THE JOURNAL^PATRIOT The -^I-Pntrint Has Blazed the Trail of Progress In ?he "State of Wilkes" For Over 43 Years mm North Wilkesboro lias a trading radius of 50 miles, serving 1^0,000 people in Northwestern Carolina. GIVE LIBERALLY TO RED CROSS Vol. No. 43, No. 88 Published Mondays and Thursdays NORTH W1LKESBOBO. N. C.. Thursday. February 23. 1950 Make North Wilkesboro Your Shorminn fontM* GOVERNOR SCOn WILL PRESENT PLAQUE TO WILKES MARCH 2 Chairmen For Red Cross Drive Named Gabriel Appoints Section Head For 1950 Fund Drive Work To Begin Immediate ly On Raising Wilkes' Goal Of $7,800 W. G. Gabriel, 1950 Fund Chairman, has chosen an able corps of community leaders for section chairmen for the 1950 Red Cross Fund Campaign. The quota to be raised in Wilkes county is |7,800, of which two thirds will remain in Wilkes county for work of local chapter. Slogan for the drive is "All May Help." Publicity will be handled by Dwight Nichols, Julius C. Hub bard and Frank Walker for news papers, with John Cashion in charge of radio. Station WKBC will broadcast special shows fea turing Dick Haymes, Bing Cros by, Judy Canova, Bob Hope, Jack Benny, Phil Harris and Alice Faye. Mr. Gabriel and other local speakers will broadcast during the drives, The special or advanced gift committee will begin solicitations tomorrow, February 24. Mem bers of this committee headed by J. B. JlcCoy include Jlmmie An derson, Joe Barber, Blair Gwyn. Dudley Hill, W. O. Absher, and A. F. Kilby. Solicitation of employees of in dustrial plants will be under the leadership of Richard Johnston and Paul Osborne with contact persona in each plant. Ira D. Payne has charge of the North Wilkeeboro business district. A partial list of his helpers includes Bid Williams, Robert Morrow, Julius C. Hubbard, J. C. Dyer, and H. D. Smith. Mrs. J. S. Deans, with co-chairman, Mrs. W. E. Jones, are now working on their list of helpers in the North Wilkeeboro residential section; while Mrs. A. R. Gray will have charge of the Wilkesboro residen tial district. Wilkesboro business district will be under the leader ship of William Gray and Forrest Jones. Plans for rural solicitation are being worked out. J. R. Ede lin and Nathan Ford will cooper ate in working the colored sec tions. * Committee chairmen were giv en Supplies and instructions this afternoon in a meeting called by Mr. Gabriel. All workers were re quested to cover their territory gM soon as possible in March. First reports are due March 10. Miss Cora Caudill Is Clerk Superior Court Candidate Deputy Cleric For Past Sev eral Years Seeks Nomina- | tkm In Primary Miss Cora Caudill today an nounced that she is a candidate for the office of clerk of superior court of Wilkes county, and will seek the Republican nomination to that office in the primary to be held May 27. Miss Caudill is a lifelong resi dent of Wilkes county end is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Caudill, of North Wilkesboro route one. She is a graduate of Mountain View high school and a business college in Greensboro. Miss Caudill has been deputy clerk to Clerk O. C. Hayes since he entered the office of clerk 15 years ago and is well qualified by training and experience to per form the duties of the office. Miss Caudill is a lifelong Republican and has been active in the party ?if the county. Rummage Sale The Woman's Society of the rst Methodist church is con ining its rummage sale on Sat day from 8:30 until 2 o'clock. ie sale this time will be in the ilding on Tenth sereet former occupied by the WUkes Hatch Rev. George Staples To Preach Sunday At First Presbyterian The Rev. George E. Staples will preach at the Presbyterian church Sunday morning, February 26. Mr. Staples is pastor of the High land Presbyterian church recently organized in Winston-Salem. Dur ing the past year he served aB supply pastor of the First Pres byterian church of the same city. Mr. Staples has preached here several times before and it is a privilege to have him return. Wildlife Club To Elect Officers On Thursday, Mar. 2 Trot* Hatchery Manager Addresses Club; Plan Stream Stocking Wilkes Wildlife club is plan ning another year of much ac tivity in the organization's effort to make Wilkes county a fisher man's paradise. Maurice Bryant, of Morganton, who is in charge of state trout hatcheries, addressed a recent meeting of the club, speaking with much conviction relative to the program of conservation in the state. He also discussed prob lems of trout hatcheries and man agement. R. Ivey Moore of North Wilkes boro, Wildlife club president, re ported that last year between 5,000 and. 6,000 trout were placed in 12 streams in Wilkes county, and that the same streams will be stocked again this year. This work will be done in March, Mr. Moore said, and he will ask for volunteers to assist in placing the trout in streams, following the plan used last year. He asked all who would aid to watch for fur ther announcements. Mr. Moore stated there is a possibility of obtaining a greater number of trout this year if the cluVs organization is perfected and requests are filed in time. A I nominating committee composed of Joe McCoy, A. F. Kilby and Gilbert Foster was named to nom inate officers. To Meet March 2 Call has been issued for a meeting of the club on Thursday, March 2, at the North Wllkesboro town hall, when officers will be elected and further arrangements will be made for the stream stock ing program to get under way later in March. J. S. Joines Dies; Last Rites Friday Johnson Shafter Joines, 52, a well known citizen of the Trap ! hill community, died at Wilkes hospital Tuesday. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Verna Joines, two sons and one daughter, Len and Vernon Joines, of Traphill, and Mrs. Vivian Carr neff, of Oregon; one brother, L. M. Joines, of Lansing; two sis ters, Mrs. Jettie GambiU, of Dock ery, and Mrs. Ila Walters, <>f Ox ford, Pa. Funeral service will be held J Friday, 2 p. m., at Roaring River : church near Traphill. Rev. L. E. I Sparks and Rev. - Charles Miles ; will conduct the service. M. C. Woodie Returns To City I Mr. M. C. Woodie, who has been engaged in business in Flor ida the past several months, has returned to the city to assume ac tive management of the Union Bus terminal which he owns. Mr. Woodie will also engage in the real estate business, and is a li censed realtor. Recently his brother, Mr. E. O Woodie, sold the controlling in terest In the Parkway Bus com pany to northern interests. Mr. M. C. Woodie retained his stock in the company, but will not give any of his time to the manage-1 ment of the company. >%hhhwhwhhw??%?ww%?w?wwwwm%%ww%hw?w NORTH CAROLINA LITTLE SYMPHO NY ORCHESTRA COMING MARCH 2ND ??<?<M<1MMOMMMW< 1 The North Carolina Little Symphony of 23 players, pictured above, will come to North Wilkesboro for con certs on Thursday, March 2. The Orchestra is under the direction of Benjamin Swalin. An evening concert for adults will be played in North Wilkesboro school auditorium at 8 p. m. James W. Jackson Dies At Mt. Airy James William Jackson, 41, fc died unexpectedly at his home in ^ the Toast community at Mount g Airy early Thursday morning. Mr. Jackson was born in Surry B county June 1, 1908, a son of the late William and Mary Gwyn 0 Jackson. At an early age he en-lti tered Children's Home orphanage } in Winston-Salem, where he re- it ceived his education and training n in the printing trade. d Mr. Jackson was an outstand- 6 ing workman in the printing a trade and could do well practl- y cally every job in the printing in- tl dustry. He worked for many no newspapers in various parts of the g country and recently held a posi- tl tion with the newspaper depart- ci ment of Carter-Hubbard Publish- p ing company. In North Wilkes- p boro Mr. Jackson gained many jy friends who learn with sorrow of e his unexpected passing. <j Surviving are the widow, the 1< former MIbs Nettie Griffith; two t< sons, Billy and Jimmie Jackson, e: both of the home; and three brothers, Joe Jackson of Mount n Airy, Charles and Robert Jack- w son, both of Toast. a Funeral services were held Sat- e urday afternoon at Lovill's Creek L Baptist church near Mount Airy and burial was in Salem Method- S ist church cemetery near Mourn t! Airy. Rev. W. H. Caldwell ana V Rev. W. L. Warner conducted the service. Those from North Wilkesboro attending the funeral service were John Hedgecoe, W. R. Har mon and Dwight Nichols. * o P Support The Scouts ? Little Symphony Both adult and student tickets, >r the concert to be given in the orth Wilkesboro school audi >rium on Thursday, March 2, at p. m., by the North Carolinr ittle Symphony, conducted by enjamin Swalin, have been laced on sale at Stafford's Ree rd shop and will be available lere through Wednesday, March Adult admission is $2.10 (tax lduded) and admission to the ight performance for all chil ren through 12th grade age is 0c. Student tickets are also vailable through the North Wilkes boro school office. While ie children of the city's gram iar school from the 3rd-7th rades (the age group for which le children's concerts are espe lally prepared) will have the op ortunity to hear the afternoon erformance without charge, [any may wish to attend the vening concert also, and the stu ents* tickets are offered at the >w price ot 60a so that wide at mdance by. young people cdn be ncouraged. If you are a Symphony Society lember, your membership card ill admit you to this concert, nd to any given this season by ither the Full Symphony or the .ittle Symphony. The appearance of the Little ymphony is being sponsored by he North Wilkesboro Junior Roman's club, and the Jaycees. Preaching Service Rev. Clate Brown will preach t Mountain View Baptist church aturday night, February 25. The ublic is cordially invited to the ervice. ASK STEERING COMMITTEE TO STUDY PROPOSAL FOR CONSOLIDATION OF SCHOOLS Directors of the Wilkes Cham ber of Commerce in February meeting recommended the ap pointment of a steering commit tee to study the proposal for es tablishing a central high school by consolidation of Wilkesboro and North Wilkesboro high schools, and to recommend a course to pursue on the project. Directors studied the results of a survey of the chamber member ship, which showed that 96 per cent of the members who voted favored consolidation. The directors ' recommended that the. steering committee be composed of one member each from the county commissioners, county board of education, North Wilkesboro board of education, Wilkesboro school committee. North Wilkesboro town board, Wilkesboro town board, Y. M. C. A. directors, Supt. C. B. Bller of the county school system and Supt. J. Floyd Woodward of the North Wilkesboro schools. The chamber of commerce has directed a letter to each body suggested with the request that a member be appointed to serve | on the steering committee. This committee as planned would consider thoroughly the many factors involved and sub mit recommendations ? setting forth the most feasible and prac tical plan regarding the proposed school building program. Endorses Parkway Plan The directors endorsed a pro posal for Blue ' Ridge Parkway Associated Chamber of Commence for the publication of a booklet to be distributed to parkway travelers. This booklet, which would also be endorsed by Sam Weems, parkway superintendent, would list accommodations and attractions in all areas in^ imme diate vicinity of the parkway. The directors also endorsed a proposal to construct a bridge over north fork of New River at Mouth of Wilson, Va. This, with improvement of the road from Laurel Springs north by Scott ville to Mouth of Wilson would provide a shorter route of travel /fom here to points direptlv north. Industrial Reports The Industrial Development committee reported latest de velopments on four projects for new industries. On some of these projects the committee and cham ber have been active for months land much effort has been put forth in this phase of chamber of commerce work, which has re ceived excellent cooperation from members. The directors read several high ly complimentary letters rela tive to the annual report of the Wilkes Chamber distributed at the membership meeting. These letters were from the following chamber of commerce executives: George D. Colclough, of Burling ton, president of the association of chamber executives; Harry J. Krusz, of Winston-Salem, a past president; Ben Moomaw, of Roa noke, Va.; R. D. .Warwick, of Statesville; W. M. Fickler, of Shelby. 4-H Style Show Here Feb. 28th Miss Ada .May Marshall, 4-H club stylist for the Simplicity Pat tern company, will be here Feb ruary 28 to conduct a fashion show for Spring, 1950, titled "Coatumee and Conduct for the 4-H Modern Miss." Wilkes County 4-H girls are to be hostess to 4-H girls from Sur ry. Yadkin, Ashe, Alleghany Caldwell, Watauga, and Alexand er counties. Miss Marshall received her B. S. degree from the college as a major in Merchandising and Fashion Design at Syracuse Uni versity. She was a 4-H club mem ber herself, and to add to her distinction she was also an alter nate New York State winner in the annual National Dress Revue award. s With this background, she brings to her job a first hand knowledge of 4-H club girls and her educational training well qualifies her to advise them on their clothing and sewing prob lems. That is why the lovely clothes she has selected for the fashion show are just the kind every 4-H club member will want to make for herself. The fashion show consists of 16 garments, styled for girls ages 10 to 21, and includes outfits for school, sportswear, dates and formal parties. Girls from our local 4-H club group will be se lected to model the garments when Miss Marshall presents the Fashion Show on February 28 at 9:30 a. m., in the V. F. W. build ing in North Wilkesboro. (By Ruth Tliompson, Assist Ant Home Agent) Basketball Tournament Under Way This afternoon at 1 o'clock the Wilkes county basketball tourna ment opened in Wilkesboro. Sponsored by the North Wilkes boro Optimist club, the tourna ment has boys' and girls' teams from all eight senior high schools in the county competing for the county championship. _ One of the closest tournaments ever held in this part of the State is expected with no team consid ered without a chance to cop the title. Sale of season tickets for the event by Optimist club members indicates that the tournamenl will also he the most largely at tended ever held in the Wilkes boros. Mountain View and Roaring River girls started play at 1 o'clock, followed by Wilkesboro and Ronda boys at 2. No scores were available as press time to day. Remainder of today's schedule follows: 3 o'clock, Traphill and Wilkesboro girls: 4:00, Mt. Pleas ant and Roaring River boys; 6:30, Millers Creek and Ronda girls; 7:30, Millers Creek and Mountain View boys; 8:30, North Wilkesboro and Mt. Pleasant girls; 9:30, Traphill and North Wilkesboro boys. Serai-finals will be played on Friday according to the follow ing schedule: 6:30?Winner Mountain View Roaring River versus Traphill Wilkesboro girls. 7:30 ? Winner Wilkesboro Ronda versus winner Millers Creek-Mountain View boys. 8:30 ? Winner N. Wilkesboro Mt. Pleasant versus winner Mil lers Creek-Ronda girls. 9:30 ? Winner Mt. Pleasant Roaring River versus winner oi Traphill-North Wilkesboro boys. (girls' championship game will start at 7:30 0,& Saturday and will be followed immediately by boys' championship game. Trophies to be presented win ners, runners-up and teams foi sportsmanship are now on display in Bratne's Drug store, window. MAYOR OF WILKESBORO CALLS MEETING TO DISCUSS SCHOOL BUILDING NEEDS OF TOWN W. E. Smithey, Mayor of the Town of Wilkes bo ro, has issued a call for citizens of the Wilkes boro school district to attend a meeting to. discuss school build-' ing needs. Mayor Smithey has ex-j pressed himself as being opposed! to any consolidation of the! schools of the Wilkesboros buti vitally interested in immediate [ building at Wilkesboro to relieve the present overcrowded condi toon. The Wilkesboro school has an enrollment of 1,440. On the basis of "Average attendance, a number of additional teachers are due to be allotted to the school for next year. , The following call was issued by Mayor Smithey: "At the request of many citi zens of the Town of Wilkesboro, and men and women from all sec-1 tions of the Wilkesboro school district, I, W. E. Smithey, as may or of the Town of Wilkesboro, do hereby call on the interested eiti cens of our town and throughout our school district to meet in the Wilkesboro high school auditor ium at 7:30 o'clock next Tues day night, February 28, 1950, to discuss our school building needs. It is our belief that school build ing funds made available by state and county appropriations should be divided so that we get no less than our per capita amount Building relief in Wilkesboro and other places in our district is urgent and we do not believe fur ther delay is necessary. Join us in letting our wishes be known.' Signed Vf. R SMITHEY. Mayor of Town of Wilkeeboro This the 22nd day of Feb. 1950 Senator Graham May Also Speak Here March 2nd Wilkes To Be Honored For Having Highest Majority Bond Vote Governor W. Kerr Soott on Thursday, March 2, will present Wilkes county a plaque for hav ing voted the largest majority in the state for thfe state road and school bond issue last vear. The presentation will be at a public program to be held at 2 p. m. in the Wilkes county court house in Wilkesboro. Also on March 2, U. S. Senator Frank P. Graham is scheduled to address a joint meeting of civic clubs of the WilkeBboros at noon at Hotel Wilkes In North Wilkes boro. Program for the two occasions will be arranged by the steering committee of the Wilkes Cham ber of Commerce, which led the fight for the bond issue in Wilkes county. Watson Brame is chairman of the committee and other members are W. J. Bason, P. E. Brown, Max Foster, C. C. Faw, Paul Os borne, C. B. Eller and T. E. Story. Assisting this committee in pro gram arrangements will be Mark Goforth, of Lenoir, member of the State Highway Commission for the eighth division, and the Roads and Education committees of the Wilkes Chamber of Com merce. In Governor Scott's party for the day will be Dr. Henry Jordan, chairman of the State Highway commission; Bill Snyder, publicity director for the commission and John Marshall, secretary to the governor. Other officials who will be guests will include John Walk er, highway division engineer, highway officials from all 10 counties in the eighth division, members of the Wilkes county board of commissioners and the Wilkes county board of educa tion. All people of Wilkes are invited to the meeting at the courthouse to witness the honor to be con ferred on Wilkes for leading the state in majorities for state road and school bonds. The program will be broadcast by radio over. station WKBC here and an am plifying system will be Installed at the courthouse for benefit of the overflow crowd expected. M. W. Green Is A Candidate For Clerk Of Court North Wilkesboro Republi can Will Be Candidate In Primary May 27 M. W. (Watt) Greene, a promi nent North Wilkesboro citizen, yesterday became the first candi date to announce for a Wilkes county office in the 1950 primary and election. Mr. Greene'announced hie can didacy for the Republican nomi nation for clerk of superior court, subject to the primary to be held May 27. Born and reared in New Castle township, Mr. Greene has spent his life in Wilkes county, where he has been active in the Repub lican party. In early life he was a rural mail carrier from the Ronda of fice and was engaged in mercan tile business at Clingman. Mr. Greene came to North Wilkesboro 16 years ago and for several years traveled for North Wilkesboro Grocery company and later for North Wilkesboro Candy company. During the past month he has been county tax list taker for North Wilkesboro township. Here he served on the Republi can township committee for sev eral years. * Office of clerk of court is now held by C. C. Hayes, Republican, who is completing his 16th year as clerk. License Examiner To Be Away Friday The driver license examining, station will be closed Friday, February 24, due to the fact that Examiner Marvin Warren most attend a troop meeting in Ashe ville. *

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