m ■ — JMacedoak Itews (By MBS. W. F. THARPE, |r Reporter) Qr«t. J. F. Woodruff filled die regular monthly appointment Sunday and Sunday night with good inspiring sermons at each serI vice. % We had a large crowd for Sunday suraool. One hundred were present and several more came In for the church service. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Key and children, of MooresvlUe, attended chnrch and were the dinner guests of Mr. Key's mother, Mr». Jacob Key and family. We give everyone a cordial welcome to attend our church "Sunday school and B. T. U. Mrs. Uetha Key Eaten, of Winston-8Wem, was a welcomed visitor on Sunday at church service. Mrs. Bertha Slier and daughter, Mrs. Bob Burns, qnd Mr. Burns, of Charlotte, were the week-end guests Of^Mra. filler's mother, Mrs. Jane Tharpe, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cheek, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Marsh and children, of Winston-Salem, were the Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and YOUNG LADY KNOWS HER TIMING HAUnfUl MOVII STARLET Corlnne Calvet gently nudges th^ handa one hour ahead with her little tootaiea, to remind you that Daylight Saving Tim# goes into affect at 2 A. M., Sunday, April 30th. (International) Mrs. Glenn Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cheek, Mr, and Mrs. Ray Marsh and children, also Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bradley visited, Mrs. Lillie Bradley and son Billy and Mrs. E«la Brown and daughter, Shirley, of North Wilkesboro, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Key and Mrs. W. EX Key spent Sunday in Winston-Salem visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Parller and other relatives. / Mr. G. A. Key and daughter, Marjorie were the dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Key and family. Mr. and ,Mrs. Huss Burchette and family of Rock Creek community visited Mr! and Mrs. Wesley Poplin Sunday. Mrs. Cinda Huffman, of Statesville visited her sister, Mrs. Wesley Poplin and family Sunday. >• Several of the children of this community met with Wesley Pop-r lln's children Sunday afternoon, at their new home to enjoy playing ball and other games. o ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. B. M. Lackey, Rector Vesper service will be held in St. Paul's Episcopal Church next Sunday afternoon, April 30th, at five o'clock. A cordial invitation Is extended to everyone to attend this service. IN MEMORIAM In loving remembrance of oar -dear- daughter, Mrs. Dolly Whit* tington Martin, who died April 27, 1949. One year agi dear Dolly, We stood with teardhnmed eyes, Watching as you left us , To none you said good bye, You closed your eyes so peacefully, You will suffer here no more, You went to be with Jesus On that bright and beautiful shore. You would not want the ones you loved To grieve for you today, So we wont say that you are dead, For you've just gone away You went upon a journey, To a land that's bright and fair. One year ago flear Dolly, We know you're happy there. So our grief we will bear in silence And daily we will pray, That in Heaven we will meet you, When we, too, are called away. (Signed) Father and Mother MR. and Mrs. R. S. Whittington Boomer Club Hot 'Interesting Meeting Boomer Home Demonstration club met at the hoipe of Mrs. Ralph Rwanson, April 17 at 2 p. m. The meeting was opened by the club singing together "Hail Club Women". The secretary called the roll and read the minutes of the March meeting, which were .approved by the club. We had 32 ladies and children present, which We were very proud to have, since pictures of the clubs are being made this month to be used in a May publication of The JournalPatriot. The business session of the meeting was in charge Of our president, who had several#important announcements to make one outstanding one, an essay contest for club members. The theme being "Twelve Reasons Why I Am A Home Demonstration Club Member.'' The club voted to give $5.00 to the Cancer Drive. We also decided to have a bazar at our next meeting to raise money for our club treasury^ Each member is asked to bring something to sell. A committee composed of Mrs. Ralph Swanson, Mrs. John Andrews, Miss Earl German was appointed to make plans for a full course supper to be given in the near future; proceeds will go to our club treasury. The choice of our club for "Woman oj the Month," was Mrs- John Andrews whom we feel is more than worthy of this wondreful recognition. She has many fin4. qualifications which we cant all claim. We had an apron show with several aprons being modeled. Mrs. John Andrews won prise for the prettiest apron and Mrs. I. J. Broyhill for the most practical one. Mrs. Green met with us and gave some important dates to remember, one being the white elephant sale May 1st 7:30 at the American Legion Hut. Entertainment at this sale will be in charge of our recreation committee. A demonstration on "Planning and Remodeling a Home" was given by Mrs., Green. It was interesting to find that we could remodel a four-room house with such little trouble. She put in cabinets, bath, heating system and many other useful things all houBe-wives are proud to have. Our next regular meeting Of the club will be held at Boomer school lunchroom May 15 at 2 o'clock with Mrs. Charles German hostess and Mrs. Bill Walsh co-hostess. Demonstration will be on "Frozen Foods". Our club will furnish chickens and strawberries for the One of ouf club members, Mrs. J°n®* Winfree, underwent an operation April 19 at Blackweldef Hospital. In behalf of our club we wish for her a speedy recovery. Reported by Un. O. B. Smith. o Austria is making wide ase of |t disease-resistant variety oC suglar cane developed in the tTnlted States. o— Farm prices have fallen nearly 25 per cent in the post two years, while prices farmers phy have come down only 5 per cent. NOTICE To The Qualified Hectors ia North Wilkeeboro Precinct No S: You are hereby notified that the precinct polling place for North Wilkesboro Precinct No. 8 will be at the Tyre Bilings Store Building. This 8th day of April, 1080. C: J. JONES, Chairman KYLE HAYES, Secretary Wilkes County Board of Elections 5-4-4t (T) ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Peter Miller, late of Wilkes County, this is to notify all persons holding clafens against said estate to present them to the ' undersigned on Wilkeeboro Route 1, one year from date ef this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of tbeir recovery. All persons owing said estate will please settle at once. This the 8th day ef March, 1956 H. a MILLER, Adm. estate Peter Miller, Dec*d. 4—13- . > * '# , With Gary Cooper - Joan Leslie Colored Cartoon • tv>. • ' - v y .Monday and Tuesday, May 1st and 2nd—' "FLAMINGO ROM" With Zachary Scott - Joan Crawford Also News and Cartoon - >»*'?** FREE PRIZES EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT Children Under 12 Free (all shows) (FIRST SHOW STARTS AT DUSK)