed as the most revolutionary driving aid since the advent of the self-starter, makes its first appearance in - the low-price au tomobile field, Saturday, Jan f-tiary 7, with the introduction of 1950 Chevrolets, at Gaddy Mo tor company, local Chevrolet dealer. Chevrolet's application is an j^lusive development known as W^ergllde. A product of com pany research. covering the en tire .postwar period, It is the chief element in an optional, ex tra-oost "power-team."' Includ ed is a larger, more powerful enginfc,*hd many refinements that JKtend throughout the line of new passenger car models. {Also presented for the first time to the retail automobile market is the "Bel Air, a luxur ious, six-passenger coupe pos sessing the swank of the con vertible with the practicality of the solid top. .With the Bel Air as leader, the latest series con ains two individually-styled two door sedan8 and two four-door sedans, a sport coupe, business coupe, convertible coupe and all-steel station wagon. As in the 1949 models, when Chevrolet set new volume records to once again lead the industry in sales, most of the bodies are available in "special" and "de luxe" treat-, ments. Improvements through the 1950 chassis and bodies are many. A new "Power-Jet"' car buretor eliminates the "lean" periods in gasoline feed and af fords quicker warmup in cold weather. Larger exhaust valve <^P*city helps power output. Each of the six-cylinder passeng er car engines follows the tradi tional, economical vhlve-in-head design. In the new bodies, styl ists have accomplished srtiklng effects with smart, two-tone up and freshly-fashioned erior metalwork. Harnett County farmers seed ed a record acreage of pasture cover crops this fall. Heads Polio Drive EDWARlf p. bell Ministers Back CROP Program In This County Shelled Corn Will Be Item To Be Collected By Churches For Aid Rev. Charlie Poole, Baptist pastor of country churches, was elected co-chairman of the Wilkes County Christian Rural Overseas Program at a special business session of the Wilkes Baptist Pastors Conference at eleven-thirty o'clock on Monday morning. Later in the day, at a regular session of the Wilkes boros Ministers Association Rev. Russell L. Young, pastor of the First Methodist church of North Wilkesboro, was also elected co chairman of CROP to work with Mr. Poole. Rev. J. D. Pearson, Associational Missionary of the Brushy Mountain Baptist Asso ciation was named Secretary treasurer. CROP is the agency through which the churches of America < are collecting farm products and cash for distribution to the starving of Europe, most of themi refugees from Communism who are now living in the American zone of Germany. The farm pro duct raised in Wilkes County which is best suited for ship ment is shelled corn. The farm ers will be asked to give this commodity, bringing the bags to their churches on the third Sun day in this month or during the week following. Money may al so be given by any interested citizen and will be used in feed ing the hungry in Europe and Asia through Church World Service or some other agency designated by the donor. Rev. H. W. Baucom, state di rector of CROP, was present at both meetings mentioned above and aided in the organization of the Wilkes County CROP pro gram. Last year the same effort was carried on in this county under the leadership of Mr. Gra dy Miller and Mr. W. K. Sturdi vant and was very successful with the cooperation of the coun ty agents, home demonstration clubs and church leaders. At the meeting of the Wilkes boros Ministers Association the annual election of officers was held and Rev.. R. L. Young was named president and Rev. W. N. Brookshire, pastor of the Wil kesboro Baptist Church, was made secretary-treasurer. New Buick Models Being Shown Here Beautiful new 1950 model Buicks are now on display at Gaddy Motor company, local Buick and Chevrolet dealer, are now being given a good recep tion by the public. The new Buicks have many new features, including increas ed power, higher compression, outstanding styling, wide, curv ing one-piece windshields, Buick tapered( fenders, big and roomy interiors, wider rear seats, Dyna flow drive and smart lines throughout. ' The new Buicks are shorter overall, easier to handle and park. There are more than a dozen and a half models to choose from, and are offered in a wide price range. All are cordially invited to see the new 'Buick models at their earliest convenience at Gaddy Motor company. ? o A new cash crop?Turkish aromatic tobacco?will be grown In Rutherford county in 1950. J Elisho Hutchinson Lost Rites Todoy Funeral service was held to day, two p. m., at Baptist iHome church for Ellsha M. Hutchin son, 86, who died Tuesday In Davis hospital in Statesvllle fol lowing an illness of several days. Born July 8, 1883, Mr. Hutch inson was a member of a well known Wilkes family, being a son of the late Franklin and Ellizabeth Snyder Hutchinson. He was engaged in farming during the greater part of his life. Surviving Mr. Hutchinson are his wife, Mrs. Vertie Hutchinson, and one son, Quincy Hutchinson, of North Wilkesboro. Funeral service was conduct ed by Rev. J. E. Hayes and Rev. Charles Hall. Burial was in Fairplains community cemetery. Rev. Bernord Boin Will Preach Here The Rev. Bernard E. Bain, superintendent of the Presbyter ian Orphan Home, Lynchburg, Virginia, will preach at the Presbyterian Church Sunday morning, January 8, at 11:00 a. m. The topic of his sermon will be, "Left-Handed Fighters." Mr. Bain has held very fruit ful pastorates in the S^nod of Virginia, and the orphanage has made great progress under his present leadership. It is consid ered a privilege to hare him preach in this community. Bishop Henry At St. Paul's Sunday The Rt. Rev. M. George Hen ry, D. D., Bishop of the diocese of western North Carolina, will preach and administer the Rite of Confirmation in St. Paul's Episcopal churc^ on Sunday aft arntson, Jantrary^Sth, at four !? clock. A cordial invitation is ex tended to everyone to attend this service. On Wednesday evening, Jan uary 11th, the vestry of St. Paul's church will meet with the restry of St. James Church, Le noir, in the parish house of St. James, at 7:30 o'clock. Mr. William L. Balthis, an outstand ing layman of the diocese, will explain to these vestrymen the church's program for 1950. Murder Count Filed Against Elderly Man Draper, Jan. 2.?Benton Price Chrislye, 71, of near Leaksville, has been charged with the mur der of Perlie Funderburk, 29, of Draper, following the death of Funderburk this morning. Henry County, Virginia, offi cers said Chrisley surrendered to them after Funderburk was shot about 3 a. m. during an argu ment arising from a poker game. The shooting occurred in Henry Oounty, about 300 yards from the North Carolina line. Funder burk died while en route to a Leaksville hospital. Indian Papoose Born During Bus Journey Salt Lake City.?Bus driver Max Maxwell lost a race with the stork?but hadn't even been aware he was racing. Maxwell said a few miles south of Malad, Idaho, several Navajo Indian passengers asked iiim to stop the bus so they could get some sheepskins out of the luggage compartment. He complied. A bit later he became aware }f the extra passenger when the Indians walked up to the driver's seat and showed him a new pa poose. The mother, Mrs. John Padllla >f Crown Point, N. M., said when jhe reached Salt Lake City that the was feeling fine and wanted :o continue her trip. Doctors at Salt Lake General Hospital pronounced her fit? md" on she went. o Mrs. R'. S. Shoaf had as her quests during the holidays her two granddaughters, Dorothy ind Carolyn Johnson, from Le loir; Mr. William Shoaf. from Norfolk, Va.; Mrs. Myrtus and Mrs. John T. Shoaf, frcm War rensville; Mr. and Mrs. George Dulton from Marion, Va.; Mr. ind Mrs. G. A. Justus, of Le M>ir. " ? Mrs. M. v. Byrd, 60, Claimed By Death Mm. Florence Byrd, 86, wife of M. D. Byrd, of North Wilkes boro route two east of this city,! died late Tuesday night. Funeral service will be held Friday, 11 a. m., at Liberty Grove Baptist church with Rev. A. B. Hayes officiating. Surviving Mrs. Byrd are her husband, one son and one daugh ter, Arthur Byrd and Mrs. Vern Johnson, both of North Wilkes boro route two. Farm Bureau Asks Correct Listing Of Acreages Of Crops C. E. !Tharpe, of Ronda, chairman of the Farm Bureau (in Wilkes county, states that he has received the following tele I gram from R. Flake Shaw, of reau: "Tax listing begins Tuesday. Farm census is an important part of the farm program. En list support of other leaders and Insist on accurate farm vacreage reports. This information is necessary under the quota pro gram." Mr. Tharpe emphasized that crops should be given in accur ate acreages when listing taxes. Unless correct acreage reports are given records will not be adequate for the quota program. Accurate listing is requested be cause the reports will be used in the quota program. Incorrect reports of crop acreage may mean that many will not receive their just quota of corn, wheat, oats, soybeans, peas and other crops which may be controlled. Confederate Vet Cefebratds 1950 On His Birthday Higginsville, Mo., Jan. 2.? Uncle Johnny Graves said to day: "I'm just feeling fine." Uncle Johnny, last Confeder ate veteran living in the Confed erate home at Higginsville, Mo., observed his 108th birthday New Year's Day. He celebrated by eating a small portion of ice cream and cake. The Confederate home once provided quarters for 325 old soldiers. The cost, borne by the State of Missouri, for looking after Uncle Johnny and the 92 acres comprising the home's grounds is $25,000 a year. Uncle Johnny was born Jan uary 1, 1842, in Pike County, Mo. 1289 Enrolled At A.S.T.C., Boone Boone. ? Christmas holidays ended for Appalachian State Teachers college students on Monday evening, and classes be gan on Tuesday morning on schedule. Students and faculty had been on holiday from De cember 21 to January 3. The present quarter schedule will be as follows: Mid-term ex aminations will be held on Jan uary 19 to 21st; final examina tions will begin on February 22; and the quarter will end at noon Friday, February 24. The college enrollment for the] year has now reached 1289,-the largest in the history of the institution. New Dodge Models Are Shown Here A three-day showing of the new Dodge automobiles began yesterday at Wilkes Auto Sales company, local Dodge dealer. Everybody is cordially invited to see the new Dodge models, which are having an excellent reception. Smarter appearance, graceful Bxterior lines, higher, wider and longer on the inside to give roominess and. comfort, are some of the new features . of the Dodge cars. Dodge fluid drive ts offered, along with the power of the high-compression "get away" Dodge motor. Showing of the three new Dodge models will continue through this week, and Wilkes Auto Sales will be pleased to have all see and inspect these beautifully new cars. o January Court Will Convene On Monday, Jan 16 Judge Justice C. Rudisill Slated To Preside Over Three Weeks Court wiikes Superior court for trial of civil cases will convene on Monday, January 16. Judge Justice C. Rudlsill, of Newton, will preside over the court. This will be Judge Rudi sill's first court in Wilkes since he was appointed to the Super ior court bench. The three weeks of court are for trial of cases on the civil docket. Jurors for the term have been drawn as follows: First Week A. W. Minton, Earl Anderson, T. E. Holler, J. B. McCo?, George Mack Miller, all of North Wilkes boro; Royal Holland, Fred Os borne, J. G. Miller, L>. L?. God frey, M. P. Stastin, Sam Bullis, all of Wilkesboro; Wake Rob bins, New Castle; Claude John son, Somers; Walter D. Wood, Traphill; J. B. Triplett, Lewis Fork; J. W. Minton, Reddies River; R. A. Hubbard, Brushy Mountain; W. F. Steele, Moravi an Falls; Charles A. Triplett, Jobs Cabin; James Bradford, Boomer; Paul Wooten, New Castle; D. W. Waddell, Traphill; C. B. Walker, Boomer; R. M. Childress, Traphill; Bonnie Wall, Everett J. Carter, Ralph Luffman, John Couch, Mac Car ter, all of E-dwards township. Second Week T. F. Wall, John Conrad, Ray mond Holcomb, all of Edwards township; Ed L. Cleary, L. R. Wheeling, Mattie J. Bauguss, Bill Soots, J. L. Prevette, S. V. Staley, all of Wilkesboro; J. E. Childress, Rex Shumate, J. W. Absher, D. A. Royal, all of Mul berry; Phin Eller, Howard Roy al, Reddies River; J. B. Stone, C. C. Alexander, Quincy Brown, R. L. Ballard, all of Rock Creek; Grant Lyon, H. M. Pru itt, Traphill; B. J. Robinson, D. R. Teague, Nathan Ford, all of North Wilkesboro; Charlie Dy-^ er, Boomer; Talmadge D. Fletch er, Brushy Mountain; Marvin Hudspeth, Somers; D. A. Lowe, Moravian Falls. Third Week Lonnie B. McCann, Ray Jolly, Charlie H. Lyon, S. W. Warren, J. S. Joines, all of Traphill; V. G. Holbrook, Walnut Grove; Sam Soots, Ernest Johnson, D. J. Durham, Paul Walker, Joseph Darnell, all of Edwards; James Mack Horton, J. E. Doughton, Ralph Frazier, Russell Absher, H. F. Handy, M. J. Greenwood, M. W. Green, all of North Wil kesboro; Dewey S. Joines, Mul berry; Edgar Combs, Lovelace; Bertie E. Moore, Brushy Moun tain; Vance Dancy, Mulberry; Rufus Sebon Smithey, Brushy Mountain; Dewltt Bumgarner and C. R. Church, Reddies Riv er; Grover C. Transou, Love lace; B. S. Ferguson, Boomer; Robert Anderson, Wilkesboro. Girl Without Date New Year Suicide Springfield, Mass., Jan. 2.? Lonely Miss Jane Murray, 29, committed suicide early yester day because she didn't have a New Year's Eve date. Her parents found the body of their only child when they re turned from a New Year's party. She had taken an overdose of sleeping pills and slashed her wrists before lying down on her bed. Medical Examiner William A. R. Chapin said she was despon dent "because every one else was having a good time on New Year's Eve and she didn't have a date." o Harry Prestwood Rites Wednesday Funeral service was held Wednesday afternoon at Lewis Fork Baptist church 15 miles west of this city for Harry Prest wood, aged and well known citi zen of that community who died Monday in a hospital in Lenoir. Rev. A. W. Eller, pastor, con ducted the last rites. Surviving Mr. Prestwood are his wife, Mrs. Daisy Prestwood, seven brothers and two sisters. o Mrs. J. P. Echerd, of Taylors ville, spent the holidays with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Bentley. Marriage License License to wed were issued during the past week by Troy C. Foster, Wilkes register of deeds, to the following: Shade Cordon Snyder, Wilkesboro route one, and Agnes Taylor, Wilbar; Warren C. Simmons, Burlington, and Annie Lee Jar vis, North WUkesboro route three; Willard Odell Patrick, Vannoy, and Zella Gay Wingler, McGrady; Shuford Duncan, Wil kesboro, and Bertha Mae John son, Oakwoods; Fred Woodie and Blanche Osborne, both of Laurel! Springs; Charles Michael, Cricket, and Lottie Sue Miller, North Wilkesboro. Parking Meters Will Be Installed On 2 More Blocks City Council In January Meeting Acts On Num ber Matters Here North Wilkesboro city council in January meeting amended the parking meter ordinance to provide for installation of met ers on two additional downtown blocks. Under provisions of the a mended ordinance, meters will be installed on both sides of D street between Ninth and Tenth streets, and on both sides of B street between seventh and Eighth streets, the latter block extending from the town hall east to Seventh street. The ord er also provides that two-hour meters be installed at points to be designated by Police Chief John Walker. At the present time all parking meters here are one-hour meters. The council authorized pur chase of pipe and other mater ials to construct a water line from the water plant 1 tbA Wilkes General Hospital site. This order also included pipe for the hospital sewer line. Petition was received and ao proved for black top surfacing of a 20-foot alley between and parallel with K and L streets. The resolution is published else where in this newspaper. J. B. McCoy and R. G. Finley were reappointed trustees of the Fireman's Relief fund, the ap pointment for Mr. McCoy being one year and Mr. Fi*-1? two years. Permission was granted to Eugene Chappel to operate a bowling alley in North Wilkes boro. Present for the meeting were Mayor R. T. McNiel, Clerk W. P. Kelly and Commissioners I. H. McNeill, Jr., Max Foster and Glenn R. Andrews. o Cooking School January 11-121 Miss Virginia Huli, Frigidaire home economist, will conduct a cooking school Wednesday and Thursday, January 11 and 12, 9:30 a. m. until 12 noon, at the Liberty Theatre. The school, which is expected to attract wide interest, will be conducted under auspices of Horton Appliance company, local Frigidaire dealer. A deluxe, two-oven Frigidaire electric range will be given as , an attendance prize and there will be free door prizes dally. Every adult who attends will re ceive a prize. Further details may be learn ed from the advertisement on page six of this newspaper. o ? Train Here Will Be Stopped Thru Shortage Of Coal The Southern Railway an nounced in Washington yester lay it would discontinue 28 trains?including Numbers 13 md 14, between Winston-Salem and North Wilkesboro?after their final runs Sunday. The curtailment will continue, tor the duration of the coal | shortage brought on by the short week being worked by the min ers. Others will be placed on tri weekly schedules. Use of certified small grain seed has increased rapidly in Rockingham county during the past few years. All Low Bids For Wilkes General Hospital^ O.K.'d 18 Months Time Limit Set For Completion of 100 Bed Institution Grading is in progress on the lite for the 100-bed Wilkes Gen eral Hospital to be erected here All low bids for constructior >f the modern hospital were ap proved here by the board oI trustees and by the State Medi sal Care Commission, J. R. Hix chairman of the trustees, sai< here today. Sfetzer Construction company of Hickory, sub-contractor to the general contractor, has al ready started grading. The site located Just across the Reddle River on a hill overlookini downtown North Wilkesboro. i Un f?mer locat,on of the his toric General Gordon home. Th old building was razed to mak re^n ,'?r kospita! constructior Total cost of the new hot pital, which is calculated to wel win6hihe people of thIs are? be approximately $947 ooc or about 2? per ,'J ,b. the original estimates. Bids r? sSlofj f?r Vari0US Phases of coo strucUon were the lowest re ceived in the state for a 100-bei hospital to be built under pro visions of the Hill-Burton act. nn^? wUkesboro will bull and operate the hospital. Loca hnn?4Were prov,ded through bond issue approved by majorit of the people of North Wilkes bolid ,MaXlmnm am???t of th with state and federal govern thantS77fUnil8hlng 8l,ghtly mor than 77 per cent of the tota P- S. West Construction com Pany, of Statesville, is to r* st^ctiJn51'2?0 f?r general siructlon of t fi p ^ Dlct .reensboro, has the heating con tract for $55,4 $9. Estes Plumb ins and Heating company, 0 Morganton, has the plumbin contract for $49,000. ElecS Service company, of Hickory, ha Otis pi C?ntraCt for pi k Elevator company, 0 Greensboro, has the elevator contract for $32,712. Air Con* tioning Corporation, of Greens boro, has the air condiTionTn contract for $28,897. ^bOV? Md8 totaI *758-81! The budget allows $120,000 fc fee"* TV45'528 as architect, fees and $22,556.10 for cot tmgencies. ^tracts which were execul It ?tl ^*~ernber 19 set 18 month as the time limit for construe tion of the hospital, but con tractors believe they can con el-rtimethe 10 Sbort Movement for construction o a hospital was started here tw. years ago when it became evi hoDt|/?a! th? pre8^?t Wilke hospital is Inadequate to serv. this part of the state and is al most continually crowded an. without rooms for all patients The site of the Wilkes Genera Hospital was donated by Dr Fred C. Hubbard, chief of staf of the present privately owne. Wilkes hospital and who pio neered the movement for takinf advantage of the funds availabl< under the provisions of the fed eral Hill-Burton act and th< State Medical Care Commission The movement originally be San for Wilkes county to spon ?or and finance the local shan it the costs but when a countj ilection was not called the town >f North Wilkesboro stepped in o the picture, called an election and passed the bond issue bj m overwhelming vote. Control and operation of th? aospital will be vested in th? >oard of trustees, which are ap. minted by the-North Wilkesboro joard of commissioners. Legion Meeting A large attendance is request ed for the meeting of Wilkes post of the American Legion to be held tonight, eight o'clock, at the Legion clubhouse. Legion naires are asked to start the new year right by being present at the first meeting of the new year. o Generally lower prices for livestock and livestock products are in prospect for.I960, partly as a result of increased supplies.