Mr. and Mrs. H. Edwin W&ugli and tour daughters, Betty, Mary, Catherine, and Roth, of New York Citj. are spending two weeks in Ngflut Carolina visiting here in the homes of Mr. Waugh's sister and brother, Mrs. Jay H. Johnson and Mr. W. H. H. Waugh, and at Mt. Airy with Mrs. Waugh's relatives. Mrs. Lula Meeks returned to her home Sunday at Leaksvllle after spending several weeks here In the home of her niece, Mrs. S. L. Whltaker, and Mr. Whltaker. She was accompanied by Mrs. Whltaker as far as Winston-Sa lem, where they attended a reun ion of the Young family at Salem Chapel. Messrs. G. L. ana Bryson Adams were business visitors in j Martinsville, Va., Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Strader ( and son, Jerry, ftre spending this , week at Carolina Beach. Mr., Dudley Moore j?as in Ra- ( leigh for the week-end visiting ( with friends. j Several of the ExLibris club < members, with their husbands, enjoyed a picnic supper at Dough- . ton Park last Friday. Mrs. Elizabeth Crutchfield had as her guest for the week-end Mrs. H. B. Whitcomb, of Greens boro. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Williams, Jr., had as their guests for the week-end Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Sebrell, of Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shelor and children, Eugene, Barbara, and Carolyn Ann, spent Saturday af ternoon in Lincolnton, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Elledge and young son, Eddy, have gone to Wilmington to make their home. Mrs. J. E. Caudill, who was a patient at the Davis Hospital in Statesville, is now at her home on C Street. Mrs. Boyd Stout and son, John ny, spent the week-end at Sanford with Mrs. Stout's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Dalrymple. Mrs. Albert Wood spent the week-end at Martinsville, Va., with her husband, 'Mr. Wood, who is employed there. Mrs. Mary Moore Hix is a pa tient at the St. Joseph Hospital in Asheville where she underwent an operation about ten days ago. She is getting along nicely. Mrs. W. E. Kefauver, of Roa noke, Va., is spending several days as guest of her pieces, Mrs. O. K. Whittington and Mrs. Claude Hutchens. Messrs. Bill Bason and Julius Rousseau, both of this city, Bill Garribrant, of Wilmington; and Ben Etheridge, of Bailey, all school mates at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, are spend ing awhile at Daytona Beach, Fla. How Are Your Floors? FREE ESTIMATES ON Inlaid Linoleum Asphalt & Rubber Tile or Wall Linoleum WILKESBORO. N. C. Mr. and Mrs. uari VanDeman tnd four children, Margaret, Ruth, Ddward, and John, left Saturday or Nag's Head, where they will ipend a week. Albert Byron Miller, seaman re xuit, USN, of Cricket, N. C., re lently completed his recruit train ng at the U. S. Naval Training Center, San Diego, Calif. Miller, vho entered the Naval service Ipril 20, 1950, formerly attended tonnarock Training School. »■ - ■ ■ • — ■———' Mr. Billy Whlttlngton left Wed nesday to spend a week In New York City, where he Is guest of Mr. Ray Erwln, a member of the edi torial staff of the New York Sun. Mr. Jones Bowles, who suffer ed. a heart attack several weeks ago. Is still confined to his home h it expects to be able to be out again soon. For Your Electrical Wiring Jobs See ROY WELLS at CAROLINA HOME AND AUTO SUPPLY Telephone 53. The Journal-Patriot Want Ads Get Results. .