Potriot Hos Blozed the Trail of Progress In the "State of WUkes" For Over 43 WORTH W1LKESB0R0, N. C„ Monday. March 13.iflfin w WORK PROGRESSING ON 100-BED HOSPITAL HERE This scene shows footings heme pound in the first phases of construction of the Wilkes General Hospital, 100-bed institutim which is being erected on the site of the old Gordon home just west of Red dies River near highway 421. P. S. West Con '*?struction company, of Statesville, has general contract for the erection of the three story building, which will cost approximately $947,000 when completed and equip ped ( Photo by S. Lane Aktinson, Jr.) ^ADDITIONAL COMMUNITIES TO BE INCLUDED IN MOVE J FOR TELEPHONE EXPANSION = —- .i- :r - The way Is for *Mition al communities to be Included In the proceedings now before the North Carolina Utilities Commis ston tn effort to get expanded telephone serrice, It was explain ed to a meeting of interested cit called by the Utilities and Transportation committee of the Wllkea Chamber of Commerce •ad held Thursday at the Korth WUkesboro town hall. Any additional requests other those covered in the order «f the commission following «abllc hearing here must be fil ed with the Utilities Commission by Msr«h-lS*r— The "Wilkes Chamber of Com merce, original petitioner which < started the movement for Im proved nad expanded serrice, has volunteered to act as a clearing house for petitions by citisens of all areas and will compile their 4ata and include it in the organ isation's report to the commis sion, provided that such requests are filed with the Chamber of Commerce by March 18. The several communities wtQch were represented In the hearing here and which have been promised action by the •commission may also file amend ed petitions provided they have snore prospective customers than ^vs*e set out in original petitions or testimony. The Chamber of Commerce would like to have a copy of all petitions in order to more closely follow develop ments in the project. .m'The meeting held here Thurs day afternoon was well attended with one or more representatives present from the several com munities which have previously asked for telephone lines and a •ew petition was filed by a group «n the Mountain View commun ity. Another new request vu that the proposed Ferguson line be sat—ded to the Caldwell eoonty line and that the proposed Boomer Hue also go to the Cald well county line and that a line be constructed through the Beav er Creek community between Ferguson and highway 18. It was also decided that a supplement ary statement be filed asking that the area highway 268 east of North Wilkesboro to "Roaring EUver be better defined than was set oat la the commission's or-' Aai* T " * In addition .to committee mem bers, the following representa tives of communities asking con struction of telephone lines were present: Mrs. Archie Lee Osborne and Raymond Minton, Oak woods; Mrs. Eugene Shepherd and Mrs. T. W. Ferguson, of Ferguson; T. O. Minton and C. M. Brown, of Champion; A. G. Foster, Wayne Stoster and Charles Shoemaker, Congo Road; Bob Yale, Moun tain View; R. G. Mathis, hlgh fmm 421 east of Wilkes boro; J. MfCareer and J. C. Walsh, of Boomsr; Clifford Myers and Cox A. Blevins, of Mulberry; J. O. Huffman, North) Wilkes boro route one; Reuben C. Blackburn Florence Blaekbnrn, Lincoln ■eights sad Cairo; Jack field, Charles Wiles, C. G. Johnson, U B. Wiles and J. * Alexander, of 1(S sast; Ssfc ▼. Be r. Om*. of dammit; . J. Allie Hayes, of Brushy Mountain. Committee members -were Lar ry Moore, chairman, who presid ed, C. M. Brown, M. F. Bumgar ner, I. L. Grogan, Paul Qreeae, M. C. Woodie, Maurice Walah, J. B. Williams and Richard John ston, who filed tife original pe tition M president of the Cham ber of Commerce last year. The Utilities Commission has ordered the Central Telephone company serving this area to make a complete surrey of the rural lines requested, including coet, number of patrons and an S&rS* The chamber of commerce is emphasising thfet communities wishing telephone service should file their petitions now, giTing the number of people who will take and pay for telephone ser vice, and have such requests in ln the matter to be sub Sire? 25° "• b7 Mountaia View Studeflt Winaer Speaking Contest Harrold Bennett Takes First Place In Soil Conser vation Orations Harrold Bennett, student of Mountain View high school, won place ln the Wilkes county 5STratl0L. 8Peakln« <*>» ITh ~ Pridar nl*ht and W,lke" c°anty m the district contest with 11 coun | ty winners participating at Le jnolr Friday, March 17. - Beeond piace went to Miss Do ihSr ** Roada- "T Md"™ W,lke<"^r» Two' coached Kt Mm » «•*». PrJncip.1 B. o PL," s®cond Place winner aiuf r v Abeher coached Mi* £mlftJ°hKn ®r. who placed th!?d Pfe- Jack I*. Badgett, son of nardlno, CaUf. H*r" OPTIMIST CLUB MEETS TUESDAY The Qptimlst Club of North Wilkesboro will meet tomorrow at noon at Hotel Wilkes. All members of the club are urged to be present. T.PJL Baifatf Thursday Night Banquet of Post L of the Travel ers Protective Association will be held Thursday, March 16, seven p. m., at Hotel Wilkes. Post leaders ate urging that every member attend. The post is bearing the cost of the Hfnrvof with no extra expense to mem bers. One of the principal items of business will be reorganisation. la i add-on to business them will be a program of interest to aB'^MH j attend. BHI McElwee Files For Office Solicitor WiH Be Democratic Candi dale; Hayes And Hall File For Solicitor W. H. McElwee, a prominent North Wilkesboro attorney, last week filed with the State Board of Elections as Democraltc can didate for office of solicitor in the 117th judicial district. To date he lis thte only Democratic candidate for that office. Two Republicans hare filed for the nomination for solicitor: Soli citor Avalon EX Hall, of Yadkin ville, who has filed for re-elec tion, and Attorney J. Allie Hayes, a prominent North Wilkesboro attorney. , Exhibit Of File Pictures Coming A splendid opportunity for art education is afforded in the ex-' hibit of Pine Art Prints which will be on display, March 21-24 in the North Wilkesboro High School. The traveling art gallery contains 150 subjects. Including latest works as well as the old masters. There will be a small admission charge which' will be used for the purchase of plot ares for our schools. Among the most famous artists represented are Gainsborough, Terborch, Murillo, Van Dyck, Raphael, Titiau Da Vinci, and many others of the old masters. Among the more mo dern are representative subjects from the brush of Ben Foster. George Innes, Ernest Albert Harry Vincent and Gastone Wll gand. Union Township Road Meeting ■very resident of Union town ship is invited to a Union town ship road meeting to be held Wednesday night, March IB 7: SO o'clock, at Union Church. Mark Goforth, of Lenoir, hlgh dhirir"!?0?