Miss McNeill Extended Courtesies In continuing a round of inter esting parties for Miss Elizabeth McNeill, who on Saturday is to' be married to Joseph Henry Cook, ot Greenville, S. C., Mrs. J. C. Jones entertained at two tables of bridge at her home on Trogdon Street Friday evening. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Charles Ziliak for high score, to Miss Qeraldine Cald well for second high score, to Mrs. Walter Bller for bingo, and Mrs. M. B. McNeill held the traveler's •ward. Honor gift for Miss Mc Neill was silver in her pattern and a corsage of white flowers. A, dessert course preceded play.' - On Monday evening Mrs. Charles Ziliak gave a dinner party frt the Wilkes Hotel with covers being laid for eight. The hostess presented the bonoree with a lovely gift and a corsage of mix ed Bweet peas. Courtesy for Tuesday afternoon was an Informal tea given by Miss Sue London at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Lan don. Miss Landon received around twenty-five guests at four-thirty o'clock, and during the hour re freshments were served buffet style from the dining room table. Miss Landon presented the hon oree with a gift and a corsage of pink rose buds. Pink roses de corated the table, and the same color note predominated In other flowers used about the home. Mrs. Jack Swofford and Mrs. Boyd Stout were hostesses at a large card party given at the Wo man's club house Tuesday even ing, having guests for eleven tables of bridge and four of rook. MILLERS CREEK DRIVE-IN THEATRE PROGRAM j Thursday and Friday, June 8 and 9th— "Massacre River" Starring Guy Madison - Rory Calhoun Also Selected Short Subjects Saturday, June 10th— ! "CASTLE ON THE HUDSON" * With John Garfield and Ann Sheridan Sunday, June 11th— "FAREWELL TO ARMS" With Gary Cooper — Helen Hayes Monday and Tuesday, June 12th and 13th— "INSPECTOR GENERAL" With Danny Kaye - Barbara Bates t 4 • i FREE PRIZES EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT Children Under 12 Free (all shows) (FIRST SHOW STARTS AT DUSK) t V SP STORE S BACON 1 lb. Pkg.. 40*| T-BONE STEAK, lb. 55*1 WHOLE BEAN 3 Lb. Bag COFFEE 5129 (Ground To Order) Sweet Pickle I American CAULIFLOWER I CHEESE. 79*1 Pt. Jar - . 29* I (2 »>. Brick) BONELESS STEW BEEF-M51 >ueen of The West iVide-Dreft .OUR .: 74* (10 lb. Bag) DUZ 25c| (Large Pkg. 10® SALE fWANS DOWN £ Instant White Ik Coke Mix 35c jb DEVIL FOOD © 10c ^ CO Miss Nellie Gabriel, bride-elect of Saturday, of R. H. Dillard, shar ed honors at the party, coming in lor the latter part of the evening. Miss Gabriel was given china in her pattern, Mias McNeill silver, and both received corsages of sweet peas. Honor gifts were pre sented to Mrs. James Dalton, of AshevUle, and Miss Anne Cragan, of Sanford, as out of town guests; also Jto Mrs. Charles Sink. Jr., the, former Miss Corinne Faw; Mrs. Lomax Kilby, the :fo™ePpMM Batty Summer*, and Mrs, tr. ui. Williams, Jr., whoprior tc> b„ I marriage was Miss D°rothy Skinner, of Jackso^lUe' In the game of bridge Miss Har Iriet Crutchfield was the winner of the top score, prise, in rook the prize went to Mrs. Isaac Eller, jr., and Mrs. Mary Moore Hix was [the winner in bingo. A color note (of green and white was carried out in the dessert course served at the beginning of play, and mixed I spring flowers made a colorful I setting for the guests. Gardner, Johnston Circles Combine Monthly Meeting The Gardner and Johnston circles of the First Methodist church combined their monthly meeting Tuesday evening at the educational building of the church. At the close of the meeting the members of the John |ston circle presented Miss Nellie | Gabriel, bride-elect of the week, I with silver in her chosen pattern. At the beginning of the even ing Mrs. Edd F. Gardner led the group in a pledge service, since the meeting marked the begin ning of the new year in the Society. Mrs. T. E. Cook and Mrs. Edwin Link taught the Bible I study on "Women of the Scrip Iture." The circles met separately for a short business session with the I chairmen, Mrs. Leo Anderson land Mrs. Richard Johnston, in j charge. Hostesses for the meet ling, the two circle chairmen, Mrs. jCook, and Miss Mary Caroon, serv Jed refreshments during the joint J social hour to approximately I twenty-five members. H Social Calendar I 1 The monthly meeting of the I American Legion Auxiliary will be held Monday in Blowing I Rock at the R. G. Finley cottage with Mrs." Charlie Smoot and I Mrs. Finley as hostesses. All I members are urged to attend I and take their supper, which I will be served in picnic style I at seven o'clock. Following I the supper Mrs. Finley will pre ] side for a short business session. A— Wlake Forest Picks fribble President Wake Forest, June 5 — Wake Forest College chose its 10th pre sident today. He is Dr. Harold Wayland Trib ble, 5 0-yearrold president of And over Newton Theological School in Massachusetts. Dr. Tribble was unanimously elected at a meeting Of the board of trustees of the Baptist institu tion, held prior to today's com mencement exercises. ■ He will succeed Dr. Thurman |D. Kitchin, 64, president of Wake Forest since 1930, who will re tire July 1. Tribble's selection was announc ed by Dr. C. C. Warren of Char lotte, chairman of an eight-man committee appointed last year to select Dr. Kitchin's successor. In announcing Tribble's election Dr. Warren asserted, "I know of no man on earth who will do a better job of unifying our forces and leading the college in this crucial area of its history." 35 Considered Warren added that the commit tee selected Dr. Tribble for the presidency "after due and full consideration of approximately 55 men." The board of trustees is leav ing to Dr. Tribble the exact date when he will arrive to assume hia post. Dr. Warren said, "We hope he will be here for the opening ol the coming Fall term." Dr. Warren Baid he was notify ing Tribble immediately of hia election to the presidency and ad ded, "We hope his acceptance will come through in a matter of days." The board of trustees also adop ted a resolution recommending that it Intensify Its campaign to collect $2,300,000 for its building program in the hope that construc tion of new buildings be initiated in Winston-Salem in the Spring of 19,51. In a general alumni association 'meeting, Henry Ldles of Greens boro was elected president, suc ceeding Burgin Pennell of Ashe ville. Tribble, a theologian, author, administrator, and teacher, deliv erde the baccalureate address at Wake Forest two years ago and • often has come here to attend ses sions of the annual Religious Em phasis Week observances. — ——o — The roll top desk Was invented about I860 by Abner Cutler. Flashers Got 18 Hits, Lm< 13-10 North Wllkesboro last night collected 18 hits off Wytherllle's pitcher Bartholomae but lost 13 to 10. Leading the hit parade was Bernle Loman with four and Ed Morton and Carter Lenti with three each. ' "* Alvis Cornm started on the mound and was relieved in the third by Jackson. Wythevllle amassed an early lead and the Flashers rallied for five runs in the ninth, bnt were unable to over haul the Statesmen. Osinskl hom ered for Wythevllle. Loman had a triple, Dick Stockton, Lentz, Tom Daddino, Dave Davenport, Dick Blggerstaff and Joe Subbiondo collected doubles during the slug fest. > The Iobs left North Wllkesboro in fifth place one and one-half games ahead of the last place Radford Rockets, who lost to Ga lax. Edkln won over Mt. Airy. o — Bloodshed Boxscore On N. C. Highways Killed June 2 through June 5, —_____ _ • ■ ■ 28i£S' ' ' S5h ! Injured Jtine 2 through June E 145. Killed through June 5 this yeai 366. P Killed through June 6. 1941 315. Injured through June 5, th! year, 4,748. Injured through June 5, 194! 3,600.