orth Wilkeaboro Has • >ading radius of 50 mltos, irving 1*0,000 people to orthwesteni Carolina. :: The Journal-Patriot Hps Blazed the Trail of Progress in tlve "State of Wilkes" For Over Published Mondays and TTiurateys - NORTH W1LKESB0RD, N. C„ Thursday. Aoril 6.1950 t»>IWW>WI*WW*IMMWWWWMMWWWW%*MMM*M*M*WMMWWWWWWMW11W1W*WW»' GIRL SCOUTS IN ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION HERE This scene shows a large group of .Girl Scouts who assembled here recently in a 38th birthday anniversary celebration of Qirl Scoting. The birthday party, given by ,#*roop 7 of North Wilkesboro, featured ifrbirthday cake with 38 candles. Troop 7 of junior intermediates, of which Mrs. J, H. Winkler and Mrs. Gilbert Bare are leaders, had as guests troop 10 of junior intermediates from Wilkesboro, with Mrs. G. T. Mitchell as leader. The theme of International Goodwill was further accentuated jby t the presence of other guests, including Vira Ira Laude and Anita Laude, Latvian children of a family of displaced persons now living on the W. E. Reins farm on the Oak woods road. Mrs. R. W. Gwyn, Jr., who came to America from Francis, was an other guest and she repeated to the Latvian girls the Girt Scout promise in French. Girl Scouts carried to the party materials for kits to be sent "Schoolmates Overseas," which is a project of Scouting. Revival Services At 1st Methodist Will Begin Sanday Pastor To Speak In Series Of Services Through out Next Week Revival services will begin Baxter Sunday at the First Me continue with services each even ing at 7:80 throughout the week, except Saturday. The pastor, Rev. Rosaeli L. Young will preach during the re vival and the choir, directed by Miss Jackie FVazier with Miss Lois Scroggs as organist, will furnish music for the services. The pastor has announced sub jects for the series of services as follows: Sunday, April 9 — 11 a. m. "Easter"; 7:30 p. m. "Why Peo ple Do Go To Church". Monday—7:30 p. m. "Why People Don't Go To Church". Tuesday — 7:30 p. m. "The Tragedy of the Home.'' Wednesday — 7:30 p. m. "Seed ing the Best". Thursday — 7:30 p. m. "Will HUporkV Friday — 7:30 p. m. "The Foursquare Christian". Sunday, April 16 — 11 a. m. "Men Wanted"; 7:30 p. m. "The ^ceat Shepherd of Love." ^JlThe public is extended a cordial invitation by the pastor and church to attend all services. Miss Lola Brown Take* By Death Miss Lola Brown, 72, lifelong wad highly esteemed resident of the Moravain Falls community, died Wednesday night. She had been in ill health for the past several years. Miss Brown wSs born May IS, 1877, a daughter of the late George W. and Amelia Lane Brown, of Moravian Fall^. Nearest surviving relatives of Miss Brown are nieces and asphews. In early childhood Miss Brown united with Moravain Falls Me thodist church and lived an ex emplar life in the community. Funeral service will be held Friday, three p. m., at Moravian Falls Methodist church with the pastor, Rev. J. L. A. Bumgarner, in charge and burial will be in Moravian Falls cemetery- The body will lie in state ^t the church from 3180 until three o'clock. Of Famous HRr Wilkesboro Woman's Club and club in Wilkesboro high will be co-sponsors of an of famous paintings to be school gym week. r IS .. VV 8 ■ - . Association For Improving 421 To Meet In Boone 17 An Important meeting of the 421 highway association will be held in Boone, Monday, April 17, it was announced yesterday. Highway 421 runs from Lake Michigan, Michigan City, Indiana through Indiana, Ohio. Kentucky, Virginia, Tennessee, and North Carolina to Wilmington, North Carolina, and is officially known •». "6re« Lakes Coast Scenic highway." President of the Asso pIS JLi!8 ufr°m Harlan Kentucky and will be one of the principal speakers. Representatives from a number of points along the high Wa«iaT® bene invited and forty or fifty are expected to attend. This association is working to improve 421, particularly be tween Boon e and Bristol, Tenn. Virginia, and to promote its use by those seeking beauty In the nignl&nds. Clyde Eggers is vice president £ *h® a880Cla(tlon representing North Carolina; Joe Muse at Mountain City is vice president for Tennessee; Joe Blackburn, Mountain City, and Ralph Wink ler, Boone, are members of the board. Senior Class To Give Little Women A dramatization of Louisa May 8 beloved classic, "LIT TLE WOMEN", will be given by w 8w. v * °f North Wilkes boro High School on Friday, April mL'Jk school auditorium, ^ the ca8t ,nclu<»e: the Harris- **6 W£men' J°. Frances Harr^- Meg Doris Godbey; Amy, Betty Lou Kenerly; and Beth Deanie Caddy; Marmee, Jean Sum th* next door Richard Wyatt; Mr. Lawrence, V sr*DdTUther- Jim Moore; hv pjf °f Laari®'8 tntor, Bob Wiw h AUv4 March- Doris S!!; Hannah- the March's Profl^rtkV*lma Church; *nd Professor Bhaer, Tommy John *WU# ^ I The story, which has its setting in Concord, Massachusetts, dur ing the Civil War days, u one of laughter and tears — of f!S afd lDTe- U 18 the unforget table story of Mrs. March and her four daughters, her "little wo men. Prior to the evening perform "5® on Friday, April 21, there ^111 be a matinee performance jL°r el«mentary students on Thursday, April 20. ,^m go on 8aI®' Tues day^April 11, and may be obtain £ m"°b*r" "° Colored Woman Is Taken By Death ' ■ * Funeral service was held today at Fair View cemetery near Da mascus church for Dare Virginia Orioton, 40, local colored resi dent who died Wednesday Howell and Speaae eond2ted the service. Surviving are he?^5hi Jaae Orinton, and mm son. Fred Myers Now A Candidate For Office Of Sheriff Veteran Of Battle Of The Bulge Is Candidate For Republican Nomination Fred E. Myers, a well knows citizen of the North Wilkesboro route r ex amination. Examinations are free to - all women 35 or over, all men 40 or over, and to anyone with a symp ton or a "danger signal," regard less of age. The Clinlds are held every - Tuesday morning in the Wilkes County Court House. Registration is from 9:00 to 10:00. Frequently there are more ap plicants for examination than caa be accommodated. Therefore, la order that those who live at a distance may be sure of an ex amination and thus not make a trip in vain, priorities will be sent, on request, to all who live twenty miles or more Croat Wllkes boro. Address request to Cancer Center Clerk, Court House, Wil kes boro. N. C., and indicate two dates on which you could come for examination. Senior Clots Ploy - At Traphill April 8 The Senior Claae - of Traphill High School will present their play, "Tumblin Creek", a hill billy comedy 1b three exciting acts April 8, 8:00 p» m. at Traphill High School. ft Country Horn Supper All are invited to enjoy a country ham sapper Saturday night, April 8, at Mulberry com munity house, with precede go* ing to Baptist Heme church. Prices will be 91 tor adults and 50 cents for children under