A new furniture manufacturing firm here has began construction of a product entirely new to the American household. And present indications are that the new folding coffee tables being built by Bryan Brothers are going to find their way into thousands of American homes. So new that the application for patent went through without con flict of a single feature with any patent on record, the novel tables which can also be used as trays are now in production. John Wesley Bryan, farmer and former mail carrier at Traphill in the northeastern part of Wilkes county, had invented a number of new things, A furniture man was referred to him with his problem. He wanted a coffee table made so that the legs would fold up neat ly and the table could be used as a tray. — * * * ----- L* Elkin Youths Charged With School Robbery Elkin, March SI — Garry Phil lips, 24, and his brother. Bill. 21, of Elkin were committed to For syth County Jail in Wineton-Salem Monday, charged with robbery of a safe and theft of five band In struments from Union Cross School In January. The two whose names were linked with a robbery of a whole sale firm in Pilot Mountain and a store at Pinnacle were appre hended by state highway patrol men and policemen of Elkin Sheriff's officere and SBI agenti of Surry. A third suspect has not been apprehended. —; o— Support Red Cross Mr. Bryan said ne tnougm no . could solve the problem and he * went to work. The result was so well received that sale of the out put is assured for a long time to come. His brother, T. R. Bryan, a well known attorney in Wilkesboro, has furnished some capital and the two brothers have entered into a partnership for manufacture of the tables. C. C. Sidden's furni ture plant in North Wilkesboro 14 being used for the first batch of several hundred of the novel tables. Some investigation was made relative to obtaining the necessary hardware, which consists of a few small pieces of steel, springs, screws, etc. John Wesley Bryan de ided to make the hardware and put in a shop at his home St Trap hill. Already his shop has turned out hardware for several hundred tables. Hie folding legs on the under neath side of the tray are sturdy and when in extended position make the little table so strong that a 25-pound object can be laid on a corner of the table without upsetting it or causing any dam aging strain. When folded up the legs are completely out Of night and it is Sil attractive tray. Just a touch of the finger can i transform the tray into a table, ot vice versa. The table has an at tractive mahogany top. Furniture men who have shown it in th#i# stores for test of customer reac t on say that every woman wants rn® just as soon a3 she sees how easily it works. U « Bloodshed Boxscore On N. C. Highways Killed March 17 through March 20, 26. Injured March 17 through March 20, 161. Killed through March 20 this year, 192. Killed through March 20, 1949, 166. Injured through March 20 this year, 2,259. Injured through March 20, 1949, l,68i7. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Haying qualified as Executor of the estate of Tincie E. Long, late of Wilkes County, this is to notify all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons owing said estate will please settle at once. This the 17th day of Feb., 1960. W. B. LONG, Bncutor of Tincie E. Long, de ceased. 3-27-6t-(M) Whicker and Whicker, Attorneys. Bi mbining an outstanding speak-1 ing program with the foremost in entertainment, Kiwanis Interna tional is injecting all of the color of a Broadway spectacle into the plans covering its 35th annual convention, May 7 to 11, at Miami. Dr. E. N'. Phillips,»president of the Kiwanis Club of North 1 Wilkeaboro said today that re ports from the southern resort city indicated that the organi sation's 1960 meeting will be "su perb from the standpoints of sheer brilliance and 'big name* talent." A majority of Kiwanis Interna tional's 8,100 clubs throughout the United States, Canada, Alaska, H&waii and the Yukon Territory will be represented at the conven tion and registration for the five day assembly is expected to ap 1 proximate 10,000, Phillips said. One of the many highlight® M ;he convention program will be (he traditional "Main Feature En tertainment" Wednesday evening, May 10. This outdoor pageant will be held in the famed Orange Bowl, bringing together many of the south's most spectacular bands and drill teams. The production will be climaxed with a stunt thrill exhibition and probably a gigantic fireworks display. The public will be invited by Kiwanians to witness the show and attendance may reach 60,000, according to reports issued by Miami Kiwanis convention of ficials. Wivee of delegates are not being forgotten in the advance planning. At past international conventions, they have been kept busy from morning until night and this year's meeting will not be an exception, Phillips declared. Latest in the galaxy nationally known figures to join the Kiwanis convention program are Paul 6. Hoffman, administrator of the Economic Cooperation Administra tion, and Rep.. Wa^r H. Judd, Minneapolis, former Chinese | medical missionary and recognized as one of the outstanding speak ers in the Congress. »; Others who will address the meeting include Secretary of De fense Louis Johnson; General Carlos P. Romulo, president of the General Assembly of the United Nations; James M. (Jimmie) Fid ler, Hollywood radio commenta tor; the Rev. Marshall R. Reed, bishop of the Methodist church in the Detroit area; John Fisher, Toronto, widely known Canadian ; newspaperman, and J. Hagh Jack son, dean of the graduate school of business at Stanford University Stanford, Calif., and president oi Kiwants International. ' —o — Winners Skating Contest Announced Clate Brown, of Fairplains Rex Taylor, of McGrady, ant Norman Darlington, of Morariai Falls, won first, second and thin places in the endurance skatini contest Saturday night at Mul berry Roller Rlnjc by skating a distance of approximately 76 miles over ft period of 7 3-4 boors. r. Other prize winners Included Sonny Brown, of fftlrplftlns, who Thwtn'or^hil D Orw 3< the oontmis. Purlear. OW .