i ..;.- i ';. r - '--t i's ";,: . ill' :A: i - 'if i. 1 a i-i'. may ue .along njithihe certificate of deposit t and the rntes of specie pay ing banks converiible at j he place whenr collected! receivable in pay tnent I of Government ih esantl, wjihout violating any prinriiife of the ' Constitution, affords the Government and the people iich facilitii as are calleU lor ny me warns or nqi 1. ucu it hai anneareil o me, are m rerom- mendatiom, and in viewjof them it will be ubmiitejl, whenever require it, to your considers I arti not ahlejto perceive fair add candid qbjection can yon may anv be urged i against the plan,! the princjraljoutlines of which I hav thus presinteil rnnnni 'doubt but that the notes w 1 es which it proposes to furnish, at the yolunta ! ry option of the public crcdito issued in lieJ of the revenue and ilaj certifi ! cacs of leposit,j will be j maintained ...Tat an equality with gold a) lj silver, cvWy where. They are jre leemable . " " . - T. . . . Ill -,f.i on,! .ilver nn HemanHJ at tri JT , H e i -, pi L IlJl- I n Mm m r I W I 1 u u ir M V Tl 1 1 I M tivery where in payment ot uovern- ment dues. . I he 1 reasury hotesjare limited to amount of one-fquih less i r 1 . suraoces are not sufiicierit. to f make, en the I idea', as if them available, then seems o me, ot furnishing a sountl naner medium of exchanged may 6e entirely abandoned. It a fear be indulged that the Govern into exi ment nay be ten)pted; to run cess in Us issues,' at; any futu re d.iv, it urm lit n p that nn ncli n nnrpbr nsinn can reason nablv be entertaincdj bntil all e in tiie representativ'i of the til l . co.ifulenc States and of the people, a U" pf .i. i- .1,.! V, The weightiest coriiidcratiouJ f poUcy require tlial the restraints ;Aow pro posed to be thrown around the measure should not, for light' causes, ved. 1 0 argue agnnsf any )roposed!l ,,..v.3u. .3-w. , .w, - rjrr.w' Ticae i S ate tinn ino estimated annual receipts 01 vcr, of anv, one Statejto do' so. sliniU) the Treasury;, add; in addiUcjn they j nrt left gree5: a fleet the- credit of j the; rest upon. the fait,h;or the Government rest; and the foreign capitali?t will li:lvd for their redemption. ' If all Inese as-! no fus'l eiuse! to exoerieoee nliirtn : ai . . f . . i i . 'j j . e 4 plan its. liability to possible ablise, is lo reject every expedient, ' sine! every tioti .ii thing uepenucnt! on human liable to abuse.' . Fifteen mi) Hons of 1 reasury note- may be issued J as Hie maximum, but q discretion ijtt'iiower r. : - I . i U ' is to be given to the Board oil Contru', under that sum. 'and everv CO isider;i- tion will unite i leadingTthi n! to feel their way with caution. ;;orl he eight Jy. Bank of the United States, itd pirdula- nrsi vears or me exigence oi iiie iaie lion - barely exceeded SLOW.OCK); and fir tire of its most-nrosnerous years, it was about equal, to Q16,O0QJO0O; fur- thcrmore, the authority given I leceive mount, privaie depoinlesj to a limiteil and to issue ceruticates iiii su sums as may . be called for by the d iositors may so far fill up the channels' of eir dilation as greatly to dumnis cessity of any considerable the ne issue Treasury notes. A restraint upon t'ie jtmotint.-of private deposits hak seemed to be indispensably necfssaryJ n nnpelianclitli llitlimlit trv lia tu from apprehension thought to be M foiin - ded, that in anyemergency bf trade, confidence might be so far s Jiken in .. . t . , .1.1' , , the banks as. to induce a wil ;Uwlriit,' - from them of private deposi with . -- . v i e w t o C n s 11 r e t f 1 e i r 11 n q es .i o rj Die SalC ty when deposited with the overn ment,' hich mfght prove eminently disastrous to the State Banks, lr omected mat tl is proposed . VP atuiior. izc the agencies to deal in Hillij of Ex cnanget 11 is answereu, mat spen ueai ings arc to be carried on at t ie Jowest Jpofsiblc premium are made lp rest uii uuuc3iiuiiauiy suuuu uasis-p iire k lti,ii, lull fttiLl a aa aa 1 t . . t -W are t signed to reimburse merely the; expend bnuicl ses which weuld otherwise devolve-up . on the Treasury, and are in smct sub ; ordination to the deci3iou ofne Su. cy. Ojjr cjxtended and otherwise- ex4 y premc Court, tu the case of lle Bank ! posed maritime frontier, calls for ;prti- j' uf Augusta against Earle, and nher re- teclion, toj the furnishing f which ajtl ported cases; and thereby avoides all -cflicient naval force is indUpeiisaible. t m ' m 4 all ' I "i lilt - . f SA '."' . ! 3 ' I 1 ' conmci wun oiaie lurisUiclioni which e io; to no torei:n conqufsts, noil i I hold to be indispensably . requisite. i leaves me oanning privileges oi states without lnterlercnce-Hfooks the Treasury and the Unto'iil , to i of and, the the while furnishing every facility first, is careful of the interests last. Butjabovc all, it is cr a iped I; i ' i : I I I lavr, is amendable bv la v, ar pealahle by law; am! weddet as I lo no theory, but, looking solel yt. advancement of the public got i be amongst the very first-to X repeal, if Jt be found not to ; the purposes and obiects ifor rj . . I shall Mrse subierve vhich J may be created, j Nor will the plan, ii. . submitted in any overweenirijj conh i uenee, in me suuiciency ot niy 'ihdgment, but wilh much create ance on the wisdom and patrinm Congress. , Jl cannot abandon iect without urging upon I you , most emphatic manner, whatever rna be your actions;1 on the suggestiiins which I have felt il4 to be "myjdiity to Mtb:i:ir to relieve the Chief-J!xrrutie Magistrate bv any and all cunstituiion- means, from a controlling power over the pubiftfTl reury. If. in the plat pnpiodt should you deem it worthy i your consuueraiion, jnai 5cparauoii H nii ns compleic as y,tu desire,, yioti w ill, doulnlc. amcmi U in that partiC" ular. ; F'-r; 'myself. 1 uisrlaim.-a.il tie lire tcjha?c aey fonlrol over the; pub--lio njonic--, oilier l!tin what is indispen sably n cessary to execute itie (laws vhiclyoii may .pas3.;"'j . "P Nor nn I f iil m c; reil, in lhishron nrclioiV, In tlie whirl, manv of the SiaUrsi Ittf the Uni:m jiare contractei .abroad,' and iimtrr 'whilcli thev contitni li labor. Th;it in:lebtcdnc?9 " amriinlM to a stirjn not: h-s than 6230,0 jOOOoi and vhir!i has boon -retributed to them for die inost part, . in w oiks of interna iinprovetnent, which are: defined ijt prove of vnt imporlaiTce in ultimaterv sol vancinjf their pro?periiy and wealihl For the debt thus rontracieii,! t.ne, iiies are aione respon?iiie : fc . . ''''II' I ran diJ ! no uiore than express! the belief ilia -. will feel itsell bounds bv ! every ! cor.sideution o f honor, as w el as of interest, to meertls engaijeinents iviili nun f" I J ! 1 1- Tim r.iliirn ti,-l to all other tate ' stocks, bcc::usc!any! one or more (if the States may neijlecl -.t-provie . with punctuality the means 1 ot releeoing thur ; engagements. -4 liven such States, 'should there be any! consideftnir ; the great rapidity with which their resources are developing themselves '"will not fail to have (h means, at no ilitant day, to redeem iLr.l. ...... I.. . . f. il. n uj-a . nu .nuiicrHMn., 'a'1" ilnj";. nv V1! 1 ,,,.),,bl bnl l!,al ,n M'Ph lonorauiecmduct.. whiclr m ! evcrmoro fjoverneii tiie Mates, and Hie eop e of this Uruon, they will eacl ,5!"1 a Uesurt to every lejritiotate expe 'eni,! belore they will forego a faitlilu From the report ol the Secretary o AV;ir, andtlir reports accompanying it, you will beinfonnej of the progress ' which has been made in the fortifieav lions designed forlHhe protection of puf : 1 ; 1 1 . I I 1 i 1 principa cities, roadsieaus, anil luiaru tVontier,! during, the present year;! to! ' irether yiihj thei'i jtrtie .state and cohdit tson. 1 hey will be prosecuted tu com pletion with all the expedition which " e means p 7 ong ai ! I recommend particularly ta your ... v ....i , con-uaeration. mat portion ot thi c retary s report which protviscs the ctalWslj tnent ot a chain ot military post, Irom lftuineil lilults to son.e point on the pacific Ocean, w;ihin!our Inmi!. I he benefit thereby destined to accrue lo'our citizens enjaned id the - fir """de, tver that widerne region - added ti the importance of eultiva'tinrt 'of friendly; relations wilh savage ; tribes innatming ;it, anuiat tiie same lime ' givn p ote(Mioh io; om frontier settlej an rnenis, and !qf.; establishing the tiean ! of safeiintfercourse between the Aiier4 -lan sjettlem mts j at the mouth fl thd .Columbia river,- and those oti.this; side ..r ...t. MA...,i..;. j, ...... L.t. 1 . iuiJ .I of the Rocky Mountain's. -'would nefn 1 a sugsicsi ine imporiauce 01 carrying . ! .. t ..e...l i t n ..n.t.Min..t.l..l!..... J D - l'111' I''-i i.u; .1 rni:iniH'iiu.Hnri5 UjJUM - tiiis head w-Jlh as little di lay as may bff practicable it The repirl tf the Secretary o thtt iavyj win place you in p ssessio h o - the pifesent c uiditiun of that ioipurtan - arm oi tne national ueunee. fferw etiort will Jiie .made to add to its ;ft1 oitcieiuyJ and. 1 car.nol tot troiigly urge ncv de upon Vou, liberal appropriations lo that of the public service. InductM ; inents if the weiglitiest cliaracler exis;i for thej adoption of this course oj poll-i do We jtrppose lo eiiter into competl tne I uon wiiu any .tuner nuon ior soprem to acy on the ticean.-'-but it is due noy tuily to the honor, but to the secuntN ol uie reople of tiie Liuie'd hlitles. that 410 nalpu? shou!l be permitled tt bv oy re- invade our waters at pleasure, arid sub ject our tow'is and village t C'UlflH- am "ration . or pillage ii Ecbnorhy ;is all l!ie braoclies ot; the public service, is due .. from all the: public ajrcntg toithe pcO-! alone would suy:- its pie out! parsimony iesti the withholding of the necessary it juean. lor the pr Section of ouruio or I own uiof i eariiepiiy. i rctJiusiif no io v,iiiigres tt abstain from all tappropriatidnsl , f ; ot objects not absolutely necesparv ou take upon myself w ithout. i mbmeht b besitHocy, all the responsibility of re ' " ' t . ft 1 I ' . I' 1 I T I ' 1 ' !i I Oiespc; tVrpideslr:oiiri inVasiouJ andorj national lonor from disgracej I would! ;roiimen(lini; tne increase and prompt equifirnent tf that g;ilhuft N ivy, whichf ia- lighted up everv sear' with it vi toi m w rlcf, land apread an imperishable glory over lne, Country. ' i The report of Jie Postmaster Gene ral will claim your parlicidar attention, not only, because of ilT valuable f'ugi gestipns which it contain!', b tit because of tlie great irnpaalaiye m huh, at all titne?,attachesto that interesting branch of tlie public service, j The increased cxpepse;of j transpottin the mail along the principal routes, necessarily claims the! public attention, and has awakened a corresponding solicitude on the part of the Government. The transmission of the mail must keep pace with those facilities of; Inlercominunication which are every day becoming greater thro the building of railroad, and the ap plicauon of steam ; power but it cao n)t he disguised, that in rder to do so, the Ijost Office Department is subjected to, heavy exactions. The lines of com- tnpniicaiifjh between,dis!ant parts of the Uuon, arc to a grealextcnt, occupied b rilroadji, which, in-the nature of tiling,- possess a complete, monopoly iiir! l'!io' Jf ck.V I I 4&fl T. J ltlKt.. m 'u 1 l nil ll lr IS r"MV I W J.V I IB ItlCh to heavy and unreaTjIe charges. I liis! evil is! destined tTgreat increase in future, and some timely measure may beconje necessary to guard against it. Uieei.ii.my duty to unng uniler vour " ' i l i 1 1w- . i i l consideration a practit'e w-bich has gro;vh up in the administration of the Government,' and which, I am deeply convinced, Ought to ' bjgorrected. I allude to the exercise of the power, whicvtisage, rather than reason, has vested in the Presidents, of removing incumbents from nfficcV-m order to substitute others moreijiu favor with ih.e ffdorminant party. My own conduct. in inis respect, nas oeen governeu oya conscientious purpose-to exercise ' the. lemqvmg power, oniy incases oi uih faith ulnessjor inability, or in those in whic l its exercise appearbd necessary, in order to discountenance and sup- press mat spirit oi active partisansuip on the part of rhouJers jof office, which n o tip n ly iv i thd r a ws j tfitni ' fr o m t h e steady and Hnpartiul discharge of their iv , . ' ' . -' .. i . ' . i 1 i ;''"' ' t oinciai uuues, nui exeats an unuue anu injurious' influence Sover etcctioris, and degrades the character of he Govern menu iiseu, innsmucn as 11 exniuiii tne ChiehMag1strate,as jbeing a 1 party. inrougn 111s agents, ins ine secret plots or open workings of. political parlies. - In!: jrepefct of power, nothing shouJ b& left to dis- potilin lltllllll mm' 'ifolir flji .mriiltilnil by laW: and ii.ia of Ji.iilii4.i uo . - ' - .. j-itiU'J- -.5 txfl t . f l. . n ....... I ..; lblic elet- titms.:; Considering the great increase whicfi fiivs been made inl public offices iiv the ' last Quarter of a century, and the probability of farther hicrease, M e murUhe hazard -of witnessng violent political cl)ti tests', directed tuo often; t the single btijectiaf retainint ofiiee, by 1 hose w h o are in, or obtaiiing il, by those tvho are but. ; Uodel the influ ence of tl lese convic tions, shallc6r iliilly! ebnepv in-j any ccistitutional measures tor; regulating, and liy regti- uling. retaining the power of removal. u - I sijogcsl fifr yourNcohsidfcri-libn,:the p r o j ) i j e ty ...of . ma kin g ji s h ou t f u rther dt lay, some specitic application 'of the funds j derived under fltheyill of Nlr. Stpitlwon,:if Eiiglaiu'fpr ihtiffusion' of j knowledge; and which, have, here-; tofore, beei) vested iii public stocks until sucn . time as uongress think proper to give;?theml,a direction. vihNor will vou, Wei i noma l 'V-! i ., specincj I cunfi- 'dent, permit aiiy abatement of tiie priii eipal of the lewnVy to;be tnade, should it tur: out that the stocks, in w Inch the iovesiments! have been made, have uri- dergqjic;a depreciation In conclusion, I commend fo your care the interests ot Uus Uistrict, lor w Ii i clip V o u 1 are t h e ex c Ii i v e 1 e s; i s 1 a to rs. Considering that this city., is the resj dencelof the Government, and, for. a large fpart of the yejlr, ofCohress, and, considering also, lhe great cost of j the PiibhciBuudings, afnd the propriety of affording ih'em at all times careful proteciion, it stems not unreasonable that Congress should, contribute to- .1 '.:' 1 J . ' r ' L.L ma ''. . z'-l ivarus ine expense oi aii emrieni ponce -ll !., i... I ' JOHN TYLEK.I 4 l AVdshinjton, Dec, 1, 1811. ! e F o l. .1 u (I srel H u srer ha !iu - i ii. 1 1 2 . ' "; :i HI" 4 1 1 : - li i . i i H ., i- Lr li t j J" i' J troduced a Din inio trie legislature South Carolina o reject the nrocecds of tile mi the r 'i i. sb?re of ubhc lands to ' i .5 i. H.i' ri i 1 l"i J J . . V r' wnicn soutn L'arounai is entitled, l it is saiti to jbe almost certain that the bill w II pass. Let if pas: we hope the share of our ichiyaltOlls,, j neigh bor may be thrown iiito the" common Mock of the rest of the States, -Why rl I, H alrous: sovereign, indAN Jpn. n penal land big nation of South Caroli na accept the pittance of r federal mo ney belonging toThcr? The 4,Chiy- airy, 'remein aiipgr asistraw, ana g-ora as rotten wood'r 1J, Drforti, Xo. ga. :: Til imsDAY, DF.C. 16, ll 1 . . i i . " i -it ... 1 ' 1 ' 1 "'.'! ' I Dlton H. Leww is at las post. But tittle lias betn fiaM of the ! FiseaJ Prtjrrt by either party. ' Ritchie cotuk-nw it. - The Small Pox is entirely stoppctt nearly all the cbsps are convalesant and the darker U over in the neighborhood pf iu a jjearance. 'rii'-.---."'!'!'-'1- '.: . ' I '1 il'l'lki ' i Our Kulgeway corresjioudeut must again, wait, lie wil know how to exevc u R.E CL, W iH. O. anil Nell Fldker nhafl r" I.. appear in our nexL. ThcTe is lite foreign news of murli interest, hnt it ii excluded from this humher by it he Me- sage, jj ue Uueen nas- run; her joynijt uiject distracted Jw'itli joyi by giving birth! to ia hearty rnncti. ; MESSAGE. When we received this documenvddr outside was fillet! .and, we had to put it inside fi-all editO' - I - ' --. ' . , ! i .. ' i rial is the re fore excluded the rcmaiiung space we have occupied by a taithlul digest of the pr cecdings 61 Conijrcss. Our readers must then1 tr i 1 , r i tore wait till next week for coinmcjit. DIGEST OF CONGRESSIONAL proceedings;. ; ! benate, Monday Oih. The S "i nat( met at 12 o'clock, ami a quorum -bein present, they; organized and iifurme the House thev were ready for busmes and then adjourned. - ' i ; h lie use b of Representatives: The Spt iiuu. juiiu mihu luuik Mieigtren, pursuant ia anj-orucr Torllifit purpose chair and called the II ouse to order, t he roll was ea ed hv the flerk ' ML I tliew St!. Clair ClarkfaKdjpi message was recei vied from the Senate inform ing the House they were ready! for bu iiness'-if Mr,:'i.Wj Cost1 Johnson moved that the rules of order of the j last ses sion be in force till those4 rc; a committee appointed for that purpose Avere ado - - . : .-(- il-': .. , ? "t .. .. j IMr Ada ma offered ah amendment by i striki ng out lb e 2lst rule, (relating to aboli tibn . petions.) Ater a good deal of discussion and tec, theprevlous rjucstton was called - ahxl l!,t lHe?,io1" fir1 yder,iv-as- ari amendment rofiered by Mr Stanly, to iV'--V: 'V 'Kv--.'f ',' ! Mr Adam's amendment which was lost $3 veasi 86 nays MrJAdaris amend mept next iii order, was negatived, 81 yeas 87 naysthequestion - Uien recur- ring'ort MrJohnson'origiinal motion, during its pendency llie. House; a J- OUriieu. ' ; - - ; v : In the Seuate. on Tuesday. Dec. i. a few minutes 'after' 1 2 Veldck.W Mes- ti -'. i'- :--'- ! ': :' ! iii' .1 . .. , sage. ,vas received from the President bf the United Slates I through Hoberl VamP c f'fi11,0011 Cough, Gwup, Innaiu U , , - i , :i i v ; I atory and Putrid borts lliroat, itheuiuatisru ilyler lisq. which having befen read, on Pleura'ey apd 'Pysentety. ' ? rnotion iof Mr. kangunV thi sMcssaiie . .' .u.eiff,f l bMjiirn who )-, . ,, i :J: i ; K. , j . . mojister Opium, Dictates, and- Calomel to a and Documents were ordere llteTie fpn lw.par.sotj. t - ' S the table a ihd be printed 14Mr.f Smith ( : I T . I moved tliatfthe usual nun. beif be printed. Mr. Benton said he could not' vnif ' the txtra number of jcopies w .- IS .. thout expressing his opinion biiefly oh I the Message and particularly ithatipart in referenceto a fiscal ageht. IjHe abused and dcMiouhccd the scheme ai onq worse than any cvervproposed by ! Alexander lamilton, the father rpf Federalism, nd thought the pi an nitist hafe been " ' Ih J: I -I After a urnishjed by NicholasTJidl ew other remarks relative- . ! ) b tile nam- ber of copies the Senate adjourned, In the House of Ueprcsenlativei, the i .uiBjujt i.tinfjcu i at 12oWcl; andired by the .XSterllMf.- L-.j-- v :' . s . i .:.-. V' Vise moved I that I O.UOOh Copies be printed.- - ' M; : M at ' ' j r ni . ' -'L x-r-. m 1 tonx James 1 ay lor's, S. Snath's, Mr. P- ilr IVJason of UhlO.i Wished lm know grove's, and James Bullock's ini:GranviU. I f he included in his motion tiie pros- vtW T ffaBtKJ lIe aBl1 If V V1 ' ? 'i-.i t'f4 if snRbtKly in the wotld saw me Jtrs,velling, ef fectual! of the Congressional ; Globe ling, or sending dry goods I or t&khins in th of Whichihe saW nnnendedtn tmn,. V i i M ' -'7 ',r'r-r' in i. ff jsr w eiii oij uien io explain now T. vt-j .J. .1. " i -.fis i.i -'.1. 1 f f . i I,., prpspeciu, got tl,ere which how, ver d id Uoi " satisfy M Masdn who P'-i ', 1 resident or some Lnc tlis Confidence was privy tni theimatter. d. ! 1 -: ! e -.r rt i 1 Is ! , , n motion of Mr. Cost Johnston, the House tookfop the propositiori! made m ihf tin v npforp. A fi r a nur flerj a few remarks from different members, the motion was taken and decided in the affirmative rveas 97i nays U5il Soil was resolved that the rules ti:.e Qtilh I s I Cunrresfc as they ere at tlic close of j V that Congress, be the rules pf this till others are adjourned pdopte The House tben In the Senate, qn Thursday, Dec. 8, Mr, Archel- eu.btnitted tile foljowing rii olution. I ; Resolved; Thtat in-O Chaplains of difiernt tlenominktions beecctfd t Cong jess during )iht present session, ot.e by each llouee to. interchange weekly.?1 This1 be ng agreed' to, tbe' Senate ad i journed. In the resolution . 1 , t louse q f Rep r esl n t al t v es, a about C-haplpinsfjsitnilar , t0 Senate was adopted; Noth that of the Senate in'g more qT interest was : dane by ; the House thi idyf rr PROMT IE SMALL POXIREGION.. From a note last nightji from. Dr. Mansou. ho has r ractised ip tjie small pix regio 1, it appears that there were .' 52 cases i i all.: Six have djied and the , rest all convalescent. i .$ ,, Jtscritm, The LVccuin has been in the wane for some- " time ptst, btft is now, rising agi'ii in the full ' motn of bcriacctistonieU plcndoT,fipfieeting frotu her lonely disk the cheering and benignant lays of the sun of science: By the provisions of th newly amended constitution, nonelof the former members, eillicr regular or honorary, will any longer be considered member. xf ihe Society, : except thoac who conio.in and sigi their caoiri L0 lhe con8(i:ution: notice of which is hereby pissed. ''The Society will hold a po'ii'c meeting ..cu.;, , k rw.- ing of the 20th inst. (itbeing the rd Monday.) The ladies I and centlcmen of Oxford and its vicinity arej resj)ectful!y invited tffattend. The uuerv for debate is : - ! j"Is it the duty of the Legislature td protect': the public Against the jmpoEitioas pf quackery V. JEREMY, HILLIARD, Sec'ry. I OBITUARY. If1 Died OTtbe 9th instant, Mrs. F'hebe Roystcr, consort ef Mr,; John Royster. TTKbCTOR, 6. F.j MANSON will supply JlJr orders ibr genuine vaccine niatur. ; Address post-paid WimamsUoro', N.C, lamsuoro , ML ec 16 1 IR HERXDON rrTTASjust receivwl'lroml.WlaIpljia, a email, i"!10 fresh'genuine Vaccine MatUr. fuoseiwho desire a protection froni tne Small ox can be vaccinated: try application. 16 IS BR. DUTY . irw iHl AS ocated himself in Oxfdrd, and oners his servicer as a't)rar.titiiinoi- nf Mli-in to nis I friends and thej'potlici His offine is the wuiiq uoor xjorin 01 ino ii.pirtfopai Cinurco," where! he may ,al ways be found wicn not other wise employed. M . . .. lie ias Kr the last five years hill considerable practice irt mo Ot tae diseases j to which our climate ha been soliiect. and has ''been success ful in every case of Bilious FereW" Bilious and W grneral supply of Thornwrin Medicines - i-vv.M- a,a W k . OII1L II IflJI lldlLHIIIIIP 1 whichwtllbe disposedjpf low tor kjash only, andi I r ' ' i" -ts ussurea, f ilial mey will U ' . . J . ...;..L . i. i ki . . 4 - mediate inpecti.m of a m.ti-if A 1 lnw.t a .n nr h . I . . ' ! A 1 1 . " 1 committee jof diet i ng uish- ed gen lemi-n appointed for that purpose. Dec 1G 2-2 Ct j BAtTiMORE, pec. 6, 1841. To thcSditot of pie, OxfuilMercury : ' Dear Sir Please insert in youjipapr th iol dvcrtisement ! t OOO REWARD, payau t irii. in sold or si ver, at Sotithall's Hotel lendtron, N. C. l. M nderson ,orj the 4th ef;;Decemb;r for on the! road where 1 Utaid the night before at Williamsboro',1 that 4ome citizen! of that! nUca i orougfli ine srnau pox mio warren and Li ran I1 fe"? de filing id'the neighbor- ' hood of Williamsboro', Oxford and Henderson . but I never tnnrctlcd lower down it Warrenthan - l "u xienacrson-ii, jamea Migatwriioou jwberc the dread Ml uucaM hm brokekl out. Nt her 'shall eheerfnt!! nlt . u Li 'i':rA it rr "rjr t r:r - It. Li ... i !. 'ii i .. j 1 ove rcnaro oiow. J4 leei nappy i the assar- . - U'C i S fmir "3 7 I lhat ?)ne of luera hae or wu uffcr .with tb . .: I iliienve from ray goods. I do, heartily wuh in a!l th& citizens in thai cWn-munitr ;i wathjd; I return them my sinorye-1 tbsnks for I fornier urtom ; 1 know ther.will treat me with roerited iuuice. and l onlr .sk them I.arnij1- l.TKere are) some ;meri!j who winnto-f 1 without just 'cause. . HI , , , P . . , ; 1 wJill; return from, Philadelphia in ten Jay with larce and fine aMnninrnl hf Drv tan.aU and Itefnra tit e!I greater tannin t Han 1 ever Aid ..I -i-i i.H M. FULPA 4 CO O J ti -41 in 1 m i . -v I; li"::' . -1- r . t it f'' . a ' a : .

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