■" .. : — Club Will MmI Wllkesboro Woman's Club will meet Friday, 7:30 p. m.. in the community house. Hostesses will be Mrs. O. K. Whlttlngton, Mn. C. T. Doughton, Mrs. C. C. Mo Ifeill, Mrs. W. N. Brooksire, Mrs. O. K. Stevens and Miss Blotae 8|arr. The program will be In efcarge of Mrs. C. T. Doughton, Bducation chairman, who will present Mrs. R. t. Ferguson, of TaylorsYllle, u speaker. Mr*. R. B. Current and daughter, of Tay lorsrille, will also be special guests. All members of the North Wllkeaboro Woman's Club bars a cordial invitation to attend the meeting. ——r—7-0— : Last year the ?ural Electrifi cation Administration finance^ construction of enough power] lines to reach around the earth] seven times. ARE YOU PLANNING TO BUILD? If so see us. We are building contractors, and will give you a straight contract price. FREE ESTIMATES ^GILBERT CONSTRUCTION CO. R. S. GILBERT, Prop. Maple Street near The Old Tannery Residence 446-R PHONES Office 955-R » ' IS PART ALASKAN BEAR and part Polar, "Gene" (for genetics) !* a zoologi cal rarity. Born at the National Zoo in Washington, he was not expected to live, but Keeper Roy Jackson shows that he's O.K. now. (International) : SOCIETY: Round Table Club Met With Mrs. Adams The members of the EJs-Along club and two additional guests, Mrs. Murphy Hunt and Mrs. Bill Phillips, were delightfully enter tained by Mrs. J. Q. Adams at her home on F Street Friday evening. One table was made up for bridge and one for rook, with the top score prizes going to Mrs. Cecil Hauss and Mrs. Hunt. Mrs. D. L. Crook received the award in bingo. Refreshments were served at the beginning of play. Mrs. L. H. Snyder Entertains Her Club A delightful olub party of the week was the one given by Mrs. L. H. Snyder Friday afternoon at her home on D Street entertain ing for the members of the Round Table club, and one extra guest, Mrs. Richard Gwyn. A dessert course was served at the be ginning of the bridge game play ed at two tables. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Arthur Venable for high score, to Mrs. Gwyn for low score, and to Mrs. W. A. Hardister for bingo. An exchange of books was made at the close of the afternoon. PMA' Pasture Seed Regulations Explained Lawrence Miller, Chairman of the Wilkes County PMA Commit tee stated today that several far mers in the county are under Che impression that seed may be par chased and applied to pasture with the seed tickets later being turned in to the county PMA office and credit received. In other words, that the farmer might receive partial payment la ter on in the season. Mr. Miller explained that und er the present set-up, the pro gram is a prior approval program. The farmer must go by the county office and declare the practice that he intends to carry oat be fore the practice is carried out. Pastures grass cannot be purchas ed, neither can winter cover seed be purchased, until the farmer has declared his intention of us ing these seed for pasture or win Social Calendar The Annual Sapper Meeting of the Women of the Presby terian church will be held Tues day evening, 7:00 o'clock, in the educational building of the church. This will be a unique occasion because of the fact that the Men of the Church will prepare and serve the meal. The Men of the Church too will have their regular meeUng at that time. All men and women of the church are Invited. A nursery has been ar ranged for children but supper will not be provided for them. You are urged to reutrn your card stating,, whehter or net you will be present, (church bulletin)..,-' The Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Wil kesboro Methodist church will meet Tuesday evening, 7:80 o'clock, at the home of Mr*. N. O. Smoak with Mrs. W. B. Som en, Mrs. Agnes Hart, and Miss Frances Soraers co-hos temes. The Irene Ouller circle will tie in charge of hte pro gram. o Mrs. Ruppard, Age 80 Is Claimed By Death Funeral service was held Sat urday afternoon at Lewis church for Mm. America Ruppard, 80, resident of Lovelace township who died Thursday. Rev. Noah Hayes conducted the last rites. Surviving are three sons and two daughters: General Lee Rup pard, of North Wilkesboro route three} Walsh Ruppard. of Spar ta; Dave Cook, of Winston Salem; Daisy and Rose Ruppard of North Wilkesboro route three. o About 85 per cent of the peo ple of Indonesia depend upon rice as their main item of diet. MMHMMMHMMUtHHHtWIW ter cover. No seed tickets will be accepted in the county office un less the regulations have been carried out and a farmer given prior approval, on the practice. This explanation clears up a general misunderstanding among farmers. ,||p . . ^ Mr. and Mm. Sd Roblnette are returned to their home at elljnan, Ga„ following a visit here with Mr. Roblnette'* sister, Mrs. Nora Idler, and other rela tives. While here they visited their daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Pratt, near Winston-Salem. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Carter, of Wadesboro, were here for the weekend visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. They came up to bring their granddaughter, Jsannttte Prevette, who had been with them tor a week. Mrs. Carter, mother of Mrs. Prevette, remain ed for a longer visit. >)j Mr. and Mrs. Rufus B. Church and son, Dan, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Church and son, Bruce, were visitors at Wake Forest and Raleigh during the weekend. Mrs. Walter Morphis, the former Miss Betty Qray Church, who had been here for a week with the Chur ches, returned with them to her home at Wake Forest. Flue-cured tobacco prices last | year averaged 47.2 cents a pound, 2.4 cents per pound leee than in 1948. Burley prices averaged nearly 45 cents a pound, down a cent from those of the previous season. - • ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of Joseph H. Yale, deceased, late of Wilkes County, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to mail same to the undersigned, ad dressed to John EL Yale, admin istrator of said estate, Box 14, Bassett, Va., or to file said claim with the Clerk of Superior Court of Wilkes County, N. C. at his office in the Courthouse, Wilkes - boro, N .C., on or before the 24th day of March, 1961, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 20th day of March, 1950. JOHN E. YALE, Administrator of the Efetate of Joseph H. Yale, Deceased. 4-24-6t-(M) FOR SALE One 3-room house, with 3 rooms Electric Water Heater! two or Three acres of land, priced to selL One 4-room house, with bath; Electric weter Heater; Breakfast room; full size basement; Con crete floor; around 25 acres of land; Good barn and other Out buildings. One 4-rom House, with 3 rooms upstairs unfurnished; running water in yard; chicken house. 2 stall barn; smoke house; 4 acres of land. AH thfar property locat ed 1-2 mile on dirt road behind Parkway Cafe. ; F. S. ANDERSON