■ u OUR CITY 'North Wilkeaboro lias • trading radius of 60 milaa, serving l^Q.OOO people Ixi Northwestenj Carolina. jjL OP * r r> The Journal-Patriot Hos Blazed the i rail.of Progress in the State of Wilkes" For Over 44 Years Vol. 44 No. 29 Published Mondays and Thursdays NORTH WtLKESBORO, N. C., Monday, July 24, 1950 Make North Wilkesboro Your Shopping Center Guard Battery Here Rated Highly In 30th " ' Citations Given In Encampment At Fort Jackson Adjutant General Sends Message to All National Guardsmen In State Battery C of the North Carolina National Guard was judged the best firing battery of the 112th Field Artillery during two weeks summer encampment of the 30th division of the National Guard at Fort Jackson, S. C., July 2 to 16. The battery from North Wil kesboro also received rating of excellent for encampment, with rating being given by an army inspection team. C battery was the only battery which qualified every man who fired carbine and pistol as marksman. There were several individual honors and citations among the ranks of the battery from North Wilkesboro, Major Roy Forehand, batallion executive officer, report ed. Pfc. Jones Wood shot the high est mark in the batallion with both carbine and pistol. Cpl. Jack Johnson received ba tallion citation for outstanding work in artillery survey and ar tillery computation necessary for night firing from survey data. Second Lieutenant Clarence D. Wiles received his commission while in camp, completing work he began two years ago. Pfc. Conley Call received com mendation from the commanding general for excellent performance Of duty while at camp. The field artillery of which the battery from North Wilkes boro was a part was judged the outstanding unit of the entire 30 th division. Results of the encampment ■hawd that the- National Guard battery here Is well trained and 'ready for any emergency. To date the battery has received no ord ers for mobilization. Followin is a bulletin sent Na tional Guard units in North Caro lina by Adjutant General J. Van B. Metts: TO: All North Carolina National Guard Personnel. 1. The matter of resignation of officers and discharge of en listed men of the Guard, because of present conditions confronting the nation, has come to the atten tion of National Guard authorities Of the Federal Government and of the respective states. 2. The National Guard creat ed under acts of Congress and by state law is a military organ ization, its strength is gained through voluntary acceptance of a comiftission or voluntary enlist men. The purpose of this organ ization is the defense of state and home communities and the defense of our country in which we live a life of perfect freedom. The deense of which may be in convenient to some yet failure to honorably serve and protect our well being may mean the disin tegration and loss of our form of government. 3. The officer upon accepting his commission in the National Guard and tfce man upon enlist ing subscribe to an oath througH which the officer: solemnly swears that he will defend the Constitu tion of the United States and the State against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that he will obey the orders of the President and the Governor; that he makes this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of coercion. The enlisted man ac knowledges to have voluntarily enlisted under conditions prescrib ed by law and solemnly swears to bear true faith and allegiance to the United States and to the State, and to serve honestly and faithfully against all enemies and to obey the orders of the Presi dent and the Governor. Both offi cers and enlisted men having tak en their oaths have been afford ed training by the government to fit them for such national or state emergency as may arise. They have accepted Federal pay for such service and training. 4. Nqw, that our nation is fac ed with an emergency, and there are possibilities that the National Guard may be inducted into Fed eral Service, some few have ex pressed the desire to sever their connection with the Guard, ap parently in fear that they may have to assist in the defense of This country which has provided for them that free type of life, With the great blessings which are ours. 5. Should it become necessary to order the Guard Into active i Missing General' Maj. Gen. William F. Dean COMMANDER bl the 24th Division, Maj, Gen. William F. Dean has been unreported since the abandonment of Taejon by U. S. forces. Pictured in the city during closing days of its defense, Gen. Dean was last seen passing ammunition to a ba zooka team during the last-ditch tight to hold city. (Telenewt Newt reel Photo from International) Investigator Tells Lions Club About Success Of F.B.I. Josephy C. Mulrow, assistant special agent of the Charlotte of fice of the Federal Bureau of In vestigation, Friday evening ad rtrrtn^H Jha North Wilkesboro Lions club: The F. B. I. agent told of two divisions of the bureau, finger printing and crime detection lab oratory. He said that the files now contain fingerprints of 113,000, 000 people and that the bureau in recent years has been able to produce the fingerprints of 80 per cent of people wanted in in vestigations. Crime has become a big busi ness, he said, and major crimes -are committed in this country at an average of one every 17.9 sec onds. The agent gave accounts of how the F. B. I., with cooperation of local law enforcements agents, had been able to solve crimes. Some of these accounts in which he re lated use of the crime detection laboratory facilities, were better than detective fiction thrillers and were thoroughly enjoyed by the club. The speaker was 'presented by W. O. Absher. Edward S. Finley, vice presi dent, presided over the meeting in the absence of President Jack Swofford, who with Paul Cashion was attending Lions International convention in Chicago last week. o Wilkes F.C.X. Store Moved To Sixth And Main i Wilkes Farmers Exchange Store, better known as the F. C. X., has moved from the former location near Cherry street to the store building on the corner of Sixth and Main streets next door to Reins Market. The new loca tion will be convenient to the firm's many patrons. Federal Service, the government looks to Guardsmen whom it has trained and paid to uphold its prestige and our form of govern ment and to defend its honor. Young men were called from home, business, and school with the National Guard for service on the Mexican Border in 1916 and in both World War I and II. It is possible that such a call may again come. Readjustments have taken place in the past and, if necessary, will in the future. 6. The National Guard then and now is the backbone of our national defense. The country de pends on you when your services are needed. North Carolinians are as patriotic today as In the years past and no state can surpass our state in its patriotism. If a Job must be done, we will do our part. 7. It is sincerely desired that in this world crisis all North Carolina National Guardsmen will fulfill their assumed obligations. J. VAN B. METTS, The Adjutant General. J. 0. Gaither Killed In Auto Crash On Friday Electrical Construction Con tractor Killed While En Route Home J. O. Galther, head of a Char lotte construction firm, was kill ed Friday in Iredell County when he was thrown from his skidding truck and crashed beneath it. The accident occurred at 7 p. m., near Mount Mourne as Mr. Gaither, president of Delta, Inc., was on his way home from North Wilkesboro. Witnesses said that his pickup truck, having run into a road shoulder softened by rain, skid ded into a ditch as Mr. Gaither tried to steer it back to the pavement. He was thrown from the front seat, then crushed when the truck fell on top of him. He died within a few min utes. Mr. Gaither was supervisor of a crew of men building electric lines for the Duke Power Com pany in the North Wilkesboro area. Mr. Gaither's crew installed the lighting system in Memorial Park in North Wilkesboro. He waB a Mason and member of Liberty lodge 45 in Wilkesboro. He was a major in World War II and with W. J. Kimball organized Delta, Inc., soon after leaving the army. Funeral services were held at 2:30 p. m. S'unday at the Plaza Presbyterian Church. Mr. Gaith er's employees in North Wilkes boro were honorary pallbearers. They are Dewey Bell, I>e\yis Faw, W. M. Griggs, Toby Griggs, C. E. Whittington, F. M. Nichols, J. C. Simmons, P. W. Royal and S. V. Faw. O Dr. Binkley To Speak To Optimists Dr. O. T. Binkley, professor of Sociology at the Southern Baptist Seminary, Louisville, Ky., will be guest speaker at the meeting of the local Optimist club tomorrow at noon at Hotel Wilkes. The pro gram chairman for the meeting is Optimist D. T. Trivette. All members of the club are urged to be present for the meet ing. w I . Business Men's Club Meets Tuesday Night The Wilkesboro Business and Professional Men's Club will meet Tuesday night, July 25th, at 7 o'clock, at the Woman's club house. All members are urged to attend. LOCALS The combined meeting of the Woman's Bible class and the Spiritual Life Group of the First Methodist church will be held Tuesday afternoon, 8:8© o'clock, at the home of Mrs. H. B. Dobson with Mrs. C. A. Forest er as associate hostess. Rev. and Mrs. C. Jay Winslow spent several days last week in Morganton with their daughter, Mrs. Homer Benfield, and Mr. Benfield. Mrs. W. M. McCulley, Of Salis bury, is visiting here with her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Eller, this week. Mr. Mc Culley spent the week-end with them. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Snyder and daughter, Miss Dorothy Ann Snyder, and Mr. Robert M. Har vey, of this city, enjoyed a mo tor trip to the Great Smoky Moun tain National Park Sunday. The Drifting Melody. Boys string band, which is heard regu larly over radio stations h$re and Elkin, are playing each Sat urday night for the V.F.W. jam boree square dances held at the V.F.W. hall at Elkin. The ladies of the W. S. C. S. of Union Methodist church will con duct a rummage sale at Forester Furniture Co. on Tenth street Saturday, July 29th, starting at nine a. m. Various articles will be on sale at low prices, and the public is cordially "invited to at tend the sale. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Greer have returned to their home at Mora vian Falls after a week's trip to Washington, D. C., Rochester, N. Y., and Niagara Falls. While on the trip their daughter, Miss Mar jorie Greer, visited with her aunt, Mrs. J. H. Way, in Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. Greer, vipited relatives In Rochester and Washington. Trade Promotion Group Will Meet Tuesday At Ten Trade Promotion committee of] the Wilkes Chamber of Com merce will meet Tuesday, ten a. m., at the office of the chamber of commerce. L. S. Spainhour, chairman, said the meeting will be for the pur pose to discuss preliminary plans for Farmers' Day here this fall. All leaders in the Parmer's Day program last year are' especially urged to be present. Road Committee Meeting Highway and Roads committee, of which W. J. Bason is chairman, will meet Tuesday, 4:15 p. m., to discuss road needs in the county. Kiwanians Learn About Processes Milk Manufacture North Wllkeaboro Kiwants club held an enjoyable meeting Fri day noon at Hotel Wilkes. Dr. E. N. Phillips, president, presided and invocation was by Dr. John T. Wayland. Prior to the program the inter club meeting with Mt. Airy and Elkin Kiwanians to be held Thurs day, July 27, 6:30 p. m., at Dough ton Park on the Parkway was dis cussed and 48 members indicated they would go. The Elkin club will be host at the meeting. John E. Justice welcomed a new member, George C. Weibel, a former member of the Kiwanig. club at Martinsville, Va., and now with Carolina Mirror com pany here. Program Chairman John Adams introduced Alex Buchanan, of Lexington, who showed a sound picture, "The Miracle Of Milk". The picture presented in a very interesting nvanaer the mactaub ical process now usld In the pro, duction of aofi manufacture of milk into its present day many uses. The selection and care of the herds, the modern day milk ing machines, the devices for pas teurizing homoglnizing, and the manufacture of butter, cheese, cot tage cheese, ice cream, etc., fea tured the story in picture. Guests Friday were: Tom Eshel man with P. W. Eshelman: Charles Williams with Pat Will iams; Isaac Duncan with Dr. John T. Wayland; Rev. Levin Lake with W. N. Brookfihire. J. W. Braxton of Elkin and Alex Buch ana of Lexington were visiting Kiwanians. Cemetery Working At Reddies River Those who have relatives and friends buried at Reddies River cemetery are invited to gather at the cemetery Saturday, July 29, to clean the grounds and make other improvements. In event of rain on July 29 the working will be held on the next good day for work. o Lewis Fork Church Will Have Revival Revival services will begin Sun day night, July 30, at Lewis Fork Baptist church. Services will be held each afternoon at two o'clock and each evening at 7:45. Rev. J. Roby McNeil, of Purlear will assist the pastor, Rev. A. W. Eller. The public has a cordial invitation to attend. 1 1 U — 1 ■ 11 11 - Neighbors Tour From Twin-City Coming; Thursday "Know Yours Neighbor Tour" from Winston-Salem will visit North Wilkesboro Thursday after noon. Hospitality committee of the Wilkes Chamber of Commerce, of which Dr. J. H. Sowder is chair man, will welcome the bus load of Twin-City visitors and entertain them informally for a brief per iod at Dagwood's Carolina Res taurant. Several members of the com mittee and other civic leaders will take part in the informal pro gram and reception. < o Mr. and Mrs. V. E. O'Farrell, of Winston-Salem, and Mrs. O'Far rell's sister, Miss Caroline Ho well, of Moravian Falls, are visit ing Mr. O'Farrell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas (yPairell, of Houston, Texas, for two weeks. Old Glory at Front * ♦ ♦ FIRMLY PUNTED atop a bunker built by the Japanese during World War n, the American flag proudly waves in the wind as a GI watches from his outpost in South Korea lor the Communist invaders. The con crete bunker is located near a U. S. airfield close to Pohang, where an American amphibious force recent ly was landed. (International) FLASHERS BEAT ELKIN 4 TO 2 AND LOSE TWO CLOSE GAMES North Wilkesboro Flashers, playing a team half made up of pitchers because Of a long list of injured players, defeated Elkin 4 to 2 in the second game of a double bill here Sunday afternoon after losing the opener in a close battle 3 to 2. At Elkin Saturday night North Wilkesboro's patched up lineup gave a good account oi itself but lost 8 to 7. They fought ajl the way and in the ninth had tftrfce ottTfase when the final out was .made. Here Thursday night North Wil besboro lost to Galax 11 to 6 and Galax won at Friday night 13 to 1. Injuries hit the squad at a ter rific rate since Thursday. Horace Hubbard had an attack of pleurisy and had to go home Friday. He is expected back today. Ed Mor ton suffered a side injury and is out of action. Ed Bowman in jured an arm and has been out of his position at shortstop. Cecil Fogleman is expected back today after being out ten days with a sprained ankle. As if this was't enough for one team, Catcher Bob Wright suffered a very painful injury at Elkin Saturday night ! when a pitched ball crushed the end of his thumb on his right j h?nd while batting. He will be out several days or limited to part time play. I Here Sunday Charlie Morant pitched a beautiful game in the | seven-inning stint and played his usual smooth game at first base in the second game. In the first inning of the - opening game Manager Henry Loman, who start ed playing first base, was lead off hitter and was hit with Red Powers' first pitch, which caused ' an arm injury that later forced him to retire from the game. Bob Hite followed with a triple which scored Loman and Hite scored on Davis' long fly. That ended North Wilkesboro's scoring, although the Flashers threatened with two on in the fifth and two on in the sixth, when Davenport was thrown out trying to steal third. Elkin's three runs were in the sixth on three hits and two er rors. „ , Bob Thompson mastered Elkin in the second with a six-hit per formance that could have been a shut-out with air tight defensive play. North Wilkesboro jumped into a 2-0 lead in the first on an Elkin error of Bowman's ground er, Bob Hite's double and a Flet cher wild pitch. The Flashers ad ded two in the third on singles by Hite, Davenport and Childers with as outfield fly by Thorn burg batting in one run. Elkin gained single runs in the sixth and eight, the first run aided by an error and the second by a pass ed ball. In the three games against Elkin North Wilkesboro scored 13 runs to the same number for El kin. With a full lineup in the ser ies the results could have easily meant a clean sweep by North Wilkesboro. - ; Wytheville Here Tuesday Wytheville will be here In a family night gomes • Tuesday, eight o'clock, and Mt. Airy will be here Thursday. Radford will play here next Monday. If the injured and ailing can returs to Baseball Schedule For Coming Week N. Wilkesboro at Wytheville. Elkin at Mt. Airy. Galax at Radford. Tuesday, July 25 Wytheville at N. Wilkesboro. Mt. Airy at Elkin. Radford at Galax. Wednesday, July 26 N. Wilkesboro at Mt. Airy. Radford at Elkin. Galax at WythftviUe. . Thursday, July 27 Mt. Airy at N. Wilkesboro.' Elkin at Radford. Wytheville at Galax. Friday, July 28 North Wilkesboro at Galax. Mt. Airy at Radford. Wytheville at Elkin. Saturday, July 29 North Wilkesboro at Galax. Wytheville at Elkin. Radford at Mt. Airy. Sunday, July 30 N. Wilkesboro at Radford. Elkin at Galax. Mt. Airy at Wytheville. the lineup it appears that the Flashers can give fans some vic tories to look at this week. Play ing against Wytheville the Flash ers will have opportunity to gain directly in the race. Wytheville is in fifth place. Ice Cream Supper, Food Sole Saturday Ladies Of Baptist Home church will sponsor an ice cream supper and food sale Saturday, July 29, one until eight p. m., at Mulberry community house. Home made articles, canned goods, cakes, pies, vegetables and other foods will be sold at bargain prices. Everybody is invited. o i—• Blue Ridge Singing Yellow Hill Church Blue Ridge Singing Association will convene at Yellow Hill church at Summit Sunday, July 30, begin ning at one p. m., according to an | nouncement by T. A. Eller, chair man. All singers have a cordial invitation to take part. o—■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Pfc. Robie Jordan Fighting In Korea A Press Acme Telephoto from Korea in newspapers last week showed Pfc. Robie Jordan, of North Wilkesboro, "waiting his turn" with a machine gun to at tack North Korean Reds in the Korean war. The eaption with the picture said that shortly after the picture was made he went in to action. Pfc. Jordan is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Jordan, of North Wil kes boro. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Michael left Sunday to spend their vacation at Fontana Dam, Cherokee and Knox ville, - Tenn. In Knoxville they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Karl B. Perkins and young son, Michael Lawrence. Mrs. Perkins and Mrs. Michael are sisters. o Miss Alice Ann Springs, 61 Myrtle Beach, Sf. C., has been the guest this week of her aunt, Mrs. A. B. Somers, and Mr. Somen. Rev. J. B. McLeodf Elected Pastor At 1st Presbyterian New Pastor Will Assume His Duties In North Wilkes boro September 1 I The Hot. James B. MacLeod of the Sharon Presbyterian Church, Route 2, Charlotte, N. C., has ac cepted a call to be pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of this city. He has been released from the Mecklenburg Presbytery and re ceived by Winston-Salem Presby try at their recent meetings. Mr. MacLeod was born and reared in Lumerton, S. C. and is a graduate of Presbyterian Col lege, Clinton, S. C. He received his B. D. Degree from Union Theo logical Seminary in Richmond, Virginia. He held a pastorate in Virginia before coming to the Sharon Church where he has done very fruitful service for three and a half years. Mrs. MacLeod is the former Miss Suzanne Hudson of Raleigh, NVC. They have two children: Su zanne Elizabeth, five years old, and James Blount, four years old. .The MacLeods will move to North Wilkesboro the last of August. He will assume his duties September 1st and preach his first sermon here September 3rd. The date for the installation of Mr. MacLeod will be announced later. LOCAL Friends regret to learn that Mrs. George Sebastian continues ill. Mr. and MrB. W. J. Ferguson and daughter of St. Louis, Mo., recently visited Mr. Ferguson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson, of the Ad ley com murtity. Mr. Forgusoa has been connected with this Missouri state highway commission for nineteen years. Miss Sue Landon, daughter of Mr. and . Mrs. H. C. Landon; Miss Billie Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Moore, and Miss Jane Carter, daughter of Mrs. Dan Carter, are now at home after attending the first session of sum mer school of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Mrs. Crate Laws, who was a pa tient at the Dfevis Hospital in Statesville for two weeks, spent last week here in the homes of her two sisters, Mrs. Ray Barnes and Mrs. John Crawford, before returning to her home at Purlear. Mrs. Laws' son, Kenneth, was also here for the week. Mrs. H. L. Cromartie, of Clin ton, Mrs. L. C. Beddingfield and daughter and son, Barbara Ann and Richard, of Raleigh, were guests here for the day Wednes day in the home of Mrs. Jay H. Johnson. Mrs. Cromartie and Mrs. Beddingfield are sisters of Mrs. Johnson. Mr. Jim Day, who was in Sum mer school at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for the first session, returned here Friday to the home of his parents, *r. and Mrs. W. M. Day. Mr. Frank Day and Mr. Harry Steele went down Thursday to attend a show ing of the Planetarium and ac companied Jim home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barnes and Mrs. Ray Barnes went to Taylors ville Friday morning to attend the funeral of Mr. Zeno Brown held at eleven o'clock at Three -Forks Baptist church. The deceased was a cousin of Messrs. Roy and Ray Barnes, of this city, and a bro ther of Mrs. Lewis Teague, who formerly taught in the Mountain View School. Mrs. James Mills, of Albermarle, visited here last week in the home of her sister, Mrs. W. F. Gaddy, and Mr. Gaddy. She came up to get her daughter, Miss Elaine Mills, who had been spending sometime with the Gaddys, and was accompanied on the trip by Harry Whitley, also of Albemarle, a nephew of Mrs. Mills and Mrs. Gaddy. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Triplett and son, Buddy, were visitors in Mt. Airy Tuesday and Wednesday. They went - there to attend the wedding of Mrs. Triplett's niece, Miss Mary Lou Swanson, and Ro-» bert Thomas Carson, which took place Wednesday afternoon at four o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Swanson. The Tripletts also at tended the rehearsal party hel<l Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Campbell. Mrs. Triplett cat the cake at the re hearsal party. * A U.:

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