Wilkeaboro tu a radius of 50 milee, 1*0,000 people is estern Carolina. I Civic Clnbs Here Or Hoover Report efficiencies O f Federal Government Topic Of Address Here Speaking before a joint meet ling of civic clubs here Thursday night, Joseph I* Miller, special consultant to the Hoover Com mission for Recommendations for Reorganisation of the Federal Gov* ernment, told of flagrant ineffic iences of federal government and explained the recommendations of the commission. The point meeting was sponsor ed by hte Wilkes Junior Chamber fit Commerce. Robert Morrow, Mident, presided and Roland tter presented the speaker. Filler made a most interesting describing the inefficiencies, Mapping bureaus and waste in trnment spending. iting a few of the flagrant ex les of waste, he said that the ►ver Commission learned that th«'government has purchased and low owns 3.6 typewriters for rery person on the federal pay ill who knows how to use a tj^pe writer. fineteen major recommenda tions were made by the commis sion, and several hundred minor ones. The major recommendations which he discussed at length were better organization, better book keeping, regrouping, and over hauling of personnel. Total attendance at the dinner, which was served by the Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary in the vpacious V.F.W. half/, was listed k 115, including Jaycees, Kiwan fins, Lions, Optimists, members Of C. at HE a. m., at the College Audi K'he chief speakers for the. Y. Ballentine, Commissioner of Agriculture and jfr. A. C. Edwards, President of ftaie North Carolina Farm Bureau. T»e morning program will last ap proximately two hours and will be followed with a brief period for lunch ana then a short farm tour of two or three livestock and dairy farms. The tour will last approxi mately two hours. These meetings will be quite educational and well worthwhile for any farmers inter ested in livestock and dairying to attend. o Valuable Property In Sale June 28th Grand View Lakes development, consisting of 25 beautiful home sites two new five-room houses and a herd of 22 dairy cattle will be sold at auction Wednesday, June 28, one p. m. This property is located Just outside of Wilkesboro on the Mora vian Falls highway, and will be sold by Ferris Land Auction com pany, of Greensboro. Cash prizes and a Shetland pony will be given and music will be by the North Wilkesboro high school band. Wildlife Club To Hear Fagg Thursday Wilkes Wildlife club will meet Thursday, eight p. m.," In the Wilkes courthouse. The speaker will be H. A. Fagg, of Walnut Cove. vice president of the North Fox Hunters Association.. ■El midlife clab members and other sportsmen are asked to* at tend. — o Th* anableps, a fish of tropical America, has two pupils in each eye. Each pupil functions separate ly, enabling It to see above and below water at the same time. Mrs. Ella Newsome Is Claimed By Death . Wake Forest — Mrs. Ella Wyati Newsome, 61, died at Duke Hos pital Tuesday morning after a brief illness. Widow of R. A. New some, she had been a resident ol Wake Forest for 19 years. Sur viving are two daughters, Mrs. A. E. Brannock, Jr., of Lumberton and Mrs. W. D. Sutton of Pitts burgh, Pa.; two jbohb, Col. J. W, Newsome, Panama City, Fla., and John C. Newsome of Henderson; two sisters, Miss Dare Wyatt ol Henderson, and Mrs. James K. Sadler of Greenville, S. C-; and four grandchildren. Funeral wat held at 10:30 a. mf Thursday a1 the Wake Forest Baptist Chufct with D>*. J. Glenn Blackburn an<3 Dr. W. R. Cullum officiating. Graveside service and burUl were held in New Garden Cemetery at Guilford College at 3:30 p. m. Mrs. Ella Newsome, a formei resident of Wilkes, was well known here. Wilkes people attend ing the funeral service included Mrs. W. E. Galther, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Gaither, Miss Cora Caudill, Gwyn Caudill and Mrs. G. T. Mit chell. — —— u——————— Scouts Leave For Valley Forge and National Camp Scouts and Scouters here todaj left for the National Boy Scout Camporee at Valley Forge, Pa. Those from the Old Hickory council-will begin their camporee on June 30. However, those going left today in order to have some time for sight-seeing. Leaders from the Wilkes dis trict of the Old Hickory council to attend the camporee are Don Coffey, HI, Buster Bush, GordSn Forester, Jr.. and Johnny Winkier, Edwards of Wilkesboro. are five of the seven leaders for the council. Scouts going from Wilkes are Bobby N. Wooten, Harold Shep herd, John Hayes and Wade Fos ter, of North Wilkesboro, Day Church and Wilbur Greer, of Mil lers Creek; and Bill Dunn, of Wilkesboro. They, with Billy Ash ley, of Warrensville, will form the Rattlesnake patrol. The National camporee is ex pected to be one of the most in teresting experiences in the his tory of Scouting for the local Scouts and Scouters. They will return here July 8. Turkish Weed Demonstration By J. P. CHOPMN, County Agent A harvesting and curing demon stration has been planned at Mans field Prevette's Farm located 12 miles south 4>t North Wilkesboro on Highway 115, near Hunting Creek Bridge. This meeting will be at 10:00 a. m., June 28. Any one desiring transportation to the farm can be at the county agents' office by 9:00 a. m. Aromatic tobacco is ready for harvest and since this will be the only meeting in the county, farmers should plan to attend this meeting or learn how from ex perienced growers. Needles will be given out at the meeting or they can be secured from the county agents' office. Twins may be bought In the Wilkesboros. Growers should plan to harvest their tobacco much greener than it was harvested last year. Tob acco looses weight and quality by being over-ripe. Bud worms are doing serious damage to the best tobacco which is at the top of the plant. Use 50 pounds of corn meal and one and one-half pound of Arsenate of Lead as a bait. A pinch of this mixture should be applied early In the morning in each bud as a con trol measure. Plan to attend this meeting or visit an experienced grower to learn how to harvest and cure your tobacco. i o—— Stores Will Close Tuesday, July 4th Trade Promotion committee of the Wilkes Chamber of Com merce today called attention to the* fact that Tuesday, July 4. will be a holiday. Stores and business offices here will be closed throughout the day. , Revival Services At Welcome Home A revival meeting will begin at Welcome Home Baptist Church, near Cricket, on Sunday, July 2. The pastor. Rev. Harvey White, of Tavlorsvllle, will be assisted by Rev. J. E. Pearson, Brushy Mountain Association Worker, North Wllkesboro, during this re vival. The public has a cordial in vitation to attend these services. There will be two services dally, one beginning at 10:30 In the morning and. the evening service at 7:45. Special music is being planned for this meeting." Efforts Made To Reach The Goal In Cancer Drive • Others Asked To Send In Contriutions To Reach Goal This Week Cancer campaign in Wilkes county lacks slightly over $200 of reaching the goal of $2,000, Dr. Fred C. Hubbard, campaign chair man, said today. In order that the goal may be reached, those who have neglected to send in their contributions are asked to send them this week to W. D. Halfacre, chapter chairman. Much of this money will be used in Wilkes county to fight cancer and the remainder will be used on a national scale for re search in efforts to find a cure for the disease that is the second most deadly killer and which yearly takes a great toll of life in every state and county in the nation. One' project which receives aid is the cancer center which is op erated every Tuesday morning in Wilkesboro and which has result ed in the finding of several cancer calculated to save their lives, Eller Reunion Is Enjoyable Event Held On Sunday Annual reunion of the Eller family was held Sunday at Boiling Springs Baptist church near Pur lear. Sermon for the morning pro gram was delivered by Rev. Le roy Eller and an inspiring address was .heard from J. Allie Hayes, prominent Wilkes attorney. Dr. James Davis, of Statesville, was an honor guest for the day. In the business session E. R. Eller was re-elected president, Roby McNeill, vice president; Mrs. V. D. Foster, secretary. Meeting time of the association was changed from the fourth Sun day in June to the third Sunday in May and will be held at Boiling Springs church. At noon a sumptuous dinner was spread on a long table and remainder of the occasion was de voted to eating and a social hour for conversation. n — Gets Large Trout David Choate, 14-year-old son Of Mr. and Mrs. Page Choate, land ed a 15-inch brown trout while fishing Sunday in Linville river near Grandfather Mountain. The fish was one of the largest trouts taken in that area this year. Girl Scout Camp At Mulberry ■ Mrs. W. D. Jester, Chairman of Camping for the "Wilkes Girl Scout Association, calls attention to the change of site for the Day Camp, which is to be held the week of July 10th. Due to construction work at Hays it has been decided to hold camp at Mulberry School rather than Mountain View School. It is felt that this change in no way lessens the desirability of the camp location and plans are taking shape for another fine camping experience for Wilkes Girl Scouts in 1950. Mrs. Robert Gibbs, director, will have a capable staff of workers and a splendid program has been worked out. Registration is approaching ca pacity. <; f r - r T Support Cancer Fund Over 5,060 Votes Cast Saturday In Wilkes Primary Graham Carried Wilkes By About Same Majority As In first Primary In the second primary Saturday Wilkes county gave Senator Frank Graham, loser in the state to Wil lis Smith for the Democratic Sen atorial nomination, a majority of near 2,000 Votfes, on the basis of unofficial returns from all but four of the county's 32 precincts. I» this voting Wilkes retained the same trend as in the first pri mary, when Graham received a lead Of 2,164 over.Smith. In the second primary unoffic ial returns from 28 precincts gave Graham 3,^41 and Smith 1,521. Official returns in Wilkes in the first primary gave Graham 3,721 and Smith 1,557. The only precincts missing from unofficial returns today were the three in Traphill township and Somers, all of which cast a com paratively small vote for Demo cratic candidates in the first pri mary. Very few precincts in Wilkes had substantial change from the first to the second primary. Wil kesboro number 1 went for Smith by five votes in the first primary and for Graham by 102 in the sec ond. Lovelace went for Smith by four In the first primary and in the second Smith's lead there in creased to 35. Wilkesboro 2 was a Graham precinct in the first primary 76 to 19 and in the sec ond switched to Smith 90 to 63. Wilkes board of elections will meet at the courthouse Tuesday, 11 a. m., to canvass the vote. Fol lowing are unofficial returns from 28 of Wilkes' 32 precincts: t Precinct Graham Smith Antioch > 109 5 Bearer Creek .... 69 1 Bsomer <• - w Brushy Mountain .... 33 fa Edwards 1 52 74 Edwards 2 139 32 Edwards 3 198 10 Elk I __ 88 0 Elk 2 104 3 Jobs Cabin 1 51 0 Jobs Cabin 2 10 27 Lewis Fork 197 21 Lovelace „ 5 40 Moravian Falls 134 36 Mulberry 1 87 0 Mulberry 2 . 130 7 New Castle 88 11 North Wilkesboro 1 375 414 North Wilkesboro 2 121 90 North Wilkesboro 3 93 109 Reddles River 341 138 Rock Creek ; 242 12 Stanton — 92 34 Union .... 158 122 Walnut Grove 1 61 8 Walnut Grove 2 — 19 13 Wilkesboro 1 251 149 Wilkesboro 2 63 90 TOTALS —- 3441 1521 Young G. 0. P. Clubs Organized Isaac Eller, Jr., president of young Republican clubs in Wilkes county, reports much activity in organizing precinct clubs. Recently organization meetings of young Republicans were held in the three Traphill voting pre cincts and the following officers were elected: Traphill 1 — Kermit Pruitt, president; Claude Billings and Harry Holbrook, vice presidents; Mrs. Ima Pruitt, secretary-teas urer. Traphill 2 — Paul Blackburn, president; Grady Holbrook and Tom Triplett, vice presidents; Mrs. Kathleen Holbrook, secre tary-treasurer. Traphill 3 — Jack Spicer, pre sident; Robert Pruitt and Vahson Spicer, vice presidents i Mrs. Vau die Brown, secretary-treasurer. Edwards township organization meeting of young Republicans will be held Friday, June 30, at Ronda school. Mrs. C. H. Kerley Claimed By Death Funeral servcie was held today, if a. m., at New Hope church near Gilreath for Mrs. Flora Belle Kerley, 84, wife of Charlie Howard Kerley, of route one, Pores Knob. -o died Saturday night here. Surviving are and four children, ley, of the home. Don and Jerry Ker -1 « "> Mr. Smith Is Going To Washington '. • ' - -, .V * T I - WILLIS SMITH RALEIGH ROUNDUP By EULA NIXON GREENWOOD SURPRISE . . . Last Saturday's vistory Of Willis Smith over Frank "«fno cratlc party stalwart t&r more than 30 years, but he campaigned as an opponent of much of the Pair Deal program. He said Ad ministration policies are leading the nation toward socialism. Be also blamed the President because of Truman's Civil Rights Committee, for injecting the Ne gro issue Into the primary. It was one of the major issues on which the campaign was fought, though Graham forces said Smith was responsible for introducing it. Opposes Truman Program Smith says he opposes the FEPC, the Brannan farm plan, "socialized medicine,'' and other items in the Truman program. He wants an immediate end. to de ficit spending. With returns in from virtually all of the State's .1,990 .polling places. Smith had a lead of about 20,000 votes. The remaining pre cincts were iu sparsely settled sections. Smith total was 277,672 to 257,156 for Graham. Graham, former president of the University of North Carolina, conceded defeat early in the even ing and went to congratulate his opponent when unofficial returns l showed Smith had oil ad up a com manding lead. Smith, former president of the American Bar Association, won af ter trailing Graham in the first primary by 53,000 votes. Both Charged "Smear" It was the bitterest campaign the State, had seen in half a cen tury, and the cry of "smear" came from both camps. But, with his brief career in the Senate near an end, Graham went to his victor and told him: "I wish you every success." And Staith, in a brief talk to his wildly celebrating support ers, said that when he spoke to Graham, "I knew I had his good will and I know he believes he has mine." "I sincerely believe 1 know the viewpoint Of North Carolina and that viewpoint I will strive to carry out to the best of my ability," Smith added. The vote was a rebuff for North Carolina's Governor Kerr Scott. His appointment Of Gra ham to the Senate 15 months ago on the death of Senator J. Mel ville Broughton was the State's biggest political surprise in years. Scott stumped the State in the campaign in support of his ap pointee. Mrs. Leet Poplin Is Taken By Death Mrs. Carrie K. Poplin, 69, wife of Leet Poplin, prominent Ronda citizen, died Friday at her home. Born September 1, 1880, Mrs. Poplin was a daughter of the late J. N. and Dorcas Harris Gray. Surviving are her husband, one son Glenn Poplin* and three dau ghters, Mrs. C. R. Watt, Mary Lou and Betty Poplin, all of Ronda. Funeral service was held Satur day, two p. m., at Maple Springs church near Ronda with Rev. D. E. Smith and Rev. I. J. Terrell in charge. o—,— Bazaar Saturday The Woman's Society of Christ ian Service of the Wilkes bo ro Methodist church is sponsoring a bazaar at the Phillips building on Tenth Street Saturday, July the first, beginning at nine o'clock. w o— — Coon Hunters To Moot Friday Might Wilkes Coon Hunters club will meet Friday, June SO, eight o'clock at Ray Minton's garage West of this city. Coon retnnd money will be distributed to mem bers at tlu meeting and all are